Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.

      Line and page numbers may not match official copy.

      By Smithee                                      H.B. No. 1102

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to health care liability claims.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Title 4, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, is

 1-5     amended by adding Chapter 88 to read as follows:

 1-6                     CHAPTER 88.  HEALTH CARE LIABILITY

 1-7           Sec. 88.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:

 1-8                 (1)  "Appropriate and medically necessary" means the

 1-9     standard for health care services as determined by physicians and

1-10     health care providers in accordance with the prevailing practices

1-11     and standards of the medical profession and community.

1-12                 (2)  "Enrollee" means an individual who is enrolled in

1-13     a health care plan, including covered dependents.

1-14                 (3)  "Health care plan" means any plan whereby any

1-15     person undertakes to provide, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse

1-16     any part of the cost of any health care services.

1-17                 (4)  "Health care provider" means a person or entity as

1-18     defined in Section 1.03(a)(3), Medical Liability and Insurance

1-19     Improvement Act of Texas (Article 4590i, Vernon's Texas Civil

1-20     Statutes).

1-21                 (5)  "Health care treatment decision" means a

1-22     determination made when medical services are actually provided by

1-23     the health care plan and a decision which affects the quality of

1-24     the diagnosis, care, or treatment provided to the plan's insureds

 2-1     or enrollees.

 2-2                 (6)  "Health insurance carrier" means a company that is

 2-3     authorized to issue a policy of accident and sickness insurance

 2-4     under Section 1, Chapter 397, Acts of the 54th Legislature, 1955

 2-5     (Article 3.70-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).

 2-6                 (7)  "Health maintenance organization" means an

 2-7     organization licensed under the Texas Health Maintenance

 2-8     Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).

 2-9                 (8)  "Managed care entity" means any entity which

2-10     delivers, administers, or assumes risk for health care services

2-11     with systems or techniques to control or influence the quality,

2-12     accessibility,  utilization, or costs and prices of such services

2-13     to a defined enrollee population.

2-14                 (9)  "Physician" means:

2-15                       (A)  an individual licensed to practice medicine

2-16     in this state;

2-17                       (B)  a professional association organized under

2-18     the Texas Professional Association Act (Article 1528f, Vernon's

2-19     Texas Civil Statutes) or a nonprofit health corporation certified

2-20     under Section 5.01, Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's

2-21     Texas Civil Statutes); or

2-22                       (C)  another person wholly owned by physicians.

2-23           Sec. 88.002.  APPLICATION.  (a)  A health insurance carrier,

2-24     health maintenance organization, or other managed care entity for a

2-25     health care plan has the duty to exercise ordinary care when making

2-26     health care treatment decisions which affect the diagnosis, care,

2-27     or treatment of an enrollee.

2-28           (b)  A health insurance carrier, health maintenance

2-29     organization, or other managed care entity for a health care plan

2-30     is also responsible for the decisions of its employees, agents,

 3-1     ostensible agents, or representatives who are acting on its behalf

 3-2     and over whom it has the right to exercise influence or control, or

 3-3     has actually exercised influence or control, respecting decisions

 3-4     which may affect the quality of the diagnosis, care, or treatment

 3-5     provided to its enrollees.

 3-6           (c)  The standards in Subsections (a) and (b) create no

 3-7     obligation on the part of the health insurance carrier, health

 3-8     maintenance organization, or other managed care entity to provide

 3-9     treatment to an enrollee which is not covered by the health care

3-10     plan of the entity.

3-11           (d)  A health insurance carrier, health maintenance

3-12     organization, or managed care entity may not remove a physician or

3-13     health care provider from its plan or refuse to renew the physician

3-14     or health care provider with its plan for advocating on behalf of

3-15     an enrollee for appropriate and medically necessary health care for

3-16     the enrollee.

3-17           (e)  A health insurance carrier, health maintenance

3-18     organization, or other managed care entity may not enter into a

3-19     contract with a physician, hospital, or other health care provider

3-20     or pharmaceutical company which includes an indemnification or hold

3-21     harmless clause for the acts or conduct of the health insurance

3-22     carrier, health maintenance organization, or other managed care

3-23     entity.  Any such indemnification or hold harmless clause in an

3-24     existing contract is hereby declared void.

3-25           (f)  Nothing in any law of this state prohibiting a health

3-26     insurance carrier, health maintenance organization, or other

3-27     managed care entity from practicing medicine or being licensed to

3-28     practice medicine may be asserted as a defense by such health

3-29     insurance carrier, health maintenance organization, or other

3-30     managed care entity in an action brought against it pursuant to

 4-1     this section or any other law.

 4-2           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, and

 4-3     applies only to a cause of action that accrues on or after that

 4-4     date.  An action that accrues before the effective date of this Act

 4-5     is governed by the law applicable to the action immediately before

 4-6     the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect

 4-7     for that purpose.

 4-8           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

 4-9     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

4-10     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

4-11     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

4-12     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.