Senate Research Center   S.B. 1447
By: Harris
Economic Development
As Filed


Currently, the Insurance Code does not provide a process for domestic
mutual insurance companies to convert to stock insurance companies.
Conversion provides an insurer with greater access to capital markets and
the ability to better compete in the marketplace.  Other states authorize
these conversions and some Texas domestic insurance companies may
redomesticate to one of these states to take advantage of those laws.
This bill would allow for the conversion of mutual insurance companies to
stock insurance companies and include safeguards for policyholders of the
mutual insurance company.    


As proposed, S.B. 1447 sets forth the regulations and guidelines for the
conversion of a mutual insurance company to a stock insurance company and
provides safeguards for policyholders of the mutual insurance company.    


Rulemaking authority is granted to the commissioner of insurance in
SECTION 1 (Section 15(c), Article 15.22, Insurance Code) of this bill.  


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 15, Insurance Code, by adding Article 15.22, as


Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "conversion plan," "converted stock
company," "eligible member," "mutual insurance company," "participating
policy," and "stock company." 

Sec. 2.  ADOPTION OF CONVERSION PLAN.  Requires a mutual insurance company
that seeks to convert to a stock company to adopt by an affirmative vote a
conversion plan consistent with the requirements of this article.
Prohibits a mutual insurance company from engaging in the business of
insurance as a stock company until it complies with the requirements of
this article.  Requires the mutual insurance company to comply with
Section 3 before a conversion plan vote.  

DUTIES.  Requires a company, no later than the 90th day after the date on
which a mutual insurance company's board of directors adopts a conversion
plan, to file with the commissioner of insurance (commissioner) certain
items.  Sets forth the guidelines relating to the approval or disapproval
of a conversion plan by the commissioner.  Requires the commissioner to
approve a conversion plan if the commissioner finds certain facts in
regard to the conversion plan.  Authorizes the commissioner to retain, at
the mutual insurance company's expense, a qualified expert to assist the
commissioner in reviewing the conversion plan and the independent
evaluation of the pro forma market value required under Section 10(b).
Authorizes the commissioner to hold a hearing on the terms of the
conversion plan after notice is given to certain entities and persons.   

 Sec. 4.  AMENDMENTS; WITHDRAWAL OF PLAN.  Authorizes the mutual insurance
company, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of its board
of directors, to amend or withdraw the conversion plan. 

Sec. 5.  NOTICE TO ELIGIBLE MEMBERS; COMMENTS.  Sets forth the guidelines
relating to notice of eligible members of the conversion plan by the
mutual insurance company and comments to such a plan by those members.
Requires the company to send to eligible members notice of the members
meeting to vote on the conversion plan.  Provides that only a combined
meeting notice is required if the meeting to vote on the conversion plan
is held during the mutual insurance company's annual meeting of

Sec. 6.  ELECTION; ADOPTION OF PLAN.  Sets forth the guidelines relating
to adoption of the conversion plan and amended articles of incorporation
and of bylaws by eligible members.   

Sec. 7.  FILING BY CONVERTED STOCK COMPANY.  Requires the converted stock
company to file with the commissioner certain items by the 30th date after
the date on which the eligible members adopt the conversion plan.  

Sec. 8.  REQUIRED PROVISIONS IN GENERAL.  Requires each conversion plan to
include the provisions required by this article.  Sets forth certain
rights of a mutual insurance company that are extinguished on the
effective date of the conversion.  Provides that the holder of a
participating policy in effect on the date of the conversion continues to
have a right to receive dividends as provided by the participating policy.
Authorizes a certain converted stock company to issue the insured a
nonparticipating policy as a substitute for the participating policy. 

Sec. 9.  SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS.  Requires each conversion plan to specify
the subscription rights of eligible members.  Requires the plan to include
certain provisions. Authorizes the conversion plan to provide that each
eligible member is to receive nontransferable subscription rights to
purchase a portion of certain capital stock as an alternative to
subscription rights in the converted stock company.  Requires the
conversion plan to provide that the subscription rights are allocated in
whole shares among the eligible members using a fair and equitable
formula.  Authorizes the formula to consider certain factors.  Requires
the conversion plan to provide a fair and equitable means for allocating
shares of capital stock in the event of an oversubscription to shares by
eligible members exercising subscription rights under this section. 

Sec. 10.  SALE OF CAPITAL STOCK.  (a)  Requires the conversion plan to
provide that any shares of capital stock not subscribed to by eligible
members to be sold in a public offering. Authorizes the conversion plan,
under certain conditions, to provide for the sale of those shares through
a private placement or an alternative method approved by the commissioner.

(b)  Requires the conversion plan to set the total price of the capital
stock in an amount equal to the estimated pro forma market value of the
converted stock company based on an independent evaluation by a qualified
expert.  Authorizes the pro forma market value to be the value estimated
to be necessary to attract full subscription for the shares and to be
stated as a range of values. 

(c)  Requires the conversion plan to set the purchase price per share of
capital stock at any reasonable amount.  Prohibits the minimum
subscription amount from exceeding $500. Authorizes the conversion plan to
provide that the minimum number of shares a person may purchase under the
conversion plan is 25 shares. 

(d)  Authorizes the conversion plan to provide that a person or group of
persons acting in concert may not acquire more than five percent of the
capital stock of the converted stock company or the stock of another
corporation that is participating in the conversion plan. Provides that
this limitation does not apply to an entity that purchases 100 percent of
the capital stock of the converted company as part of the conversion plan
approved by the  commissioner.   

(e)  Requires the conversion plan to provide that a director or officer of
the mutual insurance company, or a person acting in concert with a
director or officer, may not acquire without the permission of the
commissioner any capital stock of the converted stock company or the stock
of another corporation that is participating in the conversion plan before
the third anniversary of the effective date of the conversion, except
through a broker-dealer.  Provides that this subsection does not prohibit
a director or officer from certain activities. 

Sec. 11.  LIMITATION ON RESALE.  Requires the conversion plan to provide
that a director or officer may not sell stock purchased under Section 10
before the first anniversary of the effective date of the conversion.  

Sec. 12.  HOLDER OF SURPLUS NOTE.  Requires the conversion plan to provide
that the rights of a holder of a surplus note to participate in the
conversion are governed by the terms of the surplus note. 

Sec. 13.  REPURCHASE OF CAPITAL STOCK.  Requires the conversion plan to
provide that a converted stock company, or any corporation participating
in the conversion plan, may not repurchase any of its capital stock from
any person before the third anniversary of the effective date of the
conversion.  Sets forth the application of this provision.  

Sec. 14.  OPTIONAL PROVISIONS.  Authorizes the conversion plan to provide
that the directors and officers of the mutual insurance company receive
certain nontransferable subscription rights to purchase capital stock of
the converted stock company or the stock of another corporation that is
participating in the conversion plan.  Sets forth purchasing guidelines
relating to the aggregate number of shares that may be purchased by
directors and officers of the mutual insurance company under Subsection
(a).  Authorizes the conversion plan to allocate to a tax-qualified
employee benefit plan nontransferable subscription rights to purchase no
more than 10 percent of the capital stock of the converted stock company
or the stock of another corporation that is participating in the
conversion plan.  Provides that a tax-qualified employee benefit plan is
entitled to exercise certain subscription rights. Authorizes the
conversion plan to provide for the creation of a certain liquidation
account for the benefit of members in the event of voluntary liquidation
after conversion. 

Sec. 15.  ALTERNATIVE CONVERSION PLAN.  Authorizes the board of directors
to adopt a conversion plan that does not rely wholly or partially on
issuing nontransferable subscription rights to members to purchase stock
of the converted stock company if the commissioner finds certain
conditions in regard to the alternative conversion plan.  Sets forth
authorized terms and conditions of the alternative conversion plan.
Prohibits the commissioner from approving an alternative conversion plan
that provides for the formation of a mutual holding company before the
commissioner adopts rules permitting partial conversion and formation of a
mutual holding company.  Authorizes the commissioner to retain, at the
mutual insurance company's expense, a qualified expert to assist in
reviewing whether the conversation plan may be approved by the

Sec. 16.  EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONVERSION.  Sets forth the required
conditions for a conversion plan to take effect.  Provides that a
conversion plan takes effect when the amended articles of incorporation
are filed with the office of the secretary of state.   

company to send to the member to whom a policy is issued a written notice
regarding the conversion plan on issuance of a policy after a conversion
plan has been adopted by the board of directors but before the effective
date of the conversion plan. Entitles a certain notified member of an
accident and health insurance company to rescind the member's policy and
receive a full refund of any amount paid for the policy no later than the
10th day after the date on which the member receives the notice.  Requires
certain  notified members of a property or casualty insurance company to
be advised of certain rights. Provides that a member of an accident and
health insurance company or a property or casualty insurance company who
has made or filed a claim under the insurance policy is not entitled to a
right to receive a refund under this section.  Provides that a person who
has exercised the rights provided by Subsection (b) or (c) is not entitled
to make or file a claim under the insurance policy.  

Sec. 18.  CORPORATE EXISTENCE.  Provides that on the effective date of the
conversion, the corporate existence of the mutual insurance company
continues in the converted stock company; and all assets, rights,
franchises, and interests of the mutual insurance company in and to
property, real, personal, and mixed or cloned, and any accompanying things
in action, are vested in the converted stock company and the converted
stock company assumes all the obligations and liabilities of the mutual
insurance company.  Provides that the directors and officers of the mutual
insurance company serving on the effective date of the conversion serve as
directors and officers of the converted stock company until new directors
and officers of the converted stock company are elected under the articles
of incorporation and bylaws of the converted stock company.   

Sec. 19.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST.  Prohibits certain persons of the mutual
insurance company from receiving certain consideration.  Provides that
this subsection does not prohibit the payment of reasonable fees and
compensation to an attorney, accountant, or actuary for professional
services performed by that person, even if the attorney, accountant, or
actuary is also a director or officer of the mutual insurance company.
Prohibits a converted stock company, until the second anniversary of the
effective date of the conversion, from implementing any non-tax-qualified
stock benefit conversion plans, except under certain conditions.
Requires all the costs and expenses connected with a conversion plan to be
paid for or reimbursed by the mutual insurance company or the converted
stock company.  Authorizes the corporation or stock company, if the
conversion plan provides for participation by another corporation or stock
company in the conversion plan, to pay for or reimburse all or a portion
of the costs and expenses connected with the conversion plan.   

Sec. 20.  EFFECT OF FAILURE TO GIVE NOTICE.  Provides that the mutual
insurance company's failure to send a member the required notice does not
impair the validity of any action taken under this article if the mutual
insurance company complies substantially and in good faith with the notice
requirements of this article.   

Sec. 21.  LIMITATION ON ACTIONS.  Requires an action challenging the
validity of or arising out of facts taken or proposed to be taken
regarding a conversion plan under this article to be commenced by the 30th
day after the effective date of that conversion plan.  

Sec. 22.  INSOLVENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.  Authorizes the board of
directors of a mutual insurance company that is insolvent or in hazardous
financial condition to request, by a majority vote, the commissioner to
waive the requirements imposing notice to and policyholder approval of the
planned conversion.  Requires the petition to specify certain items.   

insurance company from being permitted to convert under this article if
any person or any affiliate acquires control of the converted stock
company, unless that person or the affiliate complies with this article.
Defines "control."  Provides that a stock company converted under this
article has all of the rights and privileges and is subject to all of the
requirements and regulations imposed on stock companies formed under this
code and any other laws of this state relating to the regulation and
supervision of insurance companies. 

Sec. 24.  AMENDMENT OF POLICIES.  Authorizes a mutual insurance company to
simultaneously with or at any time after the adoption of a conversion plan
amend any outstanding insurance policies to extinguish the right of the
holder of the policy to share in the surplus of the mutual insurance
company.  Provides that such an amendment is void if the conversion plan
does not take effect.   
SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.