By Greenberg, Naishtat, Maxey, Keel, Dukes            H.B. No. 2877

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the issuance of bonds for projects by the Texas Public

 1-3     Finance Authority.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 24A, Texas Public Finance Authority Act

 1-6     (Article 601d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read

 1-7     as follows:

 1-8           Sec. 24A.  SPECIFIC PROJECTS.  (a)  In addition to the

 1-9     buildings that the legislature has previously approved for

1-10     acquisition or construction, the buildings described by this

1-11     section are approved for financing in accordance with Section 9 of

1-12     this Act.  This section in no way limits the authority of the board

1-13     to issue obligations to finance the purchase or lease of equipment.

1-14           (b)  The following projects are approved:

1-15                          Project                         Estimated Cost

1-16      1.  Aircraft Maintenance Shop and Office               $2,787,000

1-17          Facilities in Travis County

1-18      2.  Cosmetology Commission Building in Travis           1,520,000

1-19          County

1-20      3.  Hazardous Materials Testing Laboratory for the      1,350,000

1-21          Texas Department of Health in Travis County

1-22      4.  New Warehouse and Renovation of Existing            2,990,000

1-23          Warehouse for the [State Purchasing and]

1-24          General Services Commission in Travis County

 2-1      5.  Purchase and Renovation by the [State]              10,000,000

 2-2          [Purchasing and] General Services

 2-3          Commission of real property which is located

 2-4          in, or partially or wholly within 1,000 feet

 2-5          of:  the Capitol Complex, Travis County, and

 2-6          the John H. Winters Human Services Complex,

 2-7          Travis County

 2-8      6.  Records and Equipment Warehouse for the State       1,538,000

 2-9          Board of Insurance in Travis County

2-10      7.  State Board of Insurance Building in Travis        59,937,000

2-11          County; facilities associated with

2-12          relocation of the State Aircraft Pooling Board

2-13          (not to exceed an estimated amount of $7,000,000);

2-14          and the acquisition and development of acreage

2-15          at Robert Mueller Municipal Airport for a

2-16          state complex (not to exceed an estimated

2-17          amount of $41,000,000)

2-18      8.  State Data Processing Disaster Recovery             3,011,000

2-19          Operations Center in Travis County

2-20      9.  Purchase and Renovation of New Headquarters         2,000,000

2-21          and Warehouse for [State Purchasing and]

2-22          General Services Commission in Travis County

2-23     10.  Purchase and Renovation of an Office Building      43,500,000

2-24          in Travis County

2-25     11.  Laboratory and Office Facilities for the Texas     42,300,000

2-26          Department of Health

2-27                 TOTAL                                     $170,933,000

 3-1           (c)  Notwithstanding the limitations prescribed by Section 9

 3-2     of this Act relating to the location of buildings for which bonds

 3-3     may be issued, the authority may issue bonds under this Act to

 3-4     finance the renovation of West Building, G. J. Sutton State Office

 3-5     Complex in Bexar County, at an estimated cost of $1,375,000; the

 3-6     construction or purchase and renovation of a building or buildings

 3-7     by the commission in Tarrant County, at an estimated cost of

 3-8     $10,000,000; the construction or purchase and renovation of a

 3-9     building or buildings by the commission in Harris County, at an

3-10     estimated cost of $20,000,000; and the purchase and renovation of a

3-11     building or buildings by the commission in McLennan County, at an

3-12     estimated cost of $5,000,000.  For purposes of this subsection

3-13     regarding Tarrant and Harris counties, the commission shall, prior

3-14     to requesting the authority to issue bonds, prepare project

3-15     analyses for the potential construction projects and subsequent

3-16     thereto perform an alternative purchase analysis pursuant to

3-17     Chapter 2166, Government Code [the provisions of Section 5.34,

3-18     State Purchasing and  General Services Act (Article 601b, Vernon's

3-19     Texas Civil Statutes)].

3-20           (d)  Regarding Project 5 in Subsection (b) of this section,

3-21     the legislature finds that there is a continued need for the

3-22     acquisition of real property which is located in or in the

3-23     immediate vicinity of state office building complexes for the

3-24     continued operation of the government of the State of Texas in

3-25     provision of service to the people of this state; that there are

3-26     periodic fluctuations in the prices and values of real property;

3-27     and that the ability of the state to respond to rapidly changing

 4-1     market conditions is necessary in order to acquire real property at

 4-2     substantial savings to the taxpayer.  Therefore, the [State

 4-3     Purchasing and] General Services Commission is empowered hereby and

 4-4     in accordance with Project 5 of Subsection (b) of this section to

 4-5     purchase real property identified in that project number and to

 4-6     make contracts necessary to carry out and effectuate the purposes

 4-7     herein stated.  Prior to the purchase of such property, the

 4-8     commission must determine that the purchase would be in the state's

 4-9     best interest.

4-10           SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the

4-11     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

4-12     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

4-13     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

4-14     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

4-15     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

4-16     passage, and it is so enacted.