Senate Research Center   S.B. 1527
By: Ellis
Intergovernmental Relations
As Filed


Currently, there is no home buyer education program in the State of Texas.
This bill requires the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
to establish a home buyer education program designed to provide
information and counseling to prospective home buyers about the home
buying process.   


As proposed, S.B. 1527 establishes a home buyer education program.


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 2306K, Government Code, by adding Section
2306.253, as follows: 

Sec.  2306.253.  HOME BUYER EDUCATION PROGRAM.  Requires the Texas
Department of Housing and Community Affairs (department) to develop and
implement a statewide home buyer education program designed to provide
information and counseling to prospective home buyers about the home
buying process.  Requires the department to implement the program by
cooperating with certain business and governmental entities. Requires the
department and the entities with which it is cooperating to make full use
of existing training and information materials available from certain
sources.  Authorizes the department to use certain money available to the
department for housing purposes that the department is not prohibited from
spending on the home buyer education  program to pay the cost of providing
the information and counseling to prospective home buyers in this state.
Requires the department to annually report to the legislature the number
of home loans made in this state during the previous year to persons and
families of low income, or moderate income, and of high income.   

SECTION 2. Requires the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
to implement throughout the state the home buyer education program
established under Section 2306.253, Government Code, as added by this Act,
not later than January 31, 1999. 

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.
  Effective date:  upon passage.