IML S.B. 1245 75(R)

S.B. 1245
By: Madla (Van de Putte)
Committee Report (Unamended)


Currently, the Controlled Substances Act requires that prescriptions
written for Schedule II Controlled Substances be issued on special,
serially numbered, triplicate prescriptions.  It also closely restricts
dissemination to use by specific agencies for drug-related investigations,
even prohibiting release of statistical information.  When a prescription
is issued, one of the copies is sent to the Department of Public Safety
(DPS) where the information on it is automated by data entry clerks.  In
1988, 626,105 prescriptions were received, and each subsequent year, the
number increased until, in 1996, 1,347,086 prescriptions were received, an
increase of 115 percent.  There is now technology available that will
allow automated information to be collected directly from pharmacies and
ultimately eliminate the need for most manual data entry.  


S.B. 1245 changes the triplicate prescription process to a single-copy,
official prescription, and allows pharmacies to electronically transmit
prescriptions to DPS.  In addition, this bill allows DPS to better manage
the increase in prescriptions, by increasing the fees collected.  S.B.
1245 also provides for more recent and current information than is
presently possible, and broadens rulemaking authority regarding the
official prescription program. 


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted to the
director of the Department of Public Safety in SECTION 2 (Section 481.003,
Health and Safety Code), SECTION 3 (Section 481.064(a), Health and Safety
Code), SECTION 5 (Section 481.075(g), Health and Safety Code), SECTION 6
(Section 481.076(c), Health and Safety Code) and SECTION 7 (Section
481.0761(a)(d), Health and Safety Code), and referenced in SECTION 5
(Sections, 481.075(a), (f), and (l), Health and Safety Code), and SECTION
7 (Section 481.0761(e), Health and Safety Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code, by amending
Subdivision (47), and adding Subdivisions (50)-(54), to define "official
prescription form," "patient identification number," "department,"
"driver's license," "personal identification certificate," and
"prescription sticker."  Deletes the definition of "triplicate
prescription form." 

SECTION 2. Amends Chapter 481A, Health and Safety Code, by adding Section
481.003,  RULES, allowing the director of the Department of Public Safety
(director) to adopt rules to administer and enforce this chapter. 

SECTION 3. Amends Section 481.064, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

Sec. 481.064.  New heading:  REGISTRATION FEES.  Deletes the provision
authorizing the director to adopt reasonable rules.  Authorizes the
director to charge an annual registration fee of not more than $25.
Requires the director, by rule, to set the amount of the fee at the amount
necessary to cover the cost of administering and enforcing this
subchapter. Deletes the provision authorizing the director to charge a fee
of not more than $5 for the costs necessary to administer this chapter.
Requires the director of the Department of Public  Safety (department) to
deposit the collected fees  to the credit of the operator's and
chauffeur's license account in the general revenue fund, rather than in
the state treasury. Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 4. Amends Section 481.074, Health and Safety Code, by amending
Subsections (a)-(c) and (f), and adding Subsections (m) and (n), as

Subsection (a) prohibits a pharmacist from permitting the delivery of a
controlled substance to certain persons, except as provided by Subsection
(n).  Deletes the provisions regarding delivery made for the immediate
well-being of a patient; and delivery by mail. 

Subsection (b) requires the person who administers or dispenses the
substance, if the person is a prescribing practitioner or a pharmacist, to
promptly comply with Subsection (c); or if the person is not a prescribing
practitioner or a pharmacist, promptly write the prescription and include
certain information in the written record of the prescription.  Deletes
the provision requiring the person to send a copy of the written record to
the department by a certain date.  Makes conforming changes.   

Subsection (c) requires the pharmacist or pharmacy that employs the
pharmacist to send all information required by the director to the
director by specified means by a certain date, rather than sending to the
department the department's copy by a certain date. 

Subsection (f) makes conforming changes.

Subsection (m) allows a pharmacist to permit the delivery of a controlled
substance by certain persons, and requires a pharmacist to retain in
pharmacy records certain information regarding the delivery for a period
of not less than three years.   

Subsection (n) allows a pharmacist to permit the delivery of a controlled
substance to a person not known, without requiring identification, in the
case of an emergency.  Requires the pharmacist to retain records as
specified under this subsection.   

SECTION 5. Amends Section 481.075, Health and Safety Code, to delete the
provisions regarding the triplicate prescription program, make conforming
changes, and amend and add subsections as follows: 

Sec. 481.075.  New heading:  OFFICIAL PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM.  (a) Requires
a practitioner who prescribes certain controlled substances to record the
prescription on a prescription form that includes the information required
by this section and affix to the form a prescription sticker issued by the
director.  Provides for exception under Section 481.0761, and deletes
reference to Subsection (b). 

Subsection (b) requires prescription stickers to be numbered and produced
in a certain manner.   

Subsection (c) requires the director, rather than the department, to issue
prescription stickers for a fee to cover certain costs.  Makes conforming

Subsection (d) makes conforming and clarifying changes.

Subsection (e) requires each form used to prescribe a Schedule II
controlled substance to contain certain information to be provided by the
prescribing practitioner; information provided by the dispensing
pharmacist; and the signatures of the prescribing practitioner and the
dispensing pharmacist.   

Subsection (f) makes a conforming change and refers to the exceptions
provided under Section 481.0761. 

Subsection (g) requires the prescribing practitioner, with certain
exceptions, to fill in certain  information on the form. Makes conforming

Subsection (h) makes a conforming change.

Subsection (i) requires each dispensing pharmacist to fill in certain
information on the form; retain the form and certain patient
identification information within pharmacy records for a set period; and
send certain information to the director by electronic transfer by a
specified date.   

Subsection (j) makes a conforming change.

Subsection (k) requires a practitioner whose number or license has been
denied, suspended, canceled, surrendered, or revoked, to return to the
department all forms that have not been used for prescriptions not later
than the 30th, rather than the seventh, day after the suspension,
cancellation, or revocation.   

Subsection (l) Allows each prescribing practitioner to use a prescription
sticker only to prescribe a controlled substance; requires each
prescribing practitioner to date or sign the form only on the date the
prescription is issued, and to take other precautionary measures. 

Subsection (m) allows a dispensing pharmacist to fill a prescription
issued in another state as specified.  Requires a dispensing pharmacist
who fills a prescription under this subsection to send certain information
to the director.  

Subsection (n) provides that this section expires September 1, 2003. 

SECTION 6. Amends Section 481.076, Health and Safety Code, to delete the
provisions regarding triplicate prescription information, make conforming
changes, and amend and add subsections as follows: 

Sec. 481.076.  New heading:  OFFICIAL PRESCRIPTION INFORMATION.  (a)
Prohibits the director from permitting any person to have access to
information submitted to the director under Section 481.075 except an
investigator from certain boards; an authorized officer or member of the
department engaged in the administration, investigation, or enforcement of
this chapter or another law governing illicit drugs in this state or
another state; or certain law enforcement officials, prosecutorial
officials, pharmacists, or practitioners, if the director finds that
proper need has been shown.  

Subsection (b) provides that this section does not prohibit the director
from creating, using, or disclosing statistical data about information
received, provided certain conditions are met. Deletes existing language. 

Subsection (c) requires the director, rather than the department, by rule,
to design and implement a system for submission of information to the
director by electronic or other means and for retrieval of information.
Makes conforming changes. 

Subsection (d) Allows information submitted to the director to be used
only for the administration, investigation, or enforcement of this
chapter, or another law governing illicit drugs in this  state or another
state; investigatory purposes in connection with certain agencies; or
dissemination of a statistical tabulation or report, provided certain
conditions are met.   

Subsection (e) requires the director to remove certain information from
the information retrieval system not later than a certain date, and allows
the director to retain certain information necessary for an investigation
until a certain date.   

Subsection (f) requires the director, if the director releases certain
information under Subsection (a)(2), to notify and cooperate with that
agency regarding the disposition of the matter before taking action
against the person, unless notification is likely to interfere with  an
administrative or criminal investigation or prosecution. 

Subsection (g) requires the director, if the director permits access to
information under Subsection (a)(3)(A), to notify the agency of the
disclosure of the information by a certain date unless certain
circumstances exist.   

Subsection (h) requires the director, if the director withholds
notification under Subsection (g), to notify the agency of the disclosure
and the reason for withholding notification.   

Subsection (i) provides that information submitted to the director under
Section 481.075 is confidential.  

Subsection (j) establishes that this section expires September 1, 2003.

SECTION 7. Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, by
adding Section 481.0761, as follows: 

Sec. 481.0761.  RULES; AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT.  (a) Requires the director
to consult with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy (board) and, by rule,
establish and revise as necessary a standardized database format that may
be used by a pharmacy to transmit the information required by Section
481.075(i) to the director. 

Subsection (b) requires the director to consult with certain entities, and
to be allowed, by rule, to remove a controlled substance listed in
Schedule II from the official prescription program; or return a substance
previously removed from Schedule II to the official program. 

Subsection (c) Allows the director, by rule, to permit more than one
prescription to be administered or dispensed and recorded on one form;
remove from or return to the program any aspect of the professional
practice of practitioners or pharmacists, including administering or
dispensing; waive or delay any requirement relating to the time or manner
of reporting; establish compatibility protocols for electronic data
transfer hardware, software, or format; permit the use of triplicate or
single prescription forms; establish a procedure to control the release of
information under Sections 481.075 and 481.076; and establish a minimum
level of prescription activity.   

Subsection (d) requires the director, by rule, to authorize a prescribing
practitioner to determine the necessity of obtaining and providing a
particular patient identification number.  
Subsection (e) requires the director, in adopting a rule under this
subchapter, to consider the economic impact of the rule on practitioners
and pharmacists.  Prohibits the director from adopting a rule relating to
certain electronic transfers of information.   

Subsection (f) allows the director to authorize a contract between the
department and another agency or a private vendor as necessary.   

Subsection (g) provides that this section expires September 1, 2003.    

SECTION 8. Amends Section 481.127(a), Health and Safety Code, to provide
that a person commits an offense if the person knowingly gives, permits,
or obtains unauthorized access to information submitted to the director
under Section 481.075.  Deletes reference to intentional violations.
Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 9. Amends Section 481.128(a), Health and Safety Code, to provide
that a registrant or dispenser commits an offense if he knowingly
distributes, delivers, administers, or dispenses a controlled substance in
violation of Sections 481.070-481.075.  Makes conforming changes regarding
prescription sticker or official prescription, deleting reference to the
triplicate form. Deletes reference to June 1, 1991.    

SECTION 10. Amends Section 481.129(a), Health and Safety Code, by deleting
the reference to  intentional violations, deleting reference to the
triplicate form, and adding reference to the prescription sticker and a
Schedule II substance. 

SECTION 11. Amends Section 552.118, Government Code, as follows:

Makes conforming changes to refer to the prescription form and the

SECTION 12. Amends Section 3.06(d)(6)(J)(i), Medical Practice Act (Article
4495b, V.T.C.S.), to establish that a physician "may" not, rather than
"shall" not, delegate the use of a prescription sticker or the use or
issuance of an official prescription form.  Deletes reference to
triplicate prescription program. 

SECTION 13. Effective date is September 1, 1999, except for SECTION 7,
which takes effect September 1, 1997. 

SECTION 14. Makes application of this Act prospective to September 1,
1999, regarding a prescription written under the triplicate prescription

SECTION 15. Makes application of this Act prospective to September 1, 1999
regarding an offense. 

SECTION 16. Provides that the change in law made by this Act to Section
3.06(d)(6)(J)(k), Article 4495b, V.T.C.S., does not affect the dispensing
of a Schedule II controlled substance by a pharmacist to certain persons.

SECTION 17. Emergency clause.