By Stiles                                       H.B. No. 2914

      75R5505 PAM-D                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the conveyance by the General Land Office of the

 1-3     state's interest in certain real property.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  AUTHORIZATION FOR CONVEYANCE.  (a)  The state

 1-6     grants and relinquishes any right, title, and interest in and to

 1-7     the use of the property described by Section 2 of this Act that the

 1-8     state may have.  The commissioner of the General Land Office may

 1-9     convey, on behalf of the state, any such interest to the City of

1-10     Port Arthur.

1-11           (b)  The conveyance authorized by this section must be for a

1-12     cash consideration in an amount not less than the fair market value

1-13     of the property to be conveyed, as determined by the commissioner

1-14     of the General Land Office after an appraisal performed by an

1-15     appraiser employed by the General Land Office and taking into

1-16     consideration improvements already made by the City of Port Arthur

1-17     and under other terms negotiated in a purchase and sale agreement

1-18     between the parties.  The commissioner shall reserve for the state

1-19     the minerals in or on the property and their ownership and the

1-20     rights for their exploration.  The conveyance must be completed by

1-21     an instrument quitclaiming the state's interest, including a

1-22     quitclaim deed.

1-23           (c)  On payment of the consideration required by Subsection

1-24     (b) of this section and the issuance of the quitclaim instrument,

 2-1     the title of the City of Port Arthur to the property described in

 2-2     the instrument becomes absolute, subject to the reservations made

 2-3     by Subsection (b) of this section.  The property shall no longer be

 2-4     subject to a public trust or any other restriction on its use or

 2-5     disposition by the municipality except as provided by Subsection

 2-6     (b) of this section, and the municipality may use, develop, lease,

 2-7     sell, option, or convey all or any portion of the property for

 2-8     public or private purposes subject to applicable provisions of the

 2-9     Texas Constitution.

2-10           (d)  Section 31.158, Natural Resources Code, does not apply

2-11     to the conveyance authorized by this section.

2-12           SECTION 2.  PROPERTY DESCRIPTION.  The real property

2-13     authorized for conveyance by Section 1 of this Act consists of the

2-14     real property commonly known as Pleasure Islet:

2-15                 (1)  excluding the real property conveyed by the City

2-16     of Port Arthur to the Government of the United States described by

2-17     Section 3 of this Act; and

2-18                 (2)  including the real property described as follows:

2-19                       (A)  Tract 1 is 1,895.57 acres of land situated

2-20     and described as follows:

2-21           In Jefferson County, known as the H. L. McKee survey,

2-22     situated about 10 miles S 32 E from Beaumont; same having been

2-23     surveyed by virtue of H.B. No. 66 passed by the 5th Called Session

2-24     of the Forty first Legislature; Beginning at a point on the extreme

2-25     SE corner of Pleasure Pier bulkhead; thence S 50 47' E parallel

2-26     the center line produced of Austin Avenue, in Port Arthur 4613.9

2-27     varas to a corner of this tract on the E bdy line of the State of

 3-1     Texas, and the W bdy line of the State of Louisiana, known as N

 3-2     131,617.07 and W 98,954.40 of the Sabine-Neches district system of

 3-3     co-ordinates of the US Engineering Dep't., from which corner a 5'

 3-4     section of 4" soil pipe on the Louisiana shore of Sabine lake 13.6

 3-5     varas back from edge of water and 16" above ground brs. S. 50 47'

 3-6     E 5226.15 varas;

 3-7           Thence S 58 W 2281.32 varas with the E bdy line of the State

 3-8     of Texas the W bdy line of the State of Louisiana, to a corner of

 3-9     this tract on line parallel with center of Austin Avenue in Port

3-10     Arthur and 2160 varas from the place of beginning; being located by

3-11     above mentioned coordinates Nos. N 128,258.76 and W.104,328.50;

3-12     thence N 50 47' W with a line parallel with center line of Austin

3-13     Avenue, projected and 2160 varas from the place of beginning

3-14     4611.05 varas to a corner of this tract, on the W shore of Lake

3-15     Sabine; same being a point on the mean low water contour; located

3-16     by coordinate Nos. N. 136,358.00 and W 114,251  Thence N 40 52' E

3-17     with the mean low water contour of the W shore of Lake Sabine 1160

3-18     varas to a point for corner of this tract; thence N. 38 57' E with

3-19     mean low water contour of the W shore of Lake Sabine 1000.34 varas

3-20     to the most northeasterly corner of this tract, located by

3-21     coordinates N 140,955.34  and W 110.396.64 from which corner of the

3-22     SW corner of the Joseph Butler survey brs S 50 12' W 1029 varas.

3-23     Thence S 50 47' E parallel with center line produced of Austin

3-24     Avenue 488.26 varas pass the most southwesterly corner of Pleasure

3-25     Pier Bulkhead 703 varas to the place of beginning.

3-26                       (B)  Tract 2 is 14.7 acres of land situated and

3-27     described as follows:

 4-1           In Jefferson County, known as Jefferson Scrip 596, situated

 4-2     about 17 miles S 35 E from Beaumont; Said land having been

 4-3     surveyed by virtue of S B 58, H B 73, First Called Session

 4-4     Forty-Third Legislature;

 4-5           Beginning at the U S Engineers Department Station 544 / 94.2,

 4-6     on the Reference line of the Sabine Neches Waterway, where it

 4-7     intersects the N line of Pleasure Pier Causeway, and also N 3544'

 4-8     E 1137 varas of the S W corner of the Joseph Butler Survey; Said

 4-9     beginning corner being also the Beginning corner of the first tract

4-10     of those lands surveyed for the City of Port Arthur by virtue of

4-11     authority of an Act of the 42nd Legislature, H B 819, Approved 18th

4-12     May 1931;

4-13           Thence, with said reference line, S 2731' W 36 varas a steel

4-14     bar on the S side of said Pleasure Pier Causeway, the N corner of

4-15     the U S Reservation 20.8 acre tract, surveyed by virtue of Senate

4-16     Bill 56, First Called Session 43rd Legislature;

4-17           Thence, with the S line of Pleasure Pier Causeway, the N line

4-18     of said U S Government 20.8 acre tract, and Tract 3, Jefferson

4-19     Scrip 594, S 5053' E 256.4 varas a steel bar for the E corner of

4-20     said U S Government 20.8 acre tract, 636.07 varas a corner, S

4-21     3807' E 22 varas; S 1123' E 29.16 varas; S 1513' W 53.95 varas;

4-22     S 2720' E 44.34 varas to the SW corner of Pleasure Pier Concrete

4-24     Sabine Lake;

4-25           Thence S 5050' E with the S line of Pleasure Pier Concrete

4-27     of Pleasure Pier Bulkhead, the beginning corner of the H L McKee

 5-1     survey;

 5-2           Thence N 39 E with the E line of the Pleasure Pier Concrete

 5-3     Bulkhead, 217.3 varas to the NW corner of Tract 2, Jefferson Scrip

 5-4     594, the SE corner of Tract 1, Jefferson Scrip 594;

 5-5           Thence N 5051' W with the northerly side of said Concrete

 5-6     Bulkhead, 216.92 varas a corner of same;

 5-7           Thence, with the northerly side of Pleasure Pier Causeway, N

 5-8     7547' W 44.61 varas, S 6301' W 53.95 varas; S 8937' W 29.16

 5-9     varas; N 6339' W 22 varas; N 5053' W 643.32 varas to the place of

5-10     beginning.

5-11                       (C)  Tract 3 includes three separate tracts

5-12     containing 1,524.77 acres of land situated and described as

5-13     follows:

5-14           In Jefferson County, known as Jefferson Scrip No. 594,

5-15     situated in the water of Lake Sabine immediately adjoining the City

5-16     of Port Arthur in the County of Jefferson and State of Texas,

5-17     surveyed by virtue of House Bill No. 819, Forty-second Legislature,

5-18     Special Laws, regular session.

5-19           FIRST TRACT:  The beginning corner of the first tract is

5-20     situated at Station 544 plus 94.25 on the reference line of the

5-21     Sabine Neches Waterway, Texas, said beginning corner being on the

5-22     North line of Pleasure Pier Causeway, and N. 36 01' E. 928.1 varas

5-23     of the figured position of the Southwest corner of the Joseph

5-24     Butler survey; Thence along and parallel to the government

5-25     reference line N. 27 31' E. 163.31 varas to the point of curvature

5-26     of a curve to the right with a radius of 1965.28 varas thence along

5-27     the chords of that curve N.  28 02' E. 36 varas, N. 29 05' E. 36

 6-1     varas, N. 30 08' E. 36 varas, N. 31 11' E. 36 varas, N. 32 13'

 6-2     E. 36 varas, N. 33 16' E. 36 varas, N. 34 19' E. 36 varas, N. 35

 6-3     22' E. 36 varas, N. 36 25' E. 36 varas, N.  37 27' E. 36 varas,

 6-4     N. 38 23' E. 26.2 varas, to the point of tangency marked by United

 6-5     States Engineer Department Brass Disc covered pipe; Thence N. 38

 6-6     45' E. along said reference line 1558 varas to U. S. E. D. Brass

 6-7     Disc; Thence N. 38 24' E.  41.08 varas to U. S. E. D.  Brass Disc

 6-8     marked 605 plus 09; Thence N. 37 40' E.  along said reference line

 6-9     at 429 varas pass figured position of S. W. corner of Horatio

6-10     McHany's Headright survey, at 1522.8 varas to the point of

6-11     curvature of a curve to the right with a radius of  1954.66 varas

6-12     marked by U. S. E. D.  Brass Disc 647 plus 37.7; Thence along the

6-13     chords of that curve, N. 38 12' E.  36 varas, N. 39 15' E. 36

6-14     varas, N. 40 18' E. 36 varas, N. 41 22' E. 36 varas, N. 42 25'

6-15     E. 36 varas, N. 43 28' E. 36 varas, N. 44 14' E. 15.85 varas to

6-16     the point of tangency U.S.E.D. Brass Disc marked 654 plus 10.7;

6-17     Thence N. 44 28' E. along said reference line 1561.1 varas to the

6-18     point of curvature of a curve to the left with a radius of 2170.66

6-19     varas; U.S.E.D.  Brass Disc; Thence along the chords of that curve

6-20     N. 44 E. 36 varas, N. 43 03' E.  36 varas, N. 42 05' E. 36

6-21     varas, N. 41 08' E. 36 varas, N. 40 12' E. 36 varas, N. 39 15'

6-22     E. 36 varas, N. 38 17' E. 36 varas, N. 37 20' E. 36 varas, N. 36

6-23     44' E. 10.7 varas to the point of tangency U.S.E.D. Brass Disc

6-24     marked 705 plus 42.4; Thence N. 36 35' E. along said reference

6-25     line 1116.7 varas to the point of curvature of a curve to the right

6-26     with a radius of 1954.66 varas; Thence along the chords of that

6-27     curve N. 37 07' E. 36 varas, N. 38 10' E. 36 varas, N. 39 13' E.

 7-1     36 varas, N. 40 17' E. 36 varas, N. 41 20' E. 36 varas, N. 42

 7-2     23' E. 36 varas, N. 43 08' E. 14.2 varas to the point of tangency

 7-3     U. S. E. D. Brass Disc 743 plus 20.4; Thence N. 43 20' E along

 7-4     said reference line 409.4 varas to a 2" iron pipe in the North City

 7-5     Limits Line of the City of Port Arthur; Thence S. 50 53' E. along

 7-6     and parallel to the present city limits a distance of 932.8 varas

 7-7     to corner in the bed of Sabine Lake; Thence S. 39 02' W. a

 7-8     distance of 7411.8 varas to the Northeasterly corner of the present

 7-9     Port Arthur Pleasure Pier Bulkhead, said corner being N. 39 E.

7-10     217.3 varas of the beginning corner of the H. L. McKee Survey in

7-11     Sabine Lake; Thence North 50 51' W. 216.92 varas along the

7-12     Northerly side of said pier to the N. W. corner of the concrete

7-13     bulkhead; Thence along the north side of Pleasure Pier Causeway

7-14     marked by row of piling, N. 75 47' W. 44.61 varas, S. 63 01' W.

7-15     53.95 varas, S. 89 37' W. 29.16 varas, N. 63 39' W. 22 varas, N.

7-16     50 53' W. 643.32 varas to the place of beginning containing

7-17     1338.83 acres.

7-18           SECOND TRACT:  Beginning at the outside corner of concrete

7-19     Bulkhead, it being the extreme southeast corner of what is now

7-20     known as Pleasure Pier Bulkhead, said point being the beginning

7-21     corner of the H. L. McKee 1895.57 acre survey as surveyed by J. C.

7-22     McVea, Licensed land surveyor, June 25, 1931; Thence South 50 47'

7-23     E. parallel and along the north side of said H. L. McKee survey, a

7-24     distance of 4613.9 varas to the N. E. corner of said McKee survey

7-25     on the East boundary line of the State of Texas, being also a point

7-26     on the West boundary line of the State of Louisiana; Thence North

7-27     58 East a distance of 229.52 varas along the East boundary line of

 8-1     the State of Texas, being also the West boundary line of the State

 8-2     of Louisiana to corner for this tract; Thence North 50 47' W. a

 8-3     distance of 4688.62 varas along a line parallel to the first side

 8-4     of tract to the extreme Northeast corn of the Pleasure Pier

 8-5     Bulkhead, thence S. 39 W. a distance of 217.3 varas along the

 8-6     outside concrete face of the Pleasure Pier Bulkhead to the point of

 8-7     beginning, containing 179.03 acr of land.

 8-8           THIRD TRACT:  Beginning at the most northern corner of the H.

 8-9     L. McKee survey of 1895.57 acres, a steel bar in the Southeastern

8-10     line of the U. S. Government 20.8 acre survey surveyed for the U.

8-11     S. Government by virtue of an Act of the 43rd Texas Legislature,

8-12     First Called Session, Senate Bill No. 5 6 approved October, 1933;

8-13     Thence North 38 57' E. along said line, a distance of 89.53 varas

8-14     to steel bar at the most Eastern corner of said U. S. Government

8-15     Survey and in the Southwestern side of Pleasure Pier Causeway, a

8-16     tract of land of 14,693 acres surveyed for the City of Port Arthur;

8-17     Thence along said Pleasure Pier Causeway (marked on the ground by

8-18     row of piling, now covered), S. 50 53' E. 379.67 varas, S. 38 07'

8-19     E. 22 varas, S. 11 23' E. 29.16 varas, S. 15 13' W. 53.95 varas

8-20     and S. 27 20' E. 44.34 varas to the Southwest corner of Pleasure

8-21     Pier Bulkhead, and the Northeast line of the H. L. McKee 1895.57

8-22     acres Survey in Sabine Lake; Thence North 50 47' W. along the said

8-23     McKee survey line, 485.83 varas to the most Northern corner of his

8-24     survey, the place of beginning containing 6.91 acres of land.

8-25           (All bearings were determined from angles measured with

8-26     transit from the U.  S. Engine Department Reference Line along the

8-27     Sabine Neches Ship Canal, the Magnetic Variation being 8 12' East)

 9-1     No bearing trees.

 9-2                       (D)  Tract 4 is 1,877.94 acres of land situated

 9-3     and described as follows:

 9-4           In JEFFERSON County, known as a portion of the bed of Sabine

 9-5     Lake, about 20 miles from Beaumont.  On the application of The City

 9-6     of Port Arthur, Texas, by C. R. Eisler, Mayor, filed in the General

 9-7     Land Office October 21, 1955; bought and fully paid for under the

 9-8     provisions, limitations, and reservations of H.B. 541, Acts 54th

 9-9     Legislature, approved May 11, 1955, for municipal purposes only;

9-10     and the said provisions, limitations, and reservations are hereby

9-11     incorporated into this patent by reference the same as if they were

9-12     specifically set out herein.

9-13           For a locative and beginning corner, the Northwest corner of

9-14     a 1338.33 acre tract survey by Forrest Daniell on July 27, 1931,

9-15     said corner being in the Sabine Neches Waterway;

9-16           Thence along a calculated line and parallel to the present

9-17     U.S.E.D.  Reference Line as follows:  Thence North 4322' East

9-18     207.50 varas; Thence North 4219' East 51.01 varas; Thence North

9-19     4032' East 77.29 varas; Thence North 3820' East 96.98 varas;

9-20     Thence North 3704' East 2027.34 varas; Thence North 3734' East 54

9-21     varas; Thence North 4017' East 86.40 varas; Thence North 4254'

9-22     East 126.83 varas; Thence North 4742' East 125.46 varas; Thence

9-23     North 4803' East 117.61 varas; Thence North 4409' East 130.50

9-24     varas; Thence North 4124' East 115.85 varas; Thence North 3834'

9-25     East 107.60 varas; Thence North 3710' East 134.21 varas; Thence

9-26     North 3550' East 132.48 varas; Thence North 3332' East 114.12

9-27     varas; Thence North 3019' East 190.19 varas; Thence North 2659'

 10-1    East 180.00 varas; Thence North 2303' East 108 varas; Thence North

 10-2    2134' East 149.40 varas; Thence North 1843' East 95.69 varas;

 10-3    Thence North 1645' East 140.40 varas; Thence North 1311' East 144

 10-4    varas; Thence North 1119' East 108 varas; Thence North 835' East

 10-5    163.01 varas; Thence North 510' East 94.14 varas; Thence North

 10-6    404' East 48.31 varas; Thence North 342' East 95.80 varas; Thence

 10-7    North 357' East 324 varas; Thence North 8601' West 18 varas;

 10-8    Thence North 357' East 1436.58 varas; Thence North 549' East

 10-9    92.52 varas; Thence North 1156' East 149.76 varas; Thence North

10-10    2211' East 177.91 varas; Thence North 2829' East 104.76 varas;

10-11    Thence North 3449' East 119.63 varas; Thence North 3957' East

10-12    87.62 varas; Thence North 4217' East 285.95 varas to point for the

10-13    Northwest corner of this tract, said point being in the Sabine

10-14    Neches Waterway; Thence South 5053' East, at 108.33 varas U.S.E.D.

10-15    Concrete Monument with brass plate marked Sta.610 [/] 84.4, at

10-16    2709.83 varas to point in Sabine Lake for the Northeast corner of

10-17    this tract; Thence South 3902' West--7493.98 varas to a point in

10-18    Sabine Lake for the  Southeast corner, same being the Northeast

10-19    corner of the 1338.33 acre tract surveyed by Forrest Daniell on

10-20    July 27, 1931;  Thence North 5053' West at 824.33 varas intersect

10-21    U.S.E.D.  present Reference Line, at 932.80 varas to the place of

10-22    beginning.

10-23                      (E)  Tract 5 includes three separate tracts

10-24    containing 5,920.82 acres of land situated and described as

10-25    follows:

10-26          In JEFFERSON County, known as 5,920.82 acres, being hereby

10-27    conveyed in accordance with the provisions of Senate Bill No. 285,

 11-1    Acts of 1967, Regular Session, for commercial, recreational and

 11-2    industrial development, and in order to provide a spoil area to the

 11-3    Corps of Engineers for re-working and cleaning out the

 11-4    Intra-coastal Canal in the Sabine Lake area, said lands being

 11-5    described in three tracts by metes and bounds as follows:

 11-6          TRACT 1:

 11-7    A tract of submerged land, containing 1,326.12 acres, situated in

 11-8    Jefferson County, Texas, being parts of State Tracts 13, 14, 15,

 11-9    20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 31 in Sabine Lake, and being more

11-10    particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:

11-11          Commencing at a point which marks the U.S. Corps of Engineers

11-12    Sabine-Neches Canal Reference Line Station 240[/]05.9; said point

11-13    being 171.05 varas from the theoretical centerline of the

11-14    Sabine-Neches Canal;

11-15          Thence, South 6832'05" East, a distance of 360.00 varas to a

11-17          Thence, South 8358'05" East, a distance of 667.9 varas to a

11-18    point for corner on the Northeasterly end of an existing timber

11-20    being 2502.70 varas along the Southerly side and measured from the

11-21    most Southerly corner of the 1338.33 acre tract of land granted to

11-22    the City of Port Arthur by the State of Texas and recorded in

11-23    Volume 64-A, No. 212 of the General Land Office Patent Records,

11-24    said point also being the point of beginning of the tract of land

11-25    herein described;

11-26          Thence, North 3638'35" East, a distance of 6948.00 varas to

 12-1          Thence, South 0537'16" East, a distance of 1937.00 varas to

 12-3          Thence, South 3638'35" West, a distance of 4,545.51 varas to

 12-5          Thence, West a distance of 1623.60 varas to the place of

 12-6    beginning.

 12-7          All bearings herein refer to the Lambert Plane Coordinate

 12-8    System which differ by 229'30" clockwise from the True Meridian.

 12-9    (South Central Zone).

12-10          TRACT 2:

12-11    A tract of land containing 3230.7 acres in Jefferson County, Texas,

12-12    being parts of State Tracts 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 in

12-13    Sabine Lake, and being more particularly described by metes and

12-14    bounds as follows, to-wit:

12-15          Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line of the H. L.

12-16    McKee Survey, Jefferson County, Texas, a distance of 270.00 varas

12-17    from the most Westerly corner of the aforementioned H. L. McKee

12-18    Survey and being a point from which the U.S.  Corps of Engineers

12-19    Sabine-Neches Canal Reference Line Station 116[/]28.60 bears North

12-20    5336'14" West 381.04 varas; said Reference Line Station being

12-21    126.00 varas from the theoretical centerline of the Sabine-Neches

12-22    Canal, said point also being the point of beginning of the tract of

12-23    land herein described;

12-24          Thence, South 5336'14" East 2420.85 varas to a point for

12-26          Thence, South 1009'07" West, 8,236.48 varas to a point for

 13-1          Thence, North 3745'58" West, 881.91 varas to a point for

 13-2    corner;

 13-3          Thence, North 3016'11" West, 423.00 varas to a point for

 13-4    corner;

 13-5          Thence, North 2100'38" West, 756.00 varas to a point for

 13-6    corner;

 13-7          Thence, North 3135'15" West, 306.00 varas to a point for

 13-8    corner;

 13-9          Thence, North 2048'58" West, 705.60 varas to a point for

13-10    corner;

13-11          Thence, North 1517'01" West, 954.00 varas to a point for

13-12    corner;

13-13          Thence, North 2253'31" West, 187.20 varas to a point for

13-14    corner;

13-15          Thence, North 433'44" West, 338.40 varas to a point for

13-17          Thence, North 1534'46" East, 900.00 varas to a point for

13-18    corner;

13-19          Thence, North 2401'13" East, 504.00 varas to a point for

13-20    corner;

13-21          Thence, North 208'30" West, 576.00 varas to a point for

13-22    corner;

13-23          Thence, North 339'50" East, 972.00 varas to a point for

13-24    corner;

13-25          Thence, North 721'00" West, 997.20 varas to a point for

13-26    corner;

13-27          Thence, North 2155'43" East, 491.40 varas to a point for

 14-1    corner;

 14-2          Thence, North 4223'56" East, 408.60 varas to a point for

 14-3    corner;

 14-4          Thence, North 038'54" West, 252.00 varas to a point for

 14-5    corner;

 14-6          Thence, North 3116'43" East, 253.80 varas to a point for

 14-7    corner;

 14-8          Thence, North 4524'46" East, a distance of 480.24 varas to

 14-9    the place of beginning.

14-10          All bearings herein refer to the Lambert Plane Coordinate

14-11    System which differ by 228'41" clockwise from the True Meridian.

14-12    (South Central Zone).

14-13          TRACT 3:

14-14    Field notes of a tract containing 1364 acres in Jefferson County,

14-15    Texas, being parts of State Tracts 32, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 and 43

14-16    and being the South and West mid part of Pleasure Island and being

14-17    more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, towit:

14-18          Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line of the H. L.

14-19    McKee survey, a distance of 270.00 varas from the most westerly

14-20    corner of the said McKee survey, the North corner of a 3230.7 acre

14-21    tract described above;

14-22          Thence in a southerly directly with the west line of said

14-23    3230.7 acre tract with the following meanders:

14-24          S. 45 24' 26" W. 480.2 varas; S. 31 16' 43" W. 253.8 varas;

14-25    S. 0 38' 54" E.  252.0 varas; S. 42 23' 56" W. 408.6 varas; S.

14-26    21 55' 43" W. 491.4 varas; S.  7 21' 00" E. 997.2 varas; S. 3

14-27    39' 50" W. 972.0 varas; S. 2 08' 30" E.  576.0 varas; S. 24 01'

 15-1    13" W. 504.0 varas; S. 15 34' 46" W. 900.0 varas; S. 4 33' 44" E.

 15-2    338.4 varas; S. 22 53' 31" E. 187.2 varas; S. 15 17' 01" E. 954.0

 15-3    varas; S. 20 48' 58" E. 705.6 varas; S. 31 35' 15" E. 306.0

 15-4    varas; S. 21 00' 38" E. 756.0 varas; S.  30 16' 11" W. 423.0

 15-5    varas; S. 37 45' 58" E. 881.9 varas to the South corner of said

 15-7          Thence, N. 10 09' 07" W. 253.4 varas with the East line of

 15-8    said 3230.7 acre tract to the line of mean high tide on the east

 15-9    side of Pleasure Island;

15-10          Thence, southeastwardly with the line of mean high tide along

15-11    the east side of Pleasure Island with the following meanders:

15-12          S. 38 05' E. 306.7 varas; S. 62 33' E. 371.2 varas; S. 51

15-13    37' E. 247.3 varas; S. 46 31' E. 511.2 varas; S. 73 22' E. 235.8

15-14    varas; N. 88 23' E.  104.4 varas; S. 68 45' E. 460.8 varas; S.

15-15    58 57' E. 399.6 varas; S. 72 04' E.  313.2 varas; N. 82 29' E.

15-16    214.2 varas; S. 52 57' E. 162.0 varas; S. 79 0' E.  273.6 varas;

15-17    S. 57 06' E. 99.0 varas; N. 63 52' E. 82.1 varas; S. 55 47' E.

15-18    79.6 varas; S. 81 20' E. 921.2 varas; S. 64 13' E. 431.3 varas;

15-19    S. 28 57' E.  295.6 varas; S. 21 36' W. 71.6 varas; S. 20 01' E.

15-20    119.5 varas; S. 23 16' W.  194.4 varas to the most southern point

15-21    of land at Mesquite Point;

15-22          Thence, in a Northwestwardly, Northerly and Northeastwardly

15-23    direction with the line of mean high tide along the west side of

15-24    Pleasure Island with the following meanders:

15-25          N. 70 10' W. 82.8 varas; S. 88 31' W. 107.6 varas; N. 70

15-26    33' W. 1541.5 varas; N. 68 23' W. 1349.6 varas; N. 58 54' W.

15-27    303.8 varas; N. 75 35' W.  344.5 varas; N. 65 48' W. 173.5 varas;

 16-1    N. 84 26' W. 256.0 varas; N. 66 47' W. 547.9 varas; N. 50 16' W.

 16-2    652.7 varas; N. 55 12' W. 225.0 varas; N. 33 18' W. 762.5 varas;

 16-3    N. 22 33' W. 1800.4 varas; N. 16 43' W. 733.4 varas; N.  22 06'

 16-4    W. 1164.6 varas; N. 33 55' W. 183.2 varas; N. 19 24' W. 958.7

 16-5    varas; N. 3 56' W. 490.3 varas; N. 7 58' E. 179.3 varas; N. 27

 16-6    11' E. 359.6 varas; N.  38 05' E. 434.2 varas; N. 19 12' E. 256.3

 16-7    varas; N. 8 55' E. 777.2 varas; N. 5 49' W. 278.6 varas; N. 5

 16-8    32' E. 405.0 varas; N. 15 06' E. 469.1 varas; N.  25 14' E. 520.9

 16-9    varas; N. 38 43' E. 652.3 varas; N. 36 04' E. 500.8 varas to the

16-10    point of intersection of the line of mean high tide with a

16-11    northwesterly projection of the southwest line of the H. L. McKee

16-12    survey;

16-13          Thence, S. 53 36' 14" E. 431.3 varas, passing the west

16-14    corner of said McKee survey and continuing with the southwest line

16-15    of said McKee to the place of beginning.

16-16          All bearings herein are grid bearings from the Lambert Plane

16-18    41".

16-19          SECTION 3.  EXCLUDED PROPERTY.  The real property excluded

16-20    from conveyance under Section 2 of this Act consists of the real

16-21    property described as follows:

16-22          BEGINNING at station 526, plus 74.66 on the Government

16-23    reference line of the Sabine-Neches Waterway, Texas, for the point

16-24    of beginning, said station being north 4723' east 494 varas of the

16-25    figured position of the southwest corner of the Joseph Butler

16-26    Headright Survey;

16-27          Thence along said reference line following the chords of a

 17-1    curve to the left with a radius of 1051.63 varas as follows:  North

 17-2    30 21' east 36.6 varas north 28 12' east 39.37 varas; north 26

 17-3    04' east 39.37 varas; north 24 43' east 9.91 varas to the point of

 17-4    reverse curve, 3-3/4 brass disc marked U. S. E. D.  529 plus 92.9;

 17-5          Thence along the chords of a curve to the right with a radius

 17-6    of 4336.45 varas as follows:  North 24 41' east 35.27 varas; north

 17-7    25 09' east 35.27 varas; north 25 37' east 35.27 varas; north 26

 17-8    05' east 35.27 varas; north 26 33' east 35.27 varas; north 27 01'

 17-9    east 35.27 varas; north 27 24' east 22.24 varas to point of

17-10    tangency;

17-11          Thence along the said reference line north 27 31' east

17-12    265.75 varas to U.  S.  E. D. station 543 plus 94.2 on south side

17-13    of Pleasure Pier causeway;

17-14          Thence along Pleasure Pier causeway marked by line of piling

17-15    south 50 53' east 256.39 varas;

17-16          Thence south 38 57' west 609.99 varas;

17-17          Thence North 51 15' west 127.3 varas to the place of

17-18    beginning, containing 20.8 acres of land; said tract being that

17-19    shown on attached plat as "U. S.  Reservation 20.8 ac".

17-20          SECTION 4.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation

17-21    and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

17-22    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

17-23    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

17-24    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

17-25    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

17-26    passage, and it is so enacted.