By Goodman, Naishtat, Allen, et al.                   H.B. No. 1091

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the parent-child relationship, including suits

 1-3     affecting the parent-child relationship, the establishment of

 1-4     paternity, the termination of the parent-child relationship, and

 1-5     the adoption of children; providing penalties.


 1-7           SECTION 1.  Section 102.009(a), Family Code, is amended to

 1-8     read as follows:

 1-9           (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), the following are

1-10     entitled to service of citation on the filing of a petition in an

1-11     original suit:

1-12                 (1)  a managing conservator;

1-13                 (2)  a possessory conservator;

1-14                 (3)  a person having possession of or access to the

1-15     child under an order;

1-16                 (4)  a person required by law or by order to provide

1-17     for the support of the child;

1-18                 (5)  a guardian of the person of the child;

1-19                 (6)  a guardian of the estate of the child;

1-20                 (7)  each parent as to whom the parent-child

1-21     relationship has not been terminated or process has not been waived

1-22     under Chapter 161;

1-23                 (8)  an alleged father, unless there is attached to the

1-24     petition an affidavit of waiver of interest in a child executed by

 2-1     the alleged father as provided by Chapter 161 or unless the

 2-2     petitioner has complied with the provisions of Section

 2-3     161.002(b)(2) or (b)(3); [and]

 2-4                 (9)  a man who has filed a notice of intent to claim

 2-5     paternity as provided by Subchapter D, Chapter 160; and

 2-6                 (10)  the Department of Protective and Regulatory

 2-7     Services, if the petition requests that the department be appointed

 2-8     as managing conservator of the child.

 2-9           SECTION 2.  Section 102.011(b), Family Code, is amended to

2-10     read as follows:

2-11           (b)  The court may also exercise personal jurisdiction over a

2-12     person on whom service of citation is required or over the person's

2-13     personal representative, although the person is not a resident or

2-14     domiciliary of this state, if:

2-15                 (1)  the person is personally served with citation in

2-16     this state;

2-17                 (2)  the person submits to the jurisdiction of this

2-18     state by consent, by entering a general appearance, or by filing a

2-19     responsive document having the effect of waiving any contest to

2-20     personal jurisdiction;

2-21                 (3)  the child resides in this state as a result of the

2-22     acts or directives of the person;

2-23                 (4)  the person resided with the child in this state;

2-24                 (5)  the person resided in this state and provided

2-25     prenatal expenses or support for the child;

2-26                 (6)  the person engaged in sexual intercourse in this

2-27     state and the child may have been conceived by that act of

 3-1     intercourse; [or]

 3-2                 (7)  the person registered with the paternity registry

 3-3     maintained by the bureau of vital statistics as provided by Chapter

 3-4     160; or

 3-5                 (8)  there is any basis consistent with the

 3-6     constitutions of this state and the United States for the exercise

 3-7     of the personal jurisdiction.

 3-8           SECTION 3.  Section 103.001, Family Code, is amended by

 3-9     amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read as

3-10     follows:

3-11           (c)  A child resides in the county where the child's parents

3-12     have resided for not less than 90 days [reside] or the child's

3-13     parent has resided for not less than 90 days [resides], if only one

3-14     parent is living, except that:

3-15                 (1)  if a guardian of the person has been appointed by

3-16     order of a county or probate court and a managing conservator has

3-17     not been appointed, the child resides in the county where the

3-18     guardian of the person has resided for not less than 90 days

3-19     [resides];

3-20                 (2)  if the parents of the child do not reside in the

3-21     same county and if a managing conservator, custodian, or guardian

3-22     of the person has not been appointed, the child resides in the

3-23     county where the parent having actual care, control, and possession

3-24     of the child has resided for not less than 90 days [resides];

3-25                 (3)  if the child is in the care and control of an

3-26     adult other than a parent and a managing conservator, custodian, or

3-27     guardian of the person has not been appointed, the child resides

 4-1     where the adult having actual care, control, and possession of the

 4-2     child has resided for not less than 90 days [resides];

 4-3                 (4)  if the child is in the actual care, control, and

 4-4     possession of an adult other than a parent and the whereabouts of

 4-5     the parent and the guardian of the person is unknown, the child

 4-6     resides where the adult having actual possession, care, and control

 4-7     of the child has resided for not less than 90 days [resides];

 4-8                 (5)  if the person whose residence would otherwise

 4-9     determine venue has left the child in the care and control of the

4-10     adult, the child resides where that adult has resided for not less

4-11     than 90 days [resides];

4-12                 (6)  if a guardian or custodian of the child has been

4-13     appointed by order of a court of another state or country, the

4-14     child resides in the county where the guardian or custodian has

4-15     resided for not less than 90 days [resides] if that person resides

4-16     in this state; or

4-17                 (7)  if it appears that the child is not under the

4-18     actual care, control, and possession of an adult, the child resides

4-19     where the child is found.

4-20           (d)  If a person whose residence is used to establish the

4-21     residence of a child under Subsection (c) has not resided

4-22     continuously for 90 days in a single county during the preceding

4-23     year, the county in which the child resides is the county in which

4-24     the person has resided for the longest period during the preceding

4-25     year.

4-26           SECTION 4.  Section 107.013, Family Code, is amended to read

4-27     as follows:


 5-2     [INDIGENT] PARENT.  (a)  In a suit in which termination of the

 5-3     parent-child relationship is requested, the court shall appoint an

 5-4     attorney ad litem to represent the interests of:

 5-5                 (1)  an  [each] indigent parent of the child who

 5-6     responds in opposition to the termination;

 5-7                 (2)  a parent served by citation by publication;

 5-8                 (3)  an alleged father who failed to register with the

 5-9     registry under Subchapter D, Chapter 160, and whose identity or

5-10     location is unknown; and

5-11                 (4)  an alleged father who registered with the

5-12     paternity registry under Subchapter D, Chapter 160, but the

5-13     petitioner's attempt to personally serve citation at the address

5-14     provided to the registry and at any other address for the alleged

5-15     father known by the petitioner has been unsuccessful.

5-16           (b)  If both parents of the child are entitled to the

5-17     appointment of an attorney ad litem under this section [indigent

5-18     and oppose termination] and the court finds that the interests of

5-19     the parents are not in conflict, the court may appoint a single

5-20     attorney ad litem to represent the interests of both parents.

5-21           SECTION 5.  Section 153.434, Family Code, is amended to read

5-22     as follows:

5-23           Sec. 153.434.  Limitation on Right to Request Access.  A

5-24     biological or adoptive grandparent may not request possession of or

5-25     access to a grandchild if:

5-26                 (1)  the grandparent is a parent of a person whose

5-27     parental rights with the child have been terminated by court order

 6-1     or by death; or [and]

 6-2                 (2)  the grandparent is a parent of a person who has

 6-3     executed an affidavit of waiver of interest in child or an

 6-4     affidavit of relinquishment of parental rights under Chapter 161

 6-5     and the affidavit designates an authorized agency, licensed

 6-6     child-placing agency, or person other than the child's stepparent

 6-7     as the managing conservator of the child; and

 6-8                 (3)  the other biological parent has died, has executed

 6-9     an affidavit of waiver of interest in child or an affidavit of

6-10     relinquishment of parental rights under Chapter 161, or has had

6-11     that parent's parental rights terminated and the grandchild has

6-12     been adopted by a person other than the child's stepparent.

6-13           SECTION 6.  Section 159.201, Family Code, is amended to read

6-14     as follows:

6-15           Sec. 159.201.  BASES FOR JURISDICTION OVER NONRESIDENT.  In a

6-16     proceeding to establish, enforce, or modify a support order or to

6-17     determine parentage, a tribunal of this state may exercise personal

6-18     jurisdiction over a nonresident individual or the individual's

6-19     guardian or conservator if:

6-20                 (1)  the individual is personally served with citation

6-21     in this state;

6-22                 (2)  the individual submits to the jurisdiction of this

6-23     state by consent, by entering a general appearance, or by filing a

6-24     responsive document having the effect of waiving any contest to

6-25     personal jurisdiction;

6-26                 (3)  the individual resided with the child in this

6-27     state;

 7-1                 (4)  the individual resided in this state and provided

 7-2     prenatal expenses or support for the child;

 7-3                 (5)  the child resides in this state as a result of the

 7-4     acts or directives of the individual;

 7-5                 (6)  the individual engaged in sexual intercourse in

 7-6     this state and the child may have been conceived by that act of

 7-7     intercourse; [or]

 7-8                 (7)  the individual asserted parentage in the paternity

 7-9     registry maintained in this state by the bureau of vital

7-10     statistics; or

7-11                 (8)  there is any other basis consistent with the

7-12     constitutions of this state and the United States for the exercise

7-13     of personal jurisdiction.

7-14           SECTION 7.  Chapter 160, Family Code, is amended by adding

7-15     Subchapter D to read as follows:

7-16                      SUBCHAPTER D. PATERNITY REGISTRY

7-17           Sec. 160.251.  PATERNITY REGISTRY; PURPOSE.  (a)  The bureau

7-18     of vital statistics shall establish a paternity registry.

7-19           (b)  The bureau of vital statistics shall administer the

7-20     registry to:

7-21                 (1)  protect the parental rights of fathers who

7-22     affirmatively assume responsibility for children they may have

7-23     fathered; and

7-24                 (2)  expedite adoptions of children whose biological

7-25     fathers are unwilling to assume responsibility for their children

7-26     by registering with the registry or otherwise acknowledging their

7-27     children.

 8-1           (c)  The registry does not relieve a mother of the obligation

 8-2     to identify the known father of her child.

 8-3           (d)  A man is not required to register with the paternity

 8-4     registry if he:

 8-5                 (1)  is presumed to be the biological father of a child

 8-6     under Chapter 151; or

 8-7                 (2)  has been adjudicated to be the biological father

 8-8     of a child by a court of competent jurisdiction.

 8-9           Sec. 160.252.  REQUIRED INFORMATION.  A man registering with

8-10     the registry shall provide:

8-11                 (1)  the name, last known address, driver's license

8-12     number, and social security number, if known, of the mother of the

8-13     child;

8-14                 (2)  the name of the child and the location and date of

8-15     birth of the child, if known, or the probable month and year of the

8-16     expected birth of the child;

8-17                 (3)  the man's name, address, driver's license number,

8-18     and social security number; and

8-19                 (4)  a statement in which the man claims to be the

8-20     father of the child identified by the man.

8-21           Sec. 160.253.  INFORMATION MAINTAINED BY REGISTRY.  The

8-22     registry shall record the name, address, driver's license number,

8-23     and social security number of a man who claims to be the father of

8-24     a child whose paternity has not been adjudicated by a court of

8-25     competent jurisdiction by giving notice of intent to claim

8-26     paternity, as provided by this subchapter.

8-27           Sec. 160.254.  KNOWLEDGE OF PREGNANCY.  (a)  A person who has

 9-1     sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite sex is deemed to

 9-2     have knowledge that sexual intercourse can result in the woman's

 9-3     pregnancy.

 9-4           (b)  Except as provided by this subchapter, a man who claims

 9-5     to be the father of a child shall file a notice of intent to assert

 9-6     as provided by this subchapter his right to establish paternity of

 9-7     a child that may result from the sexual intercourse.

 9-8           (c)  Ignorance of a pregnancy is not a sufficient reason for

 9-9     failing to register with the registry to claim paternity of the

9-10     child born of the pregnancy.

9-11           Sec. 160.255.  FURNISHING OF REGISTRY INFORMATION;

9-12     CONFIDENTIALITY;  OFFENSE.  (a)  If the mother's address has been

9-13     provided, the registry shall send a copy of the notice of intent to

9-14     claim paternity to the mother as notification that a man has

9-15     registered with the paternity registry claiming to be the father of

9-16     the mother's child.

9-17           (b)  Information contained in the registry is confidential

9-18     and may be released on request only to:

9-19                 (1)  a court;

9-20                 (2)  the mother of a child;

9-21                 (3)  an authorized agency;

9-22                 (4)  a licensed child-placing agency;

9-23                 (5)  an attorney at law in this state who is

9-24     participating or assisting in a suit affecting the parent-child

9-25     relationship, including termination of the parent-child

9-26     relationship or a suit for the adoption of the child that the

9-27     registrant claims to have fathered; or

 10-1                (6)  any other person or entity the bureau of vital

 10-2    statistics considers to have a legitimate interest in the

 10-3    information.

 10-4          (c)  The registry shall furnish registry information by

 10-5    electronic data exchange or any other means to the state's Title

 10-6    IV-D agency and the Department of Protective and Regulatory

 10-7    Services.

 10-8          (d)  A person commits an offense if the person intentionally

 10-9    and unlawfully releases information from the registry to the public

10-10    or makes any other unlawful use of the information in violation of

10-11    this subchapter.  An offense under this subsection is a Class B

10-12    misdemeanor.

10-13          Sec. 160.256.  NOTICE OF INTENT TO CLAIM PATERNITY.  (a)

10-14    Except as provided by Subsection (d), a person may register as

10-15    provided by this subchapter by filing a notice of intent to claim

10-16    paternity on a form provided by the bureau of vital statistics.

10-17    This form shall be signed and acknowledged before a notary public.

10-18          (b)  The bureau shall make registration forms available to

10-19    all:

10-20                (1)  hospitals and other birthing places in this state;

10-21                (2)  licensed child-placing agencies;

10-22                (3)  county and district clerks;

10-23                (4)  municipal clerks;

10-24                (5)  justices of the peace;

10-25                (6)  jails;

10-26                (7)  prisons; and

10-27                (8)  facilities of the Texas Department of Criminal

 11-1    Justice and Texas Youth Commission.

 11-2          (c)  A notice of intent to claim paternity may be filed

 11-3    before the birth of the child but may not be filed after the 30th

 11-4    day after the date of birth of the child.

 11-5          (d)  If the bureau of vital statistics has received from the

 11-6    clerk of the court notice under Chapter 108 of a decree terminating

 11-7    the parent-child relationship between the person applying to

 11-8    register and the child, the bureau shall notify the person that the

 11-9    person's parent-child relationship with the child has been

11-10    terminated and may not enter into the registry a notice of intent

11-11    to claim paternity filed by the person.

11-12          Sec. 160.257.  DENIAL OF REGISTRANT'S PATERNITY;

11-13    NOTIFICATION.  (a)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of

11-14    the receipt of notification from the bureau of vital statistics

11-15    that a notice of intent to claim paternity has been filed, the

11-16    mother of the child may deny the registrant's claim of paternity on

11-17    a form provided by the bureau and signed and acknowledged before a

11-18    notary public.

11-19          (b)  If the mother denies that the registrant is the father

11-20    of the child, the bureau of vital statistics shall immediately

11-21    notify the registrant of the denial and of the registrant's right

11-22    to file a legal action to establish paternity.

11-23          Sec. 160.258.  EFFECT OF FAILURE TO FILE NOTICE OF INTENT.

11-24    Except as provided by Chapter 102 and Chapter 161, a man who fails

11-25    to file a notice of intent to claim paternity before the 30th day

11-26    after the date of the birth of the child may not assert an interest

11-27    in the child other than by filing a suit to establish paternity

 12-1    before the termination of the man's parental rights.


 12-3    (a)  A man who files a notice of intent to claim paternity with the

 12-4    registry shall promptly notify the registry in writing of any

 12-5    change in the information, including a change of address.

 12-6          (b)  A man who files a notice of intent to claim paternity

 12-7    may at any time revoke the notice by sending the registry a written

 12-8    statement signed and acknowledged by the registrant before a notary

 12-9    public.  The statement must include a declaration that, to the best

12-10    of the registrant's knowledge and belief:

12-11                (1)  the registrant is not the father of the named

12-12    child; or

12-13                (2)  a court has adjudicated paternity and a person

12-14    other than the registrant has been determined to be the father of

12-15    the child.


12-17    On request, the bureau of vital statistics shall furnish a

12-18    certificate, signed by the state registrar of vital statistics,

12-19    attesting to the results of a search of the registry regarding a

12-20    notice of intent to claim paternity to:

12-21                (1)  a court;

12-22                (2)  the mother of a child;

12-23                (3)  an authorized agency;

12-24                (4)  a licensed child-placing agency;

12-25                (5)  an attorney licensed to practice law in this state

12-26    who is participating or assisting in an adoption; or

12-27                (6)  any other person or entity the bureau of vital

 13-1    statistics considers to have a legitimate interest in the

 13-2    information.

 13-3          Sec. 160.261.  REMOVAL OF REGISTRANT'S NAME.  If a court

 13-4    determines that a registrant is not the father of the child, the

 13-5    court shall order the bureau of vital statistics to remove the

 13-6    registrant's name from the registry.  On receipt of an order for

 13-7    the removal of a registrant's name, the bureau of vital statistics

 13-8    shall remove the name from the registry.

 13-9          Sec. 160.262.  REGISTRY FEES.  (a)  A fee may not be charged

13-10    for filing with the registry a notice of intent to claim paternity

13-11    of a child or a denial of a registrant's paternity.

13-12          (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the Texas

13-13    Department of Health may charge a fee for processing a search of

13-14    the paternity registry and for furnishing a certificate under

13-15    Section 160.260.

13-16          (c)  The Department of Protective and Regulatory Services and

13-17    the Title IV-D agency are not required to pay a fee under

13-18    Subsection (b).


13-20    REGISTRY.  Information maintained by the paternity registry is

13-21    admissible in a proceeding in a court or administrative tribunal of

13-22    this state for any purpose, including for the establishment of the

13-23    registrant's paternity or an action to terminate parental rights.

13-24          SECTION 8.  Section 161.002, Family Code, is amended by

13-25    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c)-(f) to read as

13-26    follows:

13-27          (b)  The rights of an alleged biological father may be

 14-1    terminated if: [,]

 14-2                (1)  after being served with citation, he does not

 14-3    respond by timely filing an admission of paternity or a

 14-4    counterclaim for paternity under Chapter 160 prior to the final

 14-5    hearing in the suit;

 14-6                (2)  he has not registered with the paternity registry

 14-7    under Subchapter D, Chapter 160, and after the exercise of due

 14-8    diligence by the petitioner:

 14-9                      (A)  his identity and location are unknown; or

14-10                      (B)  his identity is known but he cannot be

14-11    located; or

14-12                (3)  he has registered with the paternity registry

14-13    under Subchapter D, Chapter 160, but the petitioner's attempt to

14-14    personally serve citation at the address provided to the registry

14-15    and at any other address for the alleged father known by the

14-16    petitioner has been unsuccessful, despite the due diligence of the

14-17    petitioner.

14-18          (c)  The termination of the rights of an alleged biological

14-19    father under Subsection (b)(2) does not require personal service of

14-20    citation or citation by publication on the alleged father.

14-21          (d)  The termination of rights of an alleged biological

14-22    father under Subsection (b)(3) does not require service of citation

14-23    by publication on the alleged father.

14-24          (e)  The court shall not render an order terminating parental

14-25    rights under Subsection (b)(2) unless the court, after reviewing

14-26    the petitioner's sworn affidavit describing the petitioner's effort

14-27    to identify and locate the alleged biological father and

 15-1    considering any evidence submitted by the attorney ad litem for the

 15-2    alleged biological father, has found that the petitioner exercised

 15-3    due diligence in attempting to identify and locate the alleged

 15-4    biological father.  The order shall contain specific findings

 15-5    regarding due diligence of the petitioner.

 15-6          (f)  The court shall not render an order terminating parental

 15-7    rights under Subsection (b)(3) unless the court, after reviewing

 15-8    the petitioner's sworn affidavit describing the petitioner's effort

 15-9    to obtain personal service of citation on the alleged father and

15-10    considering any evidence submitted by the attorney ad litem for the

15-11    alleged father, has found that the petitioner exercised due

15-12    diligence in attempting to obtain service on the alleged father.

15-13    The order shall contain specific findings regarding the exercise of

15-14    due diligence of the petitioner.

15-15          SECTION 9.  Subchapter A, Chapter 161, Family Code, is

15-16    amended by adding Section 161.007 to read as follows:


15-18    CRIMINAL ACT.  The court may order the termination of the

15-19    parent-child relationship of a parent and a child if the court

15-20    finds that:

15-21                (1)  the parent has been convicted of an offense

15-22    committed under Section 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code;

15-23                (2)  as a direct result of the commission of the

15-24    offense by the parent, the victim of the offense became pregnant

15-25    with the parent's child; and

15-26                (3)  termination is in the best interest of the child.

15-27          SECTION 10.  Section 161.103, Family Code, is amended to read

 16-1    as follows:


 16-3    PARENTAL RIGHTS.  (a)  An affidavit for voluntary relinquishment of

 16-4    parental rights must be:

 16-5                (1)  signed after the birth of the child, but not

 16-6    before 48 hours after the birth of the child, by the parent,

 16-7    whether or not a minor, whose parental rights are to be

 16-8    relinquished;

 16-9                (2)  witnessed by two credible persons; and

16-10                (3)  verified before a person authorized to take oaths.

16-11          (b)  The affidavit must contain:

16-12                (1)  the name, address, and age of the parent whose

16-13    parental rights are being relinquished;

16-14                (2)  the name, age, and birth date of the child;

16-15                (3)  the names and addresses of the guardians of the

16-16    person and estate of the child, if any;

16-17                (4)  a statement that the affiant is or is not

16-18    presently obligated by court order to make payments for the support

16-19    of the child;

16-20                (5)  a full description and statement of value of all

16-21    property owned or possessed by the child;

16-22                (6)  an allegation that termination of the parent-child

16-23    relationship is in the best interest of the child;

16-24                (7)  one of the following, as applicable:

16-25                      (A)  the name and address of the other parent;

16-26                      (B)  a statement that the parental rights of the

16-27    other parent have been terminated by death or court order; or

 17-1                      (C)  a statement that the child has no presumed

 17-2    father and that an affidavit of status of the child has been

 17-3    executed as provided by this chapter;

 17-4                (8)  a statement that the parent has been informed of

 17-5    parental rights and duties; [and]

 17-6                (9)  a statement that the relinquishment is revocable,

 17-7    that the relinquishment is irrevocable, or that the relinquishment

 17-8    is irrevocable for a stated period of time;

 17-9                (10)  if the relinquishment is revocable, a statement

17-10    in boldfaced type concerning the right of the parent signing the

17-11    affidavit to revoke the relinquishment only if the revocation is

17-12    made before the 11th day after the date the affidavit is executed;

17-13                (11)  if the relinquishment is revocable, the name and

17-14    address of a person to whom the revocation is to be delivered; and

17-15                (12)  the [.]

17-16          [(c)  The affidavit may contain:]

17-17                [(1)  a] designation of a prospective adoptive parent

17-18    [qualified person], the Department of Protective and Regulatory

17-19    Services, if the department has consented in writing to the

17-20    designation, or a licensed child-placing agency to serve as

17-21    managing conservator of the child and the address of the person or

17-22    agency.[;]

17-23          (c)  The affidavit may contain:

17-24                (1) [(2)]  a waiver of process in a suit to terminate

17-25    the parent-child relationship filed under this chapter or in a suit

17-26    to terminate joined with a petition for adoption; and

17-27                (2) [(3)]  a consent to the placement of the child for

 18-1    adoption by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or

 18-2    by a licensed child-placing agency.

 18-3          (d)  A copy of the affidavit shall be provided to the parent

 18-4    at the time the parent signs the affidavit.

 18-5          (e)  The relinquishment in an [An] affidavit that [of

 18-6    relinquishment of parental rights is irrevocable if it] designates

 18-7    the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or a licensed

 18-8    child-placing agency to serve as the managing conservator is

 18-9    irrevocable.  A relinquishment in any [Any] other affidavit of

18-10    relinquishment is revocable unless it expressly provides that it is

18-11    irrevocable for a stated period of time not to exceed 60 days after

18-12    the date of its execution.

18-13          (f)  A relinquishment in an affidavit of relinquishment of

18-14    parental rights that fails to state that the relinquishment is

18-15    irrevocable for a stated time is revocable as provided by Section

18-16    161.1035.

18-17          (g)  To revoke a relinquishment under Subsection (e) the

18-18    parent must sign a statement witnessed by two credible persons and

18-19    verified before a person authorized to take oaths.  A copy of the

18-20    revocation shall be delivered to the person designated in the

18-21    affidavit.  If a parent attempting to revoke a relinquishment under

18-22    this subsection has knowledge that a suit for termination of the

18-23    parent-child relationship has been filed based on the parent's

18-24    affidavit of relinquishment of parental rights, the parent shall

18-25    file a copy of the revocation with the clerk of the court.

18-26          SECTION 11.  Subchapter B, Chapter 161, Family Code, is

18-27    amended by adding Section 161.1035 to read as follows:

 19-1          Sec. 161.1035.  REVOCABILITY OF CERTAIN AFFIDAVITS.   An

 19-2    affidavit of relinquishment of parental rights or affidavit of

 19-3    waiver of interest in a child that fails to state that the

 19-4    relinquishment or waiver is irrevocable for a stated time is:

 19-5                (1)  revocable only if the revocation is made before

 19-6    the 11th day after the date the affidavit is executed; and

 19-7                (2)  irrevocable on or after the 11th day after the

 19-8    date the affidavit is executed.

 19-9          SECTION 12.  Section 161.106, Family Code, is amended by

19-10    adding Subsections (f)-(j) to read as follows:

19-11          (f)  A waiver in an affidavit under this section that

19-12    designates the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or

19-13    a licensed child-placing agency to serve as the managing

19-14    conservator is irrevocable.  A waiver in any other affidavit under

19-15    this section is revocable unless it expressly provides that it is

19-16    irrevocable for a stated period not to exceed 60 days after the

19-17    date of execution.

19-18          (g)  A waiver in an affidavit under this section that fails

19-19    to state that the waiver is irrevocable for a stated time is

19-20    revocable as provided by Section 161.1035.

19-21          (h)  An affidavit under this section that contains a waiver

19-22    that is revocable must contain:

19-23                (1)  a statement in boldfaced type concerning the right

19-24    of the person who executed the affidavit to revoke the affidavit

19-25    only if the revocation is made before the 11th day after the date

19-26    the affidavit is executed; and

19-27                (2)  the name and address of the person to whom the

 20-1    revocation is to be delivered.

 20-2          (i)  A copy of the affidavit shall be provided to the person

 20-3    who executed the affidavit at the time the person signs the

 20-4    affidavit.

 20-5          (j)  To revoke a waiver, the person who executed the

 20-6    affidavit must sign a statement witnessed by two credible persons

 20-7    and verified before a person authorized to take oaths.  A copy of

 20-8    the revocation shall be delivered to the person designated in the

 20-9    affidavit of waiver of interest in a child.  If a person attempting

20-10    to revoke an affidavit under this subsection has knowledge that a

20-11    suit for termination of the parent-child relationship based on the

20-12    person's waiver of interest in a child has been filed, the person

20-13    shall file a copy of the revocation with the clerk of the court.

20-14          SECTION 13.  Subchapter B, Chapter 161, Family Code, is

20-15    amended by adding Sections 161.108 and 161.109 to read as follows:


20-17    CENTER.  (a)  Before or at the time an affidavit of relinquishment

20-18    of parental rights under Section 161.103 is executed, the mother of

20-19    a newborn child may authorize the release of the child from the

20-20    hospital or birthing center to a licensed child-placing agency, the

20-21    Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, or another

20-22    designated person.

20-23          (b)  A release under this section must be:

20-24                (1)  executed in writing;

20-25                (2)  witnessed by two credible adults; and

20-26                (3)  verified before a person authorized to take oaths.

20-27          (c)  A hospital or birthing center shall comply with the

 21-1    terms of a release executed under this section without requiring a

 21-2    court order.


 21-4    (a)  If an affidavit of status of child as provided by this chapter

 21-5    states that the father of the child is unknown and no probable

 21-6    father is known, a certificate from the bureau of vital statistics

 21-7    signed by the registrar that a diligent search has been made of the

 21-8    paternity registry maintained by the bureau and that a registration

 21-9    has not been found pertaining to the father of the child in

21-10    question must be filed with the court before a trial on the merits

21-11    in the suit for termination may be held.

21-12          (b)  In a proceeding to terminate parental rights in which

21-13    the alleged or probable father has not been personally served with

21-14    citation or signed an affidavit of relinquishment or an affidavit

21-15    of waiver of interest, the court may not terminate the parental

21-16    rights of the alleged or probable father, whether known or unknown,

21-17    unless a certificate from the bureau of vital statistics signed by

21-18    the registrar states that a diligent search has been made of the

21-19    paternity registry maintained by the bureau and that a filing or

21-20    registration has not been found pertaining to the father of the

21-21    child in question.

21-22          SECTION 14.  Subchapter A, Chapter 162, Family Code, is

21-23    amended by adding Section 162.0025 to read as follows:

21-24          Sec. 162.0025.  ADOPTIVE HOME SCREENING.  (a)  The court

21-25    shall order an adoptive home screening to evaluate each party who

21-26    requests the adoption.  The screening must be completed before a

21-27    child may be placed in  an applicant's home unless the child is

 22-1    being adopted by a member of the child's family related by the

 22-2    second degree of consanguinity or affinity.   The screening must

 22-3    comply with the rules adopted by the Board of Protective and

 22-4    Regulatory Services providing minimum requirements for the

 22-5    screening.

 22-6          (b)  The court may appoint an investigator to conduct the

 22-7    screening required by this section who has the qualifications

 22-8    established by rule of the Board of Protective and Regulatory

 22-9    Services providing minimum qualifications for persons who may

22-10    perform adoptive home screenings.

22-11          (c)  The cost of an adoptive home study shall be paid by an

22-12    applicant who seeks to adopt a child.

22-13          SECTION 15.  Section 162.001, Family Code, is amended to read

22-14    as follows:

22-15          Sec. 162.001.  Who may Adopt and be Adopted.  (a)  Subject to

22-16    the requirements for standing to sue in Chapter 102, an adult may

22-17    petition to adopt a child who may be adopted.

22-18          (b)  A child residing in this state may be adopted if:

22-19                (1)  the parent-child relationship as to each living

22-20    parent of the child has been terminated or a suit for termination

22-21    is joined with the suit for adoption; [or]

22-22                (2)  the parent whose rights have not been terminated

22-23    is presently the spouse of the petitioner and the proceeding is for

22-24    a stepparent adoption;

22-25                (3)  the child is at least two years old, the

22-26    parent-child relationship has been terminated with respect to one

22-27    parent, the person seeking the adoption is the child's former

 23-1    stepparent and has been a managing conservator or has had actual

 23-2    care, possession, and control of the child for a period of six

 23-3    months preceding the adoption, and the nonterminated parent

 23-4    consents to the adoption; or

 23-5                (4)  the child is at least two years old, the

 23-6    parent-child relationship has been terminated with respect to one

 23-7    parent, and the person seeking the adoption is the child's former

 23-8    stepparent and has been a managing conservator or has had actual

 23-9    care, possession, and control of the child for a period of one year

23-10    preceding the adoption.

23-11          (c)  If an affidavit of relinquishment of parental rights

23-12    contains a consent for the Department of Protective and Regulatory

23-13    Services or a licensed child-placing agency to place the child for

23-14    adoption and appoints the department or agency managing conservator

23-15    of the child, further consent by the parent is not required and the

23-16    adoption order shall terminate all rights of the parent without

23-17    further termination proceedings.

23-18          SECTION 16.  Subchapter A, Chapter 162, Family Code, is

23-19    amended by adding Section 162.0045 to read as follows:

23-20          Sec. 162.0045.  PREFERENTIAL SETTING.  The court shall grant

23-21    a motion for a preferential setting for a final hearing on an

23-22    adoption and shall give precedence to that hearing over all other

23-23    civil cases not given preference by other law if the social study

23-24    has been filed and the criminal history for the person seeking to

23-25    adopt the child has been obtained.

23-26          SECTION 17.  Section 162.0085(a), Family Code, is amended to

23-27    read as follows:

 24-1          (a)  In a suit affecting the parent-child relationship in

 24-2    which an adoption is sought, the court shall order each person

 24-3    seeking to adopt the child to obtain that person's own criminal

 24-4    history record information.  The court shall accept under this

 24-5    section a person's criminal history record information that is

 24-6    provided by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or

 24-7    by a licensed child-placing agency that received the information

 24-8    from the department if the information was obtained not more than

 24-9    one year before the date the court ordered the history to be

24-10    obtained.

24-11          SECTION 18.  Section 162.018, Family Code, is amended by

24-12    adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:

24-13          (d)  At the time an adoption order is rendered, the court

24-14    shall provide to the parents of an adopted child information

24-15    provided by the bureau of vital statistics that describes the

24-16    functions of the voluntary adoption registry under Subchapter E.

24-17    The licensed child-placing agency shall provide to each of the

24-18    child's biological parents known to the agency, the information

24-19    when the parent signs an affidavit of relinquishment of parental

24-20    rights, affidavit of status of child, or affidavit of waiver of

24-21    interest in a child.  The information shall include the right of

24-22    the child or biological parent to refuse to participate in the

24-23    registry.  If the adopted child is 14 years old or older the court

24-24    shall provide the information to the child.

24-25          SECTION 19.  Section 162.025, Family Code, is amended to read

24-26    as follows:


 25-1    (a)  A person who is not the natural or adoptive parent of the

 25-2    child, the legal guardian of the child, or a child-placing agency

 25-3    licensed under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, commits an offense

 25-4    if the person:

 25-5                (1)  serves as an intermediary between a prospective

 25-6    adoptive parent and an expectant parent or parent of a minor child

 25-7    to identify the parties to each other [or facilitates the placement

 25-8    of the child for adoption]; or

 25-9                (2)  places a child for adoption.

25-10          (b)  It is not an offense under this section if a

25-11    professional provides legal or medical services to:

25-12                (1)  a parent who identifies the prospective adoptive

25-13    parent and places the child for adoption without the assistance of

25-14    the professional; or

25-15                (2)  a prospective adoptive parent who identifies a

25-16    parent and receives placement of a child for adoption without the

25-17    assistance of the professional.

25-18          (c)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.

25-19          SECTION 20.  Section 162.402, Family Code, is amended by

25-20    amending Subdivisions (7) and (11) and adding Subdivision (14) to

25-21    read as follows:

25-22                (7)  "Authorized agency" means a public agency

25-23    authorized to care for or to place children for adoption or a

25-24    private entity approved for that purpose by the department through

25-25    a license, certification, or other means.  The term includes a

25-26    licensed child-placing agency or a previously licensed

25-27    child-placing agency that has ceased operations and has transferred

 26-1    its adoption records to the bureau [department] or an agency

 26-2    authorized by the department to place  children for adoption and a

 26-3    licensed child-placing agency that has been acquired by, merged

 26-4    with, or otherwise succeeded by an agency authorized by the

 26-5    department to place children for adoption.

 26-6                (11)  "Central registry" means the mutual consent

 26-7    voluntary adoption registry established and maintained by the

 26-8    bureau [department] under this subchapter.

 26-9                (14)  "Bureau" means the bureau of vital statistics.

26-10          SECTION 21.  Sections 162.403(a) and (c), Family Code, are

26-11    amended to read as follows:

26-12          (a)  The bureau [department] shall establish and maintain a

26-13    mutual consent voluntary adoption registry.

26-14          (c)  An authorized agency that did not directly or by

26-15    contract provide registry services as required by this subchapter

26-16    on January 1, 1984, may not provide its own registry service.  The

26-17    bureau [department] shall operate through the central registry

26-18    those services for agencies not permitted to provide a registry

26-19    under this section.

26-20          SECTION 22.  Subchapter E, Chapter 162, Family Code, is

26-21    amended by adding Section 162.404 to read as follows:


26-23    REGISTRY.  An authorized agency that is permitted to provide a

26-24    registry under this subchapter or that participates in a mutual

26-25    consent voluntary adoption registry with an association of

26-26    authorized agencies shall send to the central registry a duplicate

26-27    of all information the registry maintains in the agency's registry

 27-1    or sends to the registry in which the agency participates.

 27-2          SECTION 23.  Sections 162.407(b) and (c), Family Code, are

 27-3    amended to read as follows:

 27-4          (b)  An adoptee adopted or placed through an authorized

 27-5    agency may register through the registry maintained by that agency

 27-6    or the registry to which the agency has delegated registry services

 27-7    or through the central registry maintained by the bureau

 27-8    [department].

 27-9          (c)  Birth parents and biological siblings shall register

27-10    through:

27-11                (1)  the registry of the authorized agency through

27-12    which the adoptee was adopted or placed;  or[.  If the proper

27-13    registry is unknown  or if the agency's registry refuses the

27-14    application, the birth parent or biological sibling may register

27-15    through]

27-16                (2)  the central registry.

27-17          SECTION 24.  Section 162.408, Family Code, is amended to read

27-18    as follows:

27-19          Sec. 162.408.  PROOF OF IDENTITY.  The rules and minimum

27-20    standards of the Texas Board of Health for the bureau [department]

27-21    must provide for proof of identity in order to facilitate the

27-22    purposes of this subchapter and to protect the privacy rights of

27-23    adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, biological siblings, and

27-24    their families.

27-25          SECTION 25.  Section 162.411(d), Family Code, is amended to

27-26    read as follows:

27-27          (d)  The fees collected by the bureau [department] shall be

 28-1    deposited in a special fund in the general revenue fund.  Funds in

 28-2    the special fund may be appropriated only for the administration of

 28-3    the central registry.

 28-4          SECTION 26.  Section 162.414(c), Family Code, is amended to

 28-5    read as follows:

 28-6          (c)  To establish or corroborate a match, the administrator

 28-7    shall request confirmation of a possible match from the bureau [of

 28-8    vital statistics].  If the [department or] agency operating the

 28-9    registry has in its own records sufficient information through

28-10    which the match may be confirmed, the administrator may, but is not

28-11    required to, request confirmation from the bureau [of vital

28-12    statistics].  The bureau [of vital statistics] may confirm or  deny

28-13    the match without breaching the duty of confidentiality to the

28-14    adoptee, adoptive parents, birth parents, or biological siblings

28-15    and without a court order.

28-16          SECTION 27.  Section 162.420, Family Code, is amended to read

28-17    as follows:

28-18          Sec. 162.420. RULEMAKING.  (a) The Texas Board of Health

28-19    [department] shall make rules and adopt minimum standards for the

28-20    bureau to:

28-21                (1)  administer the provisions of this subchapter; and

28-22                (2)  ensure that each registry respects the right to

28-23    privacy and confidentiality of an adoptee, birth parent, and

28-24    biological sibling who does not desire to disclose the person's

28-25    identity.

28-26          (b)  The bureau [department] shall conduct a comprehensive

28-27    review of all [of its] rules and standards adopted under this

 29-1    subchapter  not less than every six years.

 29-2          (c)  In order to provide the administrators an opportunity to

 29-3    review proposed rules and standards and send written suggestions to

 29-4    the Texas Board of Health [department], the board [department]

 29-5    shall, before adopting rules and minimum standards, send a copy of

 29-6    the proposed rules and standards not less than 60 days before the

 29-7    date they take effect to:

 29-8                (1)  the administrator of each registry established

 29-9    under this subchapter;  and

29-10                (2)  the administrator of each agency authorized by the

29-11    department to place children for adoption.

29-12          SECTION 28.  Section 162.421(a), Family Code, is amended to

29-13    read as follows:

29-14          (a)  This subchapter does not prevent the bureau [department]

29-15    from making known to the public, by appropriate means, the

29-16    existence of voluntary adoption registries.

29-17          SECTION 29.  Sections 162.422(a) and (b), Family Code, are

29-18    amended to read as follows:

29-19          (a)  The bureau [department] or authorized agency

29-20    establishing or operating a registry is not liable to any person

29-21    for obtaining or disclosing identifying information about a birth

29-22    parent, adoptee, or biological sibling within the scope of this

29-23    subchapter and under its provisions.

29-24          (b)  An employee or agent of the bureau [department] or of an

29-25    authorized agency establishing or operating a registry under this

29-26    subchapter is not liable to any person for obtaining or disclosing

29-27    identifying information about a birth parent, adoptee, or

 30-1    biological sibling within the scope of this subchapter and under

 30-2    its provisions.

 30-3          SECTION 30.  Section 192.008(a), Health and Safety Code, is

 30-4    amended to read as follows:

 30-5          (a)  The supplementary birth certificate of an adopted child

 30-6    must be in the names of the adoptive parents, one of whom must be a

 30-7    female, named as the mother, and the other of whom must be a male,

 30-8    named as the father.  This subsection does not prohibit a single

 30-9    individual, male or female, from adopting a child.  Copies of the

30-10    child's birth certificates or birth records may not disclose that

30-11    the child is adopted.

30-12          SECTION 31.  Chapter 25, Penal Code, is amended by adding

30-13    Section 25.09 to read as follows:

30-14          Sec. 25.09.  ADVERTISING FOR PLACEMENT OF CHILD.  (a)  A

30-15    person commits an offense if the person advertises in the public

30-16    media that the person will place a child for adoption or will

30-17    provide or obtain a child for adoption.

30-18          (b)  This section does not apply to a licensed child-placing

30-19    agency that is identified in the advertisement as a licensed

30-20    child-placing agency.

30-21          (c)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor

30-22    unless the person has been convicted previously under this section,

30-23    in which event the offense is a felony of the third degree.

30-24          (d)  In this section:

30-25                (1)  "Child" has the meaning assigned by Section

30-26    101.003, Family Code.

30-27                (2)  "Public media" has the meaning assigned by Section

 31-1    38.01.  The term also includes communications through the use of

 31-2    the Internet or another public computer network.

 31-3          SECTION 32.  (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

 31-4          (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, the change

 31-5    in law made by this Act applies only to a suit affecting the

 31-6    parent-child relationship commenced on or after the effective date

 31-7    of this Act.  A suit affecting the parent-child relationship

 31-8    commenced before the effective date of this Act is governed by the

 31-9    law in effect on the date it was commenced, and the former law is

31-10    continued in effect for that purpose.

31-11          (c)  The change in law made by this Act pertaining to the

31-12    termination of the parent-child relationship applies only to an

31-13    affidavit to relinquish parental rights or an affidavit of waiver

31-14    of interest in a child executed on or after the effective date of

31-15    this Act.  An affidavit executed before the effective date of this

31-16    Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the affidavit was

31-17    executed, and the former law is continued in effect for that

31-18    purpose.

31-19          (d)  The change in law made by this Act pertaining to

31-20    adoptions applies only to petitions for adoptions filed on or after

31-21    the effective date of this Act.  A petition for adoption filed

31-22    before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in

31-23    effect on the date the petition was filed, and the former law is

31-24    continued in effect for that purpose; except that for these

31-25    purposes a petition for adoption shall be considered to be filed at

31-26    the time that the original petition was filed or at the time that

31-27    an amended petition seeking the adoption was filed if the amended

 32-1    petition is filed in a cause that has previously been filed and

 32-2    where the court has continuing jurisdiction over the child.

 32-3          (e)  The change in law made by this Act pertaining to a

 32-4    criminal offense applies only to an offense committed on or after

 32-5    the effective date of this Act.  For purposes of this subsection,

 32-6    an offense is committed before the effective date of this Act if

 32-7    any element of the offense occurs before that date.  An offense

 32-8    committed before the effective date of this Act is covered by the

 32-9    law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former law is

32-10    continued in effect for that purpose.

32-11          (f)  The change in law made by this Act transferring the

32-12    administration of the central voluntary adoption registry from the

32-13    Department of Protective and Regulatory Services to the bureau of

32-14    vital statistics takes effect January 1, 1998.  On that date, the

32-15    powers, duties, obligations, rights, contracts, records, personnel,

32-16    property, and unexpended appropriations dedicated to the department

32-17    for the operation of the registry are transferred to the bureau.

32-18    The department and the bureau shall develop and implement a plan

32-19    before that date for the transfer of the registry.

32-20          SECTION 33.  The importance of this legislation and the

32-21    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

32-22    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

32-23    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

32-24    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.