SEG S.B. 1060 75(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

S.B. 1060
By: Patterson (Counts, McClendon)
Committee Report (Unamended)


Currently, Texas is lacking a sufficient number of veterans homes.  This
factor places Texas at the top of the list for federal assistance with
respect to veterans homes.  This bill would establish longterm care
facilities exclusively for veterans.  This bill also sets forth provisions
for the state-federal matching funding structure that is needed to cover
the costs of such facilities. 


As proposed, S.B. 1060 sets forth provisions for the management of certain
funds by the Veterans Land Board, creates the veterans homes, and provides
procedures for bond enhancement agreements for certain bonds. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the Veterans Land Board in SECTIONS 7
and 11 (Sections 164.004(6) and 164.011(g), Natural Resources Code) of
this bill. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 161.171(b), Natural Resources Code, to require
money in the veterans land fund (fund) to be deposited in the State
Treasury to the credit of the fund, except as provided by law. 

SECTION 2. Amends Chapter 161E, Natural Resources Code, by adding Sections
161.1731 and 161.1732, as follows: 

Authorizes the Veterans Land Board (board), upon approval by the
comptroller, in managing the assets of the fund, pending the completion of
an investment transaction, to perform certain functions. 

Sec.  161.1732.  LENDING SECURITIES.  Authorizes the board to perform
certain other functions in managing the assets of the fund.  Requires a
custodian selected by the board under Subsection (a) to be experienced in
the operation of a fully secured securities loan program and to perform
certain functions.   

SECTION 3. Amends Section 162.002(b), Natural Resources Code, to make a
conforming change. 

SECTION 4. Amends Chapter 162A, Natural Resources Code, by adding Sections
162.0041 and 162.0042, as follows: 

Makes conforming changes.   

Sec.  162.0042.  LENDING SECURITIES.  Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 5. Amends Section 164.002, Natural Resources Code, by adding
Subdivision (7), to define "veterans home." 
SECTION 6. Amends Section 164.003, Natural Resources Code, to authorize a
program to be limited to the purpose of purchasing land, selling land to
veterans, making home mortgage loans to veterans, or providing one or more
veterans homes. 

SECTION 7. Amends Section 164.004, Natural Resources Code, to provide that
rules adopted under this section include rules concerning the
construction, acquisition, ownership, operation, maintenance, enlargement,
improvement, or furnishing or equipping of veterans homes.  Makes a
conforming change. 

SECTION 8. Amends Section 164.005, Natural Resources Code,  to authorize
the board or the board in conjunction with other state or federal
agencies, to acquire by purchase, gift, devise, lease, or a combination of
those methods, construct, operate, enlarge, improve, furnish, or equip one
or more veterans assistance centers.  Authorizes the board to enter into
an agreement with any person for the management or operation of all or
part of a veterans home.  Authorizes the board to delegate to the manager
the authority to manage the center and to employ and discharge employees. 

SECTION 9. Amends Section 164.009, Natural Resources Code, to authorize
the board to provide for a pledge of and lien on general obligations bonds
issued under Article III, Sections 49-b, 49-b-1, and 49-b-2, of the Texas
Constitution if the bonds are issued to provide funds to purchase land and
sell land to veterans or to make home mortgage loans to veterans; and the
payments and repayment received by the board from the board's financial
assistance provided under this chapter.  Makes a conforming change. 

SECTION 10. Amends Section 164.010, Natural Resources Code, to authorize
the resolution of the board authorizing a bond enhancement agreement to
authorize one or more designated officers or employees of the board to act
on behalf of the board in entering into and delivering the bond
enhancement agreement and in determining or setting the counterparty and
terms of the bond enhancement agreement specified in the resolution, with
an exception.  Provides that the bond enhancement agreement is not a
credit agreement for purposes of Chapter 656, Article 717q, V.T.C.S.,
regardless of whether the bonds relating to the bond enhancement agreement
were issued in part under that law.   

SECTION 11. Amends Section 164.011, Natural Resources Code, to require the
board to select the comptroller or one or more commercial banks,
depository trust companies, or other entities to serve as custodian of the
cash or securities of the fund and may authorize the custodian to invest
the cash in investments as determined by the board.  Authorizes the board
to permit the custodian of the fund's securities to lend the securities as
provided by this section and by rules adopted by the board. Requires a
custodian selected under Subsection (f) to be experienced in the operation
of a fully secured security loan program and to perform certain functions.
Requires the board to require the custodian or custodians, rather than the
state treasurer as custodian, of the fund to administer the fund solely
and strictly as provided by this chapter. 

SECTION 12. Effective date:  September 1, 1997.

SECTION 13. Emergency clause.