1-1     By:  Coleman, et al. (Senate Sponsor - Moncrief)       H.B. No. 580

 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House May 5, 1997;

 1-3     May 6, 1997, read first time and referred to Committee on

 1-4     Intergovernmental Relations; May 16, 1997, reported favorably, as

 1-5     amended, by the following vote:  Yeas 11, Nays 0; May 16, 1997,

 1-6     sent to printer.)

 1-7     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                             By:  Moncrief

 1-8           Amend H.B. No. 580 in SECTION 8 of the bill, in the second

 1-9     sentence of new Subsection (h) of Section 5, Article 9102, Revised

1-10     Statutes, by inserting "to which those standards apply" between

1-11     "for the state" and "comply with" (page 3, line 23).

1-12                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

1-13                                   AN ACT

1-14     relating to enforcement of laws relating to parking by, or

1-15     accessibility of facilities to, persons with disabilities.


1-17           SECTION 1.  Section 681.002, Transportation Code, is amended

1-18     by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:

1-19           (d)  A disabled parking placard must bear a hologram designed

1-20     to prevent the reproduction of the placard or the production of a

1-21     counterfeit placard.

1-22           SECTION 2.  Section 681.003, Transportation Code, is amended

1-23     by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read as

1-24     follows:

1-25           (c)  The first application must be accompanied by a notarized

1-26     written statement or written prescription of a physician licensed

1-27     to practice medicine in this state certifying and providing

1-28     evidence acceptable to the department [acceptable medical proof]

1-29     that the person making the application or on whose behalf the

1-30     application is made is legally blind or has a mobility problem that

1-31     substantially impairs the person's ability to ambulate.  The

1-32     statement or prescription must include a certification of whether

1-33     the disability is temporary or permanent.  The department shall

1-34     determine a person's eligibility based on evidence provided by the

1-35     applicant establishing legal blindness or mobility impairment

1-36     [operator or regularly transported passenger has a disability.  A

1-37     written statement from a physician is not required as acceptable

1-38     medical proof if:]

1-39                 [(1)  the person with a disability:]

1-40                       [(A)  has had a limb, hand, or foot amputated; or]

1-41                       [(B)  must use a wheelchair; and]

1-42                 [(2)  the applicant and the county assessor-collector

1-43     issuing the disabled parking placard execute an affidavit attesting

1-44     to the person's disability].

1-45           (d)  Information concerning the name or address of a person

1-46     to whom a disabled parking placard is issued or in whose behalf a

1-47     disabled parking placard is issued is confidential and not subject

1-48     to disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code.

1-49           SECTION 3.  Chapter 681, Transportation Code, is amended by

1-50     adding Section 681.0031 to read as follows:

1-51           Sec. 681.0031.  APPLICANT'S DRIVER'S LICENSE OR PERSONAL

1-52     IDENTIFICATION CARD NUMBER.  (a)  The applicant shall include on

1-53     the application the applicant's driver's license number or the

1-54     number of a personal identification card issued to the applicant

1-55     under Chapter 521.  The department shall provide for this

1-56     information in prescribing the application form.

1-57           (b)  The county assessor-collector shall record the number on

1-58     any disabled parking placard issued to the applicant.

1-59           SECTION 4.  Sections 681.004(c) and (d), Transportation Code,

1-60     are amended to read as follows:

1-61           (c)  A disabled parking placard issued to a person with a

1-62     permanent disability is valid for a [maximum] period of four [five]

1-63     years and shall [may] be replaced or renewed on request of the

1-64     person to whom the initial card was issued without presentation of

 2-1     evidence of eligibility.

 2-2           (d)  A disabled parking placard issued to a person with a

 2-3     temporary disability expires after the period set by the department

 2-4     and may be renewed at the end of that period if the disability

 2-5     remains as evidenced by a physician's statement or prescription

 2-6     submitted as required for a first application under Section

 2-7     681.003(c).

 2-8           SECTION 5.  Section 681.006(c), Transportation Code, is

 2-9     amended to read as follows:

2-10           (c)  The exemption provided by Subsection (b) does not apply

2-11     to a fee or penalty:

2-12                 (1)  imposed by a branch of the United States

2-13     government; or

2-14                 (2)  imposed by a governmental unit for parking at a

2-15     meter, in a parking garage or lot, or in a space located within the

2-16     boundaries of a municipal airport.

2-17           SECTION 6.  Chapter 681, Transportation Code, is amended by

2-18     adding Section 681.0101 to read as follows:


2-20     (a)  A political subdivision may appoint a person to have authority

2-21     to file a charge against a person who commits an offense under this

2-22     chapter.

2-23           (b)  A person appointed under this section must:

2-24                 (1)  be a United States citizen of good moral character

2-25     who has not been convicted of a felony;

2-26                 (2)  take and subscribe to an oath of office that the

2-27     political subdivision prescribes; and

2-28                 (3)  successfully complete a training program of at

2-29     least four hours in length developed by the political subdivision.

2-30           (c)  A person appointed under this section:

2-31                 (1)  is not a peace officer;

2-32                 (2)  has no authority other than the authority

2-33     applicable to a citizen to enforce a law other than this chapter;

2-34     and

2-35                 (3)  may not carry a weapon while performing duties

2-36     under this section.

2-37           (d)  A person appointed under this section is not entitled to

2-38     compensation for performing duties under this section or to

2-39     indemnification from the political subdivision or the state for

2-40     injury or property damage the person sustains or liability the

2-41     person incurs in performing duties under this section.

2-42           (e)  The political subdivision and the state are not liable

2-43     for any damage arising from an act or omission of a person

2-44     appointed under Subsection (a) in performing duties under this

2-45     section.

2-46           SECTION 7.  Chapter 681, Transportation Code, is amended by

2-47     adding Section 681.012 to read as follows:

2-48           Sec. 681.012.  SEIZURE AND REVOCATION OF PLACARD.  (a)  A law

2-49     enforcement officer who believes that an offense under Section

2-50     681.011(a) or (d) has occurred in the officer's presence shall

2-51     seize any disabled parking placard involved in the offense.  Not

2-52     later than 48 hours after the seizure, the officer shall determine

2-53     whether probable cause existed to believe that the offense was

2-54     committed.  If the officer does not find that probable cause

2-55     existed, the officer shall promptly return each placard to the

2-56     person from whom it was seized.  If the officer finds that probable

2-57     cause existed, the officer, not later than the fifth day after the

2-58     date of the seizure, shall submit each seized placard to the

2-59     department.

2-60           (b)  On submission to the department under Subsection (a), a

2-61     placard is revoked.  On request of the person from whom the placard

2-62     was seized, the department shall conduct a hearing and determine

2-63     whether the revocation should continue or the placard should be

2-64     returned to the person and the revocation rescinded.

2-65           SECTION 8.  Section 5, Article 9102, Revised Statutes, is

2-66     amended by amending Subsection (e) and adding Subsections (g) and

2-67     (h) to read as follows:

2-68           (e)  The commissioner may review plans and specifications,

2-69     make inspections, and issue certifications that structures not

 3-1     otherwise covered by this article are free of architectural

 3-2     barriers and in compliance with the provisions of this article.

 3-3     The department shall inspect each building and facility that has an

 3-4     estimated construction cost of $50,000 or more and that is subject

 3-5     to this article not later than the first anniversary of the date

 3-6     that construction or substantial renovation, modification, or

 3-7     alteration of the building or facility is completed.  [The

 3-8     department shall inspect each building that is subject to this

 3-9     article because of a lease to the state during the first year of

3-10     the lease.]

3-11           (g)  The standards and specifications adopted by the

3-12     commissioner under this article that apply specifically to a

3-13     building or facility occupied by a state agency involved in

3-14     extending direct services to persons with mobility impairments also

3-15     apply to a building or facility that is occupied by the Texas

3-16     Rehabilitation Commission.

3-17           (h)  Notwithstanding other provisions of this article, the

3-18     commissioner shall require complete compliance with the standards

3-19     and specifications prescribed or referenced by Subsection (g) of

3-20     this section.  The department and the General Services Commission

3-21     shall ensure that all buildings and facilities leased or built by

3-22     or for the state comply with those standards.  Notwithstanding

3-23     other provisions of this article, the department shall perform an

3-24     on-site inspection of all buildings and facilities to be leased by

3-25     the state before the building or facility is occupied by the state

3-26     for compliance with  all accessibility standards and specifications

3-27     adopted under this article.  The leasing agency or the General

3-28     Services Commission, as applicable, shall cancel the lease unless

3-29     the lessor brings into compliance any condition that the inspection

3-30     finds not to be in compliance with all applicable standards and

3-31     specifications not later than:

3-32                 (1)  the 60th day after the date the department

3-33     delivers the results of the inspection to the lessor or the

3-34     lessor's agent; or

3-35                 (2)  a later date established by the commissioner if

3-36     circumstances justify a later date.

3-37           SECTION 9.  (a)  In addition to the substantive changes in

3-38     law made by this Act, this Act conforms the Transportation Code to

3-39     changes in law made by Sections 1 and 3, Chapter 929, Acts of the

3-40     74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.

3-41           (b)  Sections 1 and 3, Chapter 929, Acts of the 74th

3-42     Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, are repealed.

3-43           (c)  To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails over

3-44     another Act of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997,

3-45     relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted

3-46     codes.

3-47           SECTION 10.  The changes in law made by Sections 1, 2, 3, and

3-48     4 of this Act apply only to a disabled parking placard issued or

3-49     renewed on or after the effective date of this Act.

3-50           SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

3-51           SECTION 12.  The importance of this legislation and the

3-52     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

3-53     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

3-54     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

3-55     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

3-56                                  * * * * *