By Howard                                             H.B. No. 2731

         75R13475 SKB-F                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the creation of the First Colony Management District.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subtitle A, Title 12, Local Government Code, is

 1-5     amended by adding Chapter 376 to read as follows:


 1-7                  (Subchapters A-C reserved for expansion


 1-9           Sec. 376.111.  CREATION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  A special district

1-10     to be known as the "First Colony Management District" exists as a

1-11     governmental agency, body politic and corporate, and political

1-12     subdivision of the state.

1-13           (b)  The name of the district may be changed by resolution of

1-14     the board.

1-15           (c)  The creation of the district is essential to accomplish

1-16     the purposes of Section 52, Article III, Section 59, Article XVI,

1-17     and Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution, and other public

1-18     purposes stated in this subchapter.

1-19           Sec. 376.112.  DECLARATION OF INTENT.  (a)  The creation of

1-20     the district is necessary to promote, develop, encourage, and

1-21     maintain employment, commerce, transportation, housing, tourism,

1-22     recreation, arts, entertainment, economic development, safety, and

1-23     the public welfare in the municipality.

1-24           (b)  The creation of the district and this legislation is not

 2-1     to be interpreted to relieve the county or the municipality from

 2-2     providing the level of services, as of September 1, 1997, to the

 2-3     area in the district or to release the county or the municipality

 2-4     from the obligations each entity has to provide services to that

 2-5     area.  The district is created to supplement and not supplant the

 2-6     municipal or county services provided in the area in the district.

 2-7           (c)  By creating the district and in authorizing the

 2-8     municipality, county, and other political subdivisions to contract

 2-9     with the district, the legislature has established a program to

2-10     accomplish the public purposes set out in Section 52-a, Article

2-11     III, Texas Constitution.

2-12           Sec. 376.113.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:

2-13                 (1)  "Board" means the board of directors of the

2-14     district.

2-15                 (2)  "District" means the First Colony Management

2-16     District.

2-17                 (3)  "Municipality" means the City of Sugar Land,

2-18     Texas.

2-19                 (4)  "County" means Fort Bend County, Texas.

2-20           Sec. 376.114.  BOUNDARIES.  The district includes all the

2-21     territory contained in the following described area:

2-22           Being a 517.5 acre tract of land out of the S.M. William

2-23     League, Abstract 97, the Alexander Hodge League, Abstract 32 and

2-24     the Elijah Alcorn League, Abstract 1, Fort Bend County, Texas; said

2-25     517.5 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and

2-26     bounds as follows (all bearings are referenced to the recorded plat

2-27     of the Replat of Sweetwater Plaza Commercial Reserves "B" and "C" a

 3-1     subdivision plat recorded on slide number 1515-B of the Fort Bend

 3-2     County Plat Records (F.B.C.P.R.):

 3-3           BEGINNING AT A 5/8-inch iron rod found for the southwest

 3-4     corner of the Replat of Sweetwater Plaza Commercial Reserves "B" &

 3-5     "C";

 3-6           Thence, with the west line, of said Replat, North 01 degrees

 3-7     50 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 355.00 feet to the south

 3-8     Right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of U.S. Highway 59;

 3-9           Thence, crossing said U.S. Highway 59, North 01 degrees 52

3-10     minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 393.87 feet to the north

3-11     R.O.W. line of U.S. Highway 59, same being the southwest corner of

3-12     First Colony Boulevard Commercial Park, a subdivision plat recorded

3-13     on slide number 1552-B of the F.B.C.P.R.;

3-14           Thence, with the west line of said First Colony Boulevard

3-15     Commercial Park, North 01 degrees 49 minutes 39 seconds West, a

3-16     distance of 2208.71 feet;

3-17           Thence, continuing with said west line, North 01 degrees 51

3-18     minutes 01 seconds West, a distance of 81.43 feet to the northwest

3-19     corner of said First Colony Boulevard Commercial Park;

3-20           Thence, with the north line of said First Colony Boulevard

3-21     Commercial Park, North 77 degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds East, a

3-22     distance of 528.30 feet to the west R.O.W. of First Colony

3-23     Boulevard;

3-24           Thence, crossing said First Colony Boulevard, North 77

3-25     degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 100.25 feet to

3-26     the east R.O.W. line of First Colony Boulevard, same being the

3-27     northwest corner of Town Center Square a subdivision plat recorded

 4-1     on slide number 1510-B, 1511-A and 1511-B of the F.B.C.P.R.;

 4-2           Thence, with the north line of said Town Center Square, North

 4-3     77 degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 2162.61 feet

 4-4     to the northeast corner of said Town Center Square;

 4-5           Thence, the easterly line of said Town Center Square, South

 4-6     05 degrees 34 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 439.26 feet;

 4-7           Thence, continuing with said easterly line, South 49 degrees

 4-8     28 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 275.58 feet;

 4-9           Thence, with a northwesterly line of said Town Center Square,

4-10     North 52 degrees 03 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of 54.51

4-11     feet;

4-12           Thence, continuing with a northwesterly line of said Town

4-13     Center Square, 26.34 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,

4-14     said curve having a central angle of 02 degrees 57 minutes 33

4-15     seconds, a radius of 510.00 feet and a chord that bears North 53

4-16     degrees 31 minutes 49 seconds East, a distance of 26.34 feet;

4-17           Thence, continuing with a northwesterly line of said Town

4-18     Center Square, North 55 degrees 00 minutes 36 seconds East, a

4-19     distance of 70.00 feet to the northwesterly R.O.W. line of U.S.

4-20     Highway 59;

4-21           Thence, with said northwesterly R.O.W. line, 993.56 feet

4-22     along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a central

4-23     angle of 05 degrees 03 minutes 22 seconds, a radius of 11259.16

4-24     feet and a chord that bears North 48 degrees 50 minutes 45 seconds

4-25     East, a distance of 993.24 feet;

4-26           Thence, leaving said northwesterly R.O.W. line, North 69

4-27     degrees 17 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 100.30 feet to

 5-1     the east corner of a 0.8631 acre tract of land recorded in the name

 5-2     of Brazos River Authority in Volume 900 Page 562 of the Fort Bend

 5-3     County Deed Records (F.B.C.D.R.);

 5-4           Thence, with the north line of said 0.8631 acre tract, North

 5-5     69 degrees 17 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 572.31 feet to

 5-6     the east northeast corner of Recreation Reserve "D" of First Colony

 5-7     Lakes and First Colony Lake Park a subdivision plat recorded on

 5-8     slide number 1393-A and 1393-B of the F.B.C.P.R.;

 5-9           Thence, with the north line of said Recreation Reserve "D",

5-10     North 69 degrees 17 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 369.44

5-11     feet to the easterly R.O.W.  line of Kensington Boulevard;

5-12           Thence, crossing said Kensington Boulevard, North 69 degrees

5-13     17 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 136.67 feet to the

5-14     westerly R.O.W. line of Kensington Boulevard;

5-15           Thence, continuing with the north line of said Recreation

5-16     Reserve "D", North 69 degrees 17 minutes 48 seconds West, a

5-17     distance of 174.20 feet to the easterly R.O.W. line of Great Oak

5-18     Lane;

5-19           Thence, with said easterly R.O.W. line, 175.00 feet along the

5-20     arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a central angle of 20

5-21     degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds, a radius of 480.00 feet and a chord

5-22     that bears North 05 degrees 04 minutes 12 seconds East, a distance

5-23     of 174.03 feet;

5-24           Thence, North 05 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds West, a

5-25     distance of 136.48 feet to southwest corner of Restricted Reserve

5-26     "B" of aforesaid First Colony Lakes and First Colony Lake Park;

5-27           Thence, with the common line of said Restricted Reserve "B"

 6-1     the following ten (10) courses:

 6-2           1.   North 84 degrees 37 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance

 6-3     of 51.98 feet;

 6-4           2.   South 71 degrees 44 minutes 23 seconds East, a distance

 6-5     of 86.89 feet;

 6-6           3.   North 68 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance

 6-7     of 78.26 feet;

 6-8           4.   North 35 degrees 16 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance

 6-9     of 152.17 feet;

6-10           5.   North 55 degrees 20 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance

6-11     of 115.84 feet;

6-12           6.   North 56 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance

6-13     of 160.70 feet;

6-14           7.   North 64 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance

6-15     of 83.82 feet;

6-16           8.   South 00 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance

6-17     of 120.18 feet;

6-18           9.   South 28 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance

6-19     of 107.55 feet;

6-20           10.  South 45 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance

6-21     of 102.44 feet to the northwesterly R.O.W. line of Kensington

6-22     Boulevard;

6-23           Thence, with said northwesterly R.O.W. line, 719.07 feet

6-24     along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a central

6-25     angle of 22 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds, a radius of 1830.00 feet

6-26     and a chord that bears North 32 degrees 00 minutes 55 seconds East,

6-27     a distance of 714.45 feet;

 7-1           Thence, continuing with said northwesterly R.O.W. line, North

 7-2     20 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds East, a distance of 265.86 feet;

 7-3           Thence, North 20 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds East, at a

 7-4     distance of 70.00 feet pass the southwesterly R.O.W. line of State

 7-5     Highway 6, in all, a distance of 200.00 feet to the northeasterly

 7-6     R.O.W. line of State Highway 6;

 7-7           Thence, with said northeasterly R.O.W. line, South 69 degrees

 7-8     12 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 1303.41 feet to a cut

 7-9     back located at the northwesterly intersection of said State

7-10     Highway 6 and U.S. Highway 59;

7-11           Thence, with said cutback, North 78 degrees 58 minutes 23

7-12     seconds East, a distance of 40.41 feet;

7-13           Thence, with the northwesterly R.O.W. line of said U.S.

7-14     Highway 59 the following nine (9) courses:

7-15           1.   North 40 degrees 05 minutes 31 seconds East, a distance

7-16     of 167.24 feet;

7-17           2.   North 40 degrees 06 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance

7-18     of 1064.73 feet;

7-19           3.   North 34 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds East, a distance

7-20     of 201.00 feet;

7-21           4.   North 40 degrees 06 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance

7-22     of 500.00 feet;

7-23           5.   North 45 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance

7-24     of 201.00 feet;

7-25           6.   North 40 degrees 06 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance

7-26     of 1209.51 feet;

7-27           7.   North 37 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance

 8-1     of 686.23 feet;

 8-2           8.   North 39 degrees 46 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance

 8-3     of 95.27 feet;

 8-4           9.   North 39 degrees 46 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance

 8-5     of 86.97 feet to the centerline of Sugar Lakes Boulevard;

 8-6     Thence, with the centerline of Sugar Lakes and the centerline of

 8-7     Williams Trace Boulevard the following six (6) courses:

 8-8           1.   South 44 degrees 53 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance

 8-9     of 476.12 feet;

8-10           2.   South 44 degrees 53 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance

8-11     of 95.74 feet;

8-12           3.   237.84 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

8-13     curve having a central angle of 06 degrees 48 minutes 49 seconds, a

8-14     radius of 2000.00 feet and a chord that bears South 41 degrees 29

8-15     minutes 31 seconds East, a distance of 237.70 feet;

8-16           4.   South 38 degrees 05 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance

8-17     of 100.00 feet;

8-18           5.   235.70 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said

8-19     curve having a central angle of 06 degrees 45 minutes 08 seconds, a

8-20     radius of 2000.00 feet and a chord that bears South 41 degrees 27

8-21     minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 235.56 feet;

8-22           6.   South 44 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance

8-23     of 703.17 feet;

8-24           Thence, leaving said centerline, South 47 degrees 52 minutes

8-25     53 seconds West, a distance of 60.06 feet to the east corner of

8-26     Commercial Reserve "L" of First Colony Commons, a subdivision plat

8-27     recorded on slide number 1185-B, 1186-A and 1186-B of the

 9-1     F.B.C.P.R.;

 9-2           Thence, with the northerly line of Oyster Creek as shown on

 9-3     said First Colony Commons Plat, same being the southerly line of

 9-4     Commercial Reserves "L", "K", "J", "I", "H", and "G" and the "Lift

 9-5     Station Reserve", the following seven (7) courses:

 9-6           1.   South 47 degrees 52 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance

 9-7     of 470.00 feet;

 9-8           2.   South 84 degrees 00 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance

 9-9     of 392.14 feet;

9-10           3.   North 88 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance

9-11     of 431.86 feet;

9-12           4.   South 74 degrees 07 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance

9-13     of 256.61 feet;

9-14           5.   South 52 degrees 31 minutes 37 seconds West, a distance

9-15     of 261.40 feet;

9-16           6.   South 73 degrees 42 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance

9-17     of 388.72 feet;

9-18           7.   South 88 degrees 33 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance

9-19     of 381.21 feet to the southeasterly R.O.W. line of U.S. Highway 59;

9-20           Thence, with the southeasterly line of said U.S. Highway 59,

9-21     South 40 degrees 06 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 419.25

9-22     feet to the north corner of Creekside at Town Center a subdivision

9-23     plat recorded on slide number 1282-A and 1282-B of the F.B.C.P.R.;

9-24           Thence, with the easterly boundary line of said Creekside at

9-25     Town Center the following eleven (11) courses:

9-26           1.   South 71 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance

9-27     of 247.18 feet;

 10-1          2.   South 76 degrees 28 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance

 10-2    of 76.58 feet;

 10-3          3.   South 14 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance

 10-4    of 94.37 feet;

 10-5          4.   South 88 degrees 58 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance

 10-6    of 92.42 feet;

 10-7          5.   South 32 degrees 43 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance

 10-8    of 295.60 feet;

 10-9          6.   South 01 degrees 23 minutes 09 seconds East, a distance

10-10    of 191.69 feet;

10-11          7.   South 14 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance

10-12    of 172.53 feet;

10-13          8.   South 24 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance

10-14    of 123.82 feet;

10-15          9.   South 12 degrees 37 minutes 38 seconds West, a distance

10-16    of 203.31 feet;

10-17          10.  South 26 degrees 36 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance

10-18    of 214.15 feet;

10-19          11.  South 41 degrees 14 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance

10-20    of 18.42 feet to the northwest corner of First Colony Tract 13A a

10-21    subdivision plat recorded on slide number 1025-A of the F.B.C.P.R.;

10-22          Thence, with the northeasterly line of said Tract 13A, South

10-23    41 degrees 16 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 416.63 feet;

10-24          Thence, with the east line of said Tract 13A, South 20

10-25    degrees 45 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 23.06 feet;

10-26          Thence, crossing State Highway 6, South 20 degrees 45 minutes

10-27    52 seconds West, a distance of 162.33 feet to the south end of a

 11-1    cutback located at the east corner of The Market at Town Center, a

 11-2    subdivision plat recorded on slide number 1361-B and 1362-A of the

 11-3    F.B.C.P.R.;

 11-4          Thence, with the southeast and south boundary lines of said

 11-5    The Market at Town Center the following fourteen (14) courses:

 11-6          1.   South 20 degrees 45 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance

 11-7    of 466.95 feet;

 11-8          2.   786.94 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

 11-9    curve having a central angle of 23 degrees 14 minutes 29 seconds, a

11-10    radius of 1940.00 feet and a chord that bears South 32 degrees 23

11-11    minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 781.56 feet;

11-12          3.   South 44 degrees 00 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance

11-13    of 152.99 feet;

11-14          4.   315.41 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said

11-15    curve having a central angle of 08 degrees 46 minutes 22 seconds, a

11-16    radius of 2060.00 feet and a chord that bears South 39 degrees 37

11-17    minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 315.11 feet;

11-18          5.   South 35 degrees 13 minutes 59 seconds West, a distance

11-19    of 100.00 feet;

11-20          6.   258.25 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

11-21    curve having a central angle of 07 degrees 37 minutes 37 seconds, a

11-22    radius of 1940.00 feet and a chord that bears South 39 degrees 02

11-23    minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 258.05 feet;

11-24          7.   North 60 degrees 38 minutes 31 seconds West, a distance

11-25    of 143.38 feet;

11-26          8.   North 45 degrees 43 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance

11-27    of 665.75 feet;

 12-1          9.   North 34 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance

 12-2    of 24.07 feet;

 12-3          10.  26.31 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said

 12-4    curve having a central angle of 11 degrees 09 minutes 59 seconds, a

 12-5    radius of 135.00 feet and a chord that bears North 40 degrees 22

 12-6    minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 26.27 feet;

 12-7          11.  North 45 degrees 57 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance

 12-8    of 75.49 feet;

 12-9          12.  149.22 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

12-10    curve having a central angle of 89 degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds, a

12-11    radius of 95.00 feet and a chord that bears North 00 degrees 57

12-12    minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 134.35 feet;

12-13          13.  North 44 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance

12-14    of 1.35 feet;

12-15          14.  North 45 degrees 57 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance

12-16    of 120.00 feet to the Northwesterly R.O.W. Line of Town Center

12-17    Boulevard North, same being in the northeasterly line of the First

12-18    Colony Mall, a subdivision plat recorded on slide numbers 1362-B,

12-19    1363-A, 1363-B, 1364-A, 1364-B AND 1365-A of the F.B.C.P.R.;

12-20          Thence, with the boundary of said First Colony Mall, the

12-21    following

12-22          1.   South 44 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance

12-23    of 15.35 feet;

12-24          2.   108.75 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

12-25    curve having a central angle of 65 degrees 35 minutes 08 seconds, a

12-26    radius of 95.00 feet and a chord that bears South 76 degrees 49

12-27    minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 102.90 feet;

 13-1          3.   North 45 degrees 43 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance

 13-2    of 672.43 feet;

 13-3          4.   North 09 degrees 22 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance

 13-4    of 217.59 feet to the south R.O.W. line of U.S. Highway 59;

 13-5          Thence, with said R.O.W. line, 1986.35 feet along the arc of

 13-6    a curve to the right, said curve having a central angle of 09

 13-7    degrees 45 minutes 41 seconds, a radius of 11659.16 feet and a

 13-8    chord that bears South 47 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds West, a

 13-9    distance of 1983.95 feet;

13-10          Thence, continuing with said R.O.W. line, South 52 degrees 32

13-11    minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 818.23 feet to the most

13-12    northerly corner of Methodist Hospital, a subdivision plat recorded

13-13    on slide number 1525-A of the F.B.C.P.R.;

13-14          Thence, with the boundary of said Methodist Hospital the

13-15    following four (4) courses:

13-16          Thence, South 75 degrees 59 minutes 55 seconds East, a

13-17    distance of 298.11 feet;

13-18          Thence, South 14 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds West, a

13-19    distance of 214.90 feet;

13-20          Thence, 324.63 feet along the arc of a curve to the left,

13-21    said curve having a central angle of 59 degrees 59 minutes 56

13-22    seconds, a radius of 310.00 feet and a chord that bears South 15

13-23    degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 310.00 feet;

13-24          Thence, South 45 degrees 59 minutes 52 seconds East, at a

13-25    distance of 161.92 feet pass the most easterly southeast corner of

13-26    said Methodist Hospital, in all, a distance of 778.93 feet;

13-27          Thence, North 89 degrees 20 minutes 54 seconds East, a

 14-1    distance of 1067.22 feet to the northwesterly R.O.W. line of

 14-2    Lexington Boulevard;

 14-3          Thence, with said northwesterly R.O.W. line the following

 14-4    four (4) courses:

 14-5          1.   356.84 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said

 14-6    curve having a central angle of 03 degrees 22 minutes 26 seconds, a

 14-7    radius of 6060.00 feet and a chord that bears South 44 degrees 24

 14-8    minutes 26 seconds West, a distance of 356.79 feet;

 14-9          2.   South 42 degrees 43 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance

14-10    of 367.68 feet;

14-11          3.   1068.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

14-12    curve having a central angle of 31 degrees 32 minutes 34 seconds, a

14-13    radius of 1940.00 feet and a chord that bears South 58 degrees 29

14-14    minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 1054.58 feet;

14-15          4.   South 74 degrees 15 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance

14-16    of 289.17 feet;

14-17          Thence, crossing Sweetwater Boulevard, South 74 degrees 15

14-18    minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 229.36 feet to the most

14-19    westerly end of radius of a curve at the northwest intersection of

14-20    Lexington Boulevard and Sweetwater Boulevard, same being in the

14-21    south line of Sweetwater Plaza a subdivision plat recorded on slide

14-22    number 1448-B and 1149-A of the F.B.C.P.R.;

14-23          Thence with the boundary of said Sweetwater Plaza the

14-24    following five (5) courses:

14-25          1.   South 75 degrees 07 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance

14-26    of 58.01 feet;

14-27          2.   428.22 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said

 15-1    curve having a central angle of 09 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds, a

 15-2    radius of 2567.89 feet and a chord that bears South 80 degrees 45

 15-3    minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 427.73 feet;

 15-4          3.   South 85 degrees 31 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance

 15-5    of 160.21 feet;

 15-6          4.   North 04 degrees 28 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance

 15-7    of 179.90 feet;

 15-8          5.   North 36 degrees 19 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance

 15-9    of 397.75 feet to the most southerly southeast corner of the

15-10    aforesaid Replat of Sweetwater Plaza Commercial Reserves "B" and

15-11    "C";

15-12          Thence, with the southerly line of said Replat of Sweetwater

15-13    Plaza Commercial Reserves "B" and "C" the following ten (10)

15-14    courses:

15-15          1.   North 36 degrees 19 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance

15-16    of 26.75 feet;

15-17          2.   North 86 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance

15-18    of 325.78 feet;

15-19          3.   North 67 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance

15-20    of 195.91 feet;

15-21          4.   North 88 degrees 06 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance

15-22    of 165.52 feet;

15-23          5.   South 72 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds West, a distance

15-24    of 164.54 feet;

15-25          6.   South 52 degrees 17 minutes 59 seconds West, a distance

15-26    of 159.73 feet;

15-27          7.   South 43 degrees 45 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance

 16-1    of 124.81 feet;

 16-2          8.   South 54 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance

 16-3    of 140.89 feet;

 16-4          9.   South 72 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance

 16-5    of 118.03 feet;

 16-6          10.  South 88 degrees 09 minutes 19 seconds West, a distance

 16-7    of 295.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 517.5 acres

 16-8    of land.

 16-9          Sec. 376.115.  FINDINGS RELATING TO BOUNDARIES.  The

16-10    boundaries and field notes of the district form a closure.  If a

16-11    mistake is made in the field notes or in copying the field notes in

16-12    the legislative process, the mistake does not in any way affect

16-13    the:

16-14                (1)  organization, existence, and validity of the

16-15    district;

16-16                (2)  right of the district to issue any type of bonds

16-17    or refunding bonds for the purposes for which the district is

16-18    created or to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds;

16-19                (3)  right of the district to impose and collect

16-20    assessments or taxes; or

16-21                (4)  legality or operation of the district or its

16-22    governing body.

16-23          Sec. 376.116.  FINDINGS OF BENEFIT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE.  (a)

16-24    All the land and other property included in the district will be

16-25    benefited by the improvements and services to be provided by the

16-26    district under powers conferred by Section 52, Article III, Section

16-27    59, Article XVI, and Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution,

 17-1    and other powers granted under this subchapter, and the district is

 17-2    created to serve a public use and benefit.

 17-3          (b)  The creation of the district is in the public interest

 17-4    and is essential to:

 17-5                (1)  further the public purposes of the development and

 17-6    diversification of the economy of the state; and

 17-7                (2)  eliminate unemployment and underemployment and

 17-8    develop or expand transportation and commerce.

 17-9          (c)  The district will:

17-10                (1)  promote the health, safety, and general welfare of

17-11    residents, employers, employees, visitors, consumers in the

17-12    district, and the general public;

17-13                (2)  provide needed funding for the municipality to

17-14    preserve, maintain, and enhance the economic health and vitality of

17-15    the area as a community and business center; and

17-16                (3)  further promote the health, safety, welfare, and

17-17    enjoyment of the public by providing pedestrian ways and by

17-18    landscaping and developing certain areas in the district, which are

17-19    necessary for the restoration, preservation, and enhancement of

17-20    scenic and aesthetic beauty.

17-21          (d)  Pedestrian ways along or across a street, whether at

17-22    grade or above or below the surface, and street lighting, street

17-23    landscaping, and street art objects are parts of and necessary

17-24    components of a street and are considered to be a street or road

17-25    improvement.

17-26          (e)  The district will not act as the agent or

17-27    instrumentality of any private interest even though many private

 18-1    interests will be benefited by the district, as will the general

 18-2    public.

 18-3          Sec. 376.117.  APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW.  Except as otherwise

 18-4    provided by this subchapter, Chapter 375 applies to the district.

 18-5          Sec. 376.118.  CONSTRUCTION OF SUBCHAPTER.  This subchapter

 18-6    shall be liberally construed in conformity with the findings and

 18-7    purposes stated in this subchapter.

 18-8          Sec. 376.119.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN GENERAL.  (a)  The

 18-9    district is governed by a board of 13 directors who serve staggered

18-10    terms of four years with seven or six members' terms expiring June

18-11    1 of each odd-numbered year.  The board may increase or decrease

18-12    the number of directors on the board by resolution, provided that

18-13    it is in the best interest of the district to do so and that the

18-14    board consists of not fewer than nine and not more than 30

18-15    directors.

18-16          (b)  Subchapter D, Chapter 375, applies to the board to the

18-17    extent that subchapter does not conflict with this subchapter.  The

18-18    imposition of a tax, assessment, or impact fee requires a vote of a

18-19    majority of the directors serving.


18-21    (a)  The mayor and members of the governing body of the

18-22    municipality shall appoint directors from persons recommended by

18-23    the board.  A vacancy in the office of director because of the

18-24    death, resignation, or removal of a director shall be filled by the

18-25    remaining members of the board by appointing a qualified person for

18-26    the unexpired term.

18-27          (b)  A person may not be appointed to the board if the

 19-1    appointment of that person would result in less than two-thirds of

 19-2    the board members being owners of property in the municipality.

 19-3          (c)  An owner of a tract of land within the district that is

 19-4    10 or more acres in size may recommend to the board of directors a

 19-5    successor director to fill a position or vacancy on the board

 19-6    unless a director recommended by the current or previous owner of

 19-7    the tract is serving on the board.

 19-8          (d)  The board may remove a director by a majority vote of

 19-9    directors if the director has missed half the meetings scheduled

19-10    during the previous 12 months.  A director removed under this

19-11    subsection may file a written appeal with the governing body of the

19-12    municipality.  The governing body may reinstate the director if the

19-13    body finds that the removal was unwarranted under the circumstances

19-14    after considering the reasons for the absences, the time and place

19-15    of the meetings, the business conducted at the meetings missed, and

19-16    any other relevant circumstances.

19-17          Sec. 376.121.  NONVOTING MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  The

19-18    board may appoint nonvoting members to serve on the board.

19-19          Sec. 376.122.  POWERS OF DISTRICT.  The district has:

19-20                (1)  all powers necessary or required to accomplish the

19-21    purposes for which the district was created;

19-22                (2)  the rights, powers, privileges, authority, and

19-23    functions of a district created under Chapter 375;

19-24                (3)  the powers given to a corporation under Section

19-25    4B, the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190.6,

19-26    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and the power to own, operate,

19-27    acquire, construct, lease, improve, and maintain projects;

 20-1                (4)  the power to impose ad valorem taxes, assessments,

 20-2    or impact fees in accordance with Chapter 375 to provide

 20-3    improvements and services for a project or activity the district is

 20-4    authorized to acquire, construct, improve, or provide under this

 20-5    subchapter;

 20-6                (5)  the power to correct, add to, or delete

 20-7    assessments from its assessment rolls after notice and hearing as

 20-8    provided by Subchapter F, Chapter 375; and

 20-9                (6)  the authority to annex or exclude land, whether

20-10    located inside or outside the boundaries of the municipality, in

20-11    accordance with Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code.


20-13    AFFECTING PROPERTY.  (a)  If the district, in exercising a power

20-14    conferred by this subchapter, requires a relocation, adjustment,

20-15    raising, lowering, rerouting, or changing of the grade or the

20-16    construction of any of the following items, the district must take

20-17    that required action at the sole expense of the district:

20-18                (1)  a street, alley, highway, overpass, underpass,

20-19    road, railroad track, bridge, facility, or other property;

20-20                (2)  an electric line, conduit, facility, or other

20-21    property;

20-22                (3)  a telephone or telegraph line, conduit, facility,

20-23    or other property;

20-24                (4)  a gas transmission or distribution pipe, pipeline,

20-25    main, facility, or other property;

20-26                (5)  a water, sanitary sewer, or storm sewer pipe,

20-27    pipeline, main, facility, or other property;

 21-1                (6)  a cable television line, cable, conduit, facility,

 21-2    or other property; or

 21-3                (7)  another pipeline, facility, or other property

 21-4    relating to the pipeline.

 21-5          (b)  The district shall bear damages that are suffered by

 21-6    owners of the facility or other property.

 21-7          (c)  The district may not relocate, adjust, raise, lower,

 21-8    reroute, or change the grade or the construction of a facility

 21-9    under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation

21-10    without the written approval of the Texas Department of

21-11    Transportation.

21-12          Sec. 376.124.  RELATION TO OTHER LAW.  If any provision of a

21-13    law referenced in Section 376.122 is in conflict with or is

21-14    inconsistent with this subchapter, this subchapter prevails.  Any

21-15    law referenced in this subchapter that is not in conflict or

21-16    inconsistent with this subchapter is adopted and incorporated by

21-17    reference.


21-19    IMPROVEMENTS.  The board may not finance services and improvement

21-20    projects under this subchapter unless a written petition requesting

21-21    those improvements or services has been filed with the board.  The

21-22    petition must be signed by:

21-23                (1)  the owners of a majority of the assessed value of

21-24    real property in the district as determined by the most recent

21-25    certified county property tax rolls;

21-26                (2)  the owners of the majority of the surface area of

21-27    real property in the district, as determined by the most recent

 22-1    certified county property tax rolls, excluding roads, streets,

 22-2    highways, and utility rights-of-way, other public areas, and any

 22-3    other property exempt from assessment under this chapter; or

 22-4                (3)  at least 50 persons who own land in the district,

 22-5    if there are more than 50 persons who own property in the district

 22-6    as determined by the most recent certified county property tax

 22-7    rolls.

 22-8          Sec. 376.126.  NONPROFIT CORPORATION.  (a)  The board by

 22-9    resolution may authorize the creation of a nonprofit corporation to

22-10    assist and act on behalf of the district in implementing a project

22-11    or providing a service authorized by this subchapter.

22-12          (b)  The board shall appoint the board of directors of a

22-13    nonprofit corporation created under this section.  The board of

22-14    directors of  the nonprofit corporation shall serve in the same

22-15    manner as, for the same term as, and on the conditions of the board

22-16    of directors of a local government corporation created under

22-17    Chapter 431, Transportation Code.

22-18          (c)  A nonprofit corporation created under this section has

22-19    the powers of and is considered for purposes of this subchapter to

22-20    be a local government corporation created under Chapter 431,

22-21    Transportation Code.

22-22          (d)  A nonprofit corporation created under this section may

22-23    implement any project and provide any services authorized by this

22-24    subchapter.

22-25          Sec. 376.127.  DISBURSEMENTS OR TRANSFERS OF FUNDS.  The

22-26    board by resolution shall establish the number of directors'

22-27    signatures and the procedure required for a disbursement or

 23-1    transfer of the district's money.

 23-2          Sec. 376.128.  BONDS.  (a)  The district may issue bonds or

 23-3    other obligations payable in whole or in part from ad valorem

 23-4    taxes, assessments, impact fees, revenues, grants, or other money

 23-5    of the district, or any combination of those sources of money, to

 23-6    pay for any authorized purpose of the district.

 23-7          (b)  Bonds or other obligations of the district may be issued

 23-8    in the form of bonds, notes, certificates of participation,

 23-9    including other instruments evidencing a proportionate interest in

23-10    payments to be made by the district, or other obligations that are

23-11    issued in the exercise of the district's borrowing power and may be

23-12    issued in bearer or registered form or not represented by an

23-13    instrument but the transfer of which is registered on books

23-14    maintained by or on behalf of the district.

23-15          (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the district must

23-16    obtain the municipality's approval of:

23-17                (1)  the issuance of bonds for an improvement project;

23-18    and

23-19                (2)  the plans and specifications of the improvement

23-20    project to be financed by the bonds.

23-21          (d)  If the district obtains the municipality's approval of a

23-22    capital improvements budget for a specified period not to exceed

23-23    five years, the district may finance the capital improvements and

23-24    issue bonds specified in the budget without further municipal

23-25    approval.

23-26          (e)  Before the district issues bonds, the district shall

23-27    submit the bonds and the record of proceedings of the district

 24-1    relating to authorization of the bonds to the attorney general for

 24-2    approval as provided by Chapter 53, Acts of the 70th Legislature,

 24-3    2nd Called Session, 1987 (Article 717k-8, Vernon's Texas Civil

 24-4    Statutes).

 24-5          Sec. 376.129.  ASSESSMENTS.  (a)  The board may impose and

 24-6    collect an assessment for any purpose authorized by this

 24-7    subchapter.

 24-8          (b)  Assessments, reassessments, or  assessments resulting

 24-9    from an addition to or correction of the assessment roll by the

24-10    district, penalties and interest on an assessment or reassessment,

24-11    expenses of collection, and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by

24-12    the district:

24-13                (1)  are a first and prior lien against the property

24-14    assessed;

24-15                (2)  are superior to any other lien or claim other than

24-16    a lien or claim for county, school district, or municipal ad

24-17    valorem taxes; and

24-18                (3)  are the personal liability of and charge against

24-19    the owners of the property even if the owners are not named in the

24-20    assessment proceedings.

24-21          (c)  The lien is effective from the date of the resolution of

24-22    the board levying the assessment until the assessment is paid.  The

24-23    board may enforce the lien in the same manner that the board may

24-24    enforce an ad valorem tax lien against real property.

24-25          (d)  The district may not impose an impact fee or assessment

24-26    under Chapter 375 on the following types of property without the

24-27    consent of the owner:

 25-1                (1)  a condominium for which the owner meets all the

 25-2    requirements to claim a homestead exemption, a single-family

 25-3    detached residential property, or a residential duplex, triplex, or

 25-4    quadraplex;

 25-5                (2)  a tract consistently and continuously used for

 25-6    religious worship or a school that is maintained or owned by or

 25-7    affiliated with a religious organization or for a use ancillary to

 25-8    and in keeping with the operation of a full-service church or

 25-9    school affiliated with a religious organization;

25-10                (3)  a tract owned by the state or the United States

25-11    and used for a public purpose;

25-12                (4)  a tract owned by the municipality, county, or

25-13    another political subdivision and used for a public purpose; and

25-14                (5)  a tract that is owned in fee simple by a community

25-15    services association or property owners' association and is not

25-16    leased to a person who is not exempted by this subchapter.

25-17          (e)  If equipment installed, at no cost to the district, on

25-18    assessed property reduces the district's cost of providing a

25-19    service, the district may reduce the amount of the assessment

25-20    against the property for the person required to pay the assessment

25-21    by an amount equal to the money saved by the equipment or may

25-22    rebate the money saved to the person required to pay the

25-23    assessment.  The amount of money saved is determined solely by the

25-24    district.  The district shall determine and apply rebates and

25-25    reductions under this subsection in a nondiscriminatory manner.

25-26          Sec. 376.130.  APPROVAL OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS.  The

25-27    district must obtain the municipality's approval of the plans and

 26-1    specifications of any district improvement project related to the

 26-2    use of land owned by the municipality, an easement granted by the

 26-3    municipality, or a right-of-way of a street, road, or highway.

 26-4          Sec. 376.131.  ELECTIONS.  (a)  In addition to the elections

 26-5    the district must hold under Subchapter L, Chapter 375, the

 26-6    district shall hold an election in the manner provided by that

 26-7    subchapter to obtain voter approval before the district imposes a

 26-8    maintenance tax or issues bonds payable from ad valorem taxes or

 26-9    assessments.

26-10          (b)  The board may submit multiple purposes in a single

26-11    proposition at an election.

26-12          (c)  The board may not call an election under this subchapter

26-13    unless a written petition requesting an election has been filed

26-14    with the board.  The petition must be signed by:

26-15                (1)  the owners of a majority of the assessed value of

26-16    real property in the district as determined by the most recent

26-17    certified county property tax rolls;

26-18                (2)  the owners of the majority of the surface area of

26-19    real property in the district, as determined by the most recent

26-20    certified county property tax rolls, excluding roads, streets,

26-21    highways, and utility rights-of-way, other public areas, and any

26-22    other property exempt from assessment under this chapter; or

26-23                (3)  at least 50 persons who own land in the district,

26-24    if there are more than 50 persons who own property in the district

26-25    as determined by the most recent certified county property tax

26-26    rolls.

26-27          Sec. 376.132.  IMPACT FEES.  The district may impose an

 27-1    impact fee for an authorized purpose as provided by Subchapter G,

 27-2    Chapter 375.

 27-3          Sec. 376.133.  MAINTENANCE TAX.  (a)  If authorized at an

 27-4    election held in accordance with Section 376.131, the district may

 27-5    impose and collect an annual ad valorem tax on taxable property in

 27-6    the district for the maintenance and operation of the district and

 27-7    the improvements constructed or acquired by the district or for the

 27-8    provision of services.

 27-9          (b)  The board shall determine the tax rate.

27-10          Sec. 376.134.  DISSOLUTION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  The district

27-11    may be dissolved as provided by Subchapter M, Chapter 375, except

27-12    that a dissolution must be approved by:

27-13                (1)  a three-fourths vote of the board of directors;

27-14    and

27-15                (2)  a two-thirds vote of the municipality's governing

27-16    body.

27-17          (b)  Notwithstanding this section and Section 375.264, a

27-18    district that has debt may be dissolved as provided by Subchapter

27-19    M, Chapter 375.  If the district has debt and is dissolved, the

27-20    district shall remain in existence solely for the limited purpose

27-21    of discharging its bonds or other obligations according to their

27-22    terms.

27-23          Sec. 376.135.  CONTRACTS.  (a)  To protect the public

27-24    interest, the district may contract with the municipality or county

27-25    for the provision of law enforcement services by the county or

27-26    municipality in the district on a fee basis.

27-27          (b)  The municipality, county, or another political

 28-1    subdivision of the state, without further authorization, may

 28-2    contract with the district to implement a project of the district

 28-3    or assist the district in providing the services authorized under

 28-4    this subchapter.  A contract under this subsection may:

 28-5                (1)  be for a period on which the parties agree;

 28-6                (2)  include terms on which the parties agree;

 28-7                (3)  be payable from taxes or any other sources of

 28-8    revenue that may be available for such purpose; or

 28-9                (4)  provide that taxes or other revenue collected at a

28-10    district project or from a person using or purchasing a commodity

28-11    or service at a district project may be paid or rebated to the

28-12    district under the terms of the contract.

28-13          (c)  The district may enter into a contract, lease, or other

28-14    agreement with or make or accept grants and loans to or from:

28-15                (1)  the United States;

28-16                (2)  the state or a state agency;

28-17                (3)  any county, any municipality, or another political

28-18    subdivision of the state;

28-19                (4)  a public or private corporation, including a

28-20    nonprofit corporation created by the board under this subchapter;

28-21    or

28-22                (5)  any other person.

28-23          (d)  The district may perform all acts necessary for the full

28-24    exercise of the powers vested in the district on terms and for the

28-25    period the board determines advisable.

28-26          Sec. 376.136.  COMPETITIVE BIDDING.  The district may enter a

28-27    contract for more than $50,000 for services, improvements, or the

 29-1    purchase of property, including materials, machinery, equipment, or

 29-2    supplies, only as provided by Subchapter K, Chapter 375.

 29-3          Sec. 376.137.  REINVESTMENT ZONES.  (a)  All or any part of

 29-4    the area of the district is eligible to be included in a tax

 29-5    incremental reinvestment zone created by the municipality under

 29-6    Chapter 311, Tax Code, or included in a tax abatement reinvestment

 29-7    zone created by the municipality under Chapter 312, Tax Code.

 29-8          (b)  A taxing unit participating in a tax increment

 29-9    reinvestment zone created by a municipality or county may continue

29-10    to enter into a tax abatement agreement.

29-11          Sec. 376.138.  INITIAL DIRECTORS.  (a)  The initial board

29-12    consists of the following persons:

29-13    Pos. No.                                     Name of Director

29-14    1                                                      Kelly Howden     

29-15    2                                                      Stephen J. Ewbank

29-16    3                                                      Lynn Kehler      

29-17    4                                                      Steve Nelson     

29-18    5                                                      Carl Favre       

29-19    6                                                      Bill Struthers   

29-20    7                                                      John Iszard      

29-21    8                                                      Dr. Kim Gee      

29-22    9                                                      Steve Mercadal   

29-23    10                                                     Tony Null        

29-24    11                                                     Les Newton       

29-25    12                                                     Melanie Pede     

29-26    13                                                     Rob Larkin       

29-27    Nonvoting Director                  Earnest Taylor

 30-1          (b)  Of the initial directors, the directors appointed for

 30-2    positions 1 through 7 serve until June 1, 2001, and the directors

 30-3    appointed for positions 8 through 13 serve until June 1, 1999.

 30-4          (c)  This section expires September 1, 2002.

 30-5          SECTION 2.  The legislature finds that:

 30-6                (1)  proper and legal notice of the intention to

 30-7    introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this

 30-8    Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a

 30-9    copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,

30-10    officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished

30-11    by the constitution and laws of this state, including the governor,

30-12    who has submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Natural Resource

30-13    Conservation Commission;

30-14                (2)  the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

30-15    has filed its recommendations relating to this Act with the

30-16    governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of

30-17    representatives within the required time;

30-18                (3)  the general law relating to consent by political

30-19    subdivisions to the creation of districts with conservation,

30-20    reclamation, and road powers and the inclusion of land in those

30-21    districts has been complied with; and

30-22                (4)  all requirements of the constitution and laws of

30-23    this state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with

30-24    respect to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have

30-25    been fulfilled and accomplished.

30-26          SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

30-27    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 31-1    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 31-2    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 31-3    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

 31-4    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

 31-5    passage, and it is so enacted.