S.B. 1114
By: Ellis (Coleman)
Committee Report (Amended)


Currently, the federal Personal Responsibility and Reconciliation Act of
1996 requires states to provide 20 hours of work activities for 25 percent
of their public assistance recipients in fiscal year 1997; however, work
participation requirements will increase five percent each year until
2002. In five years, states must have 50 percent of welfare recipients
working at least 30 hours a week. In addition, recent research reveals
that the growth of entry-level, service-sector jobs, those most likely to
be filled by recipients of public assistance, is largely being created in
suburban areas, making transportation a problem for poor urban-dwelling
welfare recipients. S.B. 1114 requires the Texas Workforce Commission to
establish a "wheels for work" pilot program, similar to the program
developed in Maryland, designed to make donated cars available at low cost
to certain recipients of public assistance in an effort to help those
persons find and maintain employment 


As proposed, S.B. 1114 establishes a "wheels for work" pilot program to
assist certain recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does expressly grant
additional rulemaking authority to the Texas Workforce Commission in
SECTION 1 (a) of this bill. 


SECTION 1. PILOT PROGRAM. Requires the Texas Workforce Commission
(commission), by rule, to develop a "wheels for work" pilot program in a
county with a population of more than 2.8 million designed to make donated
cars available at a low cost to certain persons who receive financial
assistance under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code, to enable those persons
to find and maintain employment. Requires the commission, in adopting
these rules, to use the Maryland "wheels for work" initiative as a model;
ensure that participation is limited to certain persons; ensure that a
person who donates a car will receive a charitable donation receipt for
federal income tax purposes; and set a timetable to complete the program.
Requires the Texas Department of Human Services to provide certain
information to the commission. 
SECTION 2. REPORT. Requires the commission to submit a report to the
governor and the 77th Legislature concerning the program's effectiveness
not later than January 15, 2001. 
SECTION 3. WAIVER. Sets forth the terms by which the commission or other
state agency is required to request a waiver or authorization from a
federal agency, and is authorized to delay implementing SECTION 1 of this
Act until the waiver or authorization is granted. 
SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DEADLINES. (a) Effective date: September 1,
 (b) Requires the commission to establish the pilot program not later than
January 1, 1998. 
SECTION 5. EXPIRATION DATE. Provides that this Act expires September 1,
SECTION 6. EMERGENCY. Emergency clause.


AMENDMENT #1  Amends SECTION 1, PILOT PROGRAM, by striking the original
Subsection (a) and inerting a new Subsection (a)  requiring the Texas
Workforce Commission to develop a pilot program by rule in four sites
rather than in a county with a population of more than 2.8 million.
Requires the commission to choose the sites with at least one site in an
urban area and at least one site in a rural area.