Senate Research Center   S.B. 1281
By: Cain
State Affairs
As Filed


Currently, a person or business that excavates in Texas in not required to
determine if any underground facilities are beneath the proposed
excavation site.  Furthermore, an excavator is not required to report any
damage made.  Underground utilities report large product and service
losses each year from accidental damage to service lines.  Some of these
same utilities point to the lack of a single, centralized system for
verifying the location of buried service lines as a probable reason for
the large amount of service line damage in Texas. 

The term "one-call system" refers to a utility protection program that
enables citizens and businesses alike to verify the location of
underground utility lines with a single call made prior to digging. Texas
is one of two states that does not have a one-call system. 

Statistics indicate that excavation work is responsible for 45 percent of
pipeline failures, making third-party damage or outside force damages the
leading cause of all ruptures.  Furthermore, more than 250,000 Texans each
year lose total phone service or access to long distance service due to
underground facilities that are cut by excavators who fail to call for

Although several dial-before-you-dig centers offer notification services
in Texas today, there are concerns that these centers are rather
regionalized, and lack information regarding the location of many utility
lines.  Another concern is that even when excavators did call one of these
notification centers, the center only notifies underground facility
operators who have joined their system. 

S.B. 1281 would require an excavator to make one telephone call to a
notification center that is registered with the Texas Underground Facility
Notification Corporation, as created by this Act, before beginning
excavation.  The call to the notification center would generate
notification of the intended excavation to the proper underground facility
operators, which would give the facility operators an opportunity to mark
their underground facilities.  The undergrounding facility markings would,
in turn, allow the excavation to be made without damage to any underground
facility, without interruption of utility service, and without danger to
the excavator and the general public caused by underground facility


As proposed, S.B. 1281 sets forth a statewide notification system designed
to prevent damage and increase safety with regard to underground
facilities and excavation operations.  In establishing this system, this
bill creates the Texas Underground Facility Notification Corporation. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE:  Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety

SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS.  Defines "agricultural operations" "Class A
underground facility," "Class B underground facility," "corporation,"
"damage," "excavate" or "excavation," "excavator," "exploration and
production underground facility," "high speed data transmission," "legal
holiday,"  "mechanized equipment," "municipality," "notification center,"
"operator," "person," "secured facility," and "underground facility." 

SECTION 3. EXEMPTIONS.  Provides that certain storage tanks, sumps, or
impoundment, or piping, as well as certain underground facilities are not
subject to this Act as underground facilities. Authorizes an operator of
an underground register facility that is exempted under this section to
voluntarily register that facility under this Act but assumes the
obligation to comply with all the duties of an operator of a Class A
underground facility under this Act. 

SECTION 4. COMPLIANCE BY PERMIT HOLDERS.  Provides that the fact that a
person has a legal permit, permission from the owner of the property or
the owner's licensee, or an easement to conduct excavation operations does
not affect the person's duty to comply with this Act.  Provides that
compliance with this Act does not affect a person's responsibility to
obtain a permit required by law.   

that the Texas Underground Facility Notification Corporation is created to
provide statewide notification services under this Act.  Provides that the
corporation is a public nonprofit corporation and has all the powers and
duties incident to a nonprofit corporation under the Texas Non-Profit
Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01, et seq., V.T.C.S.), except that the
corporation is prohibited from making certain donations, from merging or
consolidating with another corporation, and from being placed in
receivership.  Provides that the corporation is subject to Government
Code, Chapters 551 and 552, with certain exceptions.  Requires all
expenses of the corporation to be paid from the income of the corporation.
Sets forth provisions regarding liabilities of the corporation. Prohibits
the corporation, except as provided by SECTION 6 of this Act, for any
reason, from imposing an assessment, fee, or other charge, including a
charge for inputting the data, against an operator.  Provides that the
corporation member operators are divided into divisions according to type
of operator and sets forth these divisions.  Requires the governor to
appoint from each division a representative to serve on the board of
directors of the corporation (board).  Provides that a member operator
that has operations that can be classified in more than one division is
entitled to participate in each applicable division.  Sets forth
provisions regarding board membership.  Requires the board to elect from
among its directors a chair and vice chair.  Provides that the chair and
vice chair service for a term of one year and authorizes the reelection of
the chair and vice chair.  Requires the corporation's bylaws to provide
that each division is entitled to one vote.   

SECTION 6. FEES AND RATES.  Requires each operator to pay the board an
annual fee of $50. Requires the notification center, each time a
notification center receives a call from an excavator pursuant to SECTION
9(a), to pay the corporation $0.01.  Requires the $0.01 charge to be
waived for the remainder of any year in which the corporation receives
$500,000 from the $0.01 charge. Require the notification center to charge
each operator for a call made to the system that affects the operator.
Prohibits the amount of the charge imposed by the system from being more
than $1.25. Authorizes the board to increase or decrease the maximum
charge only on an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the total
number of votes entitled to be cast.  Prohibits, in any event, the
notification center from charging an operator any additional fee such as
an initiation fee, a membership fee, or a set-up fee. 

SECTION 7. DUTY OF AN OPERATOR.   Requires each operator of a Class A
underground facility, including a political subdivision of this state, to
participate in a notification center as a condition of doing business in
this state.  Requires each operator of a Class A underground facility to
provide certain information to the notification center.  Prohibits the
notification center from requiring an operator to conduct a survey of the
operator's underground facilities or alter the operator's existing
signage.  Authorizes an operator of a Class B underground facility to
voluntarily provide the information required by this section.  Provides
that by providing information required by this section, an operator of a
Class B underground facility will be treated as a Class A underground
facility under this Act.  

SECTION 8. DUTY OF NOTIFICATION CENTER.  Requires the notification center,
not later than two hours after the time the notification center receives a
notice of intent to excavate from an excavator, to provide via high speed
data transmission to every other affected notification center  operating
in the state the SECTION 9(c) information received from the excavator.
Requires the notification center, two hours after the time the
notification center receives a notice of intent to excavate from an
excavator or from a different notification center, to notify each member
operator that may have an underground facility in the vicinity of the
proposed excavation.  Sets forth additional requirements regarding the
duties of a notification center.  Sets forth procedures regarding the
recovering of costs.  Sets forth provisions regarding the maintenance of
records to document certain information.  Prohibits a notification center
from destroying certain records.  Requires a notification center, at all
times, to maintain a minimum of $5 million professional liability and
errors and omissions insurance to cover duties prescribed by this Act.
Prohibits the notification center from disseminating, making available, or
otherwise distributing maps or information provided by an operator unless
that action is necessary to perform the notification center's specific
obligations under this Act. 

SECTION 9. DUTY OF AN EXCAVATOR.  Requires, except as provided by SECTIONS
12 and 13 of this Act, a person that intends to excavate to notify a
notification center not earlier than the 14th day before the day the
excavation is to begin or later than the 48th hour before the time the
excavation is to begin, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
Prohibits the excavator from beginning excavation before the time the
excavation is to begin without the prior written agreement of each
operator that has an underground facility in the area to be excavated.
Requires the person to again notify a notification center of the intended
excavation in accordance with this subsection if the person does not begin
the excavation within 14 days after notifying the notification center,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.  Requires the excavator,
until the excavation is completed, to notify, not later than the 30th day
after the last notification, a notification center by telephone that the
excavator has not completed the excavation.  Requires the notice required
under this section to include certain information.  Requires the operator,
if the operator notifies the excavator that the operator wants to have a
representative present during the excavation, to contact the excavator and
advise the excavator of the operator's intent to be present during
excavation and confirm the start time of the excavation.  Requires the
excavator, if the start time is changed by the excavator, to notify the
operator of the start time change.  Prohibits the excavator, once notified
by the operator of the intent to be present, from commencing at an earlier
time than the confirmed start time without the operator's agreement.   

CORPORATION.  Sets forth the specific duties of the corporation.  Requires
the corporation to solicit proposals for the contract to establish and
operate the statewide 800 number and the call router system by using a
request for proposals process that includes specifications that have been
approved by the board of directors in accordance with this Act.  Provides
that the corporation is not required to award the contract to the lowest
offeror if the terms of another proposal would result in a lower annual
cost and are more advantageous to the corporation and its members.
Authorizes the corporation to reject all proposals if the corporation
finds that none of the proposals is acceptable. Sets forth procedures
applicable after the proposals are opened. 

SECTION 11. NOTIFICATION BY AN EXCAVATOR.  Provides that a person is
considered to have provided notification under this Act when a person
required to provide notice under this Act delivers the required
information and a notification center receives that information within the
time limits prescribed by this Act.    Authorizes a person to deliver
information required under this Act by any appropriate method, including
the use of any electronic means of data transfer. 

this Act does not apply to an emergency excavation that is necessary to
respond to a situation that endangers life, health, or property or a
situation in which the public need for service compels immediate action.
Authorizes the excavator to begin emergency excavation under Subsection
(a) of this section immediately and requires the excavator to take
reasonable precautions to protect underground facilities.  Requires an
excavator, when an emergency exists, to notify a notification center as
promptly as reasonably possible. 

9 of this Act does not apply to interment operations of a cemetery,
certain operations at a secured facility, certain activities performed on
private property, certain operations associated with the  exploration or
production of oil gas, and certain excavations.  Provides that this
section is not intended to affect or impose any civil remedies otherwise
provided by law for personal injury or for property damage, including any
damage to an underground facility.   

contracted by the notification system, not later than the 48th hour after
the excavator gives to the notification system notice of intent to
excavate, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, or at such
time mutually agreed to by the operators and the excavator, to locate and
mark the approximate location of its underground facilities at or near the
site of the proposed excavation if the operator believes that locating and
marking the location is necessary.  Authorizes an excavator, for the
purposes of this section, to presume, unless the operator advises the
excavator otherwise, that the marking of an approximate location of an
underground facility is within 18 inches on either side of the underground
facility.  Requires an operator to refer to the American Public Works
Association color coding standards when marking. 

Provides that the deadline prescribed by SECTION 14(a) of this Act does
not apply under certain conditions.  Requires the operator to notify a
notification center of the extraordinary circumstance and to include
certain information in the notification.  Requires the operator, in
addition to the notification required by Subsection (b) of this section,
to also notify each excavator that has a pending location request in the
location where an extraordinary circumstance is being experienced and to
include in the notification certain information.  Requires a notification
center to inform each excavator notifying the system under SECTION 9 of
this Act that the operator's location request activities are suspended
until the extraordinary circumstance has discontinued or has been
corrected within the affected location. 

responsibilities of the excavator regarding damage to facilities, in
addition to providing notice required by SECTION 9 of this Act.  Requires
an excavator to consider the known limit of control of the cutting edge or
point of a piece of mechanized equipment in determining the necessary
clearance that must be maintained with uncovered surfaces and paved
surfaces.  Requires the excavator, if the center line or outer edges of
the underground facility is marked, to use a certain clearance.  Provides
that an operator can agree in writing that a smaller clearance can safely
be used. Prohibits the operator from reasonably withholding an agreement
to use a smaller clearance if the clearance is reasonable.  Authorizes the
operator, in determining if the clearance is reasonable, to consider the
method of excavation to be used and the potential for damage, service,
interruption, and loss of revenue. 

SECTION 17. EXCAVATION DAMAGE.  Requires the excavator, if an excavation
operation results in damage to an underground facility, to immediately
contact the underground facility operator to report the damage.  Requires
the excavator, if the excavator is not certain of the operator's identity,
to contact a notification center to report the damage, and requires the
notification center to immediately notify all other affected notification
centers.  Requires each notification center upon receiving such
notification, to immediately contact each member operator that has
underground facilities in or near the area in which the damage occurred.
Authorizes only the operator or a person authorized by the operator to
perform repairs.  Requires an excavator to delay backfilling in the
immediate area of the damage until the damage is repaired unless the
operator authorizes the backfilling.  Requires the excavator, if damage
endangers life, health, or property because of the presence of flammable
material, to keep sources of ignition away.   

SECTION 18.  Authorizes an operator to file an action in a district court
for an injunction to enjoin excavation conducted or anticipated to be
conducted in violation of this Act.  Provides that venue for a suit
brought under this section is in a county in which all or part of the
excavation occurs. 

SECTION 19.  CIVIL PENALTY.  Sets forth provisions regarding civil
penalties.  Sets forth provisions regarding the assessment of penalties.
Sets forth provisions regarding venue for a cause of action under this
section.  Requires the appropriate county attorney or criminal district
attorney to bring the action to recover the civil penalty at the request
of an operator.  Requires 50 percent of the civil penalty collected under
this section to be transferred to the county treasurer of the county
prosecuting the action and 50 percent of the civil penalty collected under
this section to  be transferred  to the corporation.  Requires the county
treasurer to deposit all money received under this section in the general
fund of the county.  Requires the corporation to use the money received
under this section to develop public service announcements to educate the
public about the one-call notification system and its availability as
prescribed by SECTION 10(a)(7) of this Act.  Provides that except as
otherwise specifically provided in this article, this section is not
intended to affect any civil remedies otherwise provided by law for
personal injury or for property damage, including any damage to an
underground facility.   

SECTION 20. Emergency clause.

SECTION 21. Effective date: 90 days after adjournment.