By Yarbrough                                    H.B. No. 1252

      75R5503 PAM-D                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to regulation of a person that exhibits nudity and that

 1-3     allows the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the

 1-4     premises; providing criminal penalties.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Section 11.11(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is

 1-7     amended to read as follows:

 1-8           (a)  Except as provided in Subsection (e) of this section, an

 1-9     applicant for a permit or a holder of a permit issued under:

1-10                 (1)  Chapter 25, 28, [or] 32, or 53 of this code shall

1-11     file with the commission a surety bond in the amount of $5,000

1-12     conditioned on the applicant's or holder's conformance with

1-13     alcoholic beverage law; or

1-14                 (2)  Chapter 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, [or] 32, or 53 and

1-15     whose place of business is within 1,000 feet of the property line

1-16     of a public school shall file with the commission a surety bond in

1-17     the amount of $10,000 conditioned on the applicant's or holder's

1-18     conformance with alcoholic beverage law.

1-19           SECTION 2.  Section 11.39(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is

1-20     amended to read as follows:

1-21           (a)  Every applicant for a pharmacist's medicinal, brewer's,

1-22     distiller's and rectifier's, mixed beverage, private club

1-23     registration, winery, wholesaler's, class B wholesaler's, wine

1-24     bottler's, exhibitor's, or package store permit shall give notice

 2-1     of the application by publication at the applicant's [his] own

 2-2     expense in two consecutive issues of all daily newspapers of

 2-3     general circulation published in the city or town in which the

 2-4     applicant's place of business is located or all daily newspapers of

 2-5     general circulation published in the most populous city or town in

 2-6     the county if the applicant's place of business is located in an

 2-7     unincorporated area of a county.  If  no daily newspaper is

 2-8     published in the city or town, the notice shall be published in a

 2-9     newspaper of general circulation published in the city, [or] town,

2-10     or county in which the applicant's [his] place of business is

2-11     located.  [If no newspaper is published in the city or town, the

2-12     notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation

2-13     published in the county where the applicant's business is located.]

2-14     If no newspaper is published in the county, the notice shall be

2-15     published in a qualified newspaper published in the closest

2-16     neighboring county and circulated in the county of the applicant's

2-17     residence.

2-18           SECTION 3.  Section 11.391, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is

2-19     amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding

2-20     Subsections (e) and (f) to read as follows:

2-21           (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), an [An] applicant

2-22     for a mixed beverage permit, an exhibitor's permit, or a private

2-23     club registration permit for a location not previously licensed for

2-24     the on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages shall, beginning

2-25     on the first date [dates] notice is required to be published under

2-26     Section 11.39 of this code and for seven consecutive business days

2-27     after that date, prominently post an outdoor sign at the location

 3-1     stating that alcoholic beverages are intended to be served on the

 3-2     premises, the proposed hours of operation of the premises, the type

 3-3     of permit, and the name and business address of the applicant.

 3-4           (b)  The sign shall be written in a manner and of a size the

 3-5     administrator considers adequate to be clearly visible from the

 3-6     street and to inform the general public of the intended use of the

 3-7     property.  The administrator may require the sign to be both in

 3-8     English and in a language other than English if it is likely that a

 3-9     substantial number of the residents in the area speak a language

3-10     other than English as their familiar language.  The commission

3-11     shall provide such sign and may charge a fee therefor.

3-12           (c)  The commission shall deny an [An] application if the

3-13     applicant fails [may not be denied for failing] to post the notice

3-14     required by this section [if the commission or administrator

3-15     determines that the general public in the area in which the

3-16     premises to be licensed is located is adequately aware of the

3-17     nature of the application].

3-18           (e)  If a sexually oriented business is to be operated on

3-19     premises covered by a permit identified by Subsection (a), the

3-20     applicant must also comply with the notice requirements of this

3-21     section when applying for a renewal permit, except that the sign

3-22     shall be posted beginning on the 30th day before the expiration

3-23     date of the permit and for seven consecutive business days after

3-24     that date.

3-25           (f)  In this section, "business day" excludes Saturday,

3-26     Sunday, and a legal holiday.

3-27           SECTION 4.  Subtitle A, Title 3, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is

 4-1     amended by adding Chapter 53 to read as follows:

 4-2                       CHAPTER 53.  EXHIBITOR'S PERMIT

 4-3           Sec. 53.01.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:

 4-4                 (1)  "Employee" includes a person who is subject to

 4-5     control, supervision, direction, or discharge by a person who holds

 4-6     a permit under this chapter.

 4-7                 (2)  "Nude" means a person who exposes the person's

 4-8     body in a manner that constitutes lewd, immoral, or offensive

 4-9     conduct under Section 104.01.

4-10                 (3)  "Public place" includes any area on the premises

4-11     in which an employee performs any portion of the employee's work.

4-12                 (4)  "Sexually oriented business" has the meaning

4-13     assigned by Section 243.002, Local Government Code.

4-14           Sec. 53.02.  AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY.  A holder of an exhibitor's

4-15     permit may allow a person to possess or consume on the premises an

4-16     alcoholic beverage during the time that the holder of the permit

4-17     allows:

4-18                 (1)  any person to perform any part of a sexually

4-19     oriented business on the premises covered by the permit; or

4-20                 (2)  an employee to be nude at a public place on the

4-21     premises covered by the permit.

4-22           Sec. 53.03.  FEE.  The annual state fee for an exhibitor's

4-23     permit is $3,000.

4-24           Sec. 53.04.  PERMIT REQUIRED; PENALTY.  (a)  An exhibitor's

4-25     permit is required for a business that:

4-26                 (1)  is a sexually oriented business; and

4-27                 (2)  allows a person to possess or consume an alcoholic

 5-1     beverage on the premises.

 5-2           (b)  A person commits an offense if the person engages in

 5-3     conduct authorized by Section 53.02 and does not hold an

 5-4     exhibitor's permit.

 5-5           (c)  An offense under this section is a felony of the third

 5-6     degree.

 5-7           Sec. 53.05.  DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS.  The commission may not

 5-8     issue or renew a permit under this chapter if the location of the

 5-9     premises violates a municipal ordinance or county order regulating

5-10     the distance required between the premises and a residential

5-11     neighborhood, church or other house of worship, public or private

5-12     school, playground, playing field or park used by children under

5-13     the age of 16, day-care center, adult care facility, hospital, or

5-14     premises of a holder of another permit issued under this chapter.

5-15           Sec. 53.06.  RESTRICTED ENTRY.  (a)  An individual 18 years

5-16     of age or younger may not enter the premises of the holder of a

5-17     permit issued under this chapter.

5-18           (b)  A person commits an offense if with criminal negligence

5-19     the person allows an individual 18 years of age or younger to enter

5-20     the premises of the holder of a permit issued under this chapter.

5-21     A person does not commit an offense if the individual who is 18

5-22     years of age or younger falsely represents the individual's age by

5-23     displaying an apparently valid Texas driver's license or an

5-24     identification card issued by the Department of Public Safety

5-25     containing a physical description consistent with the individual's

5-26     appearance for the purpose of inducing the individual's entry to

5-27     the premises.

 6-1           (c)  Except as provided in Subsection (d), a violation of

 6-2     this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than

 6-3     $100 and not more than $500, by confinement in jail for not more

 6-4     than one year, or by both.

 6-5           (d)  If a person has been previously convicted of a violation

 6-6     of this section, a violation is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine

 6-7     of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000, by confinement in

 6-8     jail for not more than one year, or by both.

 6-9           SECTION 5.  Section 109.59, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is

6-10     repealed.

6-11           SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.  The

6-12     changes in law made by this Act apply only to persons who apply for

6-13     a permit or a renewal of a permit on or after the effective date of

6-14     this Act.

6-15           SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the

6-16     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

6-17     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

6-18     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

6-19     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.