By Oakley, Carter, Keel, et al.                       H.B. No. 2295

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to excavation operations that may damage underground

 1-3     facilities; providing civil and criminal penalties.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  SHORT TITLE.  This Act may be cited as the

 1-6     Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act.

 1-7           SECTION 2.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:

 1-8                 (1)  "Agricultural operations" means activities

 1-9     performed on land and described by Section 23.51(2), Tax Code.

1-10                 (2)  "Class A underground facility" means an

1-11     underground facility that is used to produce, store, convey,

1-12     transmit, or distribute:

1-13                       (A)  electrical energy;

1-14                       (B)  natural or synthetic gas;

1-15                       (C)  petroleum or petroleum products;

1-16                       (D)  steam;

1-17                       (E)  any form of telecommunications service,

1-18     including voice, data, video, or optical transmission, or cable

1-19     television service; or

1-20                       (F)  any other liquid, material, or product not

1-21     defined as a Class B underground facility.

1-22                 (3)  "Class B underground facility" means an

1-23     underground facility that is used to produce, store, convey,

1-24     transmit, or distribute:

 2-1                       (A)  water;

 2-2                       (B)  slurry; or

 2-3                       (C)  sewage.

 2-4                 (4)  "Corporation" means the Texas Underground Facility

 2-5     Notification Corporation created by this Act.

 2-6                 (5)  "Damage" means:

 2-7                       (A)  the defacing, scraping, displacement,

 2-8     penetration, destruction, or partial or complete severance of an

 2-9     underground facility or of any protective coating, housing, or

2-10     other protective device of an underground facility;

2-11                       (B)  the weakening of structural or lateral

2-12     support of an underground facility; or

2-13                       (C)  the failure to properly replace the backfill

2-14     covering an underground facility.

2-15                 (6)  "Excavate" or "excavation" means to use explosives

2-16     or a motor, engine, hydraulic or pneumatically powered tool, or

2-17     other machine-powered equipment of any kind and includes auguring,

2-18     backfilling, boring, compressing, digging, ditching, drilling,

2-19     dragging, dredging, grading, mechanical probing, plowing-in,

2-20     pulling-in, ripping, scraping, trenching, and tunneling to remove

2-21     or otherwise disturb soil to a depth of 12 or more inches.

2-22                 (7)  "Excavator" means a person that excavates or

2-23     intends to excavate in this state.

2-24                 (8)  "Exploration and production underground facility"

2-25     means an underground facility used by a person producing gas or

2-26     oil, or both, for the production of that gas or oil, including

2-27     facilities used for field separation, treatment, gathering, or

 3-1     storage of gas or oil.

 3-2                 (9)  "High speed data transmission" means a method of

 3-3     data transmission that does not include facsimile or voice

 3-4     transmission.

 3-5                 (10)  "Legal holiday" means a holiday specified as a

 3-6     legal holiday by Subchapter B, Chapter 662, Government Code.

 3-7                 (11)  "Mechanized equipment" means equipment operated

 3-8     by mechanical power, including a trencher, bulldozer, power shovel,

 3-9     auger, backhoe, scraper, drill, cable or pipe plow, and other

3-10     equipment used to plow in or pull in cable or pipe.

3-11                 (12)  "Notification center" means a legal entity that:

3-12                       (A)  operates a notification system capable of

3-13     serving excavators and operators statewide;

3-14                       (B)  is created to:

3-15                             (i)  receive notification of an intent to

3-16     excavate and of damage to an underground facility and disseminate

3-17     that information to member operators that may be affected by the

3-18     excavation or damage and to other notification centers operating in

3-19     this state; and

3-20                             (ii)  receive notification of an

3-21     extraordinary circumstance and disseminate that information to

3-22     member operators and to other notification centers operating in

3-23     this state; and

3-24                       (C)  registers the following information with the

3-25     corporation:

3-26                             (i)  its name, address, and telephone

3-27     number;

 4-1                             (ii)  the name of a contact person;

 4-2                             (iii)  a statement of compliance with

 4-3     Section 8(h) of this Act; and

 4-4                             (iv)  a listing of the counties in which it

 4-5     operates.

 4-6                 (13)  "Operator" means a person that operates an

 4-7     underground facility.

 4-8                 (14)  "Person" means an individual, corporation,

 4-9     partnership, association, government or governmental subdivision or

4-10     agency, or other legal entity.

4-11                 (15)  "Routine maintenance" means operations, not to

4-12     exceed 24 inches in depth, within a road or drainage ditch

4-13     involving grading and removal or replacement of pavement and

4-14     structures.

4-15                 (16)  "Secured facility" means a parcel of land used

4-16     for commercial or industrial purposes that is surrounded entirely

4-17     by a fence or other means of preventing access, including a fence

4-18     with one or more gates that are locked at all times or monitored by

4-19     an individual who can prevent unauthorized access.

4-20                 (17)  "Underground facility" means a line, cable,

4-21     pipeline system, conduit, or structure that is located partially or

4-22     totally underground and that is used to produce, store, convey,

4-23     transmit, or distribute telecommunications, electricity, gas,

4-24     water, sewage, steam, or liquids such as petroleum, petroleum

4-25     products, or hazardous liquids.

4-26           SECTION 3.  EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  The following are not subject

4-27     to this Act as underground facilities:

 5-1                 (1)  an aboveground or underground storage tank, sump,

 5-2     or impoundment or piping connected to an aboveground or underground

 5-3     storage tank, sump, or impoundment located in the same tract of

 5-4     land as the storage tank, sump, or impoundment;

 5-5                 (2)  an underground facility operated by the owner of a

 5-6     secured facility and located entirely within the secured facility;

 5-7                 (3)  an underground facility that serves only the owner

 5-8     of the underground facility or the owner's tenant and that is

 5-9     located solely on the owner's property;

5-10                 (4)  piping within a well bore;

5-11                 (5)  the portion of an exploration and production

5-12     underground facility that is located within the boundaries of the

5-13     oil or gas field from which the oil and gas is produced and that is

5-14     not located:

5-15                       (A)  within a municipality;

5-16                       (B)  within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of

5-17     a municipality; or

5-18                       (C)  within the boundaries of an established

5-19     easement or right-of-way; and

5-20                 (6)  an underground facility that serves a cemetery and

5-21     is located solely on the cemetery's property.

5-22           (b)  An operator of an underground facility that is exempted

5-23     under this section may voluntarily register that facility under

5-24     this Act but by doing so assumes the obligation to comply with all

5-25     the duties of an operator of a Class A underground facility under

5-26     this Act.

5-27           (c)  The provisions of this Act are inapplicable to

 6-1     contractors working in the public right-of-way pursuant to a

 6-2     contract with the Texas Department of Transportation.

 6-3           SECTION 4.  COMPLIANCE BY PERMIT HOLDERS.  (a)  The fact that

 6-4     a person has a legal permit, permission from the owner of the

 6-5     property or the owner's licensee, or an easement to conduct

 6-6     excavation operations does not affect the person's duty to comply

 6-7     with this Act.

 6-8           (b)  Compliance with this Act does not affect a person's

 6-9     responsibility to obtain a permit required by law.


6-11     CORPORATION.  (a)  The Texas Underground Facility Notification

6-12     Corporation is created to provide statewide notification services

6-13     under this Act.

6-14           (b)  The corporation is a public nonprofit corporation and

6-15     has all the powers and duties incident to a nonprofit corporation

6-16     under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01, et

6-17     seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), except that the corporation:

6-18                 (1)  may not make donations for the public welfare or

6-19     for charitable, scientific, or educational purposes or in aid of

6-20     war activities;

6-21                 (2)  may not merge or consolidate with another

6-22     corporation;

6-23                 (3)  is not subject to voluntary or involuntary

6-24     dissolution; and

6-25                 (4)  may not be placed in receivership.

6-26           (c)  The corporation is subject to Chapters 551 and 552,

6-27     Government Code, except that the corporation may not disseminate,

 7-1     make available, or otherwise distribute service area map data or

 7-2     information provided by an operator unless that action is necessary

 7-3     to perform the corporation's specific obligations under this Act.

 7-4           (d)  All expenses of the corporation shall be paid from

 7-5     income of the corporation.  Liabilities created by the corporation

 7-6     are not debts of the state, and the corporation may not secure any

 7-7     liability with funds or assets of the state.  Except as provided by

 7-8     Section 6 of this Act, the corporation may not, for any reason,

 7-9     impose an assessment, fee, or other charge, including a charge for

7-10     inputting data, against an operator.

7-11           (e)  The corporation member operators are divided into

7-12     divisions according to type of operator.  The divisions are:

7-13                 (1)  intrastate electric utilities;

7-14                 (2)  interstate electric utilities;

7-15                 (3)  electric cooperative corporations;

7-16                 (4)  local exchange telephone companies that have more

7-17     than 31,000 access lines in service in this state;

7-18                 (5)  interexchange telecommunications carriers;

7-19                 (6)  local exchange telephone companies that have

7-20     31,000 or fewer access lines in this state and telephone

7-21     cooperative corporations;

7-22                 (7)  gas distribution operators;

7-23                 (8)  intrastate gas transmission pipeline operators;

7-24                 (9)  interstate gas transmission pipeline operators;

7-25                 (10)  liquid pipeline operators;

7-26                 (11)  operators of Class B underground facilities that

7-27     elect to participate under this Act as a Class A facility;

 8-1                 (12)  cable television companies that have fewer than

 8-2     1,000 subscribers;

 8-3                 (13)  cable television companies that have 1,000 or

 8-4     more subscribers;

 8-5                 (14)  political subdivisions with a population of less

 8-6     than 25,000 that operate a Class A underground facility; and

 8-7                 (15)  political subdivisions with a population of

 8-8     25,000 or more that operate a Class A underground facility.

 8-9           (f)  The governor shall appoint from each division a

8-10     representative to serve on the board of directors of the

8-11     corporation.  A member operator that has operations that can be

8-12     classified in more than one division is entitled to participate in

8-13     each applicable division.  However, not more than one employee of

8-14     the operator may be appointed to serve on the board at any one

8-15     time.  Board membership is voluntary and a director is not entitled

8-16     to receive compensation for serving on the board.  Directors serve

8-17     staggered three-year terms, with the terms of five directors

8-18     expiring each August 31.  A director serves until the director's

8-19     successor is appointed by the governor and assumes office.  The

8-20     board may declare a director's office vacant if the director ceases

8-21     to be associated with an operator included in the division from

8-22     which the director was appointed.  Not later than the 60th day

8-23     after the date a vacancy on the board is declared, the governor

8-24     shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the

8-25     unexpired term.

8-26           (g)  The board shall elect from among its directors a chair

8-27     and vice chair.  The chair and vice chair serve for a term of one

 9-1     year and may be re-elected.

 9-2           (h)  The corporation's bylaws must provide that each division

 9-3     is entitled to one vote.

 9-4           SECTION 6.  FEES AND RATES.  (a)  Before January 15 of each

 9-5     year, a Class A facility operator shall pay to the corporation a

 9-6     fee of $50 for services to be performed by the corporation during

 9-7     that calendar year.  A fee for a part of a year may not be

 9-8     prorated.

 9-9           (b)  Each time a notification center receives a call from an

9-10     excavator under Section 9(a) of this Act, the notification center

9-11     shall pay the corporation one cent.  This charge shall be waived

9-12     for the remainder of any year in which the corporation receives

9-13     $500,000 under this subsection.

9-14           (c)  The notification center shall charge an operator not

9-15     more than $1.25 for a call made to the system that affects the

9-16     operator.  The board may increase or decrease the maximum charge

9-17     only on an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the total

9-18     number of votes entitled to be cast.  A notification center may

9-19     petition the corporation for an increase in the maximum charge and

9-20     is entitled to the increase on proof that costs exceed the maximum

9-21     charge.

9-22           (d)  The notification center may not charge an operator any

9-23     additional fee such as an initiation fee, a membership fee, or a

9-24     set-up fee.

9-25           SECTION 7.  DUTY OF AN OPERATOR.  (a)  Each operator of a

9-26     Class A underground facility, including a political subdivision of

9-27     this state, shall participate in a notification center as a

 10-1    condition of doing business in this state.

 10-2          (b)  Each operator of a Class A underground facility shall

 10-3    provide to the notification center:

 10-4                (1)  maps or grid locations or other identifiers

 10-5    determined by the operator indicating the location of the

 10-6    operator's underground facilities;

 10-7                (2)  the name and telephone number of a contact person

 10-8    or persons; and

 10-9                (3)  at least quarterly but, if possible, as those

10-10    changes occur, information relating to each change in the

10-11    operator's  maps or grid locations or other identifiers or in the

10-12    person or persons designated as the operator's contact person or

10-13    persons.

10-14          (c)  The notification center may not require an operator to

10-15    conduct a survey of the operator's underground facilities or alter

10-16    the operator's existing signage.

10-17          (d)  An operator of a Class B underground facility may

10-18    voluntarily provide the information required by this section. A

10-19    Class B underground facility that provides the information shall be

10-20    treated as a Class A underground facility under this Act.

10-21          SECTION 8.  DUTY OF NOTIFICATION CENTER.  (a)  At the time an

10-22    excavator provides a notification center with the excavator's

10-23    intent to excavate, the notification center shall advise the

10-24    excavator that water, slurry, and sewage underground facilities in

10-25    the area of the proposed excavation may not receive information

10-26    concerning the excavator's proposed excavation.

10-27          (b)  Not later than two hours after the time the notification

 11-1    center receives a notice of intent to excavate from an excavator,

 11-2    the notification center shall provide via high speed data

 11-3    transmission to every other affected notification center operating

 11-4    in this state the information required by Section 9(c) of this Act

 11-5    received from the excavator.

 11-6          (c)  Not later than two hours after the time the notification

 11-7    center receives a notice of intent to excavate from an excavator or

 11-8    from a different notification center, the notification center shall

 11-9    notify each member operator that may have an underground facility

11-10    in the vicinity of the proposed excavation operation.

11-11          (d)  A notification center shall:

11-12                (1)  operate 24 hours a day every day of the year;

11-13                (2)  have the capability to receive emergency

11-14    information 24 hours a day from excavators and disseminate the

11-15    information as soon as it is received to the appropriate operators

11-16    and to all registered and affected notification centers operating

11-17    in this state;

11-18                (3)  have the capacity to receive extraordinary

11-19    circumstance information 24 hours a day from operators and

11-20    disseminate the information as soon as it is received to all

11-21    registered and affected notification centers; and

11-22                (4)  submit to the corporation, not later than May 15

11-23    of each year, a pro rata share of the expense, as established by

11-24    the corporation, of the statewide toll-free telephone number and

11-25    the call router.

11-26          (e)  A notification center that notifies another notification

11-27    center under Subsection (d)(3) of this section shall recover an

 12-1    amount not exceeding the actual cost of providing the notice from

 12-2    the notification center receiving the notice.

 12-3          (f)  A notification center shall maintain for not less than

 12-4    four years a record to document:

 12-5                (1)  the receipt of:

 12-6                      (A)  a notice of intent to excavate;

 12-7                      (B)  damage to an underground facility;

 12-8                      (C)  an emergency excavation; and

 12-9                      (D)  an extraordinary circumstance;

12-10                (2)  the information the excavator is required to

12-11    provide to the notification center under this Act;

12-12                (3)  contact with operators and other notification

12-13    centers; and

12-14                (4)  the information the notification center provided

12-15    to the excavator.

12-16          (g)  A notification center may not destroy records that

12-17    relate to any matter that is involved in litigation if the

12-18    notification center is placed on notice that the litigation has not

12-19    been finally resolved.

12-20          (h)  A notification center shall, at all times, maintain a

12-21    minimum of $5 million professional liability and errors and

12-22    omissions insurance to cover duties prescribed by this Act.

12-23          (i)  The notification center may not disseminate, make

12-24    available, or otherwise distribute maps or information provided by

12-25    an operator unless that action is necessary to perform the

12-26    notification center's specific obligations under this Act.

12-27          SECTION 9.  DUTY OF AN EXCAVATOR.  (a)  Except as provided by

 13-1    Sections 12 and 13 of this Act, a person who intends to excavate

 13-2    shall notify a notification center not earlier than the 14th day

 13-3    before the date the excavation is to begin or later than the 48th

 13-4    hour before the time the excavation is to begin, excluding

 13-5    Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.  Provided, however, if an

 13-6    excavator makes a Saturday notification, then the excavator can

 13-7    begin the excavation the following Tuesday at 11:59 a.m. unless the

 13-8    intervening Monday is a holiday.  If the intervening Monday is a

 13-9    holiday, then the excavator can begin the excavation the following

13-10    Wednesday at 11:59 a.m.  The excavator may not begin excavation

13-11    before the time the excavation is to begin without the prior

13-12    written agreement of each operator that has an underground facility

13-13    in the area to be excavated.  The person must again notify a

13-14    notification center of the intended excavation in accordance with

13-15    this subsection if the person does not begin the excavation before

13-16    the 15th day after the date the person notified the notification

13-17    center, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.

13-18          (b)  Until the excavation is completed, the excavator must,

13-19    not later than the 30th day after the last notification, notify a

13-20    notification center by telephone that the excavator has not

13-21    completed the excavation, unless the excavator has provided each

13-22    operator who has underground facilities in the area notice of the

13-23    uncompleted excavation and agreed with each of those operators on a

13-24    schedule of underground facility marking.

13-25          (c)  The notice required under this section shall include:

13-26                (1)  the name of the person serving the notice;

13-27                (2)  the location of the proposed area of excavation,

 14-1    including:

 14-2                      (A)  the street address, if available, and the

 14-3    location of the excavation at the street address; or

 14-4                      (B)  if there is no street address, an accurate

 14-5    description of the excavation area using any available designations

 14-6    such as the closest street, road, or intersection;

 14-7                (3)  the name, address, and telephone number of the

 14-8    excavator or the excavator's company;

 14-9                (4)  the excavator's field telephone number, if one is

14-10    available;

14-11                (5)  the starting date and time and the anticipated

14-12    completion date of excavation; and

14-13                (6)  a statement as to whether explosives will be used.

14-14          (d)  To have a representative present during the excavation,

14-15    the operator shall contact the excavator and advise the excavator

14-16    of the operator's intent to be present during excavation and

14-17    confirm the start time of the excavation.  If the start time is

14-18    changed by the excavator, the excavator shall notify the operator

14-19    of the start time change.  After being notified by the operator of

14-20    the intent to be present, the excavator may not begin excavation at

14-21    an earlier time than the confirmed start time without the

14-22    operator's agreement.


14-24    NOTIFICATION CORPORATION.  (a)  The corporation shall develop and

14-25    implement processes to:

14-26                (1)  maintain a registration of notification centers as

14-27    provided by Section 2(12)(C) of this Act;

 15-1                (2)  establish minimum technical standards used by

 15-2    notification centers;

 15-3                (3)  establish a statewide toll-free telephone number

 15-4    to be used by excavators that incorporates the use of a call router

 15-5    system that routes calls to the notification centers on a pro-rata

 15-6    basis;

 15-7                (4)  oversee the bid process and select the vendor for

 15-8    the statewide toll-free telephone number;

 15-9                (5)  oversee the bid process and select the vendor for

15-10    the call router system;

15-11                (6)  determine before May 1 of each year the

15-12    cost-sharing between the notification centers of:

15-13                      (A)  the toll-free telephone number; and

15-14                      (B)  the call router system prescribed by Section

15-15    8(d)(4) of this Act;

15-16                (7)  develop public service announcements to educate

15-17    the public about statewide one-call notification and its

15-18    availability;

15-19                (8)  establish a format for information transfer among

15-20    notification centers other than high speed data transmission, if

15-21    appropriate;

15-22                (9)  on a complaint concerning charges, investigate and

15-23    determine appropriate charges;

15-24                (10)  recommend a civil penalty against a notification

15-25    center that does not meet the requirements of this Act of not less

15-26    than $1,000 or more than $5,000 for each violation;

15-27                (11)  refer the recommended penalty to the attorney

 16-1    general who shall institute a suit in a court of competent

 16-2    jurisdiction to recover the penalty;

 16-3                (12)  assist in dispute resolution among notification

 16-4    centers or between a notification center and an operator; and

 16-5                (13)  assist any operator who encounters difficulty in

 16-6    joining a notification center.

 16-7          (b)  The corporation shall solicit proposals for the contract

 16-8    to establish and operate the statewide toll-free telephone number

 16-9    and the call router system by using a request for proposals process

16-10    that includes specifications that have been approved by the board

16-11    of directors in accordance with this Act.

16-12          (c)  The corporation is not required to award the contract to

16-13    the lowest offeror if the terms of another proposal would result in

16-14    a lower annual cost and are more advantageous to the corporation

16-15    and its members.  The corporation may reject all proposals if the

16-16    corporation finds that none of the proposals is acceptable.  After

16-17    the proposals are opened, each document relating to the

16-18    consideration of a proposal or the award of a contract and the text

16-19    of the contract are considered books and records of the corporation

16-20    for the purposes of Article 2.23, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act

16-21    (Article 1396-2.23, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).

16-22          SECTION 11.  NOTIFICATION BY AN EXCAVATOR.  (a)  A person

16-23    required to provide notice under this Act is considered to have

16-24    provided the notice when the person delivers the required

16-25    information and a notification center receives that information

16-26    within the time limits prescribed by this Act.

16-27          (b)  A person may deliver information required under this Act

 17-1    by any appropriate method, including the use of any electronic

 17-2    means of data transfer.

 17-3          SECTION 12.  EXCEPTION IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.  (a)  Section 9

 17-4    of this Act does not apply to an emergency excavation that is

 17-5    necessary to respond to a situation that endangers life, health, or

 17-6    property or a situation in which the public need for service

 17-7    compels immediate action.

 17-8          (b)  The excavator may begin emergency excavation under

 17-9    Subsection (a) of this section immediately and shall take

17-10    reasonable precautions to protect underground facilities.

17-11          (c)  When an emergency exists, the excavator shall notify a

17-12    notification center as promptly as reasonably possible.


17-14    9 of this Act does not apply to:

17-15                (1)  interment operations of a cemetery;

17-16                (2)  operations at a secured facility if:

17-17                      (A)  the excavator operates each underground

17-18    facility at the secured facility, other than those within a

17-19    third-party underground facility easement or right-of-way; and

17-20                      (B)  the excavation activity is not within a

17-21    third-party underground facility or right-of-way;

17-22                (3)  routine railroad maintenance within 15 feet of

17-23    either side of the midline of the track if the maintenance will not

17-24    disturb the ground at a depth of more than 18 inches;

17-25                (4)  activities performed on private property in

17-26    connection with agriculture operations, except that if a person

17-27    excepted by this subdivision elects to comply with this Act and the

 18-1    operator fails to comply with this Act, the person is not liable to

 18-2    the underground facility owner for damages to the underground

 18-3    facility;

 18-4                (5)  operations associated with the exploration or

 18-5    production of oil or gas if the operations are not conducted within

 18-6    an underground facility easement or right-of-way;

 18-7                (6)  excavations by or for a person that:

 18-8                      (A)  owns, leases, or owns a mineral leasehold

 18-9    interest in the real property on which the excavation occurs; and

18-10                      (B)  operates all underground facilities located

18-11    at the excavation site; or

18-12                (7)  routine maintenance by a county employee on a

18-13    county road right-of-way to a depth of not more than 24 inches.


18-15    later than the 48th hour after the time the excavator gives to the

18-16    notification system notice of intent to excavate, excluding

18-17    Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, 11:59 a.m.  on the Tuesday

18-18    following a Saturday notification unless the intervening Monday is

18-19    a holiday, 11:59 a.m. on the Wednesday following a Saturday

18-20    notification if the intervening Monday is a holiday, or at a time

18-21    agreed to by the operator and the excavator, the operator contacted

18-22    by the notification system shall mark the approximate location of

18-23    its underground facilities at or near the site of the proposed

18-24    excavation if the operator believes that marking the location is

18-25    necessary.

18-26          (b)  For the purposes of this section, an excavator may

18-27    presume, unless the operator advises the excavator otherwise, that

 19-1    the marking of an approximate location of an underground facility

 19-2    is within 18 inches on either side of the underground facility.

 19-3          (c)  An operator shall refer to the American Public Works

 19-4    Association color coding standards when marking.

 19-5          (d)  An excavator who has fully complied with this Act may

 19-6    not be liable for damage to an underground facility that was not

 19-7    marked in accordance with this Act.


 19-9    CIRCUMSTANCE.  (a)  The deadline prescribed by Section 14(a) of

19-10    this Act does not apply if the operator experiences an

19-11    extraordinary circumstance due to an act of God, including a

19-12    tornado, a hurricane, an ice storm, or a severe flood, or a war,

19-13    riot, work stoppage, or strike that limits personnel or resources

19-14    needed to fulfill its obligations under this Act.

19-15          (b)  The operator shall notify a notification center of the

19-16    extraordinary circumstance and shall include in the notification:

19-17                (1)  the nature and location of the extraordinary

19-18    circumstance;

19-19                (2)  the expected duration of the situation and the

19-20    approximate time at which the operator will be able to resume

19-21    location request activities; and

19-22                (3)  the name and telephone number of the individual

19-23    that the notification system can contact if there is an emergency

19-24    that requires the operator's immediate attention.

19-25          (c)  In addition to the notification required by Subsection

19-26    (b) of this section, the operator shall also notify each excavator

19-27    that has a pending location request in the location where an

 20-1    extraordinary circumstance is being experienced and shall include

 20-2    in the notification:

 20-3                (1)  the fact that the operator is experiencing an

 20-4    extraordinary circumstance; and

 20-5                (2)  the approximate time at which the operator will

 20-6    mark the requested location.

 20-7          (d)  A notification center shall inform each excavator

 20-8    notifying the system under Section 9 of this Act that the

 20-9    operator's location request activities are suspended until the

20-10    extraordinary circumstance has discontinued or has been corrected

20-11    within the affected location.


20-13    In addition to providing the notice required by Section 9 of this

20-14    Act, the excavator shall:

20-15                (1)  provide support for each marked underground

20-16    facility that is reasonably necessary to protect the facility

20-17    during the excavation, including any backfill operations; and

20-18                (2)  protect and preserve during excavation the marking

20-19    of the location of the underground facility until the marking is

20-20    not necessary for reasonably safe excavation.

20-21          (b)  An excavator shall consider the known limit of control

20-22    of the cutting edge or point of a piece of mechanized equipment in

20-23    determining the necessary clearance that must be maintained with

20-24    uncovered surfaces and paved surfaces.  If the centerline of the

20-25    underground facility is marked, the excavator shall use a clearance

20-26    of not less than 24 inches from the centerline.  If the outer edges

20-27    of the underground facilities are marked by an operator, the

 21-1    excavator shall use a clearance of not less than 24 inches from the

 21-2    outer edge markings.  An operator may agree that a smaller

 21-3    clearance can safely be used.  An operator may not reasonably

 21-4    withhold an agreement to use a smaller clearance if the clearance

 21-5    is reasonable.  In determining if the clearance is reasonable, the

 21-6    operator shall consider the method of excavation to be used and the

 21-7    potential for damage, service interruption, and loss of revenue.

 21-8          SECTION 17.  EXCAVATION DAMAGE.  (a)  If an excavation

 21-9    operation results in damage to an underground facility, the

21-10    excavator shall immediately contact the underground facility

21-11    operator to report the damage.

21-12          (b)  If the excavator is not certain of the operator's

21-13    identity, the excavator shall contact a notification center to

21-14    report the damage, and the notification center shall immediately

21-15    notify all other affected notification centers.  Immediately on

21-16    receiving notification, each notification center shall contact each

21-17    member operator that has underground facilities in or near the area

21-18    in which the damage occurred.

21-19          (c)  Only the operator or a person authorized by the operator

21-20    may perform repairs, and the repairs must be made in an expeditious

21-21    manner.

21-22          (d)  An excavator shall delay backfilling in the immediate

21-23    area of the damage until the damage is repaired unless the operator

21-24    authorizes the backfilling.

21-25          (e)  If damage endangers life, health, or property because of

21-26    the presence of flammable material, the excavator shall keep

21-27    sources of ignition away.

 22-1          SECTION 18.  INJUNCTION.  (a)  An operator may file an action

 22-2    in a district court for an injunction to enjoin excavation

 22-3    conducted or anticipated to be conducted in violation of this Act.

 22-4          (b)  Venue for a suit brought under this section is in a

 22-5    county in which all or part of the excavation occurs.

 22-6          SECTION 19.  CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  An excavator that violates

 22-7    this Act is liable for a civil penalty of not less than $100 or

 22-8    more than $500.  If it is found at the trial on a civil penalty

 22-9    that the excavator has violated this Act and has been assessed a

22-10    penalty under this section one other time during the three years

22-11    preceding the date of the most recent violation, the excavator is

22-12    liable for a civil penalty of not less than $500 or more than

22-13    $1,000.  If it is found at the trial on a civil penalty that the

22-14    excavator has violated this Act and has been assessed a penalty

22-15    under this section at least two other times during the three years

22-16    preceding the date of the most recent violation, the excavator is

22-17    liable for a civil penalty of not less than $1,000 or more than

22-18    $2,500.

22-19          (b)  In assessing the penalty the court shall consider the

22-20    actual damage to the facility, the impact of the excavator's

22-21    actions on the public health and safety, whether the violation was

22-22    a wilful act, and any good faith of the excavator in attempting to

22-23    achieve compliance.

22-24          (c)  Venue for a cause of action under this section is in the

22-25    county in which:

22-26                (1)  all or part of the alleged violation occurred;

22-27                (2)  the defendant has its principal place of business

 23-1    in this state; or

 23-2                (3)  the defendant resides, if in this state.

 23-3          (d)  The appropriate county attorney or criminal district

 23-4    attorney shall bring the action to recover the civil penalty at the

 23-5    request of an operator.

 23-6          (e)  Fifty percent of the civil penalty collected under this

 23-7    section shall be transferred to the county treasurer of the county

 23-8    prosecuting the action and 50 percent of the civil penalty

 23-9    collected under this section shall be transferred to the

23-10    corporation.

23-11          (f)  The county treasurer shall deposit all money received

23-12    under this section in the general fund of the county.

23-13          (g)  The corporation shall use the money received under this

23-14    section to develop public service announcements to educate the

23-15    public about the statewide one-call notification system and its

23-16    availability as prescribed by Section 10(a)(7) of this Act.

23-17          (h)  Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act,

23-18    this section does not affect any civil remedies otherwise provided

23-19    by law for personal injury or for property damage, including any

23-20    damage to an underground facility.


23-22    CONCEALMENT OF MARKER OR SIGN.  (a)  A person commits an offense

23-23    if:

23-24                (1)  the person without authorization from the owner or

23-25    operator of the facility intentionally removes, damages, or

23-26    conceals a marker or sign giving information about the location of

23-27    a Class A underground facility; and

 24-1                (2)  the marker or sign gives notice of the penalty for

 24-2    intentional removal, damage, or concealment of the marker or sign.

 24-3          (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.

 24-4          SECTION 21.  EXISTING NOTIFICATION CENTERS.  A notification

 24-5    center operating on the effective date of this Act may continue to

 24-6    operate if the notification center complies with this Act.

 24-7          SECTION 22.  INITIAL DIRECTORS.  (a)  The governor shall

 24-8    appoint the initial directors under Section 5 of this Act before

 24-9    November 1, 1997.

24-10          (b)  The initial terms of directors appointed to represent a

24-11    division under Sections 5(e)(1), (4), (7), (10), and (13) of this

24-12    Act expire August 31, 1998.  The initial terms of directors

24-13    appointed to represent a division under Sections 5(e)(2), (5), (8),

24-14    (11), and (14) of this Act expire August 31, 1999.  The initial

24-15    terms of directors appointed to represent a division under Sections

24-16    5(e)(3), (6), (9), (12), and (15) of this Act expire August 31,

24-17    2000.


24-19    (a)  Section 16 of this Act does not apply to an excavation by a

24-20    county employee on a county road or a municipal employee on a

24-21    municipal road, except an excavation within a recorded easement or

24-22    an excavation in a public right-of-way.

24-23          (b)  This Act does not affect any contractual or statutory

24-24    right of a county or municipality to require an operator to

24-25    relocate, replace, or repair its underground facility.

24-26          SECTION 24.  EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION.  This Act takes

24-27    effect September 1, 1997, and applies as follows:

 25-1                (1)  the powers and duties of the corporation under

 25-2    Sections 5 and 10 of this Act apply only on and after November 1,

 25-3    1997, except that:

 25-4                      (A)  the corporation shall develop and implement

 25-5    the processes required by Section 10(a) of this Act before March 1,

 25-6    1998; and

 25-7                      (B)  the corporation shall select vendors as

 25-8    required by Sections 10(a)(4) and (5) of this Act before May 1,

 25-9    1998;

25-10                (2)  the initial fee due under Section 6(a) of this Act

25-11    is due January 15, 1998;

25-12                (3)  registration is not required under Section

25-13    2(12)(C) of this Act until March 1, 1998;

25-14                (4)  the duties of an operator under Section 7 of this

25-15    Act apply only on and after May 1, 1998;

25-16                (5)  a fee is not due under Section 6(b) or (c) before

25-17    October 1, 1998; and

25-18                (6)  the rights and duties provided by Sections 3, 4,

25-19    8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 apply only on and

25-20    after October 1, 1998.

25-21          SECTION 25.  EXISTING LAW.  This Act does not affect any

25-22    civil remedy for personal injury or for property damage, including

25-23    any damage to an underground facility.

25-24          SECTION 26.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation

25-25    and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

25-26    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

25-27    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 26-1    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.