By Giddings                                     H.B. No. 2656

      75R8926 JD-F                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the sale of property following the foreclosure of an ad

 1-3     valorem tax lien on the property or the seizure of the property

 1-4     pursuant to an ad valorem tax warrant.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Section 33.50(b), Tax Code, is amended to read as

 1-7     follows:

 1-8           (b)  If the judgment in a suit to collect a delinquent tax is

 1-9     for the foreclosure of a tax lien on property, the order of sale

1-10     shall specify that the property may [not] be sold to a taxing unit

1-11     that is a party to the suit or to any other [a] person other than a

1-12     person owning an interest in the property or [to] any party to the

1-13     suit that is not [, other than] a taxing unit[,] for [less than]

1-14     the market value of the property stated in the judgment or the

1-15     aggregate amount of the judgments against the property, whichever

1-16     is less.

1-17           SECTION 2.  Section 33.51, Tax Code, is amended to read as

1-18     follows:

1-19           Sec. 33.51.  WRIT OF POSSESSION.  If the court orders the

1-20     foreclosure of a tax lien and the sale of real property, the

1-21     judgment shall provide for the issuance of a writ of possession to

1-22     the purchaser at the sale or his assigns within 20 days after the

1-23     purchaser's deed is filed of record [period of redemption expires].

1-24           SECTION 3.  Section 33.91, Tax Code, is amended to read as

 2-1     follows:

 2-2           Sec. 33.91.  PROPERTY SUBJECT TO SEIZURE.  (a)  After notice

 2-3     has been provided to the person, a [A] person's real property is

 2-4     subject to seizure by a municipality for the payment of delinquent

 2-5     ad valorem taxes, penalties, and interest the person owes on the

 2-6     property and the amount secured by a municipal health or safety

 2-7     lien on the property if:

 2-8                 (1)  the property:

 2-9                       (A)  is in a municipality;

2-10                       (B)  is less than one acre; and

2-11                       (C)  has been [abandoned,] unused[,] and vacant

2-12     for at least one year;

2-13                 (2)  the taxes on the property are delinquent for:

2-14                       (A)  each of the preceding five years; or

2-15                       (B)  each of the preceding three years if a lien

2-16     on the property has been created on the property in favor of the

2-17     municipality for the cost of remedying a health or safety hazard on

2-18     the property; and

2-19                 (3)  the tax collector of the municipality determines

2-20     that seizure of the property under this subchapter for the payment

2-21     of the delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest, and of a

2-22     municipal health and safety lien on the property, would be in the

2-23     best interest of the municipality and the other taxing units after

2-24     determining that the sum of all outstanding tax and municipal

2-25     claims against the property plus the estimated costs of a standard

2-26     judicial foreclosure exceed the anticipated proceeds from a tax

2-27     sale.

 3-1           (b)  The person is considered to have been provided the

 3-2     notice required by Subsection (a) if by affidavit or otherwise the

 3-3     collector shows that the assessor for the municipality mailed the

 3-4     person each bill for municipal taxes required to be sent the person

 3-5     by Section 31.01:

 3-6                 (1)  in each of the five preceding years, if the taxes

 3-7     on the property are delinquent for each of those years; or

 3-8                 (2)  in each of the three preceding years, if:

 3-9                       (A)  the taxes on the property are delinquent for

3-10     each of those years; and

3-11                       (B)  a lien on the property has been created on

3-12     the property in favor of the municipality for the cost of remedying

3-13     a health or safety hazard on the property.

3-14           SECTION 4.  Section 33.92, Tax Code, is amended by adding

3-15     Subsection (c) to read as follows:

3-16           (c)  The court issuing the tax warrant shall include a

3-17     statement as to the appraised value of the property according to

3-18     the most recent appraisal roll approved by the appraisal review

3-19     board.  That value is presumed to be the market value of the

3-20     property on the date that the warrant is issued.

3-21           SECTION 5.  Section 34.01, Tax Code, is amended by adding

3-22     Subsection (f) to read as follows:

3-23           (f)  Property seized under Subchapter E, Chapter 33, may not

3-24     be sold for an amount that is less than the lesser of the market

3-25     value of the property or the total amount of taxes due on the

3-26     property.  A taxing unit that takes title to property seized under

3-27     that subchapter takes title to the property for the use and benefit

 4-1     of that taxing unit and all other taxing units that established tax

 4-2     liens in the suit or that, on the date of the seizure, were owed

 4-3     delinquent taxes on the property.

 4-4           SECTION 6.  Section 34.06(b), Tax Code, is amended to read as

 4-5     follows:

 4-6           (b)  The purchasing taxing unit shall pay all costs and

 4-7     expenses of court and sale and, after deducting an amount equal to

 4-8     the amount the taxing unit has reasonably spent for the maintenance

 4-9     and preservation of the property, shall distribute the remainder of

4-10     the proceeds as provided by Section 34.02 of this code for

4-11     distribution of proceeds after payment of costs.

4-12           SECTION 7.  Sections 34.21(a) and (b), Tax Code, are amended

4-13     to read as follows:

4-14           (a)  The owner of real property sold at a tax sale that was

4-15     the residence homestead of the owner or that was land designated

4-16     for agricultural use when judgment in the suit to collect the tax

4-17     was rendered [filed] may redeem the property within two years after

4-18     the date on which the purchaser's deed is filed for record by

4-19     paying the purchaser the amount the purchaser bid for the property,

4-20     the amount of the deed recording fee, and the amount paid by the

4-21     purchaser as taxes, penalties, interest, and costs on the property,

4-22     plus 25 percent of the aggregate total if the property is redeemed

4-23     during the first year of the redemption period or 50 percent of the

4-24     aggregate total if the property is redeemed during the second year

4-25     of the redemption period.

4-26           (b)  The owner of real property sold at a tax sale other than

4-27     property covered by Subsection (a) may redeem the property within

 5-1     six months after the date on which the purchaser's deed is filed

 5-2     for record by paying the purchaser an [the] amount equal to the

 5-3     greater of the seizure or judgment amount and costs or the amount

 5-4     the purchaser bid for the property, plus an [the] amount equal to

 5-5     the sum of the deed recording fee, and an amount equal to [the

 5-6     amount paid by the purchaser as taxes, penalties, interest, and

 5-7     costs on the property, plus] 25 percent of the aggregate total.  A

 5-8     purchaser who is paid a redemption amount that exceeds 125 percent

 5-9     of the amount the purchaser paid for the property shall deliver an

5-10     equal portion of the excess amount to each taxing unit that was a

5-11     party to the judgment or tax warrant.

5-12           SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

5-13           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the

5-14     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

5-15     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

5-16     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

5-17     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.