By Hawley                                       H.B. No. 1958

      75R7284 T                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the imposition, collection, and administration of LPG

 1-3     delivery fees.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 113.243(b), Natural Resources Code, is

 1-6     amended to read as follows:

 1-7           (b)  The fund consists of money from:

 1-8                 (1)  fees charged under this subchapter;

 1-9                 (2)  the penalties for the late payment of the fee

1-10     charged under this subchapter;

1-11                 (3)  gifts, grants, or other assistance received by the

1-12     commission from any source for the purposes of this subchapter;

1-13     [and]

1-14                 (4)  interest earned on amounts in the fund; and

1-15                 (5)  funds collected by the commission under agreements

1-16     with other states pursuant to subsection (c) of section 113.246 of

1-17     this chapter.

1-18           SECTION 2.  Section 113.243(b), Natural Resources Code, is

1-19     amended to read as follows:

1-20           (b)  The fund consists of money from:

1-21                 (1)  fees charged under this subchapter;

1-22                 (2)  the penalties for the late payment of the fee

1-23     charged under this subchapter;

1-24                 (3)  gifts, grants, or other assistance received by the

 2-1     commission from any source for the purposes of this subchapter;

 2-2     [and]

 2-3                 (4)  interest earned on amounts in the fund;

 2-4                 (5)  funds collected by the commission under agreements

 2-5     with other states pursuant to subsection (c) of section 113.246 of

 2-6     this chapter; and

 2-7                 (6)  assessments, rebates on assessments, and other

 2-8     funds collected by the commission under the federal Propane

 2-9     Education and Research Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-284 (1996)) or other

2-10     applicable federal law.

2-11           SECTION 3.  Section 113.243(c), Natural Resources Code, is

2-12     amended to read as follows:

2-13           (c)  Rules adopted and promulgated by the commission under

2-14     this section shall specify the following:

2-15                 (1)  rebate levels for various types of equipment such

2-16     that the rebates achieve an amount of public good comparable to the

2-17     rebate amount;

2-18                 (2)  a condition that the recipient agree to practice

2-19     environmentally sound operating principles;

2-20                 (3)  a condition that the rebate recipient agree to not

2-21     modify the equipment for a specified number of years as set by the

2-22     commission;

2-23                 (4)  any other conditions or restrictions determined by

2-24     the commission that would help ensure that either of the desired

2-25     goals of achieving energy conservation and efficiency or improving

2-26     air quality in this state is furthered;

2-27                 (5)  a limitation on the proportion of the fund usable

 3-1     for the rebate program that limits the proportion usable to not

 3-2     more than 50 [25] percent of the funds available.

 3-3           SECTION 4.  Section 113.244, Natural Resources Code, is

 3-4     amended to read as follows:

 3-5           Sec. 113.244.  Fee on Delivery of LPG.  (a)  A fee is imposed

 3-6     on [the first sale of] odorized LPG delivered into any means of

 3-7     conveyance to be sold and placed into commerce.  [, as provided by

 3-8     this section.  Each operator of a loading rack on delivery into any

 3-9     cargo container shall collect from the person who purchases the

3-10     odorized LPG a] The fee shall be in an amount determined as

3-11     follows:

3-12                 (1)  $7.50 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having

3-13     a capacity] of less than 1,500 gallons;

3-14                 (2)  $9 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having a

3-15     capacity] of 1,500 gallons or more but less than 1,800 gallons;

3-16                 (3)  $10 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having a

3-17     capacity] of 1,800 gallons or more but less than 2,000 gallons;

3-18                 (4)  $12.50 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having

3-19     a capacity] of 2,000 gallons or more but less than 2,500 gallons;

3-20                 (5)  $13.50 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having

3-21     a capacity] of 2,500 gallons or more but less than 2,700 gallons;

3-22                 (6)  $25 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having a

3-23     capacity] of 2,700 gallons or more but less than 5,000 gallons;

3-24                 (7)  $37.50 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having

3-25     a capacity] of 5,000 gallons or more but less than 8,000 gallons;

3-26                 (8)  $50 for each delivery [into a cargo tank having a

3-27     capacity] of 8,000 gallons or more but less than 12,000 gallons;

 4-1     and

 4-2                 (9)  [a] $25 [fee] for each increment of 5,000 gallons

 4-3     or any part of 5,000 gallons included in a delivery [delivered into

 4-4     a cargo tank having a capacity] of 12,000 gallons or more.

 4-5           (b)  The owner of LPG at the time of odorization, or the time

 4-6     of import of odorized LPG, shall pay the fee based on the net

 4-7     amount of odorized LPG sold and placed into commerce.  The fee

 4-8     shall be collected and remitted to the commission pursuant to

 4-9     section 113.245 of this chapter by the person who odorizes the LPG

4-10     or imports odorized LPG.  [The fee shall be computed on the net

4-11     amount of odorized LPG delivered into a cargo tank.]

4-12           (c)  "Import" means LPG that enters this state from another

4-13     state or from outside the United States.

4-14           (d)  The fee does not apply to a delivery of odorized LPG

4-15     destined for export from the United States [this state] if the LPG

4-16     is in continuous movement to a destination outside the United

4-17     States [this state].

4-18           (e)  If the commission is party to an agreement with another

4-19     state's propane education and research program pursuant to section

4-20     113.246(b) of this chapter, the fee on LPG destined for export to

4-21     that state and in continuous movement to a destination in that

4-22     state shall be assessed at the rate in effect in that state.

4-23           (f)  The commission may transfer fees collected under

4-24     subsection (e) of this section to the agency or organization that

4-25     is party to the commission's agreement with that state.

4-26           SECTION 5.  Section 113.245, Natural Resources Code, is

4-27     amended to read as follows:

 5-1           Sec. 113.245.  Report and Remission of Fees.  (a)  Each

 5-2     person responsible for collecting and remitting a fee on a delivery

 5-3     of LPG [operator of a loading rack] shall, on or before the 25th

 5-4     day of the month following the end of each calendar month, file a

 5-5     report with the commission and remit the amount of fees required to

 5-6     be collected or paid during the preceding month.

 5-7           (b)  Each person responsible for collecting and remitting a

 5-8     fee on a delivery of LPG [operator of a loading rack] or the

 5-9     person's [operator's] representative shall prepare the report

5-10     required under Subsection (a) of this section on a form provided or

5-11     approved by the commission.

5-12           SECTION 6.  Section 113.246, Natural Resources Code, is

5-13     amended to read as follows:

5-14           Sec. 113.246.  Rules Regarding Fees.  (a)  The commission

5-15     shall adopt rules necessary for the administration, collection,

5-16     reporting, and payment of the fees payable or collected under this

5-17     subchapter.

5-18           (b)  The commission may enter into agreements with agencies

5-19     of or organizations in other states to coordinate the

5-20     administration, collection, reporting, and payment of the fees

5-21     payable or collected under this subchapter and other states'

5-22     propane education and research programs created by state law or

5-23     regulation.

5-24           (c)  Agreements executed under subsection (b) of this section

5-25     may include, but are not limited to, reporting, auditing,

5-26     collecting, apportioning, and remitting fees and assessments

5-27     payable or collected under this subchapter, any applicable federal

 6-1     law, and other states' propane education and research programs.

 6-2     The commission may adopt rules necessary to implement these

 6-3     agreements.

 6-4           SECTION 7.  Section 113.246, Natural Resources Code, is

 6-5     amended to read as follows:

 6-6           Sec. 113.246.  Rules Regarding Fees.  (a)  The commission

 6-7     shall adopt rules necessary for the administration, collection,

 6-8     reporting, and payment of the fees payable or collected under this

 6-9     subchapter and the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996 or

6-10     other applicable federal law.  The commission may enter into

6-11     agreements with agencies of or organizations in other states and

6-12     with the national Propane Education and Research Council to

6-13     coordinate the administration, collection, reporting, and payment

6-14     of the fees payable or collected under the Propane Education and

6-15     Research Act of 1996 or other  applicable federal law.

6-16           (b)  The commission may enter into agreements with agencies

6-17     of or organizations in other states to coordinate the

6-18     administration, collection, reporting, and payment of the fees

6-19     payable or collected under this subchapter and other states'

6-20     propane education and research programs created by state law or

6-21     regulation.

6-22           (c)  Agreements executed under subsections (a) and (b) of

6-23     this section may include, but are not limited to, reporting,

6-24     auditing, collecting, apportioning, and remitting fees and

6-25     assessments payable or collected under this subchapter, the Propane

6-26     Education and Research Act of 1996 or other applicable federal law,

6-27     and other states' propane education and research programs.  The

 7-1     commission may adopt rules necessary to implement these agreements.

 7-2           SECTION 8.  Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 of this Act

 7-3     take effect September 1, 1997.

 7-4           SECTION 9.  Sections 2 and 7 of this Act take effect upon the

 7-5     later of either (1) September 1, 1997, or (2) the commission's

 7-6     receipt and acceptance of a written report by an independent

 7-7     auditing firm confirming that the industry referendums required

 7-8     under Section 4 of the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996

 7-9     (P.L. 104-284 (1996)) have been approved by producers representing

7-10     two-thirds of the total volume of propane voted in the producer

7-11     class and by retail marketers representing two-thirds of the total

7-12     volume of propane voted in the retail marketer class.

7-13           SECTION 10.  The importance of this legislation and the

7-14     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

7-15     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

7-16     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

7-17     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.