1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas

 1-3     Department of Criminal Justice to Jefferson County or Walker

 1-4     County.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  (a)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice

 1-7     shall donate and transfer to Jefferson County the real property

 1-8     described by Subsection (d) of this section.

 1-9           (b)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall transfer

1-10     the property by an appropriate instrument of transfer.  The

1-11     instrument must include a provision that:

1-12                 (1)  requires Jefferson County to use the property only

1-13     for governmental purposes; and

1-14                 (2)  indicates that ownership of the property will

1-15     automatically revert to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice if

1-16     Jefferson County uses the property for any purpose other than a

1-17     governmental purpose.

1-18           (c)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall retain

1-19     custody of the instrument of transfer after its filing.

1-20           (d)  The real property referred to in Subsection (a) of this

1-21     section is described as follows:

1-22     Being a tract or parcel containing 72.96 acres of land out of and a

1-23     part of the Pelham Humphries Survey, Abstract No. 32, also out of

1-24     and a part of that certain 689.690 acre tract as described in a

 2-1     Special Warranty Deed from Jefferson County, Texas to the Texas

 2-2     Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division and recorded

 2-3     in Film Code 102-98-2207 and being more particularly described by

 2-4     metes and bounds as follows; Commencing at a concrete monument

 2-5     found at the intersection of the Southerly line of a Gulf States

 2-6     Utilities Company Fee Strip (198 feet wide) as recorded in Volume

 2-7     1586, Page 196, Deed Records of Jefferson County, Texas and the

 2-8     Westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 69, 96, and 287 (338

 2-9     feet wide);

2-10     Thence along said Westerly line North 23 37'09" West for a distance

2-11     of 216.64' to an iron rod marking the Southeast corner of Jefferson

2-12     County 250 acre remainder of a 1039.008 acre tract of land in the

2-13     T. & N.O.R.R. Survey, Section 1, Abstract NO. 257, said 250 acre

2-14     tract having been conveyed to the County of Jefferson by the

2-15     McFaddin Trust by Special Warranty Deed dated January 5, 1990 and

2-16     recorded in File Code 102-98-2125 of the Deed Records of Jefferson

2-17     County, Texas;

2-18     Thence North 23 57'31" West along the Westerly right-of-way of U.S.

2-19     Highway 69, 96, and 287 and the Easterly line of said 250 acre

2-20     tract, a distance of 1098.15' to a 5/8" iron rod marking the

2-21     Southeast corner of a 50.2518 acre tract of land conveyed to the

2-22     Texas Youth Commission by Jefferson County, Texas and recorded in

2-23     Film Code 104-23-0304, Deed Records of Jefferson County, Texas;

2-24     Thence North 23 57'31" West along said Westerly right-of-way and

2-25     the Easterly line of the Texas Youth Commission 50.2518 acre tract,

2-26     a distance of 1602.99' to a 3.25" aluminum disk set for the most

2-27     Southeasterly right-of-way line of F.M. 3514 and the Northeasterly

 3-1     corner of the Texas Youth Commission tract;

 3-2     Thence continuing North 23 57'31" West along the Westerly

 3-3     right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 69, 96, and 287 and the Easterly

 3-4     line right-of-way line of F.M. 3514 a distance of 2477.99 to a

 3-5     3.25" aluminum disk set for the most Northeasterly corner of F.M.

 3-6     3514;

 3-7     Thence continuing North 23 57'31" West along the Westerly

 3-8     right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 69, 96, and 287 and the Easterly

 3-9     line of the 689 acre Texas Department of Criminal Justice Tract a

3-10     distance of 684.78' to a 5/8" iron rod said point being 6,085.92'

3-11     form the point of commencement and the Point of Beginning of the

3-12     herein described tract;

3-13     Thence North 86 03'03"W 3920.10' to 5/8" iron rod in the North line

3-14     of the McFaddin Canal No. 1, said point being South 36 00'14" West,

3-15     a distance of 1432.68' from a Yount Lee Monument, said iron rod

3-16     also being the most Southwesterly corner of the Jefferson County

3-17     69.101 acre Correctional Facility Tract out of a1039.008 acre tract

3-18     of land in the Pelham Humphries Survey, Abstract No. 32, said

3-19     69.101 acre tract having been conveyed to the County of Jefferson

3-20     by McFaddin Trust by Special Warranty Deed dated January 5, 1990

3-21     and recorded in Film Code 102-98-2125 of the Deed Records of

3-22     Jefferson County, Texas;

3-23     Thence North 66 02'29" East along the South line of said 69,101

3-24     acre tract and the North line of the herein described 72.964 acre

3-25     tract a distance of 3646.09' to a 5/8" iron rod in the Westerly

3-26     right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 69, 96, and 287, said 5/8" iron

3-27     rod being the Northeasterly corner of the herein described tract

 4-1     and the Southeasterly corner of the Jefferson County 69.101 acre

 4-2     Correctional Facility Site;

 4-3     Thence South 23 57'37" East along the Westerly right-of-way line of

 4-4     U.S.  Highway 69, 96, and 287, and the Easterly line of the herein

 4-5     described 72.964 acre tract a distance of 1835.00' to THE PLACE OF

 4-6     BEGINNING and containing 72.964 acres, more or less.

 4-7           SECTION 2.  (a)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice may

 4-8     donate and transfer to Walker County the real property described by

 4-9     Subsection (d) of this section.

4-10           (b)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice may transfer

4-11     the property by an appropriate instrument of transfer which must

4-12     include a provision that:

4-13                 (1)  requires Walker County to use the property only

4-14     for a purpose that benefits the public interest;

4-15                 (2)  indicates that ownership of the property will

4-16     automatically revert to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice if

4-17     Walker County uses the property for any purpose other than a

4-18     purpose which benefits the public interest; and

4-19                 (3)  describes the property to be transferred by metes

4-20     and bounds.

4-21           (c)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall retain

4-22     custody of the instrument of transfer after its filing.

4-23           (d)  The real property referred to in Subsection (a) of this

4-24     section is a tract or parcel not to exceed 10 acres of land

4-25     situated in the city of Huntsville, out of and a part of the

4-26     Pleasant Gray Survey, Abstract No. 24, Walker County, Texas, and

4-27     being out of and a part of a called 515 acre tract as described in

 5-1     a Deed from Ed H. Cunningham, et al. to the State of Texas (Texas

 5-2     Department of Corrections), dated June 23, 1883, and recorded in

 5-3     Volume Y, Page 181, Deed Records.

 5-4           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

 5-5     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 5-6     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 5-7     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 5-8     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

 5-9     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

5-10     passage, and it is so enacted.

         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.B. No. 3016 was passed by the House on May

         2, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 142, Nays 0, 2 present, not

         voting; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B.

         No. 3016 on May 23, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 143, Nays 0,

         1 present, not voting.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House

               I certify that H.B. No. 3016 was passed by the Senate, with

         amendments, on May 20, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 26, Nays



                                                 Secretary of the Senate

         APPROVED:  _____________________


