Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.

      Line and page numbers may not match official copy.

      By Dutton                                        H.B. No. 909

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to amending certain provisions of the Insurance Code,

 1-3     concerning authorized investments of insurers, specifically,

 1-4     Articles 2.10, 3.33, 3.39-1, 3.39-2, and 21.39-B.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Section 2, Article 3.33, Insurance Code amended

 1-7     to read as follows:

 1-8           Sec. 2.  Purpose.  The purpose of this article is to protect

 1-9     and further the interests of insureds, insurers, creditors, and the

1-10     public by providing standards for the development and

1-11     administration of plans for the investment of the assets of

1-12     insurers.  [Such plans should seek a reasonable relationship of

1-13     liabilities and assets as to term and nature.]

1-14           SECTION 2.  Section 3, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, is

1-15     amended to read as follows:

1-16           Sec. 3.  Insurers' Investment Plans.  (a)  The board of

1-17     directors of each insurer or corresponding authority designated by

1-18     the charter, bylaws, or plan of operations of an insurer which has

1-19     no board of directors shall:

1-20                 (1)  adopt a written investment plan consistent with

1-21     the provisions of this article which:

1-22                       (A)  specifies the diversification of

1-23     investments, so as to reduce the risk of large losses, by:

1-24                             (i)  broad type of investment (such as

 2-1     bonds and real estate loans),

 2-2                             (ii)  kind (such as obligations of

 2-3     governments, or business entities, mortgage-backed securities, and

 2-4     real estate loans on office, retail, industrial or residential

 2-5     properties),

 2-6                             (iii)  quality,

 2-7                             (iv)  maturity,

 2-8                             (v)  industry, and

 2-9                             (vi)  geographical area for both domestic

2-10     and foreign investments;

2-11                       (B)  balances safety of principal with yield and

2-12     growth;

2-13                       (C)  seeks a reasonable relationship of assets

2-14     and liabilities as to term and nature;

2-15                       (D)  is appropriate considering the capital and

2-16     surplus and the business conducted by the insurer;

2-17                 [(1)  adopt a written investment plan consistent with

2-18     the provision of this article which specifies quality, maturity,

2-19     and diversification of investments and is appropriate for the

2-20     business conducted by the insurer and its capital and surplus;]

2-21                 (2)  at least annually, review the adequacy of such

2-22     investment plan and the implementation thereof.

2-23           (b)  The insurer shall maintain the investment plan in its

2-24     principal office and shall provide same to the commissioner or his

2-25     designee upon request, and such plans shall be maintained as a

2-26     privileged and confidential document by the Commissioner of

2-27     Insurance or his designee and it shall not be subject to public

2-28     disclosure.  The insurer shall maintain investment records covering

2-29     each transaction.  [Such investment records shall contain a

2-30     reference to the subsection of this article and, if appropriate,

 3-1     other provision of law that authorizes the investment.]  At all

 3-2     times, the insurer shall be able to demonstrate that its

 3-3     investments are within the limitations prescribed in this article.

 3-4           SECTION 3.  Section 4, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, is

 3-5     amended to read as follows:

 3-6           Sec. 4.  Authorized Investments and Transactions [Loans].

 3-7     Subject to the limitations and restrictions herein contained and,

 3-8     unless otherwise specified, based upon the insurer's capital,

 3-9     surplus, and admitted assets as reported in the most recently filed

3-10     statutory financial statement, the investments and transactions

3-11     described in the following subsections, and in Article 21.49-1

3-12     Section 6, and none other, are authorized for the insurers subject

3-13     hereto:

3-14           (a)  United States Government Bonds.  Bonds, evidences of

3-15     indebtedness or obligations of the United States of America, or

3-16     bonds, evidences of indebtedness or obligations guaranteed as to

3-17     principal and interest by the full faith and credit of the United

3-18     States of America, and bonds, evidences of indebtedness, or

3-19     obligations of agencies and instrumentalities of the government of

3-20     the United States of America;

3-21           (b)  Other Governmental Bonds.  Bonds, evidences of

3-22     indebtedness or obligations of governmental units in the United

3-23     States, Canada, or any province or city of Canada, and of the

3-24     instrumentalities of such governmental units; provided:

3-25                 (1)  such governmental unit or instrumentality is not

3-26     in default in the payment of principal or interest in any of its

3-27     obligations; and

3-28                 (2)  investments in the obligations of any one

3-29     governmental unit or instrumentality may not exceed 20 percent of

3-30     the insurer's capital and surplus;

 4-1           (c)  Obligations of Business Entities.  Obligations,

 4-2     including bonds or evidences of indebtedness, or asset-backed

 4-3     securities, or participations in those bonds or evidences of

 4-4     indebtedness, that are issued, assumed, guaranteed, or insured by

 4-5     any business entity, including a sole proprietorship, a

 4-6     corporation, an association, a general or limited partnership, a

 4-7     joint-stock company, a joint venture, a trust, or any other form of

 4-8     business organization, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, that

 4-9     is organized under the laws of the United States, another state,

4-10     Canada, or any state, district, province, or territory of Canada,

4-11     subject to all conditions set forth below:

4-12                 (1)  an insurer may acquire obligations or counterparty

4-13     exposure amount, as defined in subsection (u), in any one business

4-14     entity rated [one or two] by the Securities Valuation Office of the

4-15     National Association of Insurance Commissioners, but not to exceed

4-16     20 percent of the insurer's statutory capital and surplus; [as

4-17     reported in the most recent annual statement filed with the

4-18     department;]

4-19                 (2)  an insurer shall not acquire obligations,

4-20     counterparty exposure amount or preferred stock of any business

4-21     entity, if after giving effect to the investment:

4-22                       (A)  the aggregate amount of such investments

4-23     then held by the insurer that are rated 3, 4, 5 or 6 by the

4-24     Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of

4-25     Insurance Commissioners ("SVO") would exceed 20 percent of its

4-26     assets;

4-27                       (B)  the aggregate amount of such investments

4-28     then held by the insurer that are rated 4, 5, or 6 by the SVO would

4-29     exceed 10 percent of its assets;

4-30                       (C)  the aggregate amount of such investments

 5-1     then held by the insurer that are rated 5 or 6 by the SVO would

 5-2     exceed 3 percent of its assets;

 5-3                       (D)  the aggregate amount of such investments

 5-4     then held by the insurer that are rated 6 by the SVO would exceed 1

 5-5     percent of its assets;

 5-6                 If an insurer attains or exceeds the limit of any one

 5-7     rating category referred to in this subsection, the insurer shall

 5-8     not be precluded from acquiring investments in other rating

 5-9     categories subject to the specific and multiple category limits

5-10     applicable to those investments.  [an insurer may acquire

5-11     obligations rated three or lower by the Securities Valuation Office

5-12     if, after giving effect to such an acquisition, the aggregate

5-13     amount of all obligations rated three or lower then held by the

5-14     domestic insurer does not exceed 20 percent of its admitted assets.

5-15     Not more than 10 percent of the admitted assets of that insurer may

5-16     consist of obligations rated four, five, or six by the Securities

5-17     Valuation Office.  Not more than three percent of the admitted

5-18     assets of that insurer may consist of obligations rated five or six

5-19     by the Securities Valuation Office.  Not more than one percent of

5-20     the admitted assets of that insurer may consist of obligations

5-21     rated six by the Securities Valuation Office.  Attaining or

5-22     exceeding the limit in any one category does not preclude an

5-23     insurer from acquiring obligations in other categories, subject to

5-24     the specific and multi-category limits;]

5-25                 [(3)  an insurer may not invest more than an aggregate

5-26     of one percent of its admitted assets in obligations rated three by

5-27     the Securities Valuation Office that are issued, assumed,

5-28     guaranteed, or insured by any one business entity, or more than

5-29     one-half percent of its admitted assets in obligations rated four,

5-30     five, or six by the Securities Valuation Office that are issued,

 6-1     assumed, guaranteed, or insured by any one business entity.  An

 6-2     insurer may not invest more than one percent of its admitted assets

 6-3     in any obligations rated three, four, five, or six by the

 6-4     Securities Valuation Office that are issued, assumed, guaranteed,

 6-5     or insured by any one business entity;]

 6-6                 (3)  notwithstanding the foregoing, an insurer may

 6-7     acquire an obligation of a business entity in which the insurer

 6-8     already has one or more obligations if the obligation is acquired

 6-9     in order to protect an investment previously made in that business

6-10     entity.  Such acquired obligations may not exceed one-half percent

6-11     of the insurer's [admitted] assets; and

6-12                 (4)  this subsection does not prohibit an insurer from

6-13     acquiring an obligation as a result of a restructuring of an

6-14     already held obligation or preferred stock that is rated [three] 3,

6-15     4, 5 or 6 by the SVO;

6-16           (d)  International Market.  Bonds issued, assumed, or

6-17     guaranteed by the Interamerican Development Bank, the International

6-18     Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank), the Asian

6-19     Development Bank, the State of Israel, the African Development

6-20     Bank, and the International Finance Corporation; provided:

6-21                 (1)  investments in the bonds of any one of the

6-22     entities specified above may not exceed 20 percent of the insurer's

6-23     capital and surplus; and

6-24                 (2)  the aggregate of all investments made under this

6-25     subsection may not exceed 20 percent of the insurer's assets;

6-26           (e)  Policy Loans.  Loans upon the security of the insurer's

6-27     own policies not in excess of the amount of the reserve values

6-28     thereof;

6-29           (f)  Time and Savings Deposits.  Any type or form of savings

6-30     deposits, time deposits, certificates of deposit, NOW accounts, and

 7-1     money market accounts in solvent banks, savings and loan

 7-2     associations, and credit unions and branches thereof, organized

 7-3     under the laws of the United States of America or its states, when

 7-4     made in accordance with the laws or regulations applicable to such

 7-5     entities; provided the amount of the deposits in any one bank,

 7-6     savings and loan association, or credit union will not exceed the

 7-7     greater of:

 7-8                 (1)  20 [twenty] percent of the insurer's capital and

 7-9     surplus;

7-10                 (2)  the amount of federal or state deposit insurance

7-11     coverage pertaining to such deposit; or

7-12                 (3)  10 [ten] percent of the amount of capital,

7-13     surplus, and undivided profits of the entity receiving such

7-14     deposits;

7-15           (g)  [Equipment Trusts.  Equipment trust obligations or

7-16     certificates; provided:] Insurer Investment Pools.  For the

7-17     purposes of this subsection (g), the following definition shall

7-18     apply:

7-19                       (A)  "Affiliate" means, as to any person, another

7-20     person that, directly or indirectly through one or more

7-21     intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common

7-22     control with the person;

7-23                 (1)  an insurer may acquire investments in investment

7-24     pools that:

7-25                       (A)  Invest only in:

7-26                             (i)  obligations that are rated 1 or 2 by

7-27     the SVO or have an equivalent of an SVO 1 or 2 rating (or, in the

7-28     absence of a 1 or 2 rating or equivalent rating, the issuer has

7-29     outstanding obligations with an SVO 1 or 2 or equivalent rating) by

7-30     a nationally recognized statistical rating organization recognized

 8-1     by the SVO and have:

 8-2                                            (a)  a remaining maturity of

 8-3     397 days or less or a put that entitles the holder to receive the

 8-4     principal amount of the obligation which put may be exercised

 8-5     through maturity at specified intervals not exceeding 397 days; or

 8-6                                            (b)  a remaining maturity of

 8-7     three years or less and a floating interest rate that resets no

 8-8     less frequently than quarterly on the basis of a current short-term

 8-9     index (federal funds, prime rate, treasury bills, London InterBank

8-10     Offered Rate (LIBOR) or commercial paper) and is subject to no

8-11     maximum limit, if the obligations do not have an interest rate that

8-12     varies inversely to market interest rate changes;

8-13                             (ii)  securities lending, repurchase and

8-14     reverse repurchase transactions that meet the requirements of

8-15     subsection (q) and any applicable regulations of the department; or

8-16                             (iii)  money market mutual funds as

8-17     authorized in subsection (s);

8-18                       provided that this short term investment pool

8-19     shall not acquire investments in any one business entity that

8-20     exceed 10 percent of the total assets of the investment pool;

8-21                       (B)  invest only in investments which an insurer

8-22     may acquire under this article, if the insurer's proportionate

8-23     interest in the amount invested in these investments does not

8-24     exceed the applicable limits of this article, and the aggregate

8-25     amount of all investments in such other investment pools may not

8-26     exceed 25 percent of the insurer's assets.

8-27                 (2)  An insurer shall not acquire an investment in an

8-28     investment pool under this subsection if after giving effect to the

8-29     investment, the aggregate amount of investments in all investment

8-30     pools then held by the insurer would exceed 35 percent of its

 9-1     assets.

 9-2                 (3)  For an investment in an investment pool to be

 9-3     qualified under this article, the investment pool shall not:

 9-4                       (A)  acquire securities issued, assumed,

 9-5     guaranteed or insured by the insurer or an affiliate of the

 9-6     insurer;

 9-7                       (B)  borrow or incur any indebtedness for

 9-8     borrowed money, except for securities lending and reverse

 9-9     repurchase transactions.

9-10                 (4)  For an investment pool to be qualified under this

9-11     article:

9-12                       (A)  the manager of the investment pool shall:

9-13                             (i)  be organized under the laws of the

9-14     United States or a state and designated as the pool manager in a

9-15     pooling agreement;

9-16                             (ii)  be the insurer, an affiliated

9-17     insurer, a business entity affiliated with the insurer, a custodian

9-18     bank, a business entity registered under the Investment Advisors

9-19     Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sections 80a-1 et seq.), as amended or, in

9-20     the case of a reciprocal insurer or interinsurance exchange, its

9-21     attorney-in-fact, or in the case of a United States branch of an

9-22     alien insurer, its United States manager or affiliates or

9-23     subsidiaries of its United States manager;

9-24                       (B)  the pool manager or an entity designated by

9-25     the pool manager of the type set forth in (4)(A)(ii) shall maintain

9-26     detailed accounting records setting forth:

9-27                             (i)  the cash receipts and disbursements

9-28     reflecting each participant's proportionate investment in the

9-29     investment pool;

9-30                             (ii)  a complete description of all

 10-1    underlying assets of the investment pool (including amount,

 10-2    interest rate, maturity date (if any) and other appropriate

 10-3    designations); and

 10-4                            (iii)  other records which, on a daily

 10-5    basis, allow third parties to verify each participant's investments

 10-6    in the investment pool;

 10-7                      (C)  the assets of the investment pool shall be

 10-8    held in one or more accounts, in the name of or on behalf of the

 10-9    investment pool, either (i) under a custody agreement or trust

10-10    agreement with a custodian bank or (ii)  at the principal office of

10-11    the pool manager.  The applicable agreement shall:

10-12                            (i)  state and recognize the claims and

10-13    rights of each participant;

10-14                            (ii)  acknowledge that the underlying

10-15    assets of the investment pool are held solely for the benefit of

10-16    each participant in proportion to the aggregate amount of its

10-17    investments in the investment pool; and

10-18                            (iii)  contain an agreement that the

10-19    underlying assets of the investment pool shall not be commingled

10-20    with the general assets of the custodian bank or any other person.

10-21                (5)  The pooling agreement for each investment pool

10-22    shall be in writing and shall provide that:

10-23                      (A)  the insurer, its subsidiaries, affiliates

10-24    or, in the case of a United States branch of an alien insurer,

10-25    affiliates or subsidiaries of its United States manager, and any

10-26    unaffiliated insurer shall, at all times, hold 100 percent of the

10-27    interests in the investment pool;

10-28                      (B)  the underlying assets of the investment pool

10-29    shall not be commingled with the general assets of the pool manager

10-30    or any other person;

 11-1                      (C)  in proportion to the aggregate amount of

 11-2    each pool participant's interest in the investment pool:

 11-3                            (i)  each participant owns an undivided

 11-4    interest in the underlying assets or the investment pool; and

 11-5                            (ii)  the underlying assets of the

 11-6    investment pool are held solely for the benefit of each

 11-7    participant;

 11-8                      (D)  a participant, or in the event of the

 11-9    participant's insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, its trustee,

11-10    receiver, conservator or other successor-in-interest, may withdraw

11-11    all or any portion of its investment from the investment pool under

11-12    the terms of the pooling agreement;

11-13                      (E)  withdrawals may be made on demand without

11-14    penalty or other assessment on any business day, but settlement of

11-15    funds shall occur within a reasonable and customary period

11-16    thereafter provided:  (i)  in the case of publicly traded

11-17    securities settlement shall not exceed five business days, and

11-18    (ii)  in the case of all other securities and investments,

11-19    settlement shall not exceed ten business days.  Distributions under

11-20    this paragraph shall be calculated in each case net of all then

11-21    applicable fees and expenses of the  investment pool.  The pooling

11-22    agreement shall provide that the pool manager shall distribute to a

11-23    participant, at the discretion of the pool manager:

11-24                            (i)  in cash, the then fair market value of

11-25    the participant's pro rata share of each underlying asset of the

11-26    investment pool;

11-27                            (ii)  in kind, a pro rata share of each

11-28    underlying asset; or

11-29                            (iii)  in a combination of cash and in kind

11-30    distributions, a pro rata share in each underlying asset; and

 12-1                      (F)  the pool manager shall make the records of

 12-2    the  investment pool  available for inspection by the commissioner.

 12-3                (6)  Investment in pools shall not be deemed to be an

 12-4    affiliate transaction under article 21.49-1 Section 4 of this Code;

 12-5    however each pooling agreement shall be subject to the standards of

 12-6    Article 21.49-1 4(a) and the reporting requirements of Article

 12-7    21.49-1 Section 3(b) of this Code.

 12-8                [(1)  any such obligation or certificate is secured by

 12-9    an interest in transportation equipment that is in whole or in part

12-10    within the United States of America;]

12-11                [(2)  the obligation or certificate provides a right to

12-12    receive determined portions of rental, purchase, or other fixed

12-13    obligatory payments for the use or purchase of the transportation

12-14    equipment;]

12-15                [(3)  the obligation is classified as an obligation of a

12-16    business entity and is subject to the limitations on obligations of

12-17    business entities set forth in Subsection (c) of this section; and]

12-18                [(4)  the aggregate of all investments made under this

12-19    subsection may not exceed 10 percent of the insurer's assets];

12-20          (h)  [Common Stock.]  Equity Interests.  Equity interests

12-21    including common stock, equity investment in an investment company

12-22    (other than a money market mutual fund as defined in subsection (s)

12-23    of this section), real estate investment trust, limited partnership

12-24    interests, warrants or other rights to acquire equity interests

12-25    that are created by the person that owns or would issue the equity

12-26    to be acquired, and equity interests in any business entity that is

12-27    organized under the laws of the United States, any of its states,

12-28    Canada or any province or territory of Canada provided:

12-29                (1)  if no market value from a generally recognized

12-30    source is available for the equity interest, the business entity or

 13-1    other investment shall be subject to an annual audit by an

 13-2    independent certified public accountant or subject to another

 13-3    method of valuation acceptable to the commissioner; and

 13-4                (2)  an insurer shall not be permitted to invest in a

 13-5    partnership, as a general partner, except through an investment

 13-6    subsidiary;

 13-7                (3)  investment in any one business entity other than a

 13-8    money market fund defined in Subsection (s) may not exceed 15

 13-9    percent of the insurer's capital and surplus;

13-10                (4)  the aggregate amount of all investments made under

13-11    this subsection may not exceed 25 percent of the insurer's assets.

13-12                For purposes of this subsection a business entity shall

13-13    mean a real estate investment trust, corporation, limited liability

13-14    company, association, limited partnership, joint venture, mutual

13-15    fund, trust, joint tenancy or other similar form of business

13-16    organization, whether organized for profit or not-for-profit.

13-17          [Common stock of any corporation organized under the laws of

13-18    the United States of America or any of its states, shares of mutual

13-19    funds doing business under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15

13-20    U.S.C.  Section 80a-1 et seq.), other than money market funds as

13-21    defined in Subsection (s) of this section, and shares in real

13-22    estate investment trusts as defined in the Internal Revenue Code of

13-23    1954 (26 U.S.C. Section 856); provided:]

13-24                [(1)  any such corporation, other than a mutual fund,

13-25    must be solvent with at least $1,000,000 net worth as of the date

13-26    of its latest annual or more recent certified audited financial

13-27    statement or will have at least $1,000,000 of net worth after

13-28    completion of a securities offering which is being subscribed to by

13-29    the insurer;]

13-30                [(2)  mutual funds, other than money market funds as

 14-1    defined in Subsection (s) of this section, and real estate

 14-2    investment trusts must be solvent with at least $1,000,000 of net

 14-3    assets as of the date of its latest annual or more recent certified

 14-4    audited financial statement;]

 14-5                [(3)  investments in any one corporation, mutual fund,

 14-6    other than a money market fund as defined in Subsection (s) of this

 14-7    section, or real estate investment trust may not exceed 15 percent

 14-8    of the insurer's capital and surplus; and]

 14-9                [(4)  the aggregate of all investments made under this

14-10    subsection may not exceed 25 percent of the insurer's assets;]

14-11          (i)  Preferred Stock.  Preferred stock of business entities

14-12    as defined in Subsection (c) of the section [corporations organized

14-13    under the laws of the United States of America or any of its

14-14    states]; provided:

14-15                (1)  investments in the preferred stock of any one

14-16    business entity will not exceed 20 percent of the insurer's capital

14-17    and surplus;

14-18                (2)  the preferred stock is rated by the SVO, and the

14-19    aggregate investment in preferred stock rated 3, 4, 5, or 6, when

14-20    added to the investments under subsection (C)(2) do not result in

14-21    the combined total of such investments exceeding the limitations

14-22    specified in subsection (C)(2);

14-23                [(1)  such corporation must be solvent with at least

14-24    $1,000,000 of net worth as of the date of its latest annual or more

14-25    recent certified audited financial statement or will have at least

14-26    $1,000,000 of net worth after completion of a security offering

14-27    which is being subscribed to by the insurer;]

14-28                [(2)  investments in the preferred stock of any one

14-29    corporation will not exceed 20 percent of the insurer's capital and

14-30    surplus;]

 15-1                (3)  in the aggregate not more than 10 percent of the

 15-2    insurer's assets may be invested in preferred stock, the redemption

 15-3    and retirement of which is not provided for by a sinking fund

 15-4    meeting the standards established by the National Association of

 15-5    Insurance Commissioners [to value the preferred stock at cost]; and

 15-6                (4)  the aggregate of all investments made under this

 15-7    subsection may not exceed 40 percent of the insurer's assets;

 15-8          (j)  Collateral Loans.  Collateral loans secured by a first

 15-9    lien upon or a valid and perfected first security interest in an

15-10    asset; provided:

15-11                (1)  the amount of any such collateral loan will not

15-12    exceed 80 percent of the value of the collateral asset at any time

15-13    during the duration of the loan; and

15-14                (2)  the asset used as collateral would be authorized

15-15    for direct investment by the insurer under other provisions of this

15-16    Section 4, except real property in Subsection (l);

15-17          (k)  Real Estate Loans.  Notes, evidences of indebtedness, or

15-18    participation therein secured by a valid first lien upon real

15-19    property or leasehold estate therein located in the United States

15-20    of America; provided:

15-21                (1)  the amount of any such obligation secured by a

15-22    first lien upon real property or leasehold estate therein shall not

15-23    exceed 90 percent of the value of such real property or leasehold

15-24    estate therein, but the amount of such obligation:

15-25                      (A)  may exceed 90 percent but shall not exceed

15-26    100 percent of the value of such real property or leasehold estate

15-27    therein if the insurer or one or more wholly owned subsidiaries of

15-28    the insurer owns in the aggregate a 10 percent or greater equity

15-29    interest in such real property or leasehold estate therein;

15-30                      (B)  may be 95 percent of the value of such real

 16-1    property or leasehold estate therein if it contains only a dwelling

 16-2    designed exclusively for occupancy by not more than four families

 16-3    for residential purposes, and the portion of the unpaid balance of

 16-4    such obligation which is in excess of an amount equal to 90 percent

 16-5    of such value is guaranteed or insured by a mortgage insurance

 16-6    company qualified to do business in the State of Texas; or

 16-7                      (C)  may be greater than 90 percent of the value

 16-8    of such real property or leasehold estate therein to the extent the

 16-9    obligation is insured or guaranteed by the United States of

16-10    America, the Federal Housing Administration pursuant to the

16-11    National Housing Act of 1934, as amended (12 U.S.C. Section 1701 et

16-12    seq.), or the State of Texas;

16-13                (2)  the term of an obligation secured by a first lien

16-14    upon a leasehold estate in real property shall not exceed a period

16-15    equal to four-fifths of the then unexpired term of such leasehold

16-16    estate; provided the unexpired term of the leasehold estate must

16-17    extend at least 10 years beyond the term of the obligation, and

16-18    each obligation shall be payable in an installment or installments

16-19    of sufficient amount or amounts so that at any time after the

16-20    expiration of two-thirds of the original loan term, the principal

16-21    balance will be no greater than the principal balance would have

16-22    been if the loan had been amortized over the original loan term in

16-23    equal monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual payments of

16-24    principal and interest, it being required that under any method of

16-25    repayment such obligation will fully amortize during a period of

16-26    time not exceeding four-fifths of the then unexpired term of the

16-27    security leasehold estate; and

16-28                (3)  if any part of the value of buildings is to be

16-29    included in the value of such real property or leasehold estate

16-30    therein to secure the obligations provided for in this subsection,

 17-1    such buildings shall be covered by adequate property insurance,

 17-2    including but not limited to fire and extended coverage insurance

 17-3    issued by a company authorized to transact business in the State of

 17-4    Texas or by a company recognized as acceptable for such purpose by

 17-5    the insurance regulatory official of the state in which such real

 17-6    estate is located, and the amount of insurance granted in the

 17-7    policy or policies shall be not less than the unpaid balance of the

 17-8    obligation or the insurable value of such buildings, whichever is

 17-9    the lesser; the loss clause shall be payable to the insurer as its

17-10    interest may appear; and

17-11                (4)  to the extent any note, evidence of indebtedness,

17-12    or participation therein under this subsection represents an equity

17-13    interest in the underlying real property, the value of such equity

17-14    interest shall be determined at the time of execution of such note,

17-15    evidence of indebtedness, or participation therein and that portion

17-16    shall be designated as an investment subject to the provisions of

17-17    Subsection (1)(2) of this section; and

17-18                (5)  the amount of any one such obligation may not

17-19    exceed 25 percent of the insurer's capital and surplus; and

17-20                (6)  a first lien on real property may be purchased

17-21    after its origination if the first lien is insured by a mortgagee's

17-22    title policy issued to the original mortgagee that contains a

17-23    provision that inures the policy to the use and benefit of the

17-24    owners of the evidence of debt indicated in the policy and to any

17-25    subsequent owners of that evidence of debt, and if the insurer

17-26    maintains evidence of assignments or other transfers of the first

17-27    lien on real property to the insurer.  An assignment or other

17-28    transfer to the insurer, duly recorded in the county in which the

17-29    real property is located, shall be presumed to create legal

17-30    ownership of the first lien by the insurer;

 18-1          (l)  Real Estate.  Real property fee simple or leasehold

 18-2    estates located within the United States of America, as follows:

 18-3                (1)  home and branch office real property or

 18-4    participation therein, which must be materially enhanced in value

 18-5    by the construction of durable, permanent-type buildings and other

 18-6    improvements costing an amount at least equal to the cost of such

 18-7    real property, exclusive of buildings and improvements at the time

 18-8    of acquisition, or by the construction of such buildings and

 18-9    improvements which must be commenced within two years of the date

18-10    of the acquisition of such real property; provided:

18-11                      (A)  at least 30 percent of the available space

18-12    in such building shall be occupied for the business purposes of the

18-13    insurer and its affiliates; and

18-14                      (B)  the aggregate investment in such home and

18-15    branch offices shall not exceed 20 percent of the insurer's assets;

18-16    and

18-17                (2)  other investment property or participation

18-18    therein, which must be materially enhanced in value by the

18-19    construction of durable, permanent-type buildings and other

18-20    improvements costing an amount at least equal to the cost of such

18-21    real property, exclusive of buildings and improvements at the time

18-22    of acquisition, or by the construction of such buildings and

18-23    improvements which must be commenced within two years of the date

18-24    of acquisition of such real property; provided that such investment

18-25    in any one piece of property or interest therein, including the

18-26    improvements, fixtures, and equipment pertaining thereto may not

18-27    exceed five percent of the insurer's assets; provided, however,

18-28    nothing in this article shall allow ownership of, development of,

18-29    or equity interest in any residential property or subdivision,

18-30    single or multiunit family dwelling property, or undeveloped real

 19-1    estate for the purpose of subdivision for or development of

 19-2    residential, single, or multiunit family dwellings, except

 19-3    acquisitions as provided in Subdivision (4) below, and such

 19-4    ownership, development, or equity interests shall be specifically

 19-5    prohibited;

 19-6                (3)  the admissible asset value of each such investment

 19-7    in the properties acquired under Subdivisions (1) and (2) of this

 19-8    subsection shall be subject to review and approval by the

 19-9    Commissioner of Insurance.  The commissioner shall have discretion

19-10    at the time such investment is made or any time when an examination

19-11    of the company is being made to cause any such investment to be

19-12    appraised by an appraiser, appointed by the commissioner, and the

19-13    reasonable expense of such appraisal shall be paid by such

19-14    insurance company and shall be deemed to be a part of the expense

19-15    of examination of such company; if the appraisal is made upon

19-16    application of the company, the expense of such appraisal shall not

19-17    be considered a part of the expense of examination of such company;

19-18    no insurance company may hereafter make any write-up in the

19-19    valuation of any of the properties described in Subdivision (1) or

19-20    (2) of this subsection unless and until it makes application

19-21    therefor and such increase in valuation shall be approved by the

19-22    commissioner; and

19-23                (4)  other real property acquired:

19-24                      (A)  in good faith by way of security for loans

19-25    previously contracted or money due; or

19-26                      (B)  in satisfaction of debts previously

19-27    contracted for in the course of its dealings; or

19-28                      (C)  by purchase at sales under judgment or

19-29    decrees of court, or mortgage or other lien held by such insurer;

19-30    and

 20-1                (5)  regardless of the mode of acquisition specified

 20-2    herein, upon sale of any such real property, the fee title to the

 20-3    mineral estate or any portion thereof may be retained by the

 20-4    insurance company indefinitely;

 20-5          (m)  Oil, Gas, and Minerals.  In addition to and without

 20-6    limitation on the purposes for which real property may be acquired,

 20-7    secured, held, or retained pursuant to other provisions of this

 20-8    section, every such insurance company may secure, hold, retain, and

 20-9    convey production payments, producing royalties and producing

20-10    overriding royalties, or participation therein as an investment for

20-11    the production of income; provided:

20-12                (1)  in no event may such company carry such assets in

20-13    an amount in excess of 90 percent of the appraised value thereof;

20-14    and

20-15                (2)  no one investment under this subsection may exceed

20-16    10 percent of the insurer's capital and surplus in excess of

20-17    statutory minimum capital and surplus applicable to that insurer,

20-18    and the aggregate of all such investments may not exceed 10 percent

20-19    of the insurer's assets as of December 31st next preceding the date

20-20    of such investment; and

20-21                (3)  for the purposes of this subsection, the following

20-22    definitions apply:

20-23                      (A)  a production payment is defined to mean a

20-24    right to oil, gas, or other minerals in place or as produced that

20-25    entitles its owner to a specified fraction of production until a

20-26    specified sum of money, or a specified number of units of oil, gas,

20-27    or other minerals, has been received;

20-28                      (B)  a royalty and an overriding royalty are each

20-29    defined to mean a right to oil, gas, and other minerals in place or

20-30    as produced that entitles the owner to a specified fraction of

 21-1    production without limitation to a specified sum of money or a

 21-2    specified number of units of oil, gas, or other minerals;

 21-3                      (C)  "producing" is defined to mean producing

 21-4    oil, gas, or other minerals in paying quantities, provided that it

 21-5    shall be deemed that oil, gas, or other minerals are being produced

 21-6    in paying quantities if a well has been "shut in" and "shut-in

 21-7    royalties" are being paid;

 21-8          (n)  Foreign Countries and United States Territories.  In

 21-9    addition to the investments in Canada authorized in other

21-10    subsections of this section, investments in other foreign countries

21-11    or in commonwealths, territories, or possessions of the United

21-12    States; provided:

21-13                (1)  such investments are substantially the same types

21-14    as those authorized for investment within the United States of

21-15    America or Canada by other provisions of this section [and are

21-16    rated one or two by the Securities Valuation Office of the National

21-17    Association of Insurance Commissioners]; and

21-18                (2)  such investments when added to the amount of

21-19    similar investments made within the United States and Canada do not

21-20    result in the combined total of such investments exceeding the

21-21    limitations specified in Subsections (a) through (m), (o), (q) and

21-22    (u), of this section; and

21-23                (3)  such investments may not exceed the sum of:

21-24                      (A)  the amount of insurer's reserves,

21-25    attributable to the insurance business in force in foreign [said]

21-26    countries, if any, and any additional investments required by any

21-27    foreign country as a condition to doing business therein; and

21-28                      (B)  20 [five] percent of the insurer's assets of

21-29    which no more than 10 percent of the insurer's assets are

21-30    investments denominated in foreign currency that are not hedged

 22-1    pursuant to the provisions of subsection (u) of this section;

 22-2          (o)  Investments Not Otherwise Specified.  Investments which

 22-3    are not otherwise authorized by this article and which are not

 22-4    specifically prohibited by statute, including that portion of any

 22-5    investments which may exceed the limits specified in Subsections

 22-6    (a) through (n), (q) and (u) of this section; provided:

 22-7                (1)  if any aggregate or individual specified

 22-8    investment limitation in Subsections (a) through (n), (q) and (u)

 22-9    of this section is exceeded, then the excess portion of such

22-10    investment shall be an investment under this subsection; and

22-11                (2)  the burden of establishing the value of such

22-12    investments shall be upon the insurer; and

22-13                (3)  the amount of any one such investment may not

22-14    exceed 10 percent of the insurer's capital and surplus in excess of

22-15    the statutory minimum capital and surplus applicable to that

22-16    insurer; and

22-17                (4)  the aggregate of all investments made under this

22-18    subsection may not exceed the lesser of either five percent of the

22-19    insurer's assets or the insurer's capital and surplus in excess of

22-20    the statutory minimum capital and surplus applicable to that

22-21    insurer;

22-22          (p)  Other Authorized Investments.  Those other investments

22-23    as follows:

22-24                (1)  any investment held by an insurer on the effective

22-25    date of this Act, which was legally authorized at the time it was

22-26    made or acquired or which the insurer was authorized to hold or

22-27    possess immediately prior to such effective date, but which does

22-28    not conform to the requirements of the investments authorized in

22-29    Subsections (a) through (o) of this section, may continue to be

22-30    held by and considered as an [admitted] authorized asset or

 23-1    transactions of the insurer; provided the investment or transaction

 23-2    is disposed of at its maturity date, if any, or within the time

 23-3    prescribed by the law under which it was acquired, if any; and

 23-4    provided further, in no event shall the provisions of this

 23-5    subdivision alter the legal or accounting status of such asset; and

 23-6                (2)  any other investment which may be authorized by

 23-7    other provisions of this code or by other laws of this state for

 23-8    the insurers which are subject to this article.

 23-9          (q)  [Special Limitations for Certain Fixed Annuity

23-10    Insurers.]  Securities Lending, Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase and

23-11    Dollar Roll Transactions.  (a)  For purposes of this subsection

23-12    (q), the following definitions shall apply:

23-13                (1)  "Repurchase transaction" means a transaction in

23-14    which an insurer purchases securities from a business entity that

23-15    is obligated to repurchase the purchased securities or equivalent

23-16    securities from the insurer at a specified price, either within a

23-17    specified period of time or upon demand.

23-18                (2)  "Reverse repurchase transaction" means a

23-19    transaction in which an insurer sells securities to a business

23-20    entity and is obligated to repurchase the sold securities or

23-21    equivalent securities from the business entity at a specified

23-22    price, either within a specified period of time or upon demand.

23-23                (3)  "Securities lending transaction" means a

23-24    transaction in which securities are loaned by an insurer to a

23-25    business entity that is obligated to return the loaned securities

23-26    or equivalent securities to the insurer, either within a specified

23-27    period of time or upon demand.

23-28                (4)  "Dollar roll transaction" means two simultaneous

23-29    transactions with settlement dates no more than 96 days apart so

23-30    that in one transaction an insurer sells to a business entity, and

 24-1    in the other transaction the insurer is obligated to purchase from

 24-2    the same business entity, substantially similar securities of the

 24-3    following types:

 24-4                      (A)  Mortgage-backed securities issued, assumed

 24-5    or guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association, the

 24-6    Federal National Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan

 24-7    Mortgage Corporation or their respective successors; and

 24-8                      (B)  Other mortgage-backed securities referred to

 24-9    in Section 106 of Title I of the Secondary Mortgage Market

24-10    Enhancement Act of 1984 (15 U.S.C. Section 77r-1), as amended.

24-11          (b)  An insurer may engage in securities lending, repurchase,

24-12    reverse repurchase and dollar roll transactions.  The insurer shall

24-13    enter into a written agreement for all transactions, except dollar

24-14    roll transactions, that shall require each transaction terminate no

24-15    more than one year from its inception.

24-16          (c)  Cash received in a transaction under this section shall

24-17    be invested in accordance with this Article and in a manner that

24-18    recognizes the liquidity needs of the transaction or used by the

24-19    insurer for its general corporate purposes.  For so long as the

24-20    transaction remains outstanding, the insurer, its agent or

24-21    custodian shall maintain, as to acceptable collateral received in a

24-22    transaction under this subsection, either physically or through the

24-23    book entry systems of the Federal Reserve, Depository Trust

24-24    Company, Participants Trust Company or other securities

24-25    depositories approved by the commissioner:

24-26                (1)  Possession of the acceptable collateral;

24-27                (2)  A perfected security interest in the acceptable

24-28    collateral; or

24-29                (3)  In the case of a jurisdiction outside of the

24-30    United States, title to, or rights of a secured creditor to, the

 25-1    acceptable collateral; and

 25-2          (d)  The limitations of subsection 4(c) and subsection 5(a)

 25-3    shall not apply to the business entity counterparty exposure

 25-4    created by transactions under this section.  An insurer shall not

 25-5    enter into a transaction under this subsection if, as a result of

 25-6    and after giving effect to the transaction:

 25-7                (1)  The aggregate amount of securities then loaned,

 25-8    sold to, or purchased from, any one business entity counterparty

 25-9    under this subsection would exceed 5 percent of its assets.  In

25-10    calculating the amount sold to or purchased from a business entity

25-11    counterparty under repurchase or reverse repurchase transactions,

25-12    effect may be given to netting provisions under a master written

25-13    agreement; or

25-14                (2)  The aggregate amount of all securities then

25-15    loaned, sold to or purchased from all business entities under this

25-16    subsection would exceed 40 percent of its assets.

25-17          (e)  The amount of collateral required for securities

25-18    lending, repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions is the

25-19    amount required pursuant to the provisions of the Purposes and

25-20    Procedures of the Securities Valuation Office or such successor

25-21    publication.

25-22          [The quantitative limitations imposed above in Subsections

25-23    (b)(2), (c)(2), (f)(1), (g)(3), (h)(3), (i)(2), and (k)(5) of this

25-24    section shall not apply to any insurer with assets in excess of

25-25    $2,500,000,000 and that receives more than 90 percent of its

25-26    premium income from fixed rate annuity contracts and that has more

25-27    than 90 percent of its assets allocated to its reserves held for

25-28    fixed rate annuity contracts, excluding, however, any premium

25-29    income, assets, and reserves received from, held for, or allocated

25-30    to separate accounts from the computation of the above percentages,

 26-1    and in lieu thereof, the following quantitative limitations shall

 26-2    apply to such insurers:]

 26-3                [(1)  the limitation in Subsection (b)(2) of this

 26-4    section shall be two percent of the insurer's assets;]

 26-5                [(2)  the limitation in Subsection (c)(2) of this

 26-6    section shall be two percent of the insurer's assets;]

 26-7                [(3)  the limitation in Subsection (f)(1) of this

 26-8    section shall be two percent of the insurer's assets;]

 26-9                [(4)  the limitation in Subsection (g)(3) of this

26-10    section shall be one percent of the insurer's assets;]

26-11                [(5)  the limitation in Subsection (h)(3) of this

26-12    section shall be one percent of the insurer's assets;]

26-13                [(6)  the limitation in Subsection (i)(2) of this

26-14    section shall be two percent of the insurer's assets; and]

26-15                [(7)  the limitation in Subsection (k)(5) of this

26-16    section shall be two percent of the insurer's assets.]

26-17          (r)  Premium Loans.  Loans to finance the payment of premiums

26-18    for the insurer's own insurance policies or annuity contracts;

26-19    provided that the amount of any such loan does not exceed the sum

26-20    of:  (i) the available cash value of such insurance policy or

26-21    annuity contract; and (ii) the amount of any escrowed commissions

26-22    payable relating to such insurance policy or annuity contract for

26-23    which the premium loan is made; and

26-24          (s)  Money Market Funds.  (1)  Money market mutual funds as

26-25    defined by 17 CFR 270.2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940

26-26    (15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq.)  that may be either of the following:

26-27                      (A)  Government money market mutual fund which is

26-28    a money market mutual fund that:

26-29                            (i)  invests only in obligations issued,

26-30    guaranteed or insured by the federal government of the United

 27-1    States or collateralized repurchase agreements composed of these

 27-2    obligations; and

 27-3                            (ii)  qualifies for investment without a

 27-4    reserve under the Purposes and Procedures of the Securities

 27-5    Valuation Office or any successor publication; or

 27-6                      (B)  Class one money market mutual fund which is

 27-7    a money market mutual fund that qualifies for investment using the

 27-8    bond class one reserve factor under the Purposes and Procedures of

 27-9    the Securities Valuation Office or any successor publication.

27-10                      [(A)  the funds invest 100 percent of total

27-11    assets in United States treasury bills, notes, and bonds, and

27-12    collateralized repurchase agreements composed of those obligations

27-13    at all times;]

27-14                      [(B)  the funds invest 100 percent of total assets

27-15    in other full faith and credit instruments of the United States; or]

27-16                      [(C)  the funds invest at least 95 percent of

27-17    total assets in exempt securities, short-term debt instruments with

27-18    a maturity of 397 days or less, class one bonds, and collateralized

27-19    repurchase agreements composed of those securities at all times;]

27-20                (2)  For purposes of complying with Subsection (h) of

27-21    this section, money market funds qualifying for listing within

27-22    these categories must conform to the Purposes and Procedures

27-23    [manual] of the Securities Valuation Office or such successor

27-24    publication [valuation of securities manual of the National

27-25    Association of Insurance Commissioners.];

27-26          (t)  The percentage authorizations and limitations set forth

27-27    in any and all of the provisions of this [section] Article 3.33

27-28    shall apply only at the time of the original acquisition of an

27-29    investment or at the time a transaction is entered into and shall

27-30    not be applicable to the insurer or such investment or transaction

 28-1    thereafter except as provided in Subsection (w) of this section.

 28-2    In addition, any investment, once qualified under any subsection of

 28-3    this section, shall remain qualified notwithstanding any

 28-4    refinancing, restructuring or modification of such investment.

 28-5          (u)  Risk Control Transactions.  An insurer may use

 28-6    derivative instruments to engage in hedging transactions,

 28-7    replication transactions and income generation transactions as set

 28-8    forth herein.

 28-9                (1)  For the purposes of this subsection (u), the

28-10    following definitions shall apply:

28-11                      (A)  "Acceptable collateral" means cash, cash

28-12    equivalents, letters or credit and direct obligations, or

28-13    securities that are fully guaranteed as to principal and interest

28-14    by, the government of the United States.

28-15                      (B)  "Business entity" includes a sole

28-16    proprietorship, corporation, limited liability company,

28-17    association, partnership, joint stock company, joint venture,

28-18    mutual fund, bank, trust, joint tenancy or other similar form of

28-19    business organization, whether organized for-profit or

28-20    not-for-profit.

28-21                      (C)  "Cap" means an agreement obligating the

28-22    seller to make payments to the buyer with each payment based on the

28-23    amount by which a reference price or level or the performance or

28-24    value of one or more underlying interests exceeds a predetermined

28-25    number, sometimes called the strike rate or strike price.

28-26                      (D)  "Cash equivalents" means short-term, highly

28-27    rated and highly liquid and readily marketable investments or

28-28    securities, which includes money market funds as defined on

28-29    subsection (s).  For purposes of this definition:

28-30                            (i)  "Short term" means investments with a

 29-1    remaining term to maturity of one year or less; and

 29-2                            (ii)  "Highly rated" means an investment

 29-3    rated "P-1" by Moody's Investors Service, Inc., or "A-1" by

 29-4    Standard and Poor's Corporation or its equivalent rating by a

 29-5    nationally recognized statistical rating organization recognized by

 29-6    the SVO.

 29-7                      (E)  "Collar" means an agreement to receive

 29-8    payments as the buyer of an option, cap or floor and to make

 29-9    payments as the seller of a different option, cap or floor.

29-10                      (F)  "Counterparty exposure amount" means:

29-11                            (i)  for an over-the-counter derivative

29-12    instrument not entered into under or subject to a written master

29-13    agreement which provides for netting of payments owed by the

29-14    respective parties:

29-15                                           (a)  the market value of the

29-16    over-the-counter derivative instrument if the liquidation of the

29-17    derivative instrument would result in a final cash payment to the

29-18    insurer; or

29-19                                           (b)  zero if the liquidation

29-20    of the derivative instrument would not result in a final cash

29-21    payment to the insurer.

29-22                            (ii)  for over-the-counter derivative

29-23    instruments entered into under or subject to a written master

29-24    agreement which provides for netting of payments owed by the

29-25    respective parties, and the domiciliary jurisdiction of the

29-26    counterparty is either within the United States or if not within

29-27    the United States, within a foreign (not United States)

29-28    jurisdiction listed in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the

29-29    SVO as eligible for netting, the greater of zero or the net sum

29-30    payable to the insurer in connection with all derivative

 30-1    instruments subject to the written master agreement upon their

 30-2    liquidation in the event of default by the counterparty under the

 30-3    master agreement (assuming no conditions precedent to the

 30-4    obligations of the counterparty to make such a payment and assuming

 30-5    no setoff of amounts payable under any other instrument or

 30-6    agreement);

 30-7                            (iii)  for purposes of this definition,

 30-8    market value or the net sum payable, as the case may be, shall be

 30-9    determined at the end of the most recent quarter of the insurer's

30-10    fiscal year and will be reduced by the market value of acceptable

30-11    collateral held by the insurer or a custodian on the insurer's

30-12    behalf.

30-13                      (G)  "Derivative instrument" means any agreement,

30-14    option or instrument, or any series or combinations thereof:

30-15                            (i)  to make or take delivery of, or assume

30-16    or relinquish, a specified amount of one or more underlying

30-17    interests, or to make a cash settlement in lieu thereof; or

30-18                            (ii)  that has a price, performance, value

30-19    or cash flow based primarily upon the actual or expected price,

30-20    yield, level, performance, value or cash flow of one or more

30-21    underlying interests.

30-22                            Derivative instruments include options,

30-23    warrants not otherwise permitted to be held by the insurer under

30-24    this article, caps, floors, collars, swaps, swaptions, forwards,

30-25    futures, and any other agreements, options or instruments

30-26    substantially similar thereto, or any series or combinations

30-27    thereof.

30-28                            Derivative instruments do not include

30-29    collateralized mortgage obligations, other asset backed securities,

30-30    principal-protected structured securities, floating rate

 31-1    securities, or instruments which an insurer is otherwise permitted

 31-2    to invest in or receive under this article other than under this

 31-3    subsection, and any debt obligations of the insurer.

 31-4                      (H)  "Derivative transaction" means a transaction

 31-5    involving the use of one or more derivative instruments.  Dollar

 31-6    roll transactions, repurchase transactions, reverse repurchase

 31-7    transactions and securities lending transactions shall not be

 31-8    included as derivative transactions for purposes of this

 31-9    subsection.

31-10                      (I)  "Floor" means an agreement obligating the

31-11    seller to make payments to the buyer in which each payment is based

31-12    on the amount by which a predetermined number, sometimes called the

31-13    floor rate or price, exceeds a reference price, level, performance

31-14    or value of one or more underlying interests.

31-15                      (J)  "Forward" means an agreement (other than a

31-16    future) to make or take delivery in the future of one or more

31-17    underlying interests, or effect a cash settlement, based on the

31-18    actual or expected price, level, performance or value of such

31-19    underlying interests, but shall not mean or include spot

31-20    transactions effected within customary settlement periods,

31-21    when-issued purchases, or other similar cash market transactions.

31-22                      (K)  "Future" means an agreement traded on a

31-23    futures exchange, to make or take delivery of, or effect a cash

31-24    settlement based on the actual or expected price, level,

31-25    performance or value of, one or more underlying interests.

31-26                      (L)  "Futures exchange" means a foreign or

31-27    domestic exchange, contract market or board of trade on which

31-28    trading in futures is conducted and, in the U.S., which has been

31-29    authorized for such trading by the Commodities Futures Trading

31-30    Commission.

 32-1                      (M)  "Hedging transaction" means a derivative

 32-2    transaction which is entered into and maintained to manage:

 32-3                            (i)  the risk of a change in the value,

 32-4    yield, price, cash flow or quantity of assets or liabilities (or a

 32-5    portfolio of assets and/or liabilities) which the insurer has

 32-6    acquired or incurred or anticipates acquiring or incurring; or

 32-7                            (ii)  the currency exchange rate risk

 32-8    related to assets or liabilities (or a portfolio of assets and/or

 32-9    liabilities) which an insurer has acquired or incurred or

32-10    anticipates acquiring or incurring.

32-11                      (N)  "Income generation transaction" means a

32-12    derivative transaction which is entered into to generate income.  A

32-13    derivative transaction which is entered into as a hedging

32-14    transaction or a replication shall not be considered an income

32-15    generation transaction.

32-16                      (O)  "Market value" means the price for the

32-17    security or derivative instrument from a generally recognized

32-18    source or the most recent quotation from such a source or, to the

32-19    extent no generally recognized source exists, the price for the

32-20    security or derivative instrument as determined under the terms of

32-21    the instrument or in good faith by the insurer as can be reasonably

32-22    demonstrated to the Commissioner upon request, plus accrued but

32-23    unpaid income thereon to the extent not included in the price as of

32-24    the date.

32-25                      (P)  "Option" means an agreement giving the buyer

32-26    the right to buy or receive (a "call option"), sell or deliver (a

32-27    "put option"), enter into, extend or terminate or effect a cash

32-28    settlement based on the actual or expected price, spread, level,

32-29    performance or value of one or more underlying interests.

32-30                      (Q)  "Over-the-counter derivative instrument"

 33-1    means a derivative instrument entered into with a business entity

 33-2    other than through a securities exchange, futures exchange, or

 33-3    cleared through a qualified clearinghouse.

 33-4                      (R)  "Potential exposure" means:

 33-5                            (i)  as to a futures position, the amount

 33-6    of initial margin required for that position; or

 33-7                            (ii)  as to swaps, collars and forwards,

 33-8    one-half percent times the notional amount times the square root of

 33-9    the remaining years to maturity.

33-10                      (S)  "Qualified clearinghouse" means a

33-11    clearinghouse subject to the rules of a securities exchange or a

33-12    futures exchange, which provides clearing services, including

33-13    acting as a counterparty to each of the parties to a transaction

33-14    such that the parties no longer have credit risk to each other.

33-15                      (T)  "Replication transaction" means a derivative

33-16    transaction or combination of derivative transactions effected

33-17    either separately or in conjunction with cash market investments

33-18    included in the insurer's investment portfolio in order to

33-19    replicate the risks and returns of another authorized transaction,

33-20    investment or instrument and/or operate as a substitute for cash

33-21    market transactions.  A derivative transaction entered into by the

33-22    insurer as a hedging transaction shall not be considered a

33-23    replication transaction.

33-24                      (U)  "Securities exchange" means:

33-25                            (i)  an exchange registered as a national

33-26    securities exchange or a securities market registered under the

33-27    Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. Section 78 et seq.), as

33-28    amended:

33-29                            (ii)  Private Offerings Resales and Trading

33-30    through Automated Linkages (PORTAL); or

 34-1                            (iii)  a designated offshore securities

 34-2    market as defined in Securities Exchange Commission Regulation S,

 34-3    17 C.F.R. Part 230, as amended.

 34-4                      (V)  "Swap" means an agreement to exchange or to

 34-5    net payments at one or more times based on the actual or expected

 34-6    price, yield, level, performance or value of one or more underlying

 34-7    interests.

 34-8                      (W)  "Swaption" means an option to purchase or

 34-9    sell a swap at a given price and time or at a series of prices and

34-10    times.  A swaption does not mean a swap with an embedded option.

34-11                      (X)  "Underlying interest" means the assets,

34-12    liabilities, other interests, or a combination thereof, underlying

34-13    a derivative instrument, such as any one or more securities,

34-14    currencies, rates, indices, commodities or derivatives instruments.

34-15                      (Y)  "Warrant" means an instrument that gives the

34-16    holder the right to purchase or sell the underlying interest at a

34-17    given price and time or at a series of prices and times outlined in

34-18    the warrant agreement.

34-19                (2)  Prior to entering into any derivative

34-20    transactions, the board of directors of the insurer shall approve a

34-21    derivative use plan, as part of the investment plan required in

34-22    section 3. of this article, that:

34-23                      (A)  describes investment objectives and risk

34-24    constraints, such as credit limits;

34-25                      (B)  defines permissible transactions identifying

34-26    the risks to be hedged or the assets or liabilities being

34-27    replicated; and

34-28                      (C)  requires compliance with internal control

34-29    procedures.

34-30                (3)  The insurer shall establish written internal

 35-1    control procedures that provide for:

 35-2                      (A)  a quarterly report to the board of directors

 35-3    that reviews:

 35-4                            (i)  all derivative transactions entered

 35-5    into, outstanding and closed out;

 35-6                            (ii)  the results and effectiveness of the

 35-7    derivatives program; and

 35-8                            (iii)  the risk exposure for

 35-9    over-the-counter derivative transactions that measures the credit

35-10    risk exposure using the counterparty exposure amount;

35-11                      (B)  a system for determining whether hedging or

35-12    replication strategies utilized have been effective;

35-13                      (C)  a system of regular reports (not less

35-14    frequently than monthly) to management including:

35-15                            (i)  a description of all the derivative

35-16    transactions entered into, outstanding and closed out during the

35-17    period since the last report;

35-18                            (ii)  the purpose of the derivative

35-19    transactions;

35-20                            (iii)  the performance review of the

35-21    derivative instrument program; and

35-22                            (iv)  the counterparty exposure amount for

35-23    over-the-counter derivative transactions;

35-24                      (D)  control procedures that identify the

35-25    responsibilities and limitations of authority of persons authorized

35-26    to effect and maintain derivative transactions;

35-27                      (E)  required documentation of each transaction

35-28    including:

35-29                            (i)  the purpose of the transaction;

35-30                            (ii)  the assets or liabilities to which

 36-1    the transaction relates;

 36-2                            (iii)  the specific derivative instrument

 36-3    used in the transaction;

 36-4                            (iv)  for over-the-counter derivative

 36-5    instrument transactions, the name of the counterparty and the

 36-6    counterparty exposure amount; and

 36-7                            (v)  for exchange traded derivative

 36-8    instruments, the name of the exchange and the name of the firm that

 36-9    handled the transaction.

36-10                (4)  An insurer shall be able to demonstrate to the

36-11    commissioner, upon request, the intended hedging characteristics

36-12    and ongoing effectiveness of the derivative transaction or

36-13    combination of transactions through cash flow testing, duration

36-14    analysis or other appropriate analysis.

36-15                (5)  An insurer shall include all counterparty exposure

36-16    amounts in determining compliance with the limitations of

36-17    subsection (c).

36-18                (6)(a)  Ten days prior to entering into the initial

36-19    hedging transaction, the insurer shall notify the Commissioner in

36-20    writing detailing:  (i)  that the insurer's board of directors has

36-21    adopted an investment plan which authorizes hedging transactions,

36-22    (ii)  acknowledges that all hedging transactions will comply with

36-23    this subsection (u), and (iii)  insurers already engaged in hedging

36-24    transactions shall notify the Commissioner as set forth above

36-25    within 30 days of the effective date of this subsection (u)(5).

36-26    Thereafter, an insurer may enter into hedging transactions under

36-27    this subsection, if as a result of and after giving effect to each

36-28    such transaction:

36-29                      (A)  the aggregate statement of value of all

36-30    outstanding options (other than collars), caps, floors, swaptions

 37-1    and warrants not attached to another financial instrument purchased

 37-2    by the insurer pursuant to this subsection does not exceed 7.5

 37-3    percent of its assets;

 37-4                      (B)  the aggregate statement value of all

 37-5    outstanding options (other than collars), swaptions, warrants, caps

 37-6    and floors written by the insurer pursuant to this subsection does

 37-7    not exceed 3 percent of its assets; and

 37-8                      (C)  the aggregate potential exposure of all

 37-9    outstanding collars, swaps, forwards and futures entered into or

37-10    acquired by the insurer pursuant to this subsection does not exceed

37-11    6.5 percent of its assets.

37-12          (b)  Whenever the investment practices of an insurer, as

37-13    regards transactions made under this subsection (u)(5), indicate

37-14    that they are not in compliance with this subsection (u) or, if

37-15    continued, may now or subsequently, create a hazardous financial

37-16    condition to the insurer which effects its policyholders, creditors

37-17    or the general public, then the Commissioner may, after notice and

37-18    an opportunity for a hearing, order the insurer to take such action

37-19    as may be reasonably necessary to (i)  rectify a hazardous

37-20    financial condition, or (ii)  to prevent an impending hazardous

37-21    financial condition from occurring.

37-22                (7)  An insurer may only enter into an income

37-23    generation transaction if:

37-24                      (A)  as a result of and after giving effect to

37-25    the transaction, the aggregate statement value of admitted assets

37-26    that are then subject to call or that generate the cash flows for

37-27    payments required to be made by the insurer under caps and floors

37-28    sold by the insurer and then outstanding under this subsection,

37-29    plus the statement value of admitted assets underlying derivative

37-30    instruments then subject to calls sold by the insurer and

 38-1    outstanding under this subsection, plus the statement value of

 38-2    admitted assets underlying derivative instruments then subject to

 38-3    calls sold by the insurer and outstanding under this subsection,

 38-4    plus the purchase price of assets subject to puts then outstanding

 38-5    under this subsection does not exceed 10 percent of its assets; and

 38-6                      (B)  the transaction is one of the following

 38-7    types, is covered in the manner specified below and meets the other

 38-8    requirements specified below:

 38-9                            (i)  sales of call options on assets,

38-10    provided that the insurer holds or has a currently-exercisable

38-11    right to acquire the underlying assets during the entire period

38-12    that the option is outstanding;

38-13                            (ii)  sales of put options on assets,

38-14    provided that the insurer holds sufficient cash, cash equivalents

38-15    or interests in a short term investment pool to purchase the

38-16    underlying assets upon exercise during the entire period that the

38-17    option is outstanding, and has the ability to hold the underlying

38-18    assets in its portfolio.  In the event that the total market of all

38-19    put options exceeds 2 percent of the insurer's assets, the insurer

38-20    shall set aside under a custodial or escrow agreement cash or cash

38-21    equivalents with a market value equal to the amount of its put

38-22    option obligations in excess of 2 percent of the insurer's assets

38-23    during the entire period the option is outstanding;

38-24                            (iii)  sales of call options on derivative

38-25    instruments (including swaptions), provided that the insurer holds

38-26    or has a currently exercisable right to acquire assets generating

38-27    the cash flow to make any payments for which the insurer is liable

38-28    under the underlying derivative instruments during the entire

38-29    period that the call options are outstanding and has the ability to

38-30    enter into the underlying derivative transactions for its

 39-1    portfolio; and

 39-2                            (iv)  sales of caps and floors, provided

 39-3    that the insurer holds or has a currently exercisable right to

 39-4    acquire assets generating the cash flow to make any payments for

 39-5    which the insurer is liable under the caps and floors during the

 39-6    entire period that the caps and floors are outstanding.

 39-7                (8)  An insurer may enter into replication transactions

 39-8    only with prior written approval from the Commissioner, provided

 39-9    that:

39-10                      (A)  the insurer would otherwise be authorized to

39-11    invest its funds under this article in the asset being replicated;

39-12                      (B)  the asset being replicated is subject to all

39-13    the provisions and limitations on the making thereof specified in

39-14    this article with respect to investments by the insurer as if the

39-15    transaction constituted a direct investment by the insurer in the

39-16    replicated asset; and

39-17                      (C)  the Commissioner may adopt such rules and

39-18    regulations regarding replication transactions as may be fair and

39-19    reasonable to implement this subsection (u)(7).

39-20                (9)  An insurer may purchase or sell one or more

39-21    derivative instruments to offset, in whole or in part, any

39-22    derivative instrument previously purchased or sold, as the case may

39-23    be, without regard to the quantitative limitations of this

39-24    subsection provided that such offsetting transaction utilizes the

39-25    same type of derivative instrument as the derivative instrument

39-26    being offset.

39-27                (10)  Trading Requirements.  Each derivative instrument

39-28    shall be:

39-29                      (A)  traded on a securities exchange; or

39-30                      (B)  entered into with, or guaranteed by, a

 40-1    business entity; or

 40-2                      (C)  issued or written by or entered into with

 40-3    the issuer of the underlying interest on which the derivative

 40-4    instrument is based; or

 40-5                      (D)  in the case of futures, traded through a

 40-6    broker which is registered as a futures commission merchant under

 40-7    the Commodity Exchange Act or which has received exemptive relief

 40-8    from such registration under rule 30.10 promulgated under the

 40-9    Commodity Exchange Act.

40-10          (v)  Distributions, Reinsurance, and Merger.  No provision of

40-11    this article prohibits the acquisition by an insurer of additional

40-12    obligations, securities, or other assets if received as a dividend

40-13    or as a distribution of assets, nor does this article apply to

40-14    securities, obligations, or other assets accepted incident to the

40-15    workout, adjustment, restructuring or similar realization of any

40-16    kind of investment, when deemed by the insurer's board of directors

40-17    or by a committee appointed by the board of directors to be in the

40-18    best interests of the insurer, if the debt or investment had

40-19    previously qualified as an admitted asset, nor does this article

40-20    apply to assets acquired pursuant to a lawful agreement of bulk

40-21    reinsurance, merger, or consolidation if such assets constituted

40-22    legal and admissible investments for the ceding, merged, or

40-23    consolidated company.  No obligation, security, or other asset

40-24    acquired as permitted by this subsection need be qualified under

40-25    any other subsection of this article.

40-26          (w)  Qualification of Investments.  The qualification or

40-27    disqualification of an investment under one subsection of this

40-28    section does not prevent its qualification in whole or in part

40-29    under another subsection, and an investment authorized by more than

40-30    one subsection may be held under whichever authorizing subsection

 41-1    the insurer elects.  An investment or investment practice qualified

 41-2    under any subsection at the time it was acquired or entered into by

 41-3    the company shall continue to be qualified under that subsection.

 41-4    An investment, in whole or in part, may be transferred from time to

 41-5    time, at the election of the insurer, to the authority of any

 41-6    subsection under which it qualifies, whether originally qualifying

 41-7    thereunder or not.

 41-8          SECTION 4.  Section 5, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, is

 41-9    amended to read:

41-10          Sec. 5.  Aggregate Diversification Requirements.  The

41-11    following provisions govern and take precedence over each and every

41-12    provision of Section 4, except subsections (q), (t) and (v):

41-13          (a)  Investments in all or any types of securities, loans,

41-14    obligations, or evidences of indebtedness of a single issuer or

41-15    borrower (which shall include such issuer's or borrower's

41-16    majority-owned subsidiaries or parent or the majority-owned

41-17    subsidiaries of such parent), other than those authorized

41-18    investments that are either direct obligations of or guaranteed by

41-19    the full faith and credit of the United States of America, the

41-20    State of Texas, or a political subdivision thereof or are insured

41-21    by an agency of the United States of America or the State of Texas

41-22    shall not in the aggregate exceed five percent of the insurer's

41-23    assets except for those investments provided for in Subsections (e)

41-24    and (f) of Section 4 of this article; and

41-25          (b)  The aggregate investment in real property authorized by

41-26    Subsections (l), (m), (o), and (p) of Section 4 may not exceed 33

41-27    1/3  percent of the insurer's assets; provided, in the event an

41-28    insurer acquires real property under Subdivision (4) of Subsection

41-29    (l) of Section 4 and such acquisition causes such aggregate real

41-30    estate to exceed the limitation set forth herein, the insurer shall

 42-1    either dispose of sufficient excess real property to come within

 42-2    such limitations within 10 years of such acquisition or it may not

 42-3    thereafter admit as an asset the value of the real property in

 42-4    excess of such limitation; should an insurer's real property

 42-5    acquisitions exceed such 33 1/3 percent limitation, no additional

 42-6    real property acquisitions under Subdivisions (1) and (2) of

 42-7    Subsection (l), and Subsections (m), (o), and (p) of Section 4 of

 42-8    this article are authorized until such excess is removed.

 42-9          SECTION 5.  Section 7, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, is

42-10    amended to read as follows:

42-11          Sec. 7.  Accounting Provisions.  (a)  The term "assets" as

42-12    used in this article shall mean the statutory accounting admitted

42-13    assets of the insurer, including lawful money of the United States,

42-14    whether in the form of cash or demand deposits in solvent banks,

42-15    savings and loan associations, and credit unions and branches

42-16    thereof, organized under the laws of the United States of America

42-17    or its states, when held in accordance with the laws or regulations

42-18    applicable to such entities, less the insurer's separate accounts

42-19    that are subject to Part III of Article 3.39, Article 3.72, Article

42-20    3.73, and Article 3.75 of this code.

42-21          (b)  Each insurer shall maintain reasonable, adequate, and

42-22    accurate evidence of its ownership of its assets and investments.

42-23          (c)  The ownership of governmental or corporate securities

42-24    shall be evidenced as provided for in Article 21.39-B, Section 4,

42-25    of this code.

42-26          (d)  Other than investments made as a participation in a

42-27    partnership or joint venture, or as otherwise provided in Article

42-28    21.39-B of this code, investments shall be held solely in the name

42-29    of the insurer.

42-30          [(e)  An insurer's participation in a partnership or joint

 43-1    venture shall be limited to those partnerships or joint ventures

 43-2    whose purposes are for investment in properties authorized under

 43-3    Subsections (k), (l), and (m) of Section 4 of this article, and the

 43-4    whole of the insurer's participation therein shall be designated

 43-5    under such subsections.]

 43-6          SECTION 6.  Article 2.10, Insurance Code, is amended to read

 43-7    as follows:

 43-8          Art. 2.10.  Investment of Funds in Excess of Minimum Capital

 43-9    and Minimum Surplus.  No company except any writing life, health

43-10    and accident insurance, organized under the laws of this state,

43-11    shall invest its funds over and above its minimum capital and its

43-12    minimum surplus, as provided in Article 2.02, except as otherwise

43-13    provided in this Code, in any other manner than as follows:

43-14          1.  As provided for the investment of its minimum capital and

43-15    its minimum surplus in Article 2.08;

43-16          2.  In bonds or other evidence of debt which at the time of

43-17    purchase are interest-bearing and are issued by authority of law

43-18    and are not in default as to principal or interest, of any of the

43-19    States of the United States, or of Canada, or any province of

43-20    Canada, or in the stock of any National Bank, in stock of any State

43-21    Bank of Texas whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit

43-22    Insurance Corporation; provided, however, that if said funds are

43-23    invested in the stock of a State Bank of Texas that not more than

43-24    thirty-five percent (35%) of the total outstanding stock of any one

43-25    (1) State Bank of Texas may be so purchased by any one (1)

43-26    insurance company; and provided further, that neither the insurance

43-27    company whose funds are invested in said bank stock nor any other

43-28    insurance company may invest its funds in the remaining stock of

43-29    any such State Bank;

43-30          3.  In bonds, notes, evidences of indebtedness or

 44-1    participation therein secured by a valid first lien upon real

 44-2    property or leasehold estate therein located in the United States

 44-3    of America, its states, commonwealths, territories, or possessions,

 44-4    provided:

 44-5          (a)  The amount of any such obligation secured by a first

 44-6    lien upon real property or leasehold estate therein shall not

 44-7    exceed ninety percent (90%) of the value of such real property or

 44-8    leasehold estate therein, but the amount of such obligation:

 44-9                (1)  May exceed ninety percent (90%) but shall not

44-10    exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the value of such real

44-11    property or leasehold estate therein if the insurer or one or more

44-12    wholly owned subsidiaries of the insurer own in the aggregate a ten

44-13    percent (10%) or greater equity interest in such real property or

44-14    leasehold estate therein;

44-15                (2)  May be ninety-five percent (95%) of the value of

44-16    such real property if it contains only a dwelling designed

44-17    exclusively for occupancy by not more than four families for

44-18    residential purposes, and the portion of the unpaid balance of such

44-19    obligation which is in excess of an amount equal to ninety percent

44-20    (90%) of such value is guaranteed or insured by a mortgage

44-21    insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Texas; or

44-22                (3)  May be greater than ninety percent (90%) of the

44-23    value of such real property to the extent the obligation is insured

44-24    or guaranteed by the United States of America, or an agency or

44-25    instrumentality thereof, the Federal Housing Administration

44-26    pursuant to the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended (12 Sec.

44-27    1701 et seq.), or the State of Texas; and

44-28          (b)  The term of an obligation secured by a first lien upon a

44-29    leasehold estate in real property and improvements situated thereon

44-30    shall not exceed a period equal to four-fifths (4/5) of the then

 45-1    unexpired term of such leasehold estate, provided:

 45-2                (1)  The unexpired term of the leasehold estate must

 45-3    extend at least ten (10) years beyond the term of the obligation;

 45-4    and

 45-5                (2)  Each obligation shall be payable in equal monthly,

 45-6    quarterly, semiannual, or annual payments of principal plus accrued

 45-7    interest to the date of such principal payment, so that under

 45-8    either method of repayment such obligation will fully amortize

 45-9    during a period of time not to exceed four-fifths (4/5) of the then

45-10    unexpired term of the security leasehold estate; and

45-11          (c)  The amount of any one such obligation may not exceed ten

45-12    percent (10%) of the insurer's capital and surplus; and

45-13          (d)  The aggregate of investments made under this Section 3

45-14    may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the insurer's assets;

45-15          4.  In bonds or other interest-bearing evidences of debt of

45-16    any county, municipality, road district, turnpike district or

45-17    authority, water district, any subdivision of a county,

45-18    incorporated city, town, school district, sanitary or navigation

45-19    district, any municipally owned revenue water system, sewer system

45-20    or electric utility company where special revenues to meet the

45-21    principal and interest payments of such municipally owned revenue

45-22    water system, sewer system or electric utility company bonds or

45-23    other evidences of debt shall have been appropriated, pledged or

45-24    otherwise provided for by such municipality.  Provided, before

45-25    bonds or other evidences of debt of navigation districts shall be

45-26    eligible investments such navigation district shall be located in

45-27    whole or in part in a county containing a population of not less

45-28    than 100,000 according to the last preceding Federal Census; and

45-29    provided further, that the interest due on such navigation

45-30    districts or other evidences of debt of navigation districts must

 46-1    never have been defaulted;

 46-2          5.  In the stocks, bonds, debentures, bills of exchange or

 46-3    other commercial notes or bills and securities of any solvent

 46-4    dividend paying corporation at time of purchase, incorporated under

 46-5    the laws of this state, or of any other State of the United States,

 46-6    or of the United States, or of Canada, or any province of Canada,

 46-7    which has not defaulted in the payment of any of its obligations

 46-8    for a period of five (5) years, immediately preceding the date of

 46-9    the investment; provided such funds may not be invested in the

46-10    stock of any oil, manufacturing or mercantile corporation organized

46-11    under the laws of this state, unless such corporation has at the

46-12    time of investment a net worth of not less than $250,000.00 nor in

46-13    the stock of any oil, manufacturing or mercantile corporation has a

46-14    combined capital, surplus and undivided profits of not less than

46-15    $2,500,000.00; provided further:

46-16          (a)  Any such insurance company may invest its funds over and

46-17    above its minimum capital stock, its minimum surplus, and all

46-18    reserves required by law, in the stocks, bonds or debentures of any

46-19    solvent corporation organized under the laws of this state, or of

46-20    any other State of the United States, or of the United States, or

46-21    of Canada, or any province of Canada.

46-22          (b)  No such insurance company shall invest any of its funds

46-23    in its own stock or in any stock on account of which the holders or

46-24    owners thereof may, in any event, be or become liable to any

46-25    assessment, except for taxes.

46-26          (c)  No such insurance company shall invest any of its funds

46-27    in stocks, bonds or other securities issued by a corporation if a

46-28    majority of the stock having voting powers of such issuing

46-29    corporation is owned, directly or indirectly, by or for the benefit

46-30    of one or more officers or directors of such insurance company;

 47-1    provided, however, that this Section shall not apply to any

 47-2    insurance company which has been in continuous operation for five

 47-3    (5) years.

 47-4          6.  In shares of mutual funds doing business under the

 47-5    Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. section 80a-1 et seq.),

 47-6    provided:

 47-7          (a)  mutual funds must be solvent with at least $1,000,000 of

 47-8    net assets as of the date of its latest annual or more recent

 47-9    certified audited financial statement; and

47-10          (b)  investment in any one mutual fund may not exceed 15

47-11    percent of the insurer's capital and surplus; and

47-12          (c)  the aggregate of all investments made under this

47-13    subsection shall not exceed 25 percent of the insurer's assets.

47-14          7.  In addition to the investments in Canada authorized in

47-15    other subsections of this section, investments in other foreign

47-16    countries or in commonwealths, territories or possessions of the

47-17    United States, or in foreign securities originating in such foreign

47-18    countries, commonwealths, territories or possessions of the United

47-19    States, provided:

47-20          (a)  such investments are similar to those authorized for

47-21    investment within the United States or Canada by other provisions

47-22    of this section and are rated one or two by the Securities

47-23    Valuation Office of the National Association of Insurance

47-24    Commissioners; and

47-25          (b)  the aggregate amount of foreign investments held by the

47-26    insurer under this subsection in a single foreign jurisdiction does

47-27    not exceed either 10 percent of its admitted assets as to a foreign

47-28    jurisdiction that has a sovereign debt rating of SVO 1 by the

47-29    Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of

47-30    Insurance Commissioners or five percent of its admitted assets as

 48-1    to any other foreign jurisdiction; and

 48-2          (c)  such investments when added to the amount of similar

 48-3    investments made within the United States and Canada and any

 48-4    amounts authorized by Article 2.10-2 do not result in the combined

 48-5    total of such investments exceeding the limitations specified

 48-6    elsewhere in this section; and

 48-7          (d)  such investments may not exceed the sum of:

 48-8                (i)  the amounts authorized by Article 2.10-2; and

 48-9                (ii)  20 percent of the insurer's assets.

48-10          [6] 8.  In loans upon the pledge of any mortgage, stock,

48-11    bonds or other evidence of indebtedness acceptable as investments

48-12    under the terms of this Article, if the current value of such

48-13    mortgage, stock, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness is at

48-14    least twenty-five percent (25%) more than the amount loaned

48-15    thereon;

48-16          [7] 9.  In interest-bearing notes or bonds of The University

48-17    of Texas issued under and by virtue of Chapter 40, Acts of the 43rd

48-18    Legislature, Second Called Session;

48-19          [8] 10.  (a)  In real estate to the extent as elsewhere

48-20    authorized by this Code;

48-21          (b)  Any such company with admitted assets in excess of

48-22    $500,000,000.00 may own other investment real property or

48-23    participation therein, which must be materially enhanced in value

48-24    by the construction of durable, permanent type buildings and other

48-25    improvements costing an amount at least equal to the cost of such

48-26    real property, exclusive of buildings and improvements at the time

48-27    of acquisition, or by the construction of such buildings and

48-28    improvements which must be commenced within two years of the date

48-29    of acquisition of such real property; provided, however, nothing in

48-30    this Article shall allow ownership of, development of, or equity

 49-1    interest in any residential property or subdivision, single or

 49-2    multiunit family dwelling property, or undeveloped real estate for

 49-3    the purpose of subdivision for or development of residential,

 49-4    single or multiunit family dwellings, except those properties

 49-5    acquired as provided in Article 6.08 of this Code, and such

 49-6    ownership, development, or equity interests shall be specifically

 49-7    prohibited;

 49-8          (c)  The total amount invested by any such company in all

 49-9    such investment real property and improvements thereof shall not

49-10    exceed fifteen percent (15%) of its admitted assets which are in

49-11    excess of $500,000,000.00, provided, however, that the amount

49-12    invested in any one such property and its improvements or interest

49-13    therein shall not exceed five percent (5%) of its admitted assets

49-14    which are in excess of $500,000,000.00.  The admitted assets of the

49-15    company at any time shall be determined from its annual statements

49-16    made as of the last preceding December 31 and filed with the State

49-17    Board of Insurance as required by law.  The value of any investment

49-18    made under this Article shall be subject to the appraisal provision

49-19    set forth in Paragraph 5 of Article 6.08 of this Code;

49-20          (d)  The investment authority granted by (b) and (c) of this

49-21    Paragraph 8 is in addition to and separate and apart from that

49-22    granted by Article 6.08 of this Code, provided, however, that no

49-23    such company shall make any investment in such real estate which,

49-24    when added to those properties described in Paragraph 1 of Article

49-25    6.08 of this Code, would be in excess of the limitations provided

49-26    by Paragraph 5 of Article 6.08 of this Code;

49-27          (e)  The insurance companies defined in Article 2.01 of this

49-28    Code and other insurers specifically made subject to the provisions

49-29    of this Article shall not engage in the business of a real estate

49-30    broker or a real estate salesman as defined by Chapter 1, page 560,

 50-1    General Laws, Acts of the 46th Legislature, 1939 (Article 6573a,

 50-2    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), except that such insurers may hold,

 50-3    improve, maintain, manage, rent, lease, sell, exchange, or convey

 50-4    any of the real property interests legally owned as investments

 50-5    under this Code;

 50-6          [9] 11.  In equipment trust obligations or certificates that

 50-7    are adequately secured or in other adequately secured instruments

 50-8    evidencing an interest in transportation equipment in whole or in

 50-9    part within the United States and a right to receive determined

50-10    portions of rental, purchase, or other fixed obligatory payments

50-11    for the use or purchase of the transportation equipment;

50-12          [10] 12.  In insured accounts and evidences of indebtedness

50-13    as defined and limited by Section 1, Chapter 618, page 1356, Acts

50-14    of the 47th Legislature; in shares or share accounts as authorized

50-15    in Section 1, page 76, Acts 1939, 46th Legislature; in insured or

50-16    guaranteed obligations as authorized in Chapter 230, page 315, Acts

50-17    1945, 49th Legislature; in bonds issued under the provisions

50-18    authorized by Section 9, Chapter 231, page 774, Acts 1933, 43rd

50-19    Legislature; in bonds under authority of Section 1, Chapter 1, page

50-20    427, Acts 1939, 46th Legislature; in bonds and other indebtedness

50-21    as authorized in Section 1, Chapter 3, page 494, Acts 1939, 46th

50-22    Legislature; in "Municipal Bonds" issued under and by virtue of

50-23    Chapter 280, Acts 1929, 41st Legislature; or in bonds as authorized

50-24    by Section 5, Chapter 122, page 219, Acts 1949, 51st Legislature;

50-25    or in bonds as authorized by Section 10, Chapter 159, page 326,

50-26    Acts 1949, 51st Legislature; or in bonds as authorized by Section

50-27    19, Chapter 340, page 655, Acts 1949, 51st Legislatures; or in

50-28    bonds as authorized by Section 10, Chapter 398, page 737, Acts

50-29    1949, 51st Legislature; or in bonds as authorized by Section 18,

50-30    Chapter 465, page 855, Acts 1949, 51st Legislature; or in shares or

 51-1    share accounts authorized in Chapter 534, page 966, Acts 1949, 51st

 51-2    Legislature; or in bonds as authorized by Section 24, Chapter 110,

 51-3    page 193, Acts 1949, 51st Legislature; together with such other

 51-4    investments as are now or may hereafter be specifically authorized

 51-5    by law.

 51-6          SECTION 7.  Art. 3.39-1, Insurance Code, is repealed.

 51-7          SECTION 8.  Art. 3.39-2, Insurance Code, is repealed.

 51-8          SECTION 9.  Section 5, Art. 21.39-B, Insurance Code, is

 51-9    repealed.

51-10          SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

51-11          SECTION 11.  The importance of this legislation and the

51-12    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

51-13    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

51-14    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

51-15    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.