DME S.B. 1465 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS AGRICULTURE & LIVESTOCK S.B. 1465 By: Brown (Patterson, L.P. "Pete") 4-29-97 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND The Texas Animal Health Commission (Commission) has the responsibility for control of disease in livestock. As part of its disease surveillance effort, the Commission has authority to require slaughter plants to collect and submit blood samples for bovine (cattle) brucellosis testing. This authority to require collection and submission of samples is not currently available for diseases other than bovine brucellosis or for diagnostic samples other than blood. Current statutes limit bovine tuberculosis indemnity for infected and exposed animals of up to $35 per grade animals and $70 for purebred animals. This limitation sets compensation for these cattle at far below market value. Currently, the Commission has the authority to set indemnity for animals destroyed because of swine or bovine brucellosis infection or exposure. PURPOSE This legislation allows the Commission to require slaughter plants to collect and submit blood samples and other diagnostic samples for disease testing, and it allows the Commission to set by rule the amount of indemnity that may be paid for tuberculosis infected and exposed animals. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill grants additional rulemaking authority to the Texas Animal Health Commission in SECTION 1[Section 161.055(b)] regarding slaughter plant collection and SECTION 2[Section 162.008(b)] regarding tuberculosis indemnity compensation. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 161, Agriculture Code, by adding Section 161.055, which allows the Commission to require slaughter plants to collect and submit blood samples and other diagnostic specimens for disease testing, according to commission rules. Provides that failure to comply results in a Class C misdemeanor unless it is a subsequent offense which is a Class B misdemeanor. (A Class C misdemeanor is punishable by a $500 fine. A Class B misdemeanor is punishable by one or both: $2000 fine and 180 day jail term.) SECTION 2. Amends Section 162.008, Agriculture Code, by deleting current indemnity payment for bovine tuberculosis responders and replacing it with general authority to pay indemnity for tuberculosis exposed and infected animals. Authorizes the Commission to adopt rules to implement indemnity payment. SECTION 3. Effective date: September 1, 1997. SECTION 4. Emergency clause. COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL TO SUBSTITUTE The substitute deletes SECTION 2 regarding the Commission's authority to adopt rules relating to reporting diseases and SECTION 3 creating a penalty for veterinarians failing to comply with