1-1     By:  Dukes (Senate Sponsor - Lindsay)                 H.B. No. 1133

 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House April 14, 1997;

 1-3     April 16, 1997, read first time and referred to Committee on

 1-4     Natural Resources; May 15, 1997, reported adversely, with favorable

 1-5     Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0;

 1-6     May 15, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 1133                 By:  Lindsay

 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-9                                   AN ACT

1-10     relating to certain reporting requirements for the Texas Natural

1-11     Resource Conservation Commission.


1-13           SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 5, Water Code, is amended

1-14     by adding Section 5.123 to read as follows:

1-15           Sec. 5.123.  REPORT ON ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS.  (a)  Not later

1-16     than December 1 of each year, the commission shall:

1-17                 (1)  prepare an electronic report on its enforcement

1-18     actions for the preceding fiscal year, including a comparison with

1-19     its enforcement actions for each of the preceding five fiscal

1-20     years; and

1-21                 (2)  provide the report to the governor, lieutenant

1-22     governor, and speaker of the house of representatives.

1-23           (b)  The report shall separately describe the enforcement

1-24     actions for each type of regulatory program, including programs

1-25     under Chapters 26 and 27 of this code and Chapters 361, 382, and

1-26     401, Health and Safety Code.

1-27           (c)  The description of enforcement actions for each type of

1-28     regulatory program shall include:

1-29                 (1)  the number of inspections;

1-30                 (2)  the number of notices of violations;

1-31                 (3)  the number of enforcement actions;

1-32                 (4)  the type of enforcement actions;

1-33                 (5)  the amount of penalties assessed, deferred, or

1-34     collected; and

1-35                 (6)  any other information the commission determines

1-36     relevant.

1-37           (d)  As soon as possible after the end of each fiscal year,

1-38     the attorney general shall provide the commission information on

1-39     enforcement actions referred by the commission to the attorney

1-40     general that were resolved during the preceding fiscal year or are

1-41     pending at the end of that fiscal year.

1-42           SECTION 2.  Section 5.178, Water Code, is amended to read as

1-43     follows:


1-45     GOVERNOR].  (a)  On or before December 1 of each even-numbered

1-46     year, the [The] commission shall file with [make biennial reports

1-47     in writing to] the governor and the members of the legislature a

1-48     written report that includes[.  Each report shall include] a

1-49     statement of the activities of the commission during the preceding

1-50     fiscal biennium [and its recommendations for necessary and

1-51     desirable legislation].

1-52           (b)  The report due by December 1 of an even-numbered year

1-53     shall include, in addition:

1-54                 (1)  the commission's recommendations for necessary and

1-55     desirable legislation; and

1-56                 (2)  the following reports:

1-57                       (A)  the assessments  and reports required by

1-58     Sections 361.0219(c), 361.0232, 361.034, 361.485, 361.510, 371.063,

1-59     and 382.141, Health and Safety Code; and

1-60                       (B)  the reports required by Section 26.0135(d)

1-61     of this code and Section 5.02, Chapter 133, Acts of the 69th

1-62     Legislature, Regular Session, 1985.

1-63           (c)  As part of the biennial reports required by this section

1-64     that are to be filed by December 1, 2000, and every four years

 2-1     after that date, the commission shall file a municipal solid waste

 2-2     report, to include the plans required by Sections 361.020 and

 2-3     361.0201, Health and Safety Code, and an assessment of commercial

 2-4     nonhazardous waste disposal capacity as required by Section

 2-5     361.0233, Health and Safety Code.

 2-6           (d) [(b)]  The commission shall file annually with the

 2-7     governor and the presiding officer of each house of the legislature

 2-8     a complete and detailed written report accounting for all funds

 2-9     received and disbursed by the commission during the preceding year.

2-10     The form of the annual report and the reporting time shall be that

2-11     provided in the General Appropriations Act.

2-12           SECTION 3.  Section 26.0135(d), Water Code, is amended to

2-13     read as follows:

2-14           (d)  On or before October 1 of each even-numbered year, each

2-15     river authority shall report in writing to the governor,

2-16     commission, State Soil and Water Conservation Board, and Parks and

2-17     Wildlife Department on the water quality assessment of the

2-18     authority's watershed, including an identification of any

2-19     significant regulatory or enforcement issues, and on any actions

2-20     taken by the authority and other local governments to improve water

2-21     quality within the authority's watershed.  The assessment report

2-22     must identify each legal, administrative, economic, or other

2-23     impediment to further water quality efforts by the authority and

2-24     local governments.  The commission shall then prepare a report that

2-25     summarizes each river authority's assessment report, describes the

2-26     commission's regional water quality assessment efforts, and lists

2-27     the commission's past and proposed actions for improving water

2-28     quality within the watersheds subject to such assessments.  The

2-29     commission shall submit its report, along with the commission's

2-30     comments and recommendations on regional water quality management,

2-31     by December 1 of each even-numbered year as required by Section

2-32     5.178(b) [to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker

2-33     of the house of representatives on or before December 1 of each

2-34     even-numbered year].

2-35           SECTION 4.  Section 361.020, Health and Safety Code, is

2-36     amended by amending Subsection (e) and adding Subsection (g) to

2-37     read as follows:

2-38           (e)  A strategic plan shall be updated every four [two]

2-39     years.  The commission continually shall collect and analyze data

2-40     for use in its next updated plan and systematically shall monitor

2-41     progress toward achieving existing plan objectives and goals.  In

2-42     preparing its updated plan, an agency shall examine previously and

2-43     newly identified waste management problems, reevaluate its plan

2-44     objectives and goals, and review and update its planning documents.

2-45           (g)  The commission shall submit the comprehensive statewide

2-46     strategic plan, as developed under this section and Section

2-47     361.0201 and updated under Subsection (e), by December 1, 2000, and

2-48     every four years after that date, as  required by Section 5.178(c),

2-49     Water Code.

2-50           SECTION 5.  Section 361.0219(c), Health and Safety Code, is

2-51     amended to read as follows:

2-52           (c)  The office of waste exchange shall adopt a plan for

2-53     providing to interested persons information on waste exchange [and

2-54     shall report to the legislature on the plan and on the state's

2-55     participation in any regional or national waste exchange program].

2-56     Biennially [Annually] the office of waste exchange shall report to

2-57     the commission [legislature] on progress in implementing this

2-58     section, including the plan to provide information on waste

2-59     exchange, the state's participation in any national or regional

2-60     waste exchange program, and information on the movement and

2-61     exchange of materials and the effect on recycling, composting, and

2-62     reuse rates in the state.  The commission shall submit the report

2-63     by December 1 of each even-numbered year as required by Section

2-64     5.178(b), Water Code.

2-65           SECTION 6.  Section 361.0234, Health and Safety Code, is

2-66     amended to read as follows:

2-67           Sec. 361.0234.  Rules; Update of Rules and Assessments;

2-68     REPORT.  (a)  To expedite the consideration of permits for

2-69     technologies that an assessment prepared under Section 361.0232 or

 3-1     361.0233 determines to be most needed, the rules adopted by the

 3-2     commission shall provide for a permitting process that encourages

 3-3     the development of new and innovative disposal technologies, grants

 3-4     preferences considering the hierarchies established by Sections

 3-5     361.022 and 361.023, emphasizes waste reduction efforts, and

 3-6     encourages applicants for permits for hazardous waste management

 3-7     facilities to include recycling and recovery components where

 3-8     appropriate.

 3-9           (b)  The commission shall update the assessment required by

3-10     Section 361.0232 [assessments] and related rules at least every two

3-11     years.  The commission shall update the assessment required by

3-12     Section 361.0233 and related rules at least every four years.  In

3-13     preparing an update of the assessment, the commission shall

3-14     consider source reduction and waste minimization plans and reports

3-15     submitted under Subchapter N.

3-16           (c)  The assessment [assessments] and rules adopted under

3-17     this section and Section 361.0232 may not be applied retroactively

3-18     to any application that was declared administratively and

3-19     technically complete and for which public hearings had commenced

3-20     before June 7, 1991.

3-21           (d)  The commission shall submit the assessment prepared

3-22     under Section 361.0232 and updated under Subsection (b) by December

3-23     1 of each even-numbered year as required by Section 5.178(b), Water

3-24     Code.  The commission shall submit the assessment prepared under

3-25     Section 361.0233 and updated under Subsection (b) by December 1,

3-26     2000, and every four years after that date as required by Section

3-27     5.178(c), Water Code.

3-28           SECTION 7.  Section 361.485(a), Health and Safety Code, is

3-29     amended to read as follows:

3-30           (a)  The [Not later than February 1 of each odd-numbered

3-31     year, the] commission shall submit by December 1 of each

3-32     even-numbered year as required by Section 5.178(b), Water Code, a

3-33     report [to the governor and the legislature] on the administration

3-34     of the program established under this subchapter and its

3-35     effectiveness in cleaning up existing scrap tire sites and in

3-36     preventing new scrap tire sites.

3-37           SECTION 8.  Section 361.510, Health and Safety Code, is

3-38     amended to read as follows:

3-39           Sec. 361.510.  Report [TO LEGISLATURE].  Notwithstanding any

3-40     other reporting requirement, the commission shall prepare a

3-41     biennial report to be submitted by December 1 of each even-numbered

3-42     year as required by Section 5.178(b), Water Code [the presiding

3-43     officers of the legislature and the governor concerning the

3-44     implementation of this subchapter]. The report must include:

3-45                 (1)  the status of the technical assistance program;

3-46                 (2)  a description of progress toward reducing the

3-47     volume of hazardous waste generated and the amount of pollutants

3-48     and contaminants in the state;

3-49                 (3)  an analysis of and recommendations for changes to

3-50     source reduction and waste minimization programs, including

3-51     consideration of additional enforcement provisions; and

3-52                 (4)  an identification of any other needed pollution

3-53     prevention activities.

3-54           SECTION 9.  Section 371.063, Health and Safety Code, is

3-55     amended to read as follows:

3-56           Sec. 371.063.  BIENNIAL [ANNUAL] Reporting Requirement.  The

3-57     commission shall monitor the balance of the used oil recycling fund

3-58     and shall provide by December 1 of each even-numbered year as

3-59     required by Section 5.178(b), Water Code, a detailed report of all

3-60     income, expenditures, and programs funded [to the Texas Legislature

3-61     on an annual basis].

3-62           SECTION 10.  Section 382.141, Health and Safety Code, is

3-63     amended to read as follows:

3-64           Sec. 382.141.  Report Required.  The commission shall report

3-65     biennially its evaluations and determinations on the use of

3-66     alternative fuels and recommend legislative changes necessary to

3-67     implement an effective and feasible program for the use of

3-68     alternative fuels.  The report shall be submitted by December 1 of

3-69     each even-numbered year as required by Section 5.178(b), Water Code

 4-1     [submitted to the governor and the legislature not later than the

 4-2     30th day before the commencement of each regular legislative

 4-3     session].

 4-4           SECTION 11.  Section 2155.448(b), Government Code, is amended

 4-5     to read as follows:

 4-6           (b)  Not later than January 1 of each year, a state agency

 4-7     shall deliver a report of the total expenditures in the areas

 4-8     subject to Subsection (a) and the amount spent in each category for

 4-9     the previous fiscal year to the[:]

4-10                 [(1)  governor;]

4-11                 [(2)  lieutenant governor;]

4-12                 [(3)  speaker of the house of representatives; and]

4-13                 [(4)]  Legislative Budget Board.

4-14           SECTION 12.  The following laws are repealed:

4-15                 (1)  Section 361.034, Health and Safety Code;

4-16                 (2)  Section 361.038, Health and Safety Code; and

4-17                 (3)  Section 26.349(b), Water Code.

4-18           SECTION 13.  Notwithstanding Section 5.123, Water Code, as

4-19     added by this Act, a report under that section by the Texas Natural

4-20     Resource Conservation Commission on its enforcement actions for the

4-21     preceding fiscal year that is prepared and delivered on or before

4-22     December 1, 2000, shall include a comparison with its enforcement

4-23     actions for each of the preceding fiscal years beginning with the

4-24     fiscal year ending August 31, 1996.

4-25           SECTION 14.  The first biennial report required by Section

4-26     5.178, Water Code, as amended by this Act, is for the fiscal

4-27     biennium beginning September 1, 1996, and is due December 1, 1998.

4-28           SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

4-29           SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the

4-30     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

4-31     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

4-32     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

4-33     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

4-34                                  * * * * *