S.B. 1574
By: Madla (Van de Putte)
Committee Report (Unamended)


The health care delivery system under the state Medicaid program was
restructured by S.B. 10, which passed during the 74th Legislature. That
law contained a provision requiring each managed care organization
involved in the system to include in its provider network each historical
Medicaid health care provider who agrees to the terms of the contract for
not less than three years.  The 1115 waiver from the federal government to
implement the Texas statewide managed care Medicaid program under S.B. 10
has not been approved.  The state has been implementing managed care pilot
programs in various regions under 1915(b) waivers.  Clarification is
needed to establish that the three-year requirement for contracting with
historical Medicaid health care providers begins after the date of
implementation of managed care in each service area, not after the date of
implementation of S.B. 10. 

S.B. 1574 clarifies that the three-year requirement for contracting with
historical Medicaid health care providers by each managed care
organization involved in the state Medicaid program begins after the date
of implementation of managed care in each service area.   


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or



SECTION 1.01  Amends Section 16A(a), Article 4413(502), Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes, as added by Chapter 444, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
1995, to add to the requirement in Subsection (a)(7)(H) that the Health
and Human Services Commission (commission), in developing the health care
delivery system, among other items, design the system to require that the
commission, each intergovernmental initiative, and each managed care
organization, as applicable, include in its provider network, for not less
than three years after the date of implementation of managed care in a
service area for the current Medicaid population, each health care
provider in that area who, among other conditions, provided care to
Medicaid and charity care patients as specified, during the 12 months
preceding the date of implementation.  


SECTION 2.01.  Amends Section 532.102(a), Government Code, as added by the
Act of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, relating to
nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes, to require
the commission, in developing the health care delivery system under this
chapter,  to the extent possible, to design the system in a manner that
improves the health of the people in this state as specified and ensures
that each recipient can receive services as specified in their local
community.  Requires the commission to design the system in a manner that
enable state and local government entities, as specified, to control
Medicaid program costs and that, to the extent possible, results in cost
savings through health care service delivery based on managed care.
Requires the commission to maximize the financing of the state Medicaid
program by obtaining federal matching funds as specified and expand
Medicaid eligibility to include persons who were eligible for indigent
care services as specified, to the extent that is cost effective to the
state and local governments. Requires the commission, to the extent
possible, to develop a plan to expand Medicaid eligibility to include
children and other persons as specified. Requires the commission to design
the system to ensure that each entity, as specified, receives specified
funds to provide health care to persons who are Medicaid eligible under
the expanded criteria, if a method to finance the Medicaid program by
obtaining federal matching funds for resources and other funds, as
specified, is included. Requires the commission to the extent possible ,
to provide for each entity as specified, an option to operate the delivery
system in its region, as specified. Requires the commission to design the
system to include accountability methods and uniform data, to conduct
comparative analyses and assess the relative value of alternative health
care delivery systems and to make reports as specified. Requires the
commissioner to oversee procedures for setting capitation and provider
payment rates as specified. Requires the commission to ensure that private
and public providers and managed care organizations, including Medicaid
designated disproportionate share hospitals, have an opportunity to
participate in the system and to ensure, in adopting implementation rules,
that the commission, each intergovernmental initiative and each applicable
managed care organization, give extra consideration to a provider who
traditionally gave care to Medicaid and charity patients in developing the
provider network for the system. Requires the commission to give extra
consideration to providers who agree to ensure continuity of care as
specified. Requires that included in the provider network, for not less
than three years after managed care implementation as specified be certain
specified health care providers in that area. Requires that the commission
design the system in a manner that to the extent possible enable the state
to manage care to lower the cost of providing Medicaid services as
specified, and enable the state use different types of delivery systems to
meet different population needs as specified, recognize the uniqueness of
rural services as specified and review data from existing or pilot
programs as specified. Requires the commission to establish geographic
health care regions after consulting with local government entities as
specified. Requires the commission to simplify eligibility criteria and
streamline determination processes. Requires the commission to the extent
possible, to provide a one-step approach for client information and
referral to managed care services. Requires the commission to the extent
possible to design the system in a manner that encourages the training of
and access to primary care physicians.  Requires the commission to develop
and prepare, after consulting with the entities as specified, the waiver
or other document to obtain federal authorization for the system. Requires
the commission to design the system to ensure that an amount not to exceed
$20 million a year must be dedicated for special payments to rural
hospital as specified, if the system includes an obtaining of federal
matching funds financing method as specified. Requires the commission, if
necessary, to ensure that all resources or other funds available are
maximized as specified and an amount determined by the commission is
dedicated for special payments as specified to hospitals as specified
under the procedures used for Medicaid disproportionate share
determinations. Requires the commission to design a cost-neutral system to
provide for a sliding scale copayment system as specified. Requires the
commission, to the extent possible and subject to fund availability, to
design a cost-neutral system to allow development of a buy-in program with
sliding scale premiums as specified. Requires the commission to design the
system in a manner that, to the extent possible, maintains administrative
costs at a level not to exceed five percent of the cost of the state
Medicaid program. Requires the commission to develop and implement a pilot
program, as specified, for child and adult dental care, in consultation
with a professional organization as specified. 


SECTION 3.01.  Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 3.02.  Provides that Article 1 takes effect only if the Act of the
75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, relating to nonsubstantive
additions to and corrections in enacted codes, does not take effect.  

SECTION 3.03.  Provides that Article 2 takes effect only if the Act of the
75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, relating to nonsubstantive
additions to and corrections in enacted codes, takes effect. 

SECTION 3.04.  Emergency clause.