By Danburg                                      H.B. No. 1852

      75R6702 GGS-D                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to certain voter registration processes and procedures.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Sections 13.002(a), (c), and (d), Election Code,

 1-5     are amended to read as follows:

 1-6           (a)  A person desiring to register to vote must submit an

 1-7     application to the registrar of the county in which the person

 1-8     resides.  An application must be submitted by personal delivery or

 1-9     by mail.

1-10           (c)  A registration application must include:

1-11                 (1)  the applicant's first name, middle name, if any,

1-12     last name, and former name, if any;

1-13                 (2)  the month, day, and year of the applicant's birth;

1-14                 (3)  a statement that the applicant is a United States

1-15     citizen;

1-16                 (4)  a statement that the applicant is a resident of

1-17     the county;

1-18                 (5)  a statement that the applicant has not been

1-19     determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court;

1-20                 (6)  a statement that the applicant has not been

1-21     finally convicted of a felony or that the applicant is a felon

1-22     eligible for registration under Section 13.001;

1-23                 (7)  the applicant's residence address or, if the

1-24     residence has no address, the address at which the applicant

 2-1     receives mail and a concise description of the location of the

 2-2     applicant's residence;

 2-3                 (8)  if the application is made by an agent, a

 2-4     statement of the agent's relationship to the applicant; [and]

 2-5                 (9)  the city and county in which the applicant

 2-6     formerly resided; and

 2-7                 (10)  the applicant's driver's license number or

 2-8     personal identification card number issued by the Department of

 2-9     Public Safety, if any.

2-10           (d)  The omission of the applicant's middle or former name

2-11     under Subsection (c)(1), [or the applicant's] zip code under

2-12     Subsection (c)(7), or driver's license number or personal

2-13     identification card number under Subsection (c)(10) does not affect

2-14     the validity of a registration application, and the registrar may

2-15     not reject the application because of that omission.

2-16           SECTION 2.  Section 13.122(a), Election Code, is amended to

2-17     read as follows:

2-18           (a)  In addition to the other statements and spaces for

2-19     entering information that appear on an officially prescribed

2-20     registration application form, each official form must include:

2-21                 (1)  the statement:  "I understand that giving false

2-22     information to procure a voter registration is perjury and a crime

2-23     under state and federal law.";

2-24                 (2)  a space for the applicant's registration number;

2-25                 (3)  [a space for the applicant's Texas driver's

2-26     license number or number of a personal identification card issued

2-27     by the Department of Public Safety;]

 3-1                 [(4)]  a space for the applicant's telephone number;

 3-2                 (4) [(5)]  a space for the applicant's social security

 3-3     number;

 3-4                 (5) [(6)]  a space for the applicant's sex;

 3-5                 (6) [(7)]  a statement indicating that the furnishing

 3-6     of the applicant's [driver's license number, personal

 3-7     identification card number,] telephone number, social security

 3-8     number, and sex is optional;

 3-9                 (7) [(8)]  a statement that if the applicant declines

3-10     to register to vote, that fact will remain confidential and will be

3-11     used only for voter registration purposes;

3-12                 (8) [(9)]  a statement that if the applicant does

3-13     register to vote, information regarding the agency or office to

3-14     which the application is submitted will remain confidential and

3-15     will be used only for voter registration purposes;  and

3-16                 (9) [(10)]  any other voter registration information

3-17     required by federal law or considered appropriate and required by

3-18     the secretary of  state.

3-19           SECTION 3.  Section 13.143(e), Election Code, is amended to

3-20     read as follows:

3-21           (e)  If the 30th day before the date of an election is a

3-22     Saturday, Sunday, or legal state or national holiday, an

3-23     application [submitted by mail] is considered to be timely if it is

3-24     submitted to the registrar on or before [the date indicated by the

3-25     post office cancellation mark is] the next regular business day.

3-26           SECTION 4.  Section 19.001(a), Election Code, is amended to

3-27     read as follows:

 4-1           (a)  Before May 15 of each year, the registrar shall prepare

 4-2     and submit to the comptroller of public accounts a statement

 4-3     containing:

 4-4                 (1)  the total number of initial registrations for the

 4-5     previous voting year; [and]

 4-6                 (2)  the total number of registrations canceled under

 4-7     Sections 16.031(a)(1) and 16.033 for the previous voting year; and

 4-8                 (3)  the total number of registrations for which

 4-9     information was updated for the previous voting year.

4-10           SECTION 5.  Section 19.002(a), Election Code, is amended to

4-11     read as follows:

4-12           (a)  Each registrar is entitled to receive the sum of the

4-13     following amounts:

4-14                 (1)  ____ [40] cents multiplied by the number of

4-15     initial  registrations certified under Section 19.001(a)(1);

4-16                 (2)  40 cents multiplied by the number of canceled

4-17     registrations certified under Section 19.001(a)(2); [and]

4-18                 (3)  ____ cents multiplied by the number of updated

4-19     registrations under Section 19.001(a)(3); and

4-20                 (4)  in each even-numbered year, 40 cents multiplied by

4-21     the difference between the number of registered voters and the

4-22     number of initial registrations certified for the two previous

4-23     voting years.

4-24           SECTION 6.  Section 20.063, Election Code, is amended by

4-25     adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:

4-26           (d)  If a completed voter registration application submitted

4-27     to a department employee does not include the applicant's correct

 5-1     driver's license number or personal identification card number, the

 5-2     department shall enter the appropriate information on the

 5-3     application.

 5-4           SECTION 7.  The provisions relating to voter registration are

 5-5     changed to increase public confidence and participation in and

 5-6     improve the functioning of the electoral and political processes.

 5-7           SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

 5-8           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the

 5-9     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

5-10     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

5-11     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

5-12     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.