SCT S.B. 1702 75(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

S.B. 1702
By: Ogden (Hunter)
Committee Report (Unamended)


Currently, Texas law requires all state records to be transferred to the
State Library and Archives Commission.  Providing alternate sites for the
governor's records on the condition that they meet all the archival and
accessibility requisites imposed on the commission's facilities and being
located within the state would decrease current limitations of the
commission's staff and facilities.  S.B. 1702 would allow the governor to
choose a facility as a repository for the governor's state records in a
manner that ensures accessibility by the state's citizens. 


As proposed, S.B. 1702 outlines provisions regarding the archives of the
governor's office. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 441.010, Government Code, by amending Subsection
(a) and adding Subsection (f), to require a book, picture, document,
publication, or manuscript received through gift, purchase, or exchange or
on deposit, from any source, for use of the state, except an item subject
to control of the State Preservation Board, constitutes part of the state
library and is required to be placed in the state library for use by the
public except as provided by Subsection (f).  Authorizes the governor to
place the governor's archives in an institution of higher education or an
alternate archival institution for use by the public with the advice of
the Texas State Archives and Library Commission. 

SECTION 3.   Leaves a provision that, if HB 1812 passes and becomes law
that certain provisions having to do with the records and  office of the
governnor shall prevail over the provisions of this Act. 

SECTION 2. Emergency clause.
   Effective date: upon passage.