By Thompson                                      H.B. No. 316

      75R1282 JMM-D                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the creation of a record keeping system for assisting

 1-3     law enforcement in the location of missing children.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 79.001, Human Resources Code, is amended

 1-6     by adding Subdivisions (11) and (12) to read as follows:

 1-7                 (11)  "Birth certificate agency" means a county

 1-8     official that records and maintains birth certificates and the

 1-9     bureau of vital statistics.

1-10                 (12)  "School" means a public or private primary or

1-11     secondary school, including a home school.

1-12           SECTION 2.  Chapter 79, Human Resources Code, is amended by

1-13     adding Sections 79.017-79.021 to read as follows:

1-14           Sec. 79.017.  SCHOOL RECORDS SYSTEM.  (a)  On enrollment of a

1-15     child in a school for the first time at the school, the school

1-16     shall:

1-17                 (1)  request from the person enrolling the child the

1-18     name of each previous school attended by the child;

1-19                 (2)  request from each school identified in Subdivision

1-20     (1), the school records for the child and, if the person enrolling

1-21     the child provides copies of previous school records, request

1-22     verification from the school of the child's name, address, birth

1-23     date, and grades and dates attended; and

1-24                 (3)  notify the person enrolling the student that not

 2-1     later than the 30th day after enrollment, or the 90th day if the

 2-2     child was not born in the United States, the person must provide:

 2-3                       (A)  a certified copy of the child's birth

 2-4     certificate; or

 2-5                       (B)  other reliable proof of the child's identity

 2-6     and age and a signed statement explaining the person's inability to

 2-7     produce a copy of the child's birth certificate.

 2-8           (b)  A parent or guardian of a child who is being educated in

 2-9     a home school shall provide to the Texas Education Agency not later

2-10     than October 1 of the first year of the child's attendance at the

2-11     home school:

2-12                 (1)  a certified copy of the child's birth certificate;

2-13     or

2-14                 (2)  other reliable proof of the child's identity and

2-15     age and a signed statement explaining the person's inability to

2-16     produce a certified copy of the child's birth certificate.

2-17           (c)  If a person enrolls a child in school and does not

2-18     provide the valid prior school information or documentation

2-19     required by this section, the school or the Texas Education Agency,

2-20     as appropriate, shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency

2-21     before the 31st day after the person fails to comply with this

2-22     section.  On receipt of notification, the law enforcement agency

2-23     shall immediately check the clearinghouse to determine if the child

2-24     has been reported missing.  If the child has been reported missing,

2-25     the law enforcement agency shall immediately notify law enforcement

2-26     agencies in other states that the missing child has been located.


 3-1     MISSING CHILDREN'S RECORDS.  (a)  When a report that a child is

 3-2     missing is received by a law enforcement agency, the agency shall

 3-3     immediately notify each school and day care facility that the child

 3-4     attended or in which the child was enrolled as well as each birth

 3-5     certificate agency, if the child was born in the state, that the

 3-6     child is missing.

 3-7           (b)  A school, day care facility, or birth certificate agency

 3-8     that receives notice concerning a child under this section shall

 3-9     flag the child's records that are maintained by the school,

3-10     facility, or agency.

3-11           (c)  The law enforcement agency shall notify the

3-12     clearinghouse that the notification required under this section has

3-13     been made.  The clearinghouse shall provide the notice required

3-14     under this section if the clearinghouse determines that the

3-15     notification has not been made by the law enforcement agency.

3-16           (d)  If a missing child, who was the subject of a missing

3-17     child report made in this state, was born in or attended a school

3-18     or licensed day care facility in another state, the law enforcement

3-19     agency shall notify law enforcement or the missing and exploited

3-20     children clearinghouse in each appropriate state regarding the

3-21     missing child and request the law enforcement agency or

3-22     clearinghouse to contact the state and county agencies maintaining

3-23     birth certificates  and each school or licensed day care facility

3-24     the missing child attended to flag the missing child's records.

3-25           Sec. 79.019.  SYSTEM FOR FLAGGING RECORDS.  (a)  On receipt

3-26     of notification by a law enforcement agency or the clearinghouse

3-27     regarding a missing child, the school, day care facility, or birth

 4-1     certificate agency shall maintain the child's records in its

 4-2     possession so that on receipt of a request regarding the child, the

 4-3     school, day care facility, or agency will be able to notify law

 4-4     enforcement or the clearinghouse that a request for a flagged

 4-5     record has been made.

 4-6           (b)  When a request concerning a flagged record is made in

 4-7     person, the school, day care facility, or agency may not advise the

 4-8     requesting party that the request concerns a missing child and

 4-9     shall:

4-10                 (1)  require the person requesting the flagged record

4-11     to complete a form stating the person's name, address, telephone

4-12     number, social security number, and relationship to the child for

4-13     whom a request is made and the name, address, birth date, and

4-14     social security number of the child;

4-15                 (2)  obtain a copy of the requesting party's driver's

4-16     license or other photographic identification, if possible;

4-17                 (3)  if the request is for a birth certificate, inform

4-18     the requesting party that a copy of a certificate will be sent by

4-19     mail; and

4-20                 (4)  immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement

4-21     agency that a request has been made concerning a flagged record and

4-22     include a physical description of the requesting party, the

4-23     identity and address of the requesting party, and a copy of the

4-24     requesting party's driver's license or other photographic

4-25     identification.

4-26           (c)  After providing the notification required under

4-27     Subsection (a)(4), the school, day care facility, or agency shall

 5-1     mail a copy of the requested record to the requesting party on or

 5-2     after the 21st day after the date of the request.

 5-3           (d)  When a request concerning a flagged record is made in

 5-4     writing, the school, day care facility, or agency shall immediately

 5-5     notify the appropriate law enforcement agency that a request has

 5-6     been made concerning a flagged record and provide to the law

 5-7     enforcement agency a copy of the written request.  After providing

 5-8     the notification under this subsection, the school, day care

 5-9     facility, or agency shall mail a copy of the requested record to

5-10     the requesting party  on or after the 21st day after the date of

5-11     the request.

5-12           Sec. 79.020.  REMOVAL OF FLAG FROM RECORDS.  (a)  On the

5-13     return of a missing child, the law enforcement agency shall notify

5-14     each school, day care facility, or birth certificate agency that

5-15     has maintained flagged records for the child that the child is no

5-16     longer missing.  The law enforcement agency shall notify the

5-17     clearinghouse that notification under this section has been made.

5-18     The clearinghouse shall notify the school, day care facility, or

5-19     birth certificate agency that the missing child is no longer

5-20     missing if the clearinghouse determines that the notification was

5-21     not provided by the law enforcement agency.

5-22           (b)  On notification by the law enforcement agency or the

5-23     clearinghouse that a missing child has been recovered, the school,

5-24     day care facility, or birth certificate agency that maintained

5-25     flagged records shall remove the flag from the records.

5-26           (c)  A school, day care facility, or birth certificate agency

5-27     that has reason to believe a missing child has been recovered may

 6-1     request confirmation that the missing child has been recovered from

 6-2     the appropriate law enforcement agency or the clearinghouse.  If a

 6-3     response is not received after the 45th day after the date of the

 6-4     request for confirmation, the school, day care facility, or birth

 6-5     certificate agency may remove the flag from the record and shall

 6-6     inform the law enforcement agency or the clearinghouse that the

 6-7     flag has been removed.

 6-8           Sec. 79.021.  IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY.  A law enforcement

 6-9     agency, clearinghouse, school, day care facility, or birth

6-10     certificate agency and any person acting on behalf of a law

6-11     enforcement agency, clearinghouse, school, day care facility, or

6-12     birth certificate agency is immune from civil liability and

6-13     criminal prosecution for any act taken in good faith under this

6-14     chapter.

6-15           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

6-16           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the

6-17     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

6-18     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

6-19     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

6-20     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.