By Shields H.B. No. 1781 75R2137 JRD-D A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to creating a governor's committee to study cost control 1-3 in state government. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Subtitle B, Title 10, Government Code, is amended 1-6 by adding Chapter 2059 to read as follows: 1-7 CHAPTER 2059. GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON COST CONTROL 1-8 Sec. 2059.001. DEFINITION. In this chapter, "state agency": 1-9 (1) means an office, department, commission, or other 1-10 agency in the executive branch of state government that is created 1-11 by the constitution or a state statute and that has statewide 1-12 jurisdiction; and 1-13 (2) does not include the office of the lieutenant 1-14 governor. 1-15 Sec. 2059.002. COMMITTEE COMPOSITION. (a) The Governor's 1-16 Private Sector Committee on Cost Control in State Government is 1-17 composed of a number of members as determined by the governor to be 1-18 appropriate. A member of the committee must have the 1-19 qualifications determined by the governor to be of benefit to the 1-20 committee in administering its duties. As soon as possible after 1-21 September 1, 1997, the governor shall appoint a number of members 1-22 to the committee that is sufficient to allow the committee to begin 1-23 its work. 1-24 (b) A member of the committee serves at the will of the 2-1 governor. 2-2 Sec. 2059.003. OFFICERS; COMPENSATION; MEETINGS. (a) The 2-3 governor shall designate a presiding officer from among the members 2-4 of the committee. The committee may elect other officers from its 2-5 members as the committee considers appropriate. 2-6 (b) A member of the committee may not receive compensation 2-7 for service on the committee. 2-8 (c) The committee shall meet at the call of the governor or 2-9 of the presiding officer or as provided by rule of the governor's 2-10 office. The committee shall hold its first meeting not later than 2-11 October 1, 1997. 2-12 Sec. 2059.004. DUTIES. (a) The committee shall study how 2-13 to control costs in state agencies and consider cost-control 2-14 methods used in the private sector. The committee shall then advise 2-15 the governor, the legislature, and the governing bodies of state 2-16 agencies about improving management and reducing costs. 2-17 (b) The committee shall conduct in-depth reviews of the 2-18 operations of state agencies as a basis for evaluating potential 2-19 improvements in state agency operations. 2-20 (c) In performing its duties, the committee shall consider 2-21 providing recommendations about: 2-22 (1) opportunities for increased efficiency and reduced 2-23 costs in state agencies that can be accomplished through 2-24 legislation or through executive branch action; 2-25 (2) situations in which managerial accountability can 2-26 be enhanced and administrative control can be improved; 2-27 (3) opportunities for short-term and long-term 3-1 managerial improvements; 3-2 (4) governmental expenditures, indebtedness, and 3-3 personnel management; and 3-4 (5) specific situations in which further study would 3-5 be justified by the potential savings. 3-6 Sec. 2059.005. AGENCY COOPERATION. The administrative head 3-7 of a state agency shall provide to the committee information that 3-8 is not excepted from required public disclosure under Chapter 552 3-9 that the committee requests in performing its duties, including 3-10 information relating to the structure, organization, personnel, and 3-11 operations of the agency. 3-12 Sec. 2059.006. GIFTS AND GRANTS; STAFF; RESOURCES. (a) The 3-13 governor's office may accept gifts and grants, including the 3-14 donation of labor or in-kind resources, on behalf of the committee 3-15 to accomplish the objectives of this chapter. 3-16 (b) The governor's office and, at the request of the 3-17 governor, a state agency may provide staff support and other 3-18 resources to support the work of the committee. 3-19 Sec. 2059.007. APPLICABILITY OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAW. 3-20 Article 6252-33, Revised Statutes, does not apply to the committee 3-21 except for the provisions of Section 4 of that law. 3-22 Sec. 2059.008. FINAL REPORT; ABOLITION OF COMMITTEE. 3-23 (a) Not later than the 30th day before the date that the 76th 3-24 Legislature convenes in regular session, the committee shall submit 3-25 its final report to the governor and to the presiding officer of 3-26 each house of the legislature. If the committee determines that it 3-27 would be useful to the state for the committee to continue its work 4-1 during the subsequent legislative interim, the committee may 4-2 include that determination as a recommendation in its final report. 4-3 (b) The committee is abolished and this chapter expires 4-4 September 1, 1999. 4-5 SECTION 2. The importance of this legislation and the 4-6 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 4-7 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 4-8 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 4-9 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended, 4-10 and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its 4-11 passage, and it is so enacted.