1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the prepaid higher education tuition program.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Sections 54.619(d) and (e), Education Code, are

 1-5     amended to read as follows:

 1-6           (d)  If the beneficiary of a plan described by Section

 1-7     54.6251 enrolls in an institution of higher education, the board

 1-8     shall pay:

 1-9                 (1)  to the institution the tuition and required fees

1-10     of the institution; and

1-11                 (2)  to the purchaser [beneficiary] the amount by which

1-12     the estimated average private tuition and required fees exceeds the

1-13     tuition and required fees of the institution.

1-14           (e)  If the beneficiary of a plan described by Section

1-15     54.6251 enrolls in a private or independent institution of higher

1-16     education, the board shall pay:

1-17                 (1)  to the institution the lesser of:

1-18                       (A)  the tuition and required fees of the

1-19     institution; or

1-20                       (B)  the estimated average private tuition and

1-21     required fees; and

1-22                 (2)  to the purchaser [beneficiary] the amount by which

1-23     the estimated average private tuition and required fees exceeds the

1-24     tuition and required fees of the institution.

 2-1           SECTION 2.  Section 54.621, Education Code, is amended to

 2-2     read as follows:

 2-3           Sec. 54.621.  BENEFICIARY.  (a)  The beneficiary of a prepaid

 2-4     tuition contract must be younger than 18 years of age or 18 years

 2-5     of age or older and  enrolled in high school at the time the

 2-6     purchaser enters into the contract and must be:

 2-7                 (1)  a resident of this state at the time the purchaser

 2-8     enters into the contract; or

 2-9                 (2)  a nonresident who is the child of a parent who is

2-10     a resident of this state at the time that parent enters into the

2-11     contract.

2-12           (b)  The board may require a reasonable period of residence

2-13     in this state for a beneficiary or the parent of a beneficiary.

2-14           (c)  Notwithstanding Section 54.052(d), the tuition and

2-15     required fees charged by an institution of higher education for

2-16     semester hours and fees that are paid for by a prepaid tuition

2-17     contract shall be determined as if the beneficiary of that contract

2-18     were a resident student  [A beneficiary is considered a resident

2-19     for purposes of tuition regardless of the beneficiary's residence

2-20     on the date of enrollment].

2-21           SECTION 3.  Subchapter F, Chapter 54, Education Code, is

2-22     amended by adding Sections 54.6252, 54.6261, and 54.6262 to read as

2-23     follows:

2-24           Sec. 54.6252.  CONTRACT FOR ADDITIONAL CREDIT HOURS.  (a)

2-25     The board may permit the purchaser of a prepaid tuition contract

2-26     for a senior college plan at any time during which the contract is

2-27     in effect and before the beneficiary graduates from high school to

 3-1     enter into a supplemental contract to prepay the tuition and

 3-2     required fees of the beneficiary for a number of undergraduate

 3-3     credit hours, in addition to the undergraduate credit hours

 3-4     included in the primary contract, equal to the number of credit

 3-5     hours purchased for one year under the primary contract.  The

 3-6     additional credit hours must be for the same type of institution as

 3-7     the credit hours purchased under the primary contract.

 3-8           (b)  The contract is subject to Section 54.620.

 3-9           Sec. 54.6261.  DEFERRED USE OF PREPAID CREDIT HOURS.  (a)  A

3-10     prepaid tuition contract must permit the beneficiary to elect to

3-11     pay from another source the beneficiary's tuition and required fees

3-12     for some or all of the semester credit hours to which the

3-13     beneficiary is entitled to payment under the contract, and to defer

3-14     to a subsequent semester or term the right to payment of the

3-15     beneficiary's tuition and required fees for the number of semester

3-16     credit hours remaining under the contract.  The beneficiary is

3-17     responsible for payment of the amount of tuition and required fees

3-18     for the number of semester credit hours that the beneficiary elects

3-19     not to pay under the contract.

3-20           (b)  This section does not affect the date on which a prepaid

3-21     tuition contract terminates under this subchapter and does not give

3-22     the beneficiary the right to any payment under the contract after

3-23     termination of the contract.


3-25     TUITION.  (a)  If the beneficiary of a prepaid tuition contract

3-26     registers in a graduate or professional degree program before the

3-27     termination of the contract and the beneficiary has not received

 4-1     payment under the contract for tuition and required fees for all of

 4-2     the semester credit hours to which the beneficiary is entitled, the

 4-3     beneficiary may apply the value of the remaining semester credit

 4-4     hours under the contract to the payment of the beneficiary's

 4-5     tuition and required fees in the graduate or professional degree

 4-6     program.

 4-7           (b)  For purposes of this section, the value of a semester

 4-8     credit hour under a prepaid tuition contract is equal to the

 4-9     average amount of undergraduate tuition and required fees for a

4-10     semester credit hour that would have been paid under the contract

4-11     if the beneficiary registered in an undergraduate program for the

4-12     same term or semester for which the beneficiary applies the payment

4-13     to the beneficiary's tuition and required fees in a graduate or

4-14     professional degree program under this section.

4-15           (c)  This section does not affect the date on which a prepaid

4-16     tuition contract terminates under this subchapter and does not give

4-17     the beneficiary the right to any payment under the contract after

4-18     termination of the contract.

4-19           SECTION 4.  Section 54.627, Education Code, is amended to

4-20     read as follows:

4-21           Sec. 54.627.  CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY.  (a)  The purchaser of a

4-22     prepaid tuition contract may designate a new beneficiary instead of

4-23     the original beneficiary if the new beneficiary meets the

4-24     requirements of a beneficiary on the date the designation is

4-25     changed.  Except as provided by Subsection (b) [If the purchaser is

4-26     an individual], the new beneficiary must meet the requirements of

4-27     Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 so that the change

 5-1     of beneficiary is not treated as a distribution under that law [be

 5-2     a sibling, step-sibling, or half-sibling of the original

 5-3     beneficiary].

 5-4           (b)  If the purchaser is this state, a local government of

 5-5     this state, or an organization exempt from taxation under Section

 5-6     501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 because it is listed in

 5-7     Section 501(c)(3) of that code that purchases an interest in a

 5-8     prepaid tuition contract as part of a scholarship program operated

 5-9     by the government or organization, the purchaser may designate a

5-10     new beneficiary without regard to the relationship of the new

5-11     beneficiary to the original beneficiary.

5-12           (c) [(b)]  The board may adjust the terms of the contract so

5-13     that the purchaser is required to pay the amount the purchaser

5-14     would have been required to pay had the purchaser originally

5-15     designated the new beneficiary as the beneficiary, taking into

5-16     account any payments made before the date the designation is

5-17     changed.

5-18           (d) [(c)]  The purchaser of a prepaid tuition contract may

5-19     not sell the contract.

5-20           SECTION 5.  Section 54.632, Education Code, is amended by

5-21     adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:

5-22           (d)  The board shall comply with Section 529 of the Internal

5-23     Revenue Code of 1986 in imposing penalties for refunds and excess

5-24     amounts payable under Sections 54.619(d) and (e).

5-25           SECTION 6.  Section 54.633, Education Code, is amended to

5-26     read as follows:


 6-1     FOR [NEEDY] STUDENTS.  (a)  To the extent money is available, the

 6-2     board or the board of a direct-support organization established by

 6-3     the board under Subsection (e) may award a prepaid  higher

 6-4     education tuition scholarship to a student who meets:

 6-5                 (1)  economic or [and] academic requirements adopted by

 6-6     the board; or

 6-7                 (2)  economic or academic requirements established by

 6-8     the  board of a direct-support organization that are approved by

 6-9     the  board [by rule].

6-10           (b)  A scholarship awarded under this section terminates if

6-11     the student to whom the scholarship is awarded is:

6-12                 (1)  convicted of, or adjudicated as having engaged in

6-13     delinquent conduct constituting, an offense under Chapter 481,

6-14     Health and Safety Code; or

6-15                 (2)  convicted of, or adjudicated as having engaged in

6-16     delinquent conduct constituting, a felony or Class A misdemeanor.

6-17           (c)  The board shall ensure that each region of the state is

6-18     equitably represented in the awarding of scholarships under this

6-19     section.

6-20           (d)  Scholarships under this section may be [are] funded by

6-21     the private sector, the state, or a local government of the state.

6-22           (e)  The board may establish a direct-support organization

6-23     under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et

6-24     seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) to:

6-25                 (1)  receive, hold, invest, and administer money,

6-26     gifts, grants, loans, or other property for or on behalf of the

6-27     program; [and]

 7-1                 (2)  purchase and award scholarships under this

 7-2     section; and

 7-3                 (3)  establish economic and academic eligibility

 7-4     requirements that are approved by the board.

 7-5           (f)  The board of directors of the direct-support

 7-6     organization consists of:

 7-7                 (1)  the comptroller;

 7-8                 (2)  a member appointed by the governor with the advice

 7-9     and consent of the senate; and

7-10                 (3)  three members appointed jointly by the comptroller

7-11     and the member appointed by the governor.

7-12           (g)  The comptroller serves as executive director of the

7-13     board of the direct-support organization.  The comptroller shall:

7-14                 (1)  select and assign employees of the comptroller to

7-15     serve as the staff to the board of the direct-support organization;

7-16                 (2)  select and supervise the staff of the board of the

7-17     direct-support organization and perform other duties delegated to

7-18     the comptroller by the board of the direct-support organization;

7-19     and

7-20                 (3)  provide to the board of the direct-support

7-21     organization and to that board's staff, as necessary, information

7-22     regarding that board's qualifications for office or employment

7-23     under this subchapter and responsibilities under applicable laws

7-24     relating to standards of conduct for state officers or employees.

7-25           (h)  The board of the direct-support organization shall

7-26     develop and implement policies that clearly separate the

7-27     policy-making responsibilities  of the board of the direct-support

 8-1     organization and the management responsibilities of the comptroller

 8-2     and the staff of the board of the direct-support organization.

 8-3           (i) [(g)]  The board must certify that the direct-support

 8-4     organization operates in a manner consistent with the goals of this

 8-5     state and in the best interests of this state.

 8-6           (j) [(h)]  The board may contract with an independent

 8-7     certified public accountant to annually audit the direct-support

 8-8     organization under rules adopted by the board.  The board shall

 8-9     submit the audit to the comptroller, governor, lieutenant governor,

8-10     speaker of the house of representatives, Legislative Budget Board,

8-11     Legislative Audit Committee, state auditor, and Texas Higher

8-12     Education Coordinating Board.  The comptroller or state auditor may

8-13     require the direct-support organization or independent certified

8-14     public accountant to provide additional information relating to the

8-15     operation of the organization.

8-16           (k) [(i)]  The identity of a donor under this section who

8-17     desires to remain anonymous and the records of the direct-support

8-18     organization, other than the records disclosed under Subsection (j)

8-19     [(h)], are confidential.

8-20           (l)  A prepaid tuition contract may be purchased for

8-21     scholarship purposes under this section without identifying a

8-22     specific beneficiary.

8-23           (m)  In awarding a scholarship under this section, the

8-24     awarding entity may not award a scholarship using funds derived

8-25     from this state or a local government unless the awarding entity

8-26     determines, using sound actuarial principles, that awarding the

8-27     scholarship will not jeopardize the soundness of the fund or

 9-1     require an appropriation from the state to cover the tuition and

 9-2     required fees.

 9-3           SECTION 7.  Section 54.636(e), Education Code, is amended to

 9-4     read as follows:

 9-5           (e)  In making investments of the assets of the fund, the

 9-6     board shall exercise the judgment and care, under the circumstances

 9-7     at the time of the investment, that a person of ordinary prudence,

 9-8     discretion, and intelligence would exercise in the management of

 9-9     the person's own affairs, not for speculation but for making a

9-10     permanent disposition of funds, considering the probable income

9-11     from the disposition and the probable safety of capital  [The board

9-12     shall invest the assets of the fund in accordance with the Public

9-13     Funds Investment Act (Subchapter A, Chapter 2256, Government

9-14     Code)].

9-15           SECTION 8.  Section 54.639, Education Code, is amended to

9-16     read as follows:

9-17           Sec. 54.639.  EXEMPTION FROM CREDITORS' CLAIMS.  (a)  Money

9-18     in the fund is exempt from claims of creditors, including claims of

9-19     creditors of a purchaser, a [or]  beneficiary, or a successor in

9-20     interest of a purchaser or beneficiary.

9-21           (b)  The rights of a purchaser, beneficiary, or successor in

9-22     interest of a purchaser or beneficiary in and under a prepaid

9-23     tuition contract and the payment of tuition and required fees for a

9-24     beneficiary under a prepaid tuition contract to an institution of

9-25     higher education or a private or independent institution of higher

9-26     education under this chapter are exempt from attachment, levy,

9-27     garnishment, execution, and seizure for the satisfaction of any

 10-1    debt, judgment, or claim against a purchaser, beneficiary, or

 10-2    successor in interest of a purchaser or beneficiary.

 10-3          (c)  A claim or judgment against a purchaser, beneficiary, or

 10-4    a successor in interest of a purchaser or beneficiary does not

 10-5    impair or entitle the claim or judgment holder to assert or enforce

 10-6    a lien against:

 10-7                (1)  the rights of a purchaser, beneficiary, or

 10-8    successor in interest of a purchaser or beneficiary in and under a

 10-9    prepaid tuition contract; or

10-10                (2)  the right of a beneficiary to the payment of

10-11    tuition and required fees to an institution of higher education or

10-12    a private or independent institution of higher education under a

10-13    prepaid tuition contract.

10-14          SECTION 9.  Section 54.641(a), Education Code, is amended to

10-15    read as follows:

10-16          (a)  Not later than January [December] 1 of each year, the

10-17    board shall furnish without charge to each purchaser a statement

10-18    of:

10-19                (1)  the amount paid by the purchaser under the prepaid

10-20    tuition contract;

10-21                (2)  the number of credit hours originally covered by

10-22    the contract;

10-23                (3)  the number of credit hours remaining under the

10-24    contract; and

10-25                (4)  any other information the board determines by rule

10-26    is necessary or appropriate.

10-27          SECTION 10.  Section 54.643, Education Code, is amended by

 11-1    adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:

 11-2          (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,

 11-3    the board may release information to the Internal Revenue Service

 11-4    and to any state tax agencies as required by applicable tax law.

 11-5          SECTION 11.  Subchapter F, Chapter 54, Education Code, is

 11-6    amended by adding Section 54.644 to read as follows:

 11-7          Sec. 54.644.  TAX EXEMPT STATUS REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  The

 11-8    provisions of this section are intended to meet the requirements of

 11-9    Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

11-10          (b)  A payment of an amount due to the fund for a prepaid

11-11    tuition contract must be made in cash.  A person may not make a

11-12    payment to the fund in excess of the amounts required to be paid

11-13    under a prepaid tuition contract.

11-14          (c)  The board shall maintain a separate accounting for each

11-15    beneficiary.

11-16          (d)  The purchaser of a prepaid tuition contract and the

11-17    beneficiary of the contract may not control or direct the

11-18    investment of payments under the contract or any earnings of the

11-19    fund.

11-20          (e)  The purchaser of a prepaid tuition contract and the

11-21    beneficiary of the contract may not use any interest in the

11-22    contract as security for a loan or other obligation.

11-23          (f)  The board shall make reports required by the secretary

11-24    of the United States Treasury.

11-25          SECTION 12.  Section 54.638, Education Code, is repealed.

11-26          SECTION 13.  The comptroller shall study the feasibility of

11-27    and potential options for providing prepaid tuition and fees for

 12-1    residents of this state who may enroll in a graduate or

 12-2    professional degree program.  Not later than December 1, 1998, the

 12-3    comptroller shall report to the legislature the results of the

 12-4    study and make any recommendations for legislative or

 12-5    administrative action relating to the provision of prepaid tuition

 12-6    for graduate and professional degree programs.

 12-7          SECTION 14.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of

 12-8    this section, Sections 54.6261 and 54.6262, Education Code, as

 12-9    added by this Act, do not apply to a prepaid tuition contract

12-10    entered into before the effective date of this Act.

12-11          (b)  The Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board may permit

12-12    the purchaser of a prepaid tuition contract entered into before the

12-13    effective date of this Act to amend the contract to conform to

12-14    Sections 54.6261 and 54.6262, Education Code, as added by this Act.

12-15    The board may require the purchaser to make increased or additional

12-16    payments as necessary to compensate for any additional costs that

12-17    the board estimates will be incurred under the contract because of

12-18    the contract amendment.

12-19          SECTION 15.  The importance of this legislation and the

12-20    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

12-21    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

12-22    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

12-23    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

12-24    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

12-25    passage, and it is so enacted.

         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.B. No. 9 was passed by the House on March

         19, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 148, Nays 0, 1 present, not

         voting; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B.

         No. 9 on May 19, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House

               I certify that H.B. No. 9 was passed by the Senate, with

         amendments, on May 7, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 25, Nays

         4, 1 present, not voting.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

         APPROVED:  _____________________


