1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to certain community centers.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Sections 534.001(c) and (f), Health and Safety

 1-5     Code, are amended to read as follows:

 1-6           (c)  A community center is:

 1-7                 (1)  an agency of the state, a governmental unit, and a

 1-8     unit of local government, as defined and specified by Chapters 101

 1-9     and 102, Civil Practice and Remedies Code; [and]

1-10                 (2)  a local government, as defined by Section 791.003,

1-11     Government Code;

1-12                 (3)  a local government for the purposes of Chapter

1-13     1084, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article

1-14     715c, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); and

1-15                 (4)  a political subdivision for the purposes of

1-16     Chapter 172, Local Government Code.

1-17           (f)  Each function performed by a community center under this

1-18     title is a governmental function if the function is required or

1-19     affirmatively approved by any statute of this state or of the

1-20     United States or by a regulatory agency of this state or of the

1-21     United States duly acting under any constitutional or statutory

1-22     authority vesting the agency with such power.  Notwithstanding any

1-23     other law, a community center is subject to Chapter 554, Government

1-24     Code.

 2-1           SECTION 2.  Chapter 534, Health and Safety Code, is amended

 2-2     by adding Subchapter C to read as follows:



 2-5     AUTHORITY.  (a)  One or more community centers may create or

 2-6     operate a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the laws of this state

 2-7     for the purpose of accepting capitated or other at-risk payment

 2-8     arrangements for the provision of services designated in a plan

 2-9     approved by the department under Subchapter A.

2-10           (b)  Before a nonprofit corporation organized or operating

2-11     under Subsection (a) accepts or enters into any capitated or other

2-12     at-risk payment arrangement for services designated in a plan

2-13     approved by the department under Subchapter A, the nonprofit

2-14     corporation must obtain the appropriate certificate of authority

2-15     from the Texas Department of Insurance to operate as a health

2-16     maintenance organization pursuant to the Texas Health Maintenance

2-17     Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).

2-18           (c)  Before submitting any bids, a nonprofit corporation

2-19     operating under this subchapter shall disclose in writing to the

2-20     department the  services to be provided by the community center

2-21     through any capitated or other at-risk payment arrangement by the

2-22     nonprofit corporation.  The department shall verify that the

2-23     services provided under any capitated or other at-risk payment

2-24     arrangement are within the scope of services approved by the

2-25     department in each community center's plan required under

2-26     Subchapter A.

2-27           (d)  The board shall:

 3-1                 (1)  provide for public notice of the nonprofit

 3-2     corporation's intent to submit a bid to provide or arrange services

 3-3     through a capitated or other at-risk payment arrangement through

 3-4     placement as a board agenda item on the next regularly scheduled

 3-5     board meeting that allows at least 15 days' public review of the

 3-6     plan; and

 3-7                 (2)  provide an opportunity for public comment on the

 3-8     services to be provided through such arrangements and on the

 3-9     consideration of local input into the plan.

3-10           (e)  The nonprofit corporation shall provide:

3-11                 (1)  public notice before verification and disclosure

3-12     of services to be provided by the community center through any

3-13     capitated or other at-risk payment arrangements by the nonprofit

3-14     corporation;

3-15                 (2)  an opportunity for public comment on the community

3-16     center services within the capitated or other at-risk payment

3-17     arrangements offered by the nonprofit corporation;

3-18                 (3)  published summaries of all relevant documentation

3-19     concerning community center services arranged through the nonprofit

3-20     corporation, including summaries of any similar contracts the

3-21     nonprofit corporation has entered into; and

3-22                 (4)  public access and review of all relevant

3-23     documentation.

3-24           (f)  A nonprofit corporation operating under this subchapter:

3-25                 (1)  is subject to the requirements of Chapters 551 and

3-26     552, Government Code;

3-27                 (2)  shall solicit public input on the operations of

 4-1     the nonprofit corporation and allow public access to information on

 4-2     the operations, including services, administration, governance,

 4-3     revenues, and expenses, on request unless disclosure is expressly

 4-4     prohibited by law or the information is confidential under law; and

 4-5                 (3)  shall publish an annual report detailing the

 4-6     services, administration, governance, revenues, and expenses of the

 4-7     nonprofit corporation, including the disposition of any excess

 4-8     revenues.

 4-9           Sec. 534.102.  LAWS AND RULES.  A nonprofit corporation

4-10     created or operated under this subchapter that obtains and holds a

4-11     valid certificate of authority as a health maintenance organization

4-12     may exercise the powers and authority and is subject to the

4-13     conditions and limitations provided by this subchapter, the Texas

4-14     Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas

4-15     Insurance Code), the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article

4-16     1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and rules of the

4-17     Texas Department of Insurance.

4-18           Sec. 534.103.  APPLICATION OF LAWS AND RULES.  A health

4-19     maintenance organization created and operating under this

4-20     subchapter is governed as, and is subject to the same laws and

4-21     rules of the Texas Department of Insurance as, any other health

4-22     maintenance organization of the same type.  The commissioner of

4-23     insurance may adopt rules as necessary to accept funding sources

4-24     other than the sources specified by Section 13, Texas Health

4-25     Maintenance Organization Act (Article 20A.13, Vernon's Texas

4-26     Insurance Code), from a nonprofit health maintenance organization

4-27     created and operating under this subchapter, to meet the minimum

 5-1     surplus requirements of that section.

 5-2           Sec. 534.104.  APPLICATION OF SPECIFIC LAWS.  (a)  A

 5-3     nonprofit health maintenance organization created under Section

 5-4     534.101 is a health care provider that is a  nonprofit health

 5-5     maintenance organization created and operated by a community center

 5-6     for purposes of Section 84.007(e), Civil Practice and Remedies

 5-7     Code.  The  nonprofit health maintenance organization is not a

 5-8     governmental unit or a unit of local government, for purposes of

 5-9     Chapters 101 and 102, Civil Practice and Remedies Code,

5-10     respectively, or a local government for purposes of Chapter 791,

5-11     Government Code.

5-12           (b)  Nothing in this subchapter precludes one or more

5-13     community centers from forming a nonprofit corporation under

5-14     Section 5.01, Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas

5-15     Civil Statutes), to provide services on a risk-sharing or capitated

5-16     basis as permitted under Article 21.52F, Insurance Code.

5-17           Sec. 534.105.  CONSIDERATION OF BIDS.  The department shall

5-18     give equal consideration to bids submitted by any entity, whether

5-19     it be public, for-profit, or nonprofit, if the department accepts

5-20     bids to provide services through a capitated or at-risk payment

5-21     arrangement and if the entities meet all other criteria as required

5-22     by the department.

5-23           SECTION 3.  Section 84.007(e), Civil Practice and Remedies

5-24     Code, is amended to read as follows:

5-25           (e)  Sections 84.005 and 84.006 of this chapter do not apply

5-26     to a health care provider as defined in the Medical Liability and

5-27     Insurance Improvement Act of Texas (Article 4590i, Vernon's Texas

 6-1     Civil Statutes), unless the provider is a federally funded migrant

 6-2     or community health center under the Public Health Service Act (42

 6-3     U.S.C.A. Sections 254(b) and (c)) or is a nonprofit health

 6-4     maintenance organization created and operated by a community center

 6-5     under Section 534.101, Health and Safety Code, or unless the

 6-6     provider usually provides discounted services at or below costs

 6-7     based on the ability of the beneficiary to pay.   Acceptance of

 6-8     Medicare or Medicaid payments will not disqualify a health care

 6-9     provider under this section.  In no event shall Sections 84.005 and

6-10     84.006 of this chapter apply to a general hospital or special

6-11     hospital as defined in Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, or a

6-12     facility or institution licensed under Subtitle C, Title 7, Health

6-13     and Safety Code, or Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, or to any

6-14     health maintenance organization created and operating under the

6-15     Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's

6-16     Texas Insurance Code), except for a nonprofit health maintenance

6-17     organization created under Section 534.101, Health and Safety Code.

6-18           SECTION 4.  The Texas Department of Insurance shall adopt

6-19     rules by September 1, 1997, that describe the procedures an entity

6-20     must follow and the standards an entity must meet to obtain a

6-21     certificate of authority as a single health care service plan

6-22     providing behavioral health care services.

6-23           SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

6-24           SECTION 6.  The importance of this legislation and the

6-25     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

6-26     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

6-27     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 7-1     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.B. No. 587 was passed by the House on April

         25, 1997, by a non-record vote; and that the House concurred in

         Senate amendments to H.B. No. 587 on May 25, 1997, by a non-record



                                                 Chief Clerk of the House

               I certify that H.B. No. 587 was passed by the Senate, with

         amendments, on May 23, 1997, by a viva-voce vote.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

         APPROVED:  _____________________


