Rule 12, Section 1(a)(1)(A) was suspended for the committee report

         on H.B. 1847.  Therefore, the text of the bill was not printed.

         Attached for your information is the amendment/amendments.

 1-1                          COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1

 1-2           Amend H.B. No. 1847 as follows:

 1-3           (1)  In Section 33.054(a), Utilities Code, as added by

 1-4     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 91, lines 12 and

 1-5     13), strike "An appeal under this subchapter or Subchapter D is de

 1-6     novo" and substitute "An appeal under this subchapter, Subchapter

 1-7     D, or Subchapter E is de novo".

 1-8           (2)  In Section 37.051(a), Utilities Code, as added by

 1-9     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page  173, line 14),

1-10     strike "unless the utility obtains" and substitute "unless the

1-11     utility first obtains".

1-12           (3)  In Section 37.051(b), Utilities Code, as added by

1-13     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 173, lines 22 and

1-14     23), strike "unless the utility obtains a certificate that includes

1-15     the area in which the facility that receives the service is

1-16     located." and substitute "unless the utility first obtains a

1-17     certificate that includes the area in which the consuming facility

1-18     is located."

1-19           (4)  In Section 54.052(a), Utilities Code, as added by

1-20     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 258, line 2),

1-21     strike "unless the utility obtains" and substitute "unless the

 2-1     utility first obtains".

 2-2           (5)  In Section 54.052(b), Utilities Code, as added by

 2-3     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 258, lines 9-11),

 2-4     strike "unless the utility obtains a certificate that includes the

 2-5     area in which the facility that receives the service is located."

 2-6     and substitute "unless the utility first obtains a certificate that

 2-7     includes the area in which the consuming facility is located."

 2-8           (6)  In Section 58.062, Utilities Code, as added by SECTION 1

 2-9     of the bill (Introduced Version, page 365, lines 18 and 19), strike

2-10     "before the expiration of the four-year period prescribed by

2-11     Section 58.054." and substitute "before the expiration of the cap

2-12     on basic network services."

2-13           (7)  Strike Section 104.055(e), Utilities Code, as added by

2-14     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page  496, lines 7-10),

2-15     and substitute  the following:

2-16           (e)  This section is not intended to increase gas utility

2-17     rates to the customer not caused by utility service.  Utility rates

2-18     may include only expenses caused by utility service.

2-19           (8)  Strike Section 121.003(a), Utilities Code, as added by

2-20     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 516, lines 7-14),

2-21     and substitute the following:

2-22           (a)  The act or acts of transporting, delivering, selling, or

2-23     otherwise making available natural gas for fuel, either directly or

2-24     indirectly, to an owner of an irrigation well, or the sale,

2-25     transportation, or delivery of natural gas for any other direct use

2-26     in an agricultural activity, does not make a person a gas utility

2-27     or make the person subject to the jurisdiction, control, and

 3-1     regulation of the railroad commission as a gas utility.

 3-2           (9)  In the table of contents to Chapter 161, Utilities Code,

 3-3     as added by SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 547,

 3-4     between lines 10 and 11), insert the following:


 3-6           (10)  In Subchapter A, Chapter 161, Utilities Code, as added

 3-7     by SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 550, after line

 3-8     27), add a new Section 161.005 to read as follows:

 3-9           Sec. 161.005.  CHAPTER COMPLETE AND CONTROLLING.  This

3-10     chapter is complete in itself and is controlling.  (V.A.C.S.

3-11     Art. 1528b, Sec. 36 (part).)

3-12           (11)  In Section 161.071(a), Utilities Code, as added by

3-13     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 559, lines 8-10),

3-14     strike the first sentence and substitute the following:

3-15     The business and affairs of an electric cooperative are managed by

3-16     a board of directors.  The board consists of at least three

3-17     directors.

3-18           (12)  In Section 161.121(10), Utilities Code, as added by

3-19     SECTION 1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 563, line 9),

3-20     strike "that may be appropriate to accomplish" and substitute "that

3-21     may be necessary, convenient, or appropriate to accomplish".

3-22           (13)  In Section 186.001, Utilities Code, as added by SECTION

3-23     1 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 666, lines 12 and 13),

3-24     strike "In this subchapter, "public utility" means" and substitute

3-25     "In this subchapter, "public utility" means and includes".

3-26                   (14)  In the chapter heading to Chapter 67, Water

3-27     Code, as added by SECTION 2 of the bill (Introduced Version, page

 4-1     674, line 7, strike "CHAPTER 67.  WATER SUPPLY OR SEWER SERVICE



 4-4           (15)  In Section 67.002(1), Water Code, as added by SECTION 2

 4-5     of the bill (Introduced Version, page 674, line 19), strike "base;

 4-6     or" and substitute "base; and".

 4-7           (16)  In Section 67.002(2), Water Code, as added by SECTION 2

 4-8     of the bill (Introduced Version, page 674, line 21), strike

 4-9     "political subdivision or for another person" and substitute

4-10     "political subdivision, private corporation, or another person".

4-11           (17)  In Section 67.008(a), Water Code, as added by SECTION 2

4-12     of the bill (Introduced Version, page 677, lines 2 and 3), strike

4-13     "paid annually to political subdivisions or other persons" and

4-14     substitute "paid annually to political subdivisions, private

4-15     corporations, or other persons".

4-16           (18)  In Section 67.009, Water Code, as added by SECTION 2 of

4-17     the bill (Introduced Version, page 677, line 15), strike "lease,

4-18     improve, or maintain" and substitute "lease, improve, extend, or

4-19     maintain".

4-20           (19)  In Section 67.010(c), Water Code, as added by SECTION 2

4-21     of the bill (Introduced Version, page 678, line 2), strike "may

4-22     encumber any revenue" and substitute "may encumber any income,

4-23     fees, rents, and other charges".

4-24           (20)  Strike Section 67.016, Water Code, as added by SECTION

4-25     2 of the bill (Introduced Version, page 680, lines 3-27, and page

4-26     681, lines 1-27), and substitute the following:


 5-1     OR OTHER RIGHT OF PARTICIPATION.  (a)  A person or entity that owns

 5-2     any stock of, is a member of, or has some other right of

 5-3     participation in a corporation may not sell or transfer that stock,

 5-4     membership, or other right of participation to another person or

 5-5     entity except:

 5-6                 (1)  by will to a person who is related to the testator

 5-7     within the second degree by consanguinity;

 5-8                 (2)  by transfer without compensation to a person who

 5-9     is related to the owner of the stock or other interest within the

5-10     second degree by consanguinity; or

5-11                 (3)  by transfer without compensation or by sale to the

5-12     corporation.

5-13           (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to a person or entity that

5-14     transfers the membership or other right of participation to another

5-15     person or entity as part of the conveyance of real estate from

5-16     which the membership or other right of participation arose.

5-17           (c)  The transfer of stock, a membership, or another right of

5-18     participation under this section does not entitle the transferee to

5-19     water or sewer service unless each condition for water or sewer

5-20     service is met as provided in the corporation's published rates,

5-21     charges, and conditions of service.  A transfer and service

5-22     application must be completed on the corporation's standardized

5-23     forms and filed with the corporation's office in a timely manner.

5-24     The conditions of service may not require a personal appearance in

5-25     the office of the corporation if the transferee agrees in writing

5-26     to accept the rates, charges, and conditions of service.

5-27           (d)  The corporation may make water or sewer service provided

 6-1     as a result of stock, a membership, or another right of

 6-2     participation in the corporation conditional on ownership of the

 6-3     real estate designated to receive service and from which the

 6-4     membership or other right of participation arises.

 6-5           (e)  The corporation may cancel a person's or other entity's

 6-6     stock, membership, or other right of participation if the person or

 6-7     entity fails to:

 6-8                 (1)  meet the conditions for water or sewer service

 6-9     prescribed by the corporation's published rates, charges, and

6-10     conditions of service; or

6-11                 (2)  comply with any other condition placed on the

6-12     receipt of water or sewer service under the stock, membership, or

6-13     other right of participation.

6-14           (f)  Consistent with Subsection (a), the corporation may

6-15     reassign canceled stock or a canceled membership or other right of

6-16     participation to a person or entity that has legal title to the

6-17     real estate from which the canceled membership or other right of

6-18     participation arose and for which water or sewer service is

6-19     requested.

6-20           (g)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the corporation shall

6-21     reassign canceled stock or a canceled membership or other right of

6-22     participation to a person or entity that acquires the real estate

6-23     from which the membership or other right of participation arose

6-24     through judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure.  The corporation may

6-25     require proof of ownership resulting from the foreclosure.

6-26           (h)  Service provided following a transfer under Subsection

6-27     (f) or (g) is made subject to compliance with the conditions for

 7-1     water or sewer service prescribed by the corporation's published

 7-2     rates, charges, and conditions of service.  (V.A.C.S. Art. 1434a,

 7-3     Sec. 9A.)

 7-4     75R10539 CBH-D                                             Longoria