1-1     By:  Hartnett (Senate Sponsor - Wentworth)            H.B. No. 3086

 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House May 5, 1997;

 1-3     May 6, 1997, read first time and referred to Committee on

 1-4     Jurisprudence; May 15, 1997, reported favorably by the following

 1-5     vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0; May 15, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-7                                   AN ACT

 1-8     relating to statutory probate court judges.


1-10           SECTION 1.  Sections 25.0022(i), (n), and (p), Government

1-11     Code, are amended to read as follows:

1-12           (i)  Judges may be assigned in the manner provided by this

1-13     section to hold court in a statutory probate court, county court,

1-14     or any statutory court exercising probate jurisdiction when:

1-15                 (1)  the regular judge requests assignment of another

1-16     judge to the judge's court;

1-17                 (2)  the regular judge is absent, disabled, or

1-18     disqualified for any reason;

1-19                 (3)  the regular judge is present or is trying cases as

1-20     authorized by the constitution and laws of this state;

1-21                 (4)  the office of the regular judge is vacant; [or]

1-22                 (5)  the presiding judge of an administrative judicial

1-23     district requests the assignment of a statutory probate judge to

1-24     hear a probate matter in a county court or statutory county court;

1-25     or

1-26                 (6)  a motion to recuse the regular judge of a

1-27     statutory probate court has been filed.

1-28           (n)  A judge assigned under this section has the

1-29     jurisdiction, powers, and duties given by Sections 5, [and] 5A,

1-30     606, and 607, Texas Probate Code, to the regular judge of the court

1-31     to which assigned.

1-32           (p)  The daily compensation of a former or retired judge for

1-33     purposes of this section is set at an amount equal to the daily

1-34     compensation of a judge of a statutory probate court in the county

1-35     in which the former or retired judge is assigned.  A former or

1-36     retired judge assigned to a county that does not have a statutory

1-37     probate court shall be paid an amount equal to the daily

1-38     compensation of a judge of a statutory probate court in the county

1-39     where the assigned judge was last elected.

1-40           SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 25, Government Code, is

1-41     amended by adding Section 25.00255 to read as follows:

1-42           Sec. 25.00255.  RECUSAL OR DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGE.  (a)  A

1-43     party in a hearing or trial in a statutory probate court may file

1-44     with the clerk of the court a motion stating grounds for the

1-45     recusal or disqualification of the judge. The grounds may include

1-46     any disability of the judge to preside over the case.

1-47           (b)  A motion for the recusal or disqualification of a judge

1-48     must:

1-49                 (1)  be filed at least 10 days before the date of the

1-50     hearing or trial, except as provided by Subsection (c);

1-51                 (2)  be verified; and

1-52                 (3)  state with particularity the alleged grounds for

1-53     recusal or disqualification of the judge based on:

1-54                       (A)  personal knowledge that is supported by

1-55     admissible evidence; or

1-56                       (B)  specifically stated grounds for belief of

1-57     the allegations.

1-58           (c)  A motion for recusal or disqualification may be filed at

1-59     the earliest practicable time before the beginning of the trial or

1-60     other hearing if a judge is assigned to a case 10 or fewer days

1-61     before the date set for a trial or hearing.

1-62           (d)  A party filing a motion for recusal or disqualification

1-63     shall serve on all other parties or their counsel:

1-64                 (1)  copies of the motion; and

 2-1                 (2)  notice that the movant expects the motion to be

 2-2     presented to the judge three days after the filing of the motion

 2-3     unless the judge orders otherwise.

 2-4           (e)  A party may file with the clerk of the court a statement

 2-5     opposing or concurring with a motion for recusal or

 2-6     disqualification at any time before the motion is heard.

 2-7           (f)  Before further proceedings in a case in which a motion

 2-8     for the recusal or disqualification of a judge has been filed, the

 2-9     judge shall:

2-10                 (1)  recuse himself; or

2-11                 (2)  request that the presiding judge of the statutory

2-12     probate courts assign a judge to hear the motion.

2-13           (g)  A judge who recuses himself:

2-14                 (1)  shall enter an order of recusal and request that

2-15     the presiding judge of the statutory probate courts assign a judge

2-16     to hear the motion for recusal or disqualification; and

2-17                 (2)  may not take other action in the case except for

2-18     good cause stated in the order in which the action is taken.

2-19           (h)  A judge who does not recuse himself:

2-20                 (1)  shall forward to the presiding judge of the

2-21     statutory probate courts, in either original form or certified

2-22     copy, an order of referral, the motion for recusal or

2-23     disqualification, and all opposing and concurring statements; and

2-24                 (2)  may not take other action in the case during the

2-25     time after the filing of the motion for recusal or disqualification

2-26     and before a hearing on the motion, except for good cause stated in

2-27     the order in which the action is taken.

2-28           (i)  After receiving a request under Subsection (g) or (h),

2-29     the presiding judge of the statutory probate courts shall:

2-30                 (1)  immediately set a hearing before himself or a

2-31     judge designated by the presiding judge;

2-32                 (2)  cause notice of the hearing to be given to all

2-33     parties or their counsel to the case; and

2-34                 (3)  make other orders, including orders for interim or

2-35     ancillary relief, in the pending case.

2-36           (j)  After a statutory probate court has rendered the final

2-37     judgment in a case, a party may appeal an order that denies a

2-38     motion for recusal or disqualification as an abuse of the court's

2-39     discretion.  A party may not appeal an order that grants a motion

2-40     for recusal or disqualification.

2-41           (k)  A party may file a motion for sanctions alleging that

2-42     another party in the case filed a  motion for the recusal or

2-43     disqualification of a judge solely to delay the case and without

2-44     sufficient cause.  The presiding judge or the judge assigned by the

2-45     presiding judge to hear the motion for recusal may approve a motion

2-46     for sanctions authorized by Rule 215(2)(b), Texas Rules of Civil

2-47     Procedure.

2-48           SECTION 3.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

2-49           (b)  Section 25.0022, Government Code, as amended by this

2-50     Act, applies only to an assignment of a statutory probate court

2-51     judge made on or after the effective date of this Act.  An

2-52     assignment made before that date is governed by the law as it

2-53     existed on the date that assignment is made, and that law is

2-54     continued in effect for that purpose.

2-55           (c)  Section 25.00255, Government Code, as added by this Act,

2-56     applies only to a motion for recusal or disqualification of a

2-57     statutory probate court judge filed on or after the effective date

2-58     of this Act. A motion for recusal or disqualification of a

2-59     statutory probate court judge filed before the effective date of

2-60     this Act is governed by the law as it existed on the date the

2-61     motion was filed, and that law is continued in effect for that

2-62     purpose.

2-63           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the

2-64     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

2-65     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

2-66     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

2-67     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

2-68                                  * * * * *