1-1     By:  Averitt (Senate Sponsor - Sibley)                 H.B. No. 710

 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House April 14, 1997;

 1-3     April 18, 1997, read first time and referred to Committee on

 1-4     Economic Development; May 6, 1997, reported adversely, with

 1-5     favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays

 1-6     0; May 6, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 710                   By:  Sibley

 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-9                                   AN ACT

1-10     relating to the implementation of federal reforms and the Texas

1-11     Health Insurance Risk Pool.


1-13                     PART 1.  HEALTH INSURANCE RISK POOL

1-14           SECTION 1.01.  Section 2, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

1-15     amended to read as follows:

1-16           Sec. 2.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:

1-17                 (1)  "Benefits plan"  means coverage to  be  offered

1-18     by  the pool to eligible persons under Section 11 of this article.

1-19                 (2)  "Board" means the board of directors of the pool.

1-20                 (3)  "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of

1-21     Insurance.

1-22                 (4)  "Department" means the Texas Department of

1-23     Insurance.

1-24                 (5)  "Dependent" means a resident spouse or unmarried

1-25     child under the age of 18 years, a child who is a full-time student

1-26     under the age of 23 years and who is financially dependent upon the

1-27     parent, a child who is over 18 years of age and for whom a person

1-28     may be obligated to pay child support, or a child of any age who is

1-29     disabled and dependent upon the parent.

1-30                 (6)  "Family member" means a parent, grandparent,

1-31     brother, sister, or child of a dependent residing with the insured.

1-32                 (7)  "Health insurance" means individual or group

1-33     health insurance and includes any hospital and medical expense

1-34     incurred policy, a fraternal benefit society, a stipulated premium

1-35     company, an approved nonprofit health corporation, health

1-36     maintenance organization subscriber contract, coverage by a group

1-37     hospital service plan, a multiple employer welfare arrangement

1-38     subject to Subchapter I of this chapter, or any other health care

1-39     plan or arrangement that pays for or furnishes medical or health

1-40     care services whether by insurance or otherwise.  The term does not

1-41     include short-term, accident, dental-only, vision-only, fixed

1-42     indemnity, credit insurance or other limited benefit insurance,

1-43     coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance, insurance

1-44     arising out of a workers' compensation or similar law, automobile

1-45     medical-payment insurance, or insurance under which benefits are

1-46     payable with or without regard to fault and which is statutorily

1-47     required to be contained in any liability insurance policy or

1-48     equivalent self-insurance.

1-49                 (8)  "Health maintenance organization" means a health

1-50     maintenance organization that has a certificate of authority to

1-51     operate in this state under the Texas Health Maintenance

1-52     Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).

1-53                 (9)  "Hospital" means a licensed public or private

1-54     institution as defined by Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, and

1-55     any hospital owned or operated by the federal or state government.

1-56                 (10)  "Insured" means a person who is a resident of

1-57     this state and a citizen of the United States and who is eligible

1-58     to receive benefits from the pool.  The term "insured" may include

1-59     dependents and family members.

1-60                 (11)  "Insurer" means any entity that provides health

1-61     insurance in this state, including stop-loss or excess loss

1-62     insurance.  For the purposes of this Act, insurer includes but is

1-63     not limited to an insurance company; a health maintenance

1-64     organization operating under the Texas Health Maintenance

 2-1     Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code); an

 2-2     approved nonprofit health corporation; a fraternal benefit society;

 2-3     a stipulated premium insurance company; a group hospital service

 2-4     corporation subject to Chapter 20 of this code; a multiple employer

 2-5     welfare arrangement subject to Article 3.95-1, et seq. of this

 2-6     code; a surplus lines carrier; an insurer providing stop-loss or

 2-7     excess loss insurance to physicians, health care providers,

 2-8     hospitals, or to any benefit arrangements to the extent permitted

 2-9     by Section 3, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29

2-10     U.S.C. Section 1002); and any other entity providing a plan of

2-11     health insurance or health benefits subject to state insurance

2-12     regulation.

2-13                 (12)  "Insurance arrangement" means a plan, program,

2-14     contract, or other arrangement through which health care services

2-15     are provided by an employer to its officers, employees, or other

2-16     personnel but does not include health care services covered through

2-17     an insurer.

2-18                 (13)  "Medicare" means coverage provided by Part A and

2-19     Part B, Title XVII, Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1395 et

2-20     seq.).

2-21                 (14)  "Physician" means a person licensed to practice

2-22     medicine in this state under the Medical Practice Act (Article

2-23     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).

2-24                 (15)  "Plan of operation" means the plan of operation

2-25     of the pool and includes the articles, bylaws, and operating rules

2-26     of the pool that are adopted by the board under Section 5 of this

2-27     article.

2-28                 (16)  "Pool" means the Texas Health Insurance Risk

2-29     Pool.

2-30                 (17)  "Resident" means:

2-31                       (a)  an individual who has been legally domiciled

2-32     in Texas for a minimum of 30 days for persons eligible for

2-33     enrollment in the Pool under Section 10(a)(1), (2), (3), or (5) of

2-34     this article; or

2-35                       (b)  an individual who is legally domiciled in

2-36     Texas for persons eligible for enrollment in the Pool under Section

2-37     10(a)(4) of this article.

2-38                 [(1)  "Pool" means the Texas Health Insurance Risk

2-39     Pool.]

2-40                 [(2)  "Board" means the board of directors of the pool.]

2-41                 [(3)  "Insurance board" means the State Board of

2-42     Insurance.]

2-43                 [(4)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of

2-44     insurance.]

2-45                 [(5)  "Insured" means a person who is a resident of

2-46     this state and who is eligible to receive benefits from an insurer

2-47     or insurance arrangement.]

2-48                 [(6)  "Insurer" means an insurance company authorized

2-49     to transact a health insurance business in this state, including a

2-50     group hospital service corporation subject to Chapter 20 of this

2-51     code and a health maintenance organization operating under the

2-52     Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's

2-53     Texas Insurance Code).]

2-54                 [(7)  "Insurance arrangement" means a plan, program,

2-55     contract, or other arrangement through which health care services

2-56     are provided by an employer to its officers, employees, or other

2-57     personnel but does not include health care services covered through

2-58     an insurer.]

2-59                 [(8)  "Health insurance" means individual or group

2-60     health insurance coverage and includes a medical expense incurred

2-61     or hospital insurance coverage, or coverage by a group hospital

2-62     service plan or health maintenance organization.  "Health

2-63     insurance" does not include short-term insurance, accident-only

2-64     insurance, coverage that is supplemental to liability insurance, or

2-65     workers' compensation insurance.]

2-66                 [(9)  "Medicare" means coverage provided by Part A and

2-67     Part B, Title XVII, Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1395 et

2-68     seq.)].

2-69                 [(10)  "Physician" means a person licensed to practice

 3-1     medicine in this state under the Medical Practice Act (Article

 3-2     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).]

 3-3                 [(11)  "Hospital" means a licensed public or private

 3-4     institution as defined by the Texas Hospital Licensing Law Chapter

 3-5     241, Health  and Safety Code and any hospital owned or operated by

 3-6     the federal or state government.]

 3-7                 [(12)  "Health maintenance organization" means a health

 3-8     maintenance organization that has a certificate of authority to

 3-9     operate in this state under the Texas Health Maintenance

3-10     Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).]

3-11                 [(13)  "Plan of operation" means the plan of operation

3-12     of the pool and includes the articles, bylaws, and operating rules

3-13     of the pool that are adopted by the board under Section 5 of this

3-14     article.]

3-15                 [(14)  "Benefits plan" means coverage to be offered by

3-16     the pool to eligible persons under Section 11 of this article.]

3-17                 [(15)  "Net premiums" means premiums charged by the

3-18     pool less administrative expense allowances.]

3-19           SECTION 1.02.  Section 4, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

3-20     amended by amending Subsections (b)-(e) and (g) and by adding

3-21     Subsection (h) to read as follows:

3-22           (b)  The commissioner [insurance board] shall appoint members

3-23     of the board for staggered six-year terms as provided by this

3-24     section.

3-25           (c)  The board shall be [is] composed of:

3-26                 (1)  at least two persons [one person] affiliated with

3-27     an insurer [insurance company] admitted and authorized to write

3-28     health insurance in this state, but no more than four such persons;

3-29                 (2)  at least two persons who are insureds or parents

3-30     of insureds or who are reasonably expected to qualify for coverage

3-31     by the pool; [one person affiliated with a group hospital service

3-32     corporation operating under Chapter 20 of this code;]

3-33                 (3)  the remaining members of the board may be selected

3-34     from individuals such as a [one] physician licensed to practice in

3-35     this state by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, a [;

3-36     (4)  one] hospital administrator, an [; (5)  one] advanced nurse

3-37     practitioner, or[; and (6)  four] representatives of the general

3-38     public who are not employed by or affiliated with an insurance

3-39     company or plan, group hospital service corporation, or health

3-40     maintenance organization or licensed as or employed by or

3-41     affiliated with a physician, hospital, or other health care

3-42     provider.  A [(d)  The limitation on who may be a] representative

3-43     of the general public does [not] include a person whose only

3-44     affiliation with an insurance company or plan, group hospital

3-45     service corporation, or health maintenance organization is as an

3-46     insured or person who has coverage through a plan provided by the

3-47     corporation or organization.

3-48           (d)  For purposes of this section, an individual required to

3-49     register with the secretary of state under Chapter 305, Government

3-50     Code, because of the individual's activities with respect to health

3-51     insurance-related matters is a person affiliated with an insurer.

3-52           (e)  If a vacancy occurs on the board, the commissioner

3-53     [insurance board] shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term

3-54     with a person who has the appropriate qualifications to fill that

3-55     position on the board.

3-56           (g)  The commissioner [insurance board] shall designate one

3-57     of its appointees to the board to serve as chairman.  The chairman

3-58     serves in that capacity at the pleasure of the commissioner

3-59     [insurance board].

3-60           (h)  A member of the board of directors is not liable for an

3-61     action or omission performed in good faith in the performance of

3-62     powers and duties under this article, and cause of action does not

3-63     arise against a member for the action or omission.

3-64           SECTION 1.03.  Section 5, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

3-65     amended to read as follows:

3-66           Sec. 5.  Plan of Operation.  (a)  The pool's initial board

3-67     shall submit to the commissioner [insurance board] a plan of

3-68     operation for the pool that will assure the fair, reasonable, and

3-69     equitable administration of the pool.

 4-1           (b)  In addition to the other requirements of this article,

 4-2     the plan of operation must include procedures for:

 4-3                 (1)  operation of the pool;

 4-4                 (2)  selecting an administrator as provided under

 4-5     Section 7 of this article;

 4-6                 (3)  creating a fund, under management of the board,

 4-7     for administrative expenses;

 4-8                 (4)  handling, [and] accounting, and auditing of [for]

 4-9     money and other assets of the pool; [and]

4-10                 (5) [(2)]  developing and implementing a program to

4-11     publicize [provide public information regarding] the existence of

4-12     the pool, the eligibility requirements for coverage under the pool,

4-13     [and] enrollment procedures, and to foster public awareness of the

4-14     plan;

4-15                 (6)  creation of a grievance committee to review

4-16     complaints presented by applicants for coverage from the pool and

4-17     insureds who receive coverage from the pool; and

4-18                 (7)  other matters as may be necessary and proper for

4-19     the execution of the board's powers, duties, and obligations under

4-20     this article.

4-21           (c)  After notice and hearing, the commissioner [insurance

4-22     board] shall approve the plan of operation if it is determined

4-23     [determines] that the plan is suitable to assure the fair,

4-24     reasonable, and equitable administration of the pool.

4-25           (d)  The plan of operation takes effect on the date it is

4-26     approved by commissioner [insurance board] order.

4-27           (e)  If the initial board fails to submit a suitable plan of

4-28     operation before the 180th day following the appointment of the

4-29     initial board, the commissioner [insurance board], after notice and

4-30     hearing, may adopt all necessary and reasonable rules to provide a

4-31     plan for the pool.  The rules adopted under this subsection shall

4-32     continue in effect until the initial board submits, and the

4-33     commissioner [insurance board] approves, a plan of operation under

4-34     this section.

4-35           (f)  The board shall amend the plan of operation as necessary

4-36     to carry out this article.  Amendments to the plan of operation

4-37     must be approved by the commissioner [insurance board] before they

4-38     become part of the plan.

4-39           SECTION 1.04.  Section 6, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

4-40     amended to read as follows:

4-41           Sec. 6.  Authority of the Pool.  (a)  The pool may exercise

4-42     any of the authority that an insurance company authorized to write

4-43     health insurance in this state may exercise under the law of this

4-44     state[, except the pool may not provide group insurance coverage].

4-45           (b)  As part of its authority, the pool may:

4-46                 (1)  provide [individual] health benefits coverage to

4-47     persons who are eligible for that coverage under this article;

4-48                 (2)  enter into contracts that are necessary to carry

4-49     out this article including, with the approval of the commissioner,

4-50     entering into contracts with similar pools in other states for the

4-51     joint performance of common administrative functions or with other

4-52     organizations for the performance of administrative functions;

4-53                 (3)  sue or be sued, including taking any legal actions

4-54     necessary or proper to recover or collect assessments due the pool;

4-55                 (4)  institute any legal action necessary to avoid

4-56     payment of improper claims against the pool or the coverage

4-57     provided by or through the pool to recover any amounts erroneously

4-58     or improperly paid by the pool, to recover any amounts paid by the

4-59     pool as a mistake of fact or law, and to recover other amounts due

4-60     the pool;

4-61                 (5)  establish appropriate rates, rate schedules, rate

4-62     adjustments, expense allowances, agents' referral fees, and claim

4-63     reserve formulas and perform any actuarial functions appropriate to

4-64     the operation of the pool;

4-65                 (6)  adopt policy forms, endorsements, and riders and

4-66     applications for coverage;

4-67                 (7)  issue insurance policies subject to this article

4-68     and the plan of operation;

4-69                 (8)  appoint appropriate legal, actuarial, and other

 5-1     committees that are necessary to provide technical assistance in

 5-2     operating the pool and performing any of the functions of the pool;

 5-3     [and]

 5-4                 (9)  employ and set the compensation of any persons

 5-5     necessary to assist the pool in carrying out its responsibilities

 5-6     and functions;

 5-7                 (10)  contract for stop-loss insurance for risks

 5-8     incurred by the pool;

 5-9                 (11)  recover or collect assessments imposed under

5-10     Section 13 of this article;

5-11                 (12)  borrow money as necessary to implement the

5-12     purposes of the pool;

5-13                 (13)  issue additional types of health insurance

5-14     policies to provide optional coverages which comply with applicable

5-15     provisions of state and federal law, including Medicare

5-16     supplemental health insurance;

5-17                 (14)  provide for and employ cost containment measures

5-18     and requirements including, but not limited to, preadmission

5-19     screening, second surgical opinion, concurrent utilization review

5-20     subject to Article 21.58A of this code, and individual case

5-21     management for the purpose of making the benefit plans more cost

5-22     effective;

5-23                 (15)  design, utilize, contract, or otherwise arrange

5-24     for the delivery of cost-effective health care services, including

5-25     establishing or contracting with preferred provider organizations

5-26     and health maintenance organizations; and

5-27                 (16)  provide for reinsurance on either a facultative

5-28     or treaty basis or both.

5-29           (c)  The board shall promulgate a list of medical or health

5-30     conditions for which a person shall be eligible for pool coverage

5-31     without applying for health insurance.  The list shall be effective

5-32     on the first day of the operation of the pool and may be amended

5-33     from time to time as may be appropriate.

5-34           (d)  Not later than June 1 of each year, the board shall make

5-35     an annual report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the

5-36     speaker of the house of representatives, and the commissioner.  The

5-37     report shall summarize the activities of the pool in the preceding

5-38     calendar year, including information regarding net written and

5-39     earned premiums, plan enrollment, administration expenses, and paid

5-40     and incurred losses.

5-41           SECTION 1.05.  Section 7, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

5-42     amended by amending the heading and Subsections (a), (b), and (e)

5-43     to read as follows:

5-44           Sec. 7.  ADMINISTRATOR [ADMINISTERING INSURER].  (a)  After

5-45     completing a competitive bidding process as provided by the plan of

5-46     operation, the board may [shall] select one or more insurers or a

5-47     third party administrator certified by the department [State Board

5-48     of Insurance] to administer the pool.

5-49           (b)  The board shall establish criteria for evaluating the

5-50     bids submitted.  The criteria must include:

5-51                 (1)  an insurer's or third party administrator's proven

5-52     ability to handle individual accident and health insurance;

5-53                 (2)  the efficiency of an insurer's or third party

5-54     administrator's claims paying procedures;

5-55                 (3)  an estimate of total charges for administering the

5-56     pool; [and]

5-57                 (4)  an insurer's or third party administrator's

5-58     ability to administer the pool in a cost-efficient manner; and

5-59                 (5)  the financial condition and stability of the

5-60     insurer or third party administrator.

5-61           (e)  The administering insurer or third party administrator

5-62     shall perform such functions relating to the pool as may be

5-63     assigned to it, including:

5-64                 (1)  perform eligibility and administrative claims

5-65     payment functions for the pool;

5-66                 (2)  establish a billing procedure for collection of

5-67     premiums from persons insured by the pool;

5-68                 (3)  perform functions necessary to assure timely

5-69     payment of benefits to persons covered under the pool, including:

 6-1                       (A)  providing information relating to the proper

 6-2     manner of submitting a claim for benefits to the pool and

 6-3     distributing claim forms; and

 6-4                       (B)  evaluating the eligibility of each claim for

 6-5     payment by the pool;

 6-6                 (4)  submit regular reports to the board relating to

 6-7     the operation of the pool; and

 6-8                 (5)  determine after the close of each calendar year

 6-9     the net written and earned premiums, expense of administration, and

6-10     paid and incurred losses of the pool for that calendar year and

6-11     report this information to the board and the commissioner

6-12     [insurance board] on forms prescribed by the commissioner.

6-13           SECTION 1.06.  Section 8, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

6-14     amended to read as follows:

6-15           Sec. 8.  RULES [RULEMAKING AUTHORITY].  The commissioner may

6-16     by rule establish additional powers and duties of the board and may

6-17     adopt other rules as are necessary and proper to implement this

6-18     article.  The commissioner by rule shall provide the procedures,

6-19     criteria, and forms necessary to implement, collect, and deposit

6-20     assessments made and collected under Section 13.  [The board may

6-21     adopt rules it determines necessary to carry out this article and

6-22     other laws of this state under which it is authorized to operate.]

6-23           SECTION 1.07.  Sections 9(b), (d), and (e), Article 3.77,

6-24     Insurance Code, are amended to read as follows:

6-25           (b)  Rates and rate schedules may be adjusted for appropriate

6-26     risk factors including age and variation in claim costs, and the

6-27     board may consider [shall take into consideration] appropriate risk

6-28     factors in accordance with established actuarial and underwriting

6-29     practices.

6-30           (d)  The pool shall determine the standard risk rate by

6-31     considering the premium rates charged by other insurers offering

6-32     health insurance coverage to individuals.  The standard risk rate

6-33     shall be established using reasonable actuarial techniques, and

6-34     shall reflect anticipated experience and expenses for such

6-35     coverage.  Initial pool rates may not be less than 125 percent and

6-36     may not exceed 150 percent of rates established as applicable for

6-37     individual standard rates.  Subsequent rates [calculating the

6-38     average individual standard rate charged by the five largest

6-39     insurers offering coverage in this state comparable to the pool

6-40     coverage.  If five insurers do not offer comparable coverage, the

6-41     standard risk rate shall be established using reasonable current

6-42     actuarial techniques and shall reflect anticipated experience and

6-43     expenses for that type of coverage.  Rates] shall be established to

6-44     provide fully for the expected costs of claims including recovery

6-45     of prior losses, expenses of operation, investment income of claim

6-46     reserves, and any other cost factors subject to the limitations

6-47     described in this subsection.  In no event shall pool [Pool] rates

6-48     [may not be less than 150 percent, and may not] exceed 200

6-49     percent[,] of rates applicable to individual standard risks.

6-50           (e)  All rates and rate schedules shall be submitted to the

6-51     commissioner [insurance board] for approval, and the commissioner

6-52     [insurance board] must approve the rates and rate schedules of the

6-53     pool before they are used by the pool.  The commissioner [insurance

6-54     board] in evaluating the rates and rate schedules of the pool shall

6-55     consider the factors provided by this section. [The insurance board

6-56     by rule may adopt necessary procedures, criteria, and forms for the

6-57     submission and approval of the pool's rates and rate schedules.]

6-58           SECTION 1.08.  Section 10, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

6-59     amended to read as follows:

6-60           Sec. 10.  ELIGIBILITY FOR COVERAGE.  (a)  Any individual

6-61     person who is and continues to be a resident of Texas and a citizen

6-62     of the United States shall be eligible for coverage from the pool

6-63     if evidence is provided of:

6-64                 (1)  a notice of rejection or refusal to issue

6-65     substantially similar insurance for health reasons by two insurers.

6-66     A rejection or refusal by an insurer offering only stop-loss,

6-67     excess loss, or reinsurance coverage with respect to the applicant

6-68     shall not be sufficient evidence under this subsection;

6-69                 (2)  an offer to issue insurance only with conditional

 7-1     riders;

 7-2                 (3)  a refusal by an insurer to issue insurance except

 7-3     at a rate exceeding the pool rate;

 7-4                 (4)  the individual has maintained health insurance

 7-5     coverage for the previous 18 months with no gap in coverage greater

 7-6     than 63 days of which the most recent coverage was through an

 7-7     employer sponsored plan; or

 7-8                 (5)  diagnosis of the individual with one of the

 7-9     medical or health conditions listed by the board under Section 6(c)

7-10     of this article and for which a person shall be eligible for pool

7-11     coverage without applying for health insurance coverage.  [Except

7-12     as provided by Subsection (b) of this section, a person who is a

7-13     resident of this state and who is diagnosed as having a condition

7-14     designated as uninsurable by the board or who provides proof

7-15     acceptable to the board from his insurer that he has been

7-16     determined to be a substandard risk for whom the insurer's premium

7-17     would exceed the premium charged by the pool is entitled to

7-18     coverage from the pool.]

7-19           (b)  Each dependent of a person who is eligible for coverage

7-20     from the pool shall also be eligible for coverage from the pool.

7-21     In the instance of a child who is the primary insured, resident

7-22     family members shall also be eligible for coverage.

7-23           (c)  A person may maintain pool coverage for the period of

7-24     time the person is satisfying a preexisting waiting period under

7-25     another health insurance policy or insurance arrangement intended

7-26     to replace the pool policy.

7-27           (d)  A person is not eligible for coverage from the pool if

7-28     the person:

7-29                 (1)  has in effect on the date pool coverage takes

7-30     effect health insurance coverage from an insurer or insurance

7-31     arrangement;

7-32                 (2)  is eligible for other health care benefits at the

7-33     time application is made to the pool, including COBRA continuation,

7-34     except:

7-35                       (A)  Coverage, including COBRA continuation,

7-36     other continuation or conversion coverage, maintained for the

7-37     period of time the person is satisfying any pre-existing condition

7-38     waiting period under a pool policy; or

7-39                       (B)  Employer group coverage conditioned by the

7-40     limitations described by Subsections (a)(1) and (2) of this

7-41     Section; or

7-42                       (C)  Individual coverage conditioned by the

7-43     limitations described by Subsections (a)(1)-(3) of this Section;

7-44                 (3)  has terminated coverage in the pool within 12

7-45     months of the date that application is made to the pool, unless the

7-46     person demonstrates a good faith reason for the termination;

7-47                       (4)  [has had benefits paid by the pool on his

7-48     behalf in the amount of $500,000;]

7-49                 [(5)] is confined in a county jail or imprisoned in a

7-50     state prison;

7-51                 (5)  the person's premiums are paid for or reimbursed

7-52     under any government sponsored program or by any government agency

7-53     or health care provider, except as an otherwise qualifying

7-54     full-time employee, or dependent thereof, of a government agency or

7-55     health care provider; or

7-56                 (6)  the person has not had prior coverage with the

7-57     pool terminated for nonpayment of premiums or fraud [is eligible

7-58     for benefits under Medicare, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code, or

7-59     Chapter 35, Health and Safety Code].

7-60           (e)  Pool coverage shall cease:

7-61                 (1)  on the date a person is no longer a resident of

7-62     this state, except for a child who is a student under the age of 23

7-63     years and who is financially dependent upon the parent, a child for

7-64     whom a person may be obligated to pay child support, or a child of

7-65     any age who is disabled and dependent upon the parent;

7-66                 (2)  on  the  date  a  person  requests  coverage  to

7-67     end;

7-68                 (3)  upon the death of the covered person;

7-69                 (4)  on the date state law requires cancellation of the

 8-1     policy;

 8-2                 (5)  at the option of the pool, 30 days after the pool

 8-3     sends to the person any inquiry concerning the person's

 8-4     eligibility, including an inquiry concerning the person's

 8-5     residence, to which the person does not reply;

 8-6                 (6)  on the 31st day after the day on which a premium

 8-7     payment for pool coverage becomes due if the payment is not made

 8-8     before that date; or

 8-9                 (7)  at such time as the person ceases to meet the

8-10     eligibility requirements of this section.

8-11           (f) [(c)]  A person who ceases to meet the eligibility

8-12     requirements of this section, may have his coverage terminated at

8-13     the end of the policy period.

8-14           [(d)  A person whose health insurance coverage is

8-15     involuntarily terminated for any reason other than nonpayment of

8-16     premium and who is not eligible for conversion under the terminated

8-17     coverage is eligible to apply for coverage under the plan.  If

8-18     application is made for the coverage not later than the 60th day

8-19     after the involuntary termination and if premiums are paid for the

8-20     entire coverage period, the effective date of coverage is the

8-21     termination date of the previous coverage.]

8-22           SECTION 1.09.  Section 11, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is

8-23     amended to read as follows:

8-24           Sec. 11.  Minimum Pool Benefits.  (a)  The pool shall offer

8-25     pool coverage consistent with major medical expense coverage to

8-26     each eligible person who is not eligible for Medicare.  The board,

8-27     with the approval of the commissioner, shall establish:

8-28                 (1)  the coverages to be provided by the pool;

8-29                 (2)  the applicable schedules of benefits; and

8-30                 (3)  any exclusions to coverage and other limitations.

8-31     [to each person who is eligible under Section 10 of this article.

8-32     The pool coverage shall be for covered expenses as follows:]

8-33                 [(1)  hospital services;]

8-34                 [(2)  professional services for the diagnosis or

8-35     treatment of injuries, illnesses, or conditions, other than mental

8-36     or dental, which are rendered by a physician, or by other licensed

8-37     professionals at his direction;]

8-38                 [(3)  drugs requiring a physician's prescription;]

8-39                 [(4)  services of a licensed skilled nursing facility

8-40     for not more than 120 days during a policy year;]

8-41                 [(5)  services of a home health agency up to a maximum

8-42     of 270 services per year;]

8-43                 [(6)  use of radium or other radioactive materials;]

8-44                 [(7)  oxygen;]

8-45                 [(8)  anesthetics;]

8-46                 [(9)  prostheses other than dental;]

8-47                 [(10)  rental of durable medical equipment, other than

8-48     eyeglasses and hearing aids, for which there is no personal use in

8-49     the absence of the conditions for which it is prescribed;]

8-50                 [(11)  diagnostic X rays and laboratory tests;]

8-51                 [(12)  oral surgery for excision of partially or

8-52     completely unerupted, impacted teeth or the gums and tissues of the

8-53     mouth when not performed in connection with the extraction or

8-54     repair of teeth;]

8-55                 [(13)  services of a licensed physical therapist;]

8-56                 [(14)  transportation provided by a licensed ambulance

8-57     service to the nearest facility qualified to treat the condition;

8-58     and]

8-59                 [(15)  services for diagnosis and treatment of mental

8-60     and nervous disorders, provided that the insured is required to

8-61     make a 50 percent copayment, and that the payment of the pool does

8-62     not exceed $4,000 for outpatient psychiatric treatment.]

8-63           (b)  The benefits provisions of the pool's health benefits

8-64     coverages must include the following:

8-65                 (1)  all required or applicable definitions;

8-66                 (2)  a list of any exclusions or limitations to

8-67     coverage;

8-68                 (3)  a description of covered services required under

8-69     the pool; and

 9-1                 (4)  the deductibles, coinsurance options, and

 9-2     copayment options that are required or permitted under the pool.

 9-3           (c)  [Covered expenses under Subsection (a) of this section

 9-4     do not include:]

 9-5                 [(1)  any charge for treatment for cosmetic purposes

 9-6     other than surgery for the repair or treatment of an injury or a

 9-7     congenital bodily defect to restore normal bodily functions;]

 9-8                 [(2)  care which is primarily for custodial or

 9-9     domiciliary purposes;]

9-10                 [(3)  any charge for confinement in a private room to

9-11     the extent it is in excess of the institution's charge for its most

9-12     common semiprivate room, unless a private room is prescribed as

9-13     medically necessary by a physician;]

9-14                 [(4)  that part of any charge for services rendered or

9-15     articles prescribed by a physician, dentist, or other health care

9-16     personnel that exceeds the prevailing charge in the locality or for

9-17     any charge not medically necessary;]

9-18                 [(5)  any charge for services or articles that

9-19     provision of which is not within the scope of authorized practice

9-20     of the institution or individual providing the services or

9-21     articles;]

9-22                 [(6)  any expense incurred prior to the effective date

9-23     of coverage by the pool for the person on whose behalf the expense

9-24     is incurred;]

9-25                 [(7)  dental care except as provided in Subsection

9-26     (a)(12) of this section;]

9-27                 [(8)  eyeglasses and hearing aids;]

9-28                 [(9)  illness or injury due to acts of war;]

9-29                 [(10)  services of blood donors and any fee for failure

9-30     to replace the first three pints of blood provided to an eligible

9-31     person each policy year; and]

9-32                 [(11)  personal supplies or services provided by a

9-33     hospital or nursing home or any other nonmedical or nonprescribed

9-34     supply or service.]

9-35           [(c)  Under this section, "covered expenses" includes only

9-36     those expenses for the prevailing charge in the locality for the

9-37     items listed in Subsection (a) of this section if prescribed by a

9-38     physician and determined by the pool to be medically necessary.]

9-39           [(d)  In authorizing pool coverage, the board must consider

9-40     levels of health insurance provided in the state and medical

9-41     economic factors that are considered appropriate and, subject to

9-42     the limitations provided by this section, shall adopt benefit

9-43     levels, deductibles, coinsurance factors, exclusions, and

9-44     limitations determined to be generally reflective of and

9-45     commensurate with health insurance provided through a

9-46     representative number of large employers in the state.]

9-47           [(e)  Pool coverage under this section shall provide both a

9-48     low deductible of not less than $250 per person and $500 per family

9-49     a year and appropriate higher deductibles to be selected by the

9-50     pool applicant.  The board shall purchase stop-loss coverage for

9-51     the pool in amounts determined by the board but not more than

9-52     $2,000 per person or $4,000 per family covered by the pool.] The

9-53     board may adjust deductibles, the amounts of stop-loss coverage,

9-54     and the time periods governing preexisting conditions under Section

9-55     12 [Subsection (f)] of this article [section] to preserve the

9-56     financial integrity of the pool.  If the board makes such an

9-57     adjustment it shall report in writing that adjustment together with

9-58     its reasons for the adjustment to the commissioner [insurance board

9-59     and Legislative Budget Board].  The report must be submitted not

9-60     later than the 30th day after the date the adjustment is made.

9-61           [(f)  Pool coverage must exclude charges or expenses incurred

9-62     during the first six months following the effective date of

9-63     coverage with regard to any condition that during the six-month

9-64     period preceding the effective date of coverage:]

9-65                 [(1)  had manifested itself in a manner that would

9-66     cause an ordinarily prudent person to seek diagnosis, care, or

9-67     treatment; or]

9-68                 [(2)  for which medical advice, care, or treatment was

9-69     recommended or received.]

 10-1          [(g)  Preexisting condition exclusions shall be waived to the

 10-2    extent to which similar exclusions, if any, have been satisfied

 10-3    under any previous health insurance coverage, health insurance

 10-4    pool, or self-insured health or welfare benefits plan that was

 10-5    involuntarily terminated, if application for pool coverage is made

 10-6    not later than the 31st day after involuntary termination.  In that

 10-7    case, coverage in the pool is effective from the date on which the

 10-8    previous coverage was terminated.]

 10-9          (d) [(h)]  Benefits otherwise payable under pool coverage

10-10    shall be reduced by amounts paid or payable through any other

10-11    health insurance, or insurance arrangement, and by all hospital and

10-12    medical expense benefits paid or payable under any workers'

10-13    compensation coverage, automobile insurance whether provided on the

10-14    basis of fault or no-fault, and by any hospital or medical benefits

10-15    paid or payable under or provided pursuant to any state or federal

10-16    law or program.

10-17          (e) [(i)]  The [insurer or the] pool has a cause of action

10-18    against an eligible person for the recovery of the amount of

10-19    benefits paid that are not for covered expenses.  Benefits due from

10-20    the pool may be reduced or refused as an offset against any amount

10-21    recoverable under this subsection.

10-22          SECTION 1.10.  Sections 12 and 13, Article 3.77, Insurance

10-23    Code, are amended to read as follows:

10-24          Sec. 12.  PREEXISTING CONDITIONS.  (a)  Except as provided by

10-25    this section and Section 11(c) of this article, pool coverage shall

10-26    exclude charges or expenses incurred during the first 12 months

10-27    following the effective date of coverage with regard to any

10-28    condition for which medical advice, care, or treatment was

10-29    recommended or received during the six-month period preceding the

10-30    effective date of coverage.

10-31          (b)  A preexisting condition provision shall not apply to an

10-32    individual who was continuously covered for an aggregate period of

10-33    12 months by health insurance that was in effect up to a date not

10-34    more than 63 days before the effective date of coverage under the

10-35    pool, excluding any waiting period, provided that the application

10-36    for pool coverage is made no later than 63 days following the

10-37    termination of coverage.

10-38          (c)  In determining whether a preexisting condition provision

10-39    applies to an individual covered by the pool, the pool shall credit

10-40    the time the individual was previously covered under health

10-41    insurance if the previous coverage was in effect at any time during

10-42    the 12 months preceding the effective date of coverage under the

10-43    pool.  Any waiting period that applied before that coverage became

10-44    effective also shall be credited against the preexisting condition

10-45    provision period.

10-46          Sec. 13.  Assessments.  (a)  The board may assess insurers

10-47    and make advance interim assessments as reasonable and necessary

10-48    for the plan's organizational and interim operating expenses.  Any

10-49    interim assessment shall be credited as offsets against any regular

10-50    assessments due following the close of the fiscal year.  [If during

10-51    any state fiscal year, the pool is unable to pay its claims and

10-52    meet its other financial obligations due to a shortage of available

10-53    funds, the board shall make an estimate of the amount that will be

10-54    necessary to fund the shortage and shall notify the insurance board

10-55    of this shortage and the estimated amount of money necessary to

10-56    fund the shortage.]

10-57          (b)  If assessments exceed the pool's actual losses and

10-58    administrative expenses, the excess shall be held in an

10-59    interest-bearing account and used by the board to offset future

10-60    losses or to reduce future assessments.  As used in this section,

10-61    future losses includes reserves for incurred but not reported

10-62    claims.  [On receiving notice under this section, the insurance

10-63    board shall direct the commissioner of insurance to impose an

10-64    assessment on each insurer authorized to write health insurance in

10-65    this state.]

10-66          (c)  After the end of each fiscal year, the board shall

10-67    determine and report to the commissioner the net loss, if any, of

10-68    the pool for the previous calendar year, including administrative

10-69    expenses and incurred losses for the year, taking into account

 11-1    investment income and other appropriate gains and losses.  Any net

 11-2    loss for the year shall be recouped by assessments on insurers.

 11-3    Each insurer's assessment shall be determined annually by the board

 11-4    based on annual statements and other reports required by the board

 11-5    and filed with the board.  [The total amount of assessments to be

 11-6    collected by the commissioner shall be in an amount that is

 11-7    sufficient to fund the pool's shortage.]

 11-8          (d)  The assessment imposed against each insurer shall be in

 11-9    an amount that is equal to the ratio of the gross premiums

11-10    collected by the insurer for health insurance in this state during

11-11    the preceding calendar year, except for Medicare supplement

11-12    premiums subject to Article 3.74 and small group health insurance

11-13    premiums subject to Articles 26.01 through 26.76, to the gross

11-14    premiums collected by all insurers for health insurance, except for

11-15    Medicare supplement premiums subject to Article 3.74 and small

11-16    group health insurance premiums subject to Articles 26.01 through

11-17    26.76, in this state during the preceding calendar year.

11-18          (e)  An insurer may petition the commissioner for an

11-19    abatement or deferment of all or part of an assessment imposed by

11-20    the board.  The commissioner may abate or defer, in whole or in

11-21    part, such assessment if the commissioner determines that the

11-22    payment of the assessment would endanger the ability of the

11-23    participating insurer to fulfill its contractual obligations.  If

11-24    an assessment against an insurer is abated or deferred in whole or

11-25    in part, the amount by which such assessment is abated or deferred

11-26    shall be assessed against the other insurers in a manner consistent

11-27    with the basis for assessments set forth in this subsection.  The

11-28    insurer receiving such abatement or deferment shall remain liable

11-29    to the pool for the deficiency. The total of all assessments on an

11-30    insurer may not exceed one-half of one percent of the insurer's

11-31    collected premiums for health insurance in this state.  This

11-32    subsection expires January 1, 2000.  [The insurance board by rule

11-33    shall provide the procedures, criteria, and forms necessary to

11-34    implement, collect, and deposit assessments made and collected

11-35    under this section.]

11-36          [(f)  Each insurer that pays an assessment under this section

11-37    is entitled to reimbursement by the state in an amount equal to the

11-38    amount of the assessment paid under this section.  The state shall

11-39    reimburse an insurer not earlier than September 1 but not later

11-40    than September 15 of the first year of the first state biennium

11-41    that begins after the date on which the assessment is paid.  The

11-42    comptroller of public accounts by rule shall establish a procedure

11-43    under which claims for reimbursement under this section may be

11-44    submitted and paid.]

11-45          [Sec. 13.  MANAGED CARE, ETC.  The board as part of the

11-46    pool's program may adopt rules providing for quality of care,

11-47    management of costs and benefits, and managed care.]

11-48          SECTION 1.11.  Article 3.77, Insurance Code, is amended by

11-49    adding Sections 14 and 15 to read as follows:

11-50          Sec. 14.  COMPLAINT PROCEDURES.  An applicant or participant

11-51    in coverage from the pool is entitled to have complaints against

11-52    the pool reviewed by a grievance committee appointed by the board.

11-53    The grievance committee shall report to the board after completion

11-54    of the review of each complaint.  The board shall retain all

11-55    written complaints regarding the pool at least until the third

11-56    anniversary of the date the pool received the complaint.

11-57          Sec. 15.  AUDIT.  (a)  The state auditor shall conduct

11-58    annually a special audit of the pool under Chapter 321, Government

11-59    Code.  The state auditor's report shall include a financial audit

11-60    and an economy and efficiency audit.

11-61          (b)  The state auditor shall report the cost of each audit

11-62    conducted under this article to the board and the comptroller, and

11-63    the board shall remit that amount to the comptroller for deposit to

11-64    the general revenue fund.

11-65                         PART 2.  GROUP COVERAGES

11-66          SECTION 2.01.  Section 1(d)(3), Article 3.51-6, Insurance

11-67    Code, is amended to read as follows:

11-68          (3)  Any insurer or group hospital service corporation

11-69    subject to Chapter 20, Insurance Code, who issues policies which

 12-1    provide hospital, surgical, or major medical expense insurance or

 12-2    any combination of these coverages on an expense incurred basis,

 12-3    but not a policy which provides benefits for specified disease or

 12-4    for accident only, shall provide a [conversion or] group

 12-5    continuation privilege as required by this subsection.  Any

 12-6    employee, member, or dependent whose insurance under the group

 12-7    policy has been terminated for any reason except involuntary

 12-8    termination for cause, including discontinuance of the group policy

 12-9    in its entirety or with respect to an insured class, and who has

12-10    been continuously insured under the group policy and under any

12-11    group policy providing similar benefits which it replaces for at

12-12    least three consecutive months immediately prior to termination

12-13    shall be entitled to such privilege as outlined in Paragraph (A)

12-14    [(B), or (C)] below.  Involuntary termination for cause does not

12-15    include termination for any health-related cause.

12-16                      (A)(i)  Policies subject to this section shall

12-17    provide continuation of group coverage for employees or members and

12-18    their eligible dependents subject to the eligibility provisions.

12-19    [An insurer shall first offer to each employee, member, or

12-20    dependent a conversion policy without evidence of insurability if

12-21    written application for and payment of the first premium is made

12-22    not later than the 31st day after the date of the termination.  The

12-23    converted policy shall provide similar coverage and benefits as

12-24    provided under the group policy or plan.  The lifetime maximum

12-25    benefits shall be computed from the initial date of the employee's,

12-26    member's, or dependent's coverage with the group.  An insurer shall

12-27    offer and an employee, member, or dependent may elect lesser

12-28    coverage and benefits.  An employee, member, or dependent shall not

12-29    be entitled to have a converted policy or plan issued if

12-30    termination of the insurance occurred because:  (aa) such person

12-31    failed to pay any required premium; or (bb) any discontinued group

12-32    coverage was replaced by similar group coverage within 31 days.]

12-33                            [(ii)  An insurer shall not be required to

12-34    issue a converted policy covering any person if:  (aa)  such person

12-35    is or could be covered by Medicare; (bb) such person is covered for

12-36    similar benefits by another hospital, surgical, medical, or major

12-37    medical expense insurance policy or hospital or medical service

12-38    subscriber contract or medical practice or other prepayment plan or

12-39    by any other plan or program; (cc)  such person is eligible for

12-40    similar benefits whether or not covered therefor under any

12-41    arrangement of coverage for individuals in a group, whether on an

12-42    insured or uninsured basis; or (dd)  similar benefits are provided

12-43    for or available to such person, pursuant to or in accordance with

12-44    the requirements of any state or federal law. The board shall issue

12-45    rules and regulations to establish minimum standards for benefits

12-46    under policies issued pursuant to this subsection.]

12-47                      [(B)(i)  Policies subject to Paragraph (A) above

12-48    shall provide at the option of the employee, member, or dependent

12-49    in lieu of the requirements of Paragraph (A) continuation of group

12-50    coverage for employees or members and their eligible dependents

12-51    subject to the eligibility provisions of Paragraph (A).]

12-52                            (ii)  Continuation of group coverage must

12-53    be requested in writing within 31 days following the later of:

12-54    (aa) the date the group coverage would otherwise terminate; or (bb)

12-55    the date the employee, member, or dependent is given notice  in a

12-56    format prescribed by the commissioner of the right of continuation

12-57    by either the employer or the group policyholder.

12-58                            (iii)  [In no event may the employee or

12-59    member elect continuation more than 31 days after the date of such

12-60    termination.  (iv)]  An employee, [or] member, or dependent

12-61    electing continuation must pay to the group policyholder or

12-62    employer, on a monthly basis in advance, the amount of contribution

12-63    required by the policyholder or employer, plus two percent of the

12-64    group rate for the insurance being continued under the group policy

12-65    on the due date of each payment.

12-66                            (iv) [(v)]  The employee's, [or] member's,

12-67    or dependent's written election of continuation, together with the

12-68    first contribution required to establish contributions on a monthly

12-69    basis in advance, must be given to the policyholder or employer

 13-1    within the later of:  (aa) 31 days of the date coverage would

 13-2    otherwise terminate, or (bb) the date the employee is given notice

 13-3    of the right of continuation by either the employer or the group

 13-4    policyholder.

 13-5                            (v) [(vi)]  Continuation may not terminate

 13-6    until the earliest of:  (aa) six months after the date the election

 13-7    is made; (bb) the date on which failure to make timely payments

 13-8    would terminate coverage; (cc) the date on which the group coverage

 13-9    terminates in its entirety; (dd) the date on which the covered

13-10    person is or could be covered under Medicare; or one of the

13-11    conditions specified in items (aa) through (dd) of Subparagraph

13-12    (ii), Paragraph (A) above is met by the covered individual; (ee)

13-13    the date on which the covered person is covered for similar

13-14    benefits by another hospital, surgical, medical, or major medical

13-15    expense insurance policy or hospital or medical service subscriber

13-16    contract or medical practice or other prepayment plan or any other

13-17    plan or program; (ff) the date the covered person is eligible for

13-18    similar benefits whether or not covered therefor under any

13-19    arrangement of coverage for individuals in a group, whether on an

13-20    insured or uninsured basis; or (gg) similar benefits are provided

13-21    or available to such person, pursuant to or in accordance with the

13-22    requirements of any state or federal law.

13-23                            (vi)  Not less than 30 days before the end

13-24    of the six months after the date the employee, member, or dependent

13-25    elects continuation of the policy, the insurer shall notify the

13-26    employee, member, or dependent that he/she may be eligible for

13-27    coverage under the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool, as provided

13-28    under Article 3.77 of this code and the insurer shall provide the

13-29    address for applying to such pool to the employee, member, or

13-30    dependent.

13-31                      (B)(i)  An insurer may offer to each employee,

13-32    member, or dependent a conversion policy.  Such converted policy

13-33    shall be issued without evidence of insurability if written

13-34    application for and payment of the first premium is made not later

13-35    than the 31st day after the date of termination.  The converted

13-36    policy shall meet the minimum standards for benefits for conversion

13-37    policies.

13-38                            (ii)  Conversion coverage for any insured

13-39    person may not terminate until the earliest of:  (aa)  the date on

13-40    which failure to make timely payments would terminate coverage; or

13-41    (bb)  one of the conditions specified in items (dd)  through

13-42    (gg)  of Subparagraph (v), Paragraph (3)(A) above.  The

13-43    commissioner shall issue rules and regulations to establish minimum

13-44    standards for benefits under policies issued pursuant to this

13-45    subsection.

13-46                            (iii) [(C)]  The insurer may elect to

13-47    provide the conversion coverage on an individual or group basis.

13-48          The premium for the converted policy issued under Paragraph

13-49    (B) [(A)] of this subdivision shall be determined in accordance

13-50    with the insurer's table of premium rates for coverage that was

13-51    provided under the group policy or plan.  The premium may be based

13-52    on the age and geographic location of each person to be covered and

13-53    the type of converted policy.  The premium for the same coverage

13-54    and benefits under a converted policy may not exceed 200 percent of

13-55    the premium determined in accordance with this paragraph.  The

13-56    premium must be based on the type of converted policy and the

13-57    coverage provided by the policy.

13-58                       PART 3.  INDIVIDUAL COVERAGES

13-59          SECTION 3.01.  Subsection (H), Section 1, Chapter 397, Acts

13-60    of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 3.70-1,

13-61    Vernon's Texas Insurance Code), is amended by adding Subdivision

13-62    (4) to read as follows:

13-63                (4)(a)  A preexisting condition provision in an

13-64    individual health insurance policy shall not apply to an individual

13-65    who was continuously covered for an aggregate period of 18 months

13-66    by creditable coverage that was in effect up to a date not more

13-67    than 63 days before the effective date of the individual coverage,

13-68    excluding any waiting period, and whose most recent creditable

13-69    coverage was under a group health plan, governmental plan, or

 14-1    church plan.

 14-2                      (b)  For purposes of this section, creditable

 14-3    coverage means coverage under any of the following:  coverage under

 14-4    a self-funded or self-insured employee welfare benefit plan that

 14-5    provides health benefits and is established in accordance with the

 14-6    Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C.  Section

 14-7    1001, et seq.); coverage under any group or individual health

 14-8    benefit plan provided by a health insurance carrier or health

 14-9    maintenance organization; Part A or Part B of Title XVIII of the

14-10    Social Security Act; Title XIX of the Social Security Act, other

14-11    than coverage consisting solely of benefits under Section 1928;

14-12    Chapter 55 of Title 10, United States Code; a medical care program

14-13    of the Indian Health Service or of a tribal organization; a state

14-14    health benefits risk pool; a health plan offered under Chapter 89

14-15    of Title 5, United States Code; a public health plan as defined by

14-16    federal regulations; or a health benefit plan under Section 5(e) of

14-17    the Peace Corps Act (22 U.S.C. Section 2504(e)).

14-18                      (c)  In determining whether a preexisting

14-19    condition provision applies to an individual, the individual

14-20    insurance carrier shall credit the time the individual was

14-21    previously covered under creditable coverage if the previous

14-22    coverage was in effect at any time during the 18 months preceding

14-23    the effective date of the individual coverage.

14-24          SECTION 3.02.  Subchapter G, Chapter 3, Insurance Code, is

14-25    amended by adding Article 3.70-1A to read as follows:


14-27    HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided in

14-28    this article, an individual health insurance policy providing

14-29    benefits for medical care under a hospital, medical, or surgical

14-30    policy shall be renewed or continued in force at the option of the

14-31    individual.

14-32          (b)  An individual health insurance policy providing benefits

14-33    for medical care under a hospital, medical, or surgical policy may

14-34    be nonrenewed or discontinued based only on one or more of the

14-35    following reasons:

14-36                (1)  failure to pay premiums or contributions in

14-37    accordance with the terms of the policy;

14-38                (2)  fraud or intentional misrepresentation;

14-39                (3)  the insurance company is ceasing to offer coverage

14-40    in the individual market in accordance with rules established by

14-41    the commissioner;

14-42                (4)  an individual no longer resides, lives, or works

14-43    in an area in which the insurer is authorized to provide coverage,

14-44    but only if such coverage is terminated under this paragraph

14-45    uniformly without regard to any health-status related factor of

14-46    covered individuals; or

14-47                (5)  in accordance with applicable federal law and

14-48    regulations.

14-49          (c)  The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to

14-50    implement this article and to meet the minimum requirements of

14-51    federal law and regulations.


14-53          SECTION 4.01.  Section 9, Texas Health Maintenance

14-54    Organization Act (Article 20A.09, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code),

14-55    is amended by adding Subsections (k) and (l) to read as follows:

14-56          (k)  Continuation of Coverage and Conversion.

14-57                (A)  A health maintenance organization shall provide a

14-58    group continuation privilege as required by this subsection.  Any

14-59    enrollee whose coverage under the group contract has been

14-60    terminated for any reason except involuntary termination for cause,

14-61    and who has been continuously insured under the group contract and

14-62    under any group contract providing similar services and benefits

14-63    which it replaces for at least three consecutive months immediately

14-64    prior to termination shall be entitled to such privilege as

14-65    outlined below.  Involuntary termination for cause does not include

14-66    termination for any health-related cause.  Health maintenance

14-67    organization contracts subject to this section shall provide

14-68    continuation of group coverage for enrollees subject to the

14-69    eligibility provisions below:

 15-1                      (1)  Continuation of group coverage must be

 15-2    requested in writing within 31 days following the later

 15-3    of:  (aa)  the date the group coverage would otherwise terminate;

 15-4    or (bb)  the date the enrollee is given notice of the right of

 15-5    continuation by either the employer or the group contractholder.

 15-6                      (2)  An enrollee electing continuation must pay

 15-7    to the group contractholder or employer on a monthly basis, in

 15-8    advance, the amount of contribution required by the contractholder

 15-9    or employer, plus two percent of the group rate for the coverage

15-10    being continued under the group contract, on the due date of each

15-11    payment.

15-12                      (3)  The enrollee's written election of

15-13    continuation, together with the first contribution required to

15-14    establish contributions on a monthly basis, in advance, must be

15-15    given to the contractholder or employer within 31 days following

15-16    the later of:  (aa)  the date the group coverage would otherwise

15-17    terminate; or (bb)  the date the enrollee is given notice of the

15-18    right of continuation by either the employer or the group

15-19    contractholder.

15-20                      (4)  Continuation may not terminate until the

15-21    earliest of:  (aa)  six months after the date the election is made;

15-22    (bb)  the date on which failure to make timely payments would

15-23    terminate coverage; (cc)  the date on which the covered person is

15-24    covered for similar services and benefits by another hospital,

15-25    surgical, medical, or major medical expense insurance policy or

15-26    hospital or medical service subscriber contract or medical practice

15-27    or other prepayment plan or any other plan or program; or (dd)  the

15-28    date on which the group coverage terminates in its entirety.

15-29                      (5)  Not less than 30 days before the end of the

15-30    six months after the date the enrollee elects continuation of the

15-31    contract, the health maintenance organization shall notify the

15-32    enrollee that he/she may be eligible for coverage under the Texas

15-33    Health Insurance Risk Pool, as provided under Article 3.77 of this

15-34    code, and the health maintenance organization shall provide the

15-35    address for applying to such pool to the enrollee.

15-36                (B)  A health maintenance organization may offer to

15-37    each enrollee a conversion contract.  Such conversion contract

15-38    shall be issued without evidence of insurability if written

15-39    application for and payment of the first premium is made not later

15-40    than the 31st day after the date of termination.  The conversion

15-41    contract shall meet the minimum standards for services and benefits

15-42    for conversion contracts.  The commissioner shall issue rules and

15-43    regulations to establish minimum standards for services and

15-44    benefits under contracts issued pursuant to this subsection.

15-45                (C)  The premium for a conversion contract issued under

15-46    this Act shall be determined in accordance with the health

15-47    maintenance organization's premium rates for coverage that were

15-48    provided under the group contract or plan.  The premium may be

15-49    based on geographic location of each person to be covered and the

15-50    type of conversion contract and coverage provided.  The premium for

15-51    the same coverage under a conversion contract may not exceed 200

15-52    percent of the premium determined in accordance with this

15-53    paragraph.  The premium must be based on the type of conversion

15-54    contract and the coverage provided by contract.

15-55          (l)  Individual Health Care Plan.  A health maintenance

15-56    organization may provide an individual health care plan as required

15-57    by this subsection.

15-58                (A)  For purposes of this subsection, an "individual

15-59    health care plan" means:

15-60                      (1)  a health care plan providing health care

15-61    services for individuals and their dependents;

15-62                      (2)  a health care plan in which an enrollee pays

15-63    the premium and is not being covered under the contract pursuant to

15-64    continuation of services and benefits provisions applicable under

15-65    federal or state law; and

15-66                      (3)  a plan in which the evidence of coverage

15-67    meets the requirements of Section 2(a) of this Act.

15-68                (B)  A health maintenance organization may limit its

15-69    enrollees to those who live, reside, or work within the service

 16-1    area for such network plan.

 16-2                (C)  Renewability of Coverage.  An individual health

 16-3    care plan or a conversion contract providing health care services

 16-4    shall be renewable with respect to an enrollee at the option of the

 16-5    enrollee, and may be nonrenewed based only on one or more of the

 16-6    following reasons:

 16-7                      (1)  failure to pay premiums or contributions in

 16-8    accordance with the terms of the plan or the issuer has not

 16-9    received timely premium payments;

16-10                      (2)  fraud or intentional misrepresentation;

16-11                      (3)  the health maintenance organization is

16-12    ceasing to offer coverage in the individual market in accordance

16-13    with rules established by the commissioner;

16-14                      (4)  enrollee no longer resides, lives, or works

16-15    in the area in which the health maintenance organization is

16-16    authorized to provide coverage, but only if such coverage is

16-17    terminated under this paragraph uniformly without regard to any

16-18    health-status related factor of covered enrollees; or

16-19                      (5)  in accordance with applicable federal law

16-20    and regulations.

16-21                (D)  The commissioner may adopt rules necessary to

16-22    implement this article and to meet the minimum requirements of

16-23    federal law and regulations.


16-25          SECTION 5.01.  Except as provided in Section 5.02, this Act

16-26    applies only to an insurance policy or evidence of coverage that is

16-27    delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after July 1,

16-28    1997.  A policy or evidence of coverage that is delivered, issued

16-29    for delivery, or renewed before July 1, 1997, is governed by the

16-30    law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this

16-31    Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.

16-32          SECTION 5.02.  Coverages available under the Texas Health

16-33    Insurance Risk Pool as provided in Part 1 of this Act must be made

16-34    available not later than January 1, 1998.  The provisions of this

16-35    Act as provided under Part 2, Section 2.01, apply only to an

16-36    insurance policy that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed

16-37    on or after January 1, 1998.  A policy that is delivered, issued

16-38    for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 1998, is governed by the

16-39    law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this

16-40    Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.

16-41          SECTION 5.03.  This Act takes effect July 1, 1997.

16-42          SECTION 5.04.  The importance of this legislation and the

16-43    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

16-44    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

16-45    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

16-46    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

16-47    and that this Act take effect and be in force according to its

16-48    terms, and it is so enacted.

16-49                                 * * * * *