SRC-CDH S.C.R. 28 75(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research CenterS.C.R. 28 By: Moncrief Health & Human Services 2-20-97 As Filed DIGEST Currently, both the University of Texas System and the Texas Department of Health investigate allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of patients served by psychiatric facilities operated by the University of Texas System. However, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee's interim report on investigations of abuse and neglect in state-operated psychiatric facilities noted a need to further ensure the protection of clients in these facilities. Because of the fiscal implications of transferring investigatory authority to another state entity, and because the problems which prompted the interim study do not currently appear to exist in the UT System's investigations process, an annual reporting requirement should suffice to ensure that any problems which might occur in the future are quickly brought to the attention of the legislature and the public. This legislation require the University of Texas System to provide such an annual report in an effort to ensure proper oversight of psychiatric facilities within the system. PURPOSE As proposed, S.C.R. 28 submits the following resolutions: That the University of Texas System, in cooperation with its component universities and hospitals, provide an annual report to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and Senate Health and Human Services Committee regarding investigations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of patients at psychiatric facilities located in hospitals operated by the University of Texas System. That the report include, at minimum, the number of investigations conducted; the number of serious physical injuries sustained by patients; the average number of days required to complete an investigation; and the number of confirmed cases at each facility. The report must also include the number of investigations referred by each facility to law enforcement agencies. That the secretary of state forward an official copy of this resolution to the University of Texas System.