By Goolsby                                       H.B. No. 804

      75R4392 DLF-D                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to motor vehicle insurance rates for certain individuals

 1-3     with good driving records.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Insurance Code, is

 1-6     amended by adding Article 5.03-4 to read as follows:

 1-7           Art. 5.03-4.  YOUNG DRIVERS' PREMIUM DISCOUNT

 1-8           Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:

 1-9                 (1)  "Applicant" means an individual who applies under

1-10     this article for a discount in motor vehicle insurance premiums.

1-11                 (2)  "Driving record" means an individual's history of

1-12     convictions of violations of traffic safety regulations.

1-13                 (3)  "Insurer" means an insurance company,

1-14     interinsurance exchange, mutual, capital stock company, fraternal

1-15     benefit society, local mutual aid association, county mutual,

1-16     reciprocal, association, Lloyd's plan, or other entity writing

1-17     motor vehicle insurance in this state.  The term includes an

1-18     affiliate, as defined by Section 2, Article 21.49-1, Insurance

1-19     Code.

1-20                 (4)  "Motor vehicle" means any private passenger

1-21     vehicle that:

1-22                       (A)  is registered in this state; and

1-23                       (B)  has a gross weight of 25,000 pounds or less.

1-24                 (5)  "Traffic safety regulation" means a law or

 2-1     ordinance of a state or a political subdivision of a state relating

 2-2     to the operation of motor vehicles other than a regulation relating

 2-3     to pedestrians or to the parking of motor vehicles.


 2-5     DRIVERS.  (a)  An insurer who delivers or issues for delivery in

 2-6     this state a motor vehicle insurance policy, on receipt of written

 2-7     verification from the insured that the insured or a family member

 2-8     covered by the policy is eligible under Subsection (b) of this

 2-9     section, may grant a discount in the amount provided by Subsection

2-10     (f) of this section in the premiums charged for the liability,

2-11     medical payments, personal injury protection, and collision

2-12     coverage only for the motor vehicle designated to be driven by the

2-13     eligible person.

2-14           (b)  To be eligible for the discount authorized under

2-15     Subsection (a) of this section, an applicant must:

2-16                 (1)  be licensed to drive in this state;

2-17                 (2)  be under 25 years of age, if male, or under 21

2-18     years of age, if female;

2-19                 (3)  have held a driver's license for at least three

2-20     years on the date that the application is filed;

2-21                 (4)  have not, during the three years preceding the

2-22     date of the application, been convicted of a violation of a traffic

2-23     safety regulation that involves a moving vehicle; and

2-24                 (5)  have not, during the three years preceding the

2-25     date of the application, been found at fault in a motor vehicle

2-26     accident.

2-27           (c)  An applicant is not eligible to receive a discount under

 3-1     this article if the applicant has been convicted of an offense

 3-2     relating to the operation of a motor vehicle under:

 3-3                 (1)  Chapter 49, Penal Code;

 3-4                 (2)  Article 6701l-1, Revised Statutes, as that statute

 3-5     existed before repeal by Chapter 900, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,

 3-6     Regular Session, 1993, or Section 19.05, Penal Code, as that

 3-7     statute existed before amendment by Chapter 900, Acts of the 73rd

 3-8     Legislature, Regular Session, 1993; or

 3-9                 (3)  another state's statute similar to a statute

3-10     described by Subdivision (1) or (2).

3-11           (d)  For purposes of Subsections (b) and (c) of this section,

3-12     an applicant is considered to have been convicted in a case if:

3-13                 (1)  a sentence is imposed; or

3-14                 (2)  the applicant receives community supervision or

3-15     analogous treatment under the law of another state.

3-16           (e)  The commissioner by rule may establish additional

3-17     requirements for receipt of a discount under this article.

3-18           (f)  The commissioner by rule shall set the amount of the

3-19     discount applicable under this article and may adopt other rules

3-20     necessary for the implementation of this article.

3-21           Sec. 3.  INELIGIBILITY; REVOCATION OF DISCOUNT.  (a)  A

3-22     person may not continue to receive a discount under this article

3-23     after the first date on which the person fails to satisfy the

3-24     requirements of Section 2 of this article unless the person

3-25     reestablishes eligibility under this article.

3-26           (b)  A person may not receive a discount under this article

3-27     at the same time the person is receiving a discount under Article

 4-1     5.03-3 of this code.

 4-2           (c)  An insurer shall revoke a discount under this article if

 4-3     an applicant for the discount knowingly provides false information

 4-4     in or with the application.

 4-5           SECTION 2.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

 4-6           (b)  This Act applies only to a motor vehicle insurance

 4-7     policy that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or

 4-8     after January 1, 1998.  A policy that is delivered, issued for

 4-9     delivery, or renewed before January 1, 1998, is governed by the law

4-10     as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act,

4-11     and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.

4-12           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

4-13     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

4-14     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

4-15     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

4-16     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.