1-1     By:  Berlanga, Maxey (Senate Sponsor - Madla)         H.B. No. 2846

 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House May 7, 1997;

 1-3     May 8, 1997, read first time and referred to Committee on Health

 1-4     and Human Services; May 17, 1997, reported favorably, as amended,

 1-5     by the following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0; May 17, 1997, sent to

 1-6     printer.)

 1-7     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                By:  Madla

 1-8     Amend H.B. 2846 as follows:

 1-9           In Section 4, Subsection (j) (Engrossed version, Page 3, Line

1-10     5), between "assistant" and "because", insert "solely".

1-11     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 2                                By:  Madla

1-12     Amend HB 2846 by adding a new SECTION 4 to read as follows and

1-13     renumbering subsequent sections accordingly:

1-14     SECTION 4.  Article 4525d, Revised Statutes, is amended by amending

1-15     Subsections (c) and (d) and by adding Subsection (e) to read as

1-16     follows:

1-17           (c)  If a collaborating physician or other person who

1-18     regularly employs, hires, or otherwise contracts for the services

1-19     of at least 10 advanced practice nurses or other registered nurses

1-20     requests one of those nurses to engage in conduct that the nurse

1-21     believes violates a registered nurse's duty to a patient, the nurse

1-22     may request a finding by a nursing peer review committee under

1-23     Article 4525b, Revised Statutes, of whether the conduct violates a

1-24     registered nurse's duty to a patient.  A nurse who in good faith

1-25     requests, on a form produced by the board, a peer review

1-26     determination under this subsection may engage in the requested

1-27     conduct pending the peer review, is not subject to the reporting

1-28     requirement under Article 4525a, Revised Statutes, and may not be

1-29     disciplined by the board for engaging in that conduct while the

1-30     peer review is pending.  The findings of the peer review committee

1-31     shall be considered in a decision to discipline the nurse, but

1-32     those findings are not binding if a registered nurse administrator

1-33     believes in good faith that the peer review committee has

1-34     incorrectly determined a registered nurse's duty.  A nurse who in

1-35     good faith requests a peer review under this subsection may not be

1-36     disciplined or discriminated against for making the request.  If

1-37     the conduct for which the peer review is requested under this

1-38     subsection involves the medical reasonableness of a physician's

1-39     order, the medical staff or medical director shall be requested to

1-40     make a determination as to the medical reasonableness of the

1-41     physician's order, which shall be determinative of that issue.  A

1-42     registered nurse's rights under this article may not be nullified

1-43     by a contract.

1-44           (d)  An appropriate licensing agency may take action against

1-45     a person who violates this article.

1-46           (e) [(d)]  In this article:[,]

1-47                 (1)  "Collaborating physician" means a physician who

1-48     has delegated prescriptive authority to an advanced practice nurse

1-49     pursuant to 3.06(d)(5) or (6), Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b,

1-50     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).

1-51                 (2)  "Duty to a patient" means conduct, including

1-52     administrative decisions directly affecting a registered nurse's

1-53     ability to comply with that duty, required by standards of practice

1-54     or professional conduct adopted by the board.

1-55                 (3)  "Person" ["person"] includes an individual,

1-56     organization, agency, facility, or other entity.

1-57     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 3                               By:  Carona

1-58     Amend HB 2846 page 2 line 48

1-59     Sec. 3.06(b) by adding after students, provided that consent to

1-60     treatment complies with the provisions of Chapter 32, Family Code,

1-61     Vernon's Texas Codes Anotated

1-62                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

1-63                                   AN ACT

1-64     relating to the provision of health care services by advanced

 2-1     practice nurses and physician assistants in collaborative practice

 2-2     with physicians.


 2-4           SECTION 1.  Section 3.06(d)(5)(D), Medical Practice Act

 2-5     (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read

 2-6     as follows:

 2-7                       (D)  Physician supervision shall be adequate if a

 2-8     delegating physician:

 2-9                             (i)  is responsible for the formulation or

2-10     approval of such physician's orders, standing medical orders,

2-11     standing delegation orders, or other orders or protocols and

2-12     periodically reviews such orders and the services provided patients

2-13     under such orders;

2-14                             (ii)  is on site to provide medical

2-15     direction and consultation at least once every 10 business days

2-16     during which the advanced practice nurse or physician assistant is

2-17     on site providing care [a week to provide medical direction and

2-18     consultation];

2-19                             (iii)  receives a daily status report from

2-20     the advanced practice nurse [registered nurse] or physician

2-21     assistant on any problems or complications encountered; and

2-22                             (iv)  is available through direct

2-23     telecommunication for consultation, assistance with medical

2-24     emergencies, or patient referral.

2-25           SECTION 2.  Section 3.06(d)(5)(E), Medical Practice Act

2-26     (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by

2-27     adding Subparagraph (vii) to read as follows:

2-28                             (vii)  "Advanced practice nurse" has the

2-29     meaning assigned to that term by Section 8, Article 4514, Revised

2-30     Statutes.

2-31           SECTION 3.  Section 3.06(d)(6)(G)(iii), Medical Practice Act

2-32     (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read

2-33     as follows:

2-34                             (iii)  "Primary practice site" means:

2-35                                            (a)  the practice location

2-36     where the physician spends the majority of the physician's time;

2-37                                            (b)  a licensed hospital, a

2-38     licensed long-term care facility, and a licensed adult care center

2-39     where both the physician and the physician assistant or advanced

2-40     nurse practitioner are authorized to practice, a clinic operated by

2-41     or for the benefit of a public school district for the purpose of

2-42     providing care to the students of that district and the siblings of

2-43     those students, or an established patient's residence; or

2-44                                            (c)  where the physician is

2-45     physically present with the physician assistant or advanced nurse

2-46     practitioner.

2-47           SECTION 4.  Section 14, Texas Health Maintenance Organization

2-48     Act (Article 20A.14, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code), is amended by

2-49     adding Subsections (i) and (j) to read as follows:

2-50           (i)  If an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant is

2-51     authorized to provide care under Section 3.06(d)(5) or (6), Medical

2-52     Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by a

2-53     physician participating in a health maintenance organization's

2-54     provider network, the health maintenance organization may not

2-55     refuse a request made by the physician and physician assistant or

2-56     advanced practice nurse to have the physician assistant or advanced

2-57     practice nurse identified as a provider in the provider network

2-58     unless the physician assistant or advanced practice nurse fails to

2-59     meet the quality of care standards previously established by the

2-60     health maintenance organization for participation in the network by

2-61     advanced practice nurses and physician assistants.

2-62           (j)  A health maintenance organization may not refuse to

2-63     contract with an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant to

2-64     be included in the organization's provider network, refuse to

2-65     reimburse the advanced practice nurse or physician assistant for

2-66     covered services, or otherwise discriminate against the advanced

2-67     practice nurse or physician assistant because the advanced practice

2-68     nurse or physician assistant is not identified under Section 3,

2-69     Article 21.52, Insurance Code.

 3-1           SECTION 5.  Subchapter G, Chapter 3, Insurance Code, is

 3-2     amended by adding Article 3.70-3C to read as follows:



 3-5           Sec. 1.  In this article:

 3-6                 (1)  "Preferred provider" means a physician, advanced

 3-7     practice nurse, physician assistant, or other health care provider,

 3-8     or an organization of physicians or health care providers, who

 3-9     contracts with an insurer to provide medical care or health care to

3-10     insureds covered by a health insurance policy, certificate, or

3-11     contract.

3-12                 (2)  "Preferred provider benefit plan" means a benefit

3-13     plan through which an insurer provides, through its health

3-14     insurance policy, for the payment of a level of coverage that is

3-15     different from the basic level of coverage provided by the health

3-16     insurance policy if the insured uses a preferred provider.

3-17           Sec. 2.  If an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant

3-18     is authorized to provide care under Section 3.06(d)(5) or (6),

3-19     Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil

3-20     Statutes), by a physician participating as a preferred provider

3-21     under a preferred provider benefit plan, that plan may not refuse a

3-22     request made by the physician and physician assistant or advanced

3-23     practice nurse to have the physician assistant or advanced practice

3-24     nurse included as a preferred provider by the plan unless the

3-25     physician assistant or advanced practice nurse fails to meet the

3-26     quality of care standards previously established by the preferred

3-27     provider benefit plan for participation in the plan by advanced

3-28     practice nurses and physician assistants.

3-29           Sec. 3.  A preferred provider benefit plan may not refuse to

3-30     contract with an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant to

3-31     be included in the plan's provider network, refuse to reimburse the

3-32     advanced practice nurse or physician assistant for covered

3-33     services, or otherwise discriminate against the advanced practice

3-34     nurse or physician assistant because the advanced practice nurse or

3-35     physician assistant is not identified under Section 3, Article

3-36     21.52, Insurance Code.

3-37           SECTION 6.  Section 2(B), Chapter 397, Acts of the 54th

3-38     Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 3.70-2, Vernon's Texas

3-39     Insurance Code), is amended to read as follows:

3-40           (B)  No policy of accident and sickness insurance shall make

3-41     benefits contingent upon treatment or examination by a particular

3-42     practitioner or by particular practitioners of the healing arts

3-43     hereinafter designated unless such policy contains a provision

3-44     designating the practitioner or practitioners who will be

3-45     recognized by the insurer and those who will not be recognized by

3-46     the insurer.  Such provision may be located in the "Exceptions" or

3-47     "Exceptions and Reductions" provisions, or elsewhere in the policy,

3-48     or by endorsement attached to the policy, at the insurer's option.

3-49     In designating the practitioners who will and will not be

3-50     recognized, such provision shall use the following terms:  Doctor

3-51     of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy, Doctor of Dentistry, Doctor of

3-52     Chiropractic, Doctor of Optometry, Doctor of Podiatry, Licensed

3-53     Audiologist, Licensed Speech-language Pathologist, Doctor in

3-54     Psychology, Licensed Master Social Worker--Advanced Clinical

3-55     Practitioner, Licensed Dietitian, Licensed Professional Counselor,

3-56     Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Chemical

3-57     Dependency Counselor, Licensed Hearing Aid Fitter and Dispenser,

3-58     Advanced Practice Nurse, Physician Assistant, and Licensed

3-59     Psychological Associate.

3-60           For purposes of this Act, such designations shall have the

3-61     following meanings:

3-62           Doctor of Medicine:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of

3-63     Medical Examiners on the basis of the degree "Doctor of Medicine";

3-64           Doctor of Osteopathy:  One licensed by the Texas State Board

3-65     of Medical Examiners on the basis of the degree of "Doctor of

3-66     Osteopathy";

3-67           Doctor of Dentistry:  One licensed by the State Board of

3-68     Dental Examiners;

3-69           Doctor of Chiropractic:  One licensed by the Texas Board of

 4-1     Chiropractic Examiners;

 4-2           Doctor of Optometry:  One licensed by the Texas Optometry

 4-3     Board;

 4-4           Doctor of Podiatry:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of

 4-5     Podiatric Medical Examiners;

 4-6           Licensed Audiologist:  One with a master's or doctorate

 4-7     degree in audiology from an accredited college or university and

 4-8     who is licensed as an audiologist by the State Board [Committee] of

 4-9     Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;

4-10           Licensed Speech-language Pathologist:  One with a master's or

4-11     doctorate degree in speech pathology or speech-language pathology

4-12     from an accredited college or university and who is licensed as a

4-13     speech-language pathologist by the State Board [Committee] of

4-14     Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;

4-15           Doctor in Psychology:  One licensed by the Texas State Board

4-16     of Examiners of Psychologists and certified as a Health Service

4-17     Provider;

4-18           Licensed Master Social Worker--Advanced Clinical

4-19     Practitioner: One licensed by the Texas State Board of Social

4-20     Worker Examiners as a Licensed Master Social Worker with the order

4-21     of recognition of Advanced Clinical Practitioner;

4-22           Licensed Dietitian:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of

4-23     Examiners of Dietitians;

4-24           Licensed Professional Counselor:  One licensed by the Texas

4-25     State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors;

4-26           Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist:  One licensed by the

4-27     Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists;

4-28           Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor:  One licensed by the

4-29     Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse;

4-30           Licensed Hearing Aid Fitter and Dispenser:  One licensed by

4-31     the Texas Committee [Board] of Examiners in the Fitting and

4-32     Dispensing of Hearing Instruments [Aids];

4-33           Advanced Practice Nurse:  One licensed by the Board of Nurse

4-34     Examiners as a registered nurse and recognized by that board as an

4-35     advanced practice nurse;

4-36           Physician Assistant:  One licensed by the Texas State Board

4-37     of Physician Assistant Examiners; and

4-38           Licensed Psychological Associate:  One licensed by the Texas

4-39     State Board of Examiners of Psychologists and practicing under the

4-40     supervision of a licensed psychologist.

4-41           SECTION 7.  Sections 4-6 of this Act apply only to an

4-42     insurance policy or evidence of coverage that is delivered, issued

4-43     for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 1998.  A policy or

4-44     evidence of coverage that is delivered, issued for delivery, or

4-45     renewed before January 1, 1998, is governed by the law as it

4-46     existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that

4-47     law is continued in effect for this purpose.

4-48           SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

4-49           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the

4-50     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

4-51     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

4-52     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

4-53     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

4-54                                  * * * * *