Senate Research Center   S.B. 1510
By: Truan
As Filed


Nationally, Texas ranks third behind California and New York in the
population of adults who lack a high school credential.  A 1993 survey
conducted by the Educational Testing Services says that between 27 and 28
percent of Texas' adults (approximately 3.5 million) fall into the lowest
level of literacy.  However, Texas is one of the lowest in the nation in
available funds for adult education and literacy programs for the eligible
target population. 

Literacy is defined as "being able to use printed and written information
to function in society, to achieve's one's goals, and to develop one's
knowledge and potential."  The Texas Literacy Pilot Program would provide
a two-fold service: a more literate state, as well as using financial
assistance for education as an incentive to raise the number of literacy
tutors and volunteers. 


As proposed, S.B. 1510 established the Texas Literacy Pilot Program to
increase the number of literate citizens in Texas by providing exemptions
from college tuition and fees to students working as volunteer tutors in
community-based literacy programs. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board under SECTION 1 (Section 56.230, Education Code), of this bill. 


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 56, Education Code, by adding Subchapter L, as

Sec. 56.220.  PROGRAM NAME.  Requires the student financial assistance
program authorized by this subchapter to be known as the Texas Literacy
Pilot Program.   

Sec. 56.221.  PURPOSE.  Provides that the purpose of this subchapter is to
increase the number of literate citizens in Texas by providing exemptions
from college tuition and fees to students working as volunteer tutors in
community-based literacy programs. 

Sec. 56.222.  ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY.  Requires the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board (coordinating board) to administer the Texas
Literacy Pilot Program. Requires the board to work with eligible literacy
programs and institutions of higher education to provide eligible students
with tuition and fee exemptions based on their work as tutors.   

Sec. 56.223.  ELIGIBLE LITERACY PROGRAM.  Provides than an eligible
literacy program is a program run by a governmental entity or a nonprofit
community organization or agency which offers literacy tutoring to
teenagers or adults.  Sets forth requirements regarding the participation
in the pilot program by a literacy program.   

Sec. 56.224.  ELIGIBLE STUDENT.  Requires a student, in order to
participate in the pilot program, to be evaluated by the participating
literacy program and determined to be qualified to provide tutoring to
teenagers or adults, and meet the entrance and academic progress
requirements of the institution of higher education at which the exemption
is used.  Requires a student, in order to be eligible to receive a tuition
and fee exemption under this program, to complete no fewer than the number
of hours of tutoring required under this subchapter. Provides that
preference will be given to students enrolled in college who provide
documentation from their institutions that they have financial need. 

Sec. 56.225.  ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION.  Provides that an eligible institution
is a general academic teaching institution or a public junior college as
defined in Section 61.003 of this code. 

board, in selecting an eligible literacy program to participate in the
pilot program, to consider certain information. 

Sec. 56.227.  SIZE OF EXEMPTION AWARDS.  Authorizes a student enrolled in
a public junior college to receive a $500 exemption of tuition and fees
upon completion of 50 hours of tutoring.  Authorizes a student enrolled in
a general academic teaching institution to receive a $1,000 exemption of
tuition and fees upon completion of 100 hours of tutoring. Provides that
the maximum award any student may receive is a $1,000 exemption from
tuition and fees.   

Sec. 56.228.  GRANTING OF EXEMPTIONS.  Requires the literacy program, when
a student has completed the number of hours tutoring required to become
eligible for a tuition and fee exemption, to provide the student with a
certificate indicating the number of hours of tutoring completed.
Requires the certificate to be on a form designated by the coordinating
board.  Requires the literacy program to report to the coordinating board
certain information.  Requires an eligible student to provide the
certificate of completion to the institution of higher education in which
the student is enrolled and in exchange to receive an exemption for the
amount of tuition and fees for which the student is eligible.  Requires,
at least once a year, an eligible institution to report to the
coordinating board certain information.  Requires the coordinating board,
upon receipt of the report from an eligible institution, to verify that
the student has been reported by the literacy program as having completed
the required number of hours tutoring.  Requires the coordinating board,
once the coordinating board verifies a student's eligibility, to pay the
institution the amount of the tuition and fee exemptions reported as
earned by its students.   

Sec. 56.229.  FUNDING.  Authorizes the coordinating board to accept gifts
and grants from a public or private source for the program.  Authorizes
gifts, grants, and funds appropriated by the legislature for this purpose
to be used for the program. 

Sec. 56.230.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.  Requires the coordinating board to
adopt rules to implement and administer the literacy pilot program.   

SECTION 2. (a)  Effective date: September 1, 1997.

(b)  Prohibits any student from being granted a tuition and fee exemption
prior to the spring semester of 1998. 

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.