By Clark                                              H.B. No. 1161

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to uniform competitive bidding requirements for

 1-3     municipalities.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 271.021(2), Local Government Code, is

 1-6     amended to read as follows:

 1-7                 (2)  "Governmental entity" means:

 1-8                       (A)  a county;

 1-9                       (B)  [a municipality;]

1-10                       [(C)]  a common or independent school district;

1-11                       (C) [(D)]  a hospital district or authority;

1-12                       (D) [(E)]  a housing authority;  or

1-13                       (E) [(F)]  an agency or instrumentality of the

1-14     governmental entities described by Paragraphs (A) through (D)

1-15     [(E)].

1-16           SECTION 2.  Section 271.023, Local Government Code, is

1-17     repealed.

1-18           SECTION 3.  Section 252.022(a), Local Government Code, is

1-19     amended to read as follows:

1-20           (a)  This chapter does not apply to an expenditure for:

1-21                 (1)  a procurement made because of a public calamity

1-22     that requires the immediate appropriation of money to relieve the

1-23     necessity of the municipality's residents or to preserve the

1-24     property of the municipality;

 2-1                 (2)  a procurement necessary to preserve or protect the

 2-2     public health or safety of the municipality's residents;

 2-3                 (3)  a procurement necessary because of unforeseen

 2-4     damage to public machinery, equipment, or other property;

 2-5                 (4)  a procurement for personal, professional, or

 2-6     planning services;

 2-7                 (5)  a procurement for work that is performed and paid

 2-8     for by the day as the work progresses;

 2-9                 (6)  a purchase of land or a right-of-way;

2-10                 (7)  a procurement of items that are available from

2-11     only one source, including:

2-12                       (A)  items that are available from only one

2-13     source because of patents, copyrights, secret processes, or natural

2-14     monopolies;

2-15                       (B)  films, manuscripts, or books;

2-16                       (C)  electricity, gas, water, and other utility

2-17     services;

2-18                       (D)  captive replacement parts or components for

2-19     equipment;

2-20                       (E)  books, papers, and other library materials

2-21     for a public library that are available only from the persons

2-22     holding exclusive distribution rights to the materials; and

2-23                       (F)  management services provided by a nonprofit

2-24     organization to a municipal museum, park, zoo, or other facility to

2-25     which the organization has provided significant financial or other

2-26     benefits;

2-27                 (8)  a purchase of rare books, papers, and other

 3-1     library materials for a public library;

 3-2                 (9)  paving drainage, street widening, and other public

 3-3     improvements, or related matters, if at least one-third of the cost

 3-4     is to be paid by or through special assessments levied on property

 3-5     that will benefit from the improvements;

 3-6                 (10)  a public improvement project, already in

 3-7     progress, authorized by the voters of the municipality, for which

 3-8     there is a deficiency of funds for completing the project in

 3-9     accordance with the plans and purposes authorized by the voters;

3-10                 (11)  a payment under a contract by which a developer

3-11     participates in the construction of a public improvement as

3-12     provided by Subchapter C, Chapter 212;

3-13                 (12)  personal property sold:

3-14                       (A)  at an auction by a state licensed

3-15     auctioneer;

3-16                       (B)  at a going out of business sale held in

3-17     compliance with Subchapter F, Chapter 17, Business & Commerce Code;

3-18                       (C)  by a political subdivision of this state, a

3-19     state agency of this state, or an entity of the federal government;

3-20     or

3-21                       (D)  under an interlocal contract for cooperative

3-22     purchasing administered by a regional planning commission

3-23     established under Chapter 391; or

3-24                 (13)  services performed by blind or severely disabled

3-25     persons.

3-26           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, and

3-27     applies only to a contract for which a municipality first solicits

 4-1     bids or proposals on or after that date.

 4-2           SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the

 4-3     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 4-4     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 4-5     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 4-6     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.