1-1     By:  Solomons, Brimer (Senate Sponsor - Armbrister)   H.B. No. 3137

 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House April 14, 1997;

 1-3     April 16, 1997, read first time and referred to Committee on

 1-4     Economic Development; May 18, 1997, reported favorably, as amended,

 1-5     by the following vote:  Yeas 10, Nays 0; May 18, 1997, sent to

 1-6     printer.)

 1-7     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                By:  Lucio

 1-8           Amend House Bill 3137 as follows:

 1-9                 In SECTION 1 of the bill, amend proposed subsection

1-10     (g), Section 410.256, Labor Code (page 1, line 55, engrossed

1-11     version), by striking "Section 410.259" and inserting "Section

1-12     410.258" in lieu thereof.

1-13                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

1-14                                   AN ACT

1-15     relating to adding new provisions to the Texas Workers'

1-16     Compensation Act regarding judicial review, court judgments and

1-17     settlements, and Texas Workers' Compensation Commission's right to

1-18     notice and opportunity to intervene prior to issuance of a judgment

1-19     or settlement.


1-21           SECTION 1.  Section 410.256, Labor Code, is amended to read

1-22     as follows:

1-23           Sec. 410.256.  COURT APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT.  (a)  A claim or

1-24     issue may not be settled contrary to the provisions of an appeals

1-25     panel decision issued on the claim or issue unless a party to the

1-26     proceeding has filed for judicial review under this subchapter or

1-27     Subchapter G. The trial court must approve a settlement made by the

1-28     parties after judicial review of an award is sought and before the

1-29     court enters judgment.

1-30           (b)  The court may not approve a settlement except on a

1-31     finding that:

1-32                 (1)  the settlement accurately reflects the agreement

1-33     between the parties;

1-34                 (2)  the settlement adheres to all appropriate

1-35     provisions of the law; and

1-36                 (3)  under the law and facts, the settlement is in the

1-37     best interest of the claimant.

1-38           (c) [(b)]  A settlement may not provide for:

1-39                 (1)  payment of any benefits in a lump sum except as

1-40     provided by Section 408.128; or

1-41                 (2)  the limitation or termination of the claimant's

1-42     right to medical benefits under Section 408.021.

1-43           (d) [(c)]  A settlement or agreement that resolves an issue

1-44     of impairment may not be made before the claimant reaches maximum

1-45     medical improvement and must adopt on of the impairment ratings

1-46     under Subchapter G, Chapter 408.

1-47           (e) [(d)]  A party proposing a settlement before judgment is

1-48     entered by the trial court may petition  the court orally or in

1-49     writing for approval of the settlement.

1-50           (f)  Settlement of a claim or issue under this section does

1-51     not constitute a modification or reversal of the appeals panel

1-52     decision awarding benefits for the purpose of Section 410.205.

1-53           (g)  Settlement of a claim or issue must be in compliance

1-54     with all appropriate provisions of the law, including this section

1-55     and Section 410.259 of this subchapter.  A settlement which on its

1-56     face does not comply with this section is void.

1-57           SECTION 2.  Subchapter F, Chapter 410, Labor Code, is amended

1-58     by adding Sections 410.257 and 410.258 to read as follows:

1-59           Sec. 410.257.  JUDGMENT AFTER JUDICIAL REVIEW.  (a)  A

1-60     judgment entered by a court on judicial review of an appeals panel

1-61     decision under this subchapter or Subchapter G must comply with all

1-62     appropriate provisions of the law.

1-63           (b)  A judgment under this section may not provide for:

1-64                 (1)  payment of benefits in a lump sum except as

 2-1     provided by Section 408.128; or

 2-2                 (2)  the limitation or termination of the claimant's

 2-3     right to medical benefits under Section 408.021.

 2-4           (c)  A judgment that resolves an issue of impairment may not

 2-5     be entered before the date the claimant reaches maximum medical

 2-6     improvement.  The judgment must adopt an impairment rating under

 2-7     Subchapter G, Chapter 408, except to the extent Section 410.307

 2-8     applies.

 2-9           (d)  A judgment under this section may not order

2-10     reimbursement from the subsequent injury fund.

2-11           (e)  A judgment under this section based on default or on an

2-12     agreement of the parties does not constitute a modification or

2-13     reversal of an appeals panel decision awarding benefits for the

2-14     purpose of Section 410.205.

2-15           (f)  A judgment that on its face does not comply with this

2-16     section is void.



2-19     initiated a proceeding under this subchapter or Subchapter G must

2-20     file any proposed judgment or settlement made by the parties to the

2-21     proceeding, including a proposed default judgment, with the

2-22     executive director of the commission not later than the 30th day

2-23     before the date on which the court is scheduled to enter the

2-24     judgment or approve the settlement.  The proposed judgment or

2-25     settlement must be mailed to the executive director by certified

2-26     mail, return receipt requested.

2-27           (b)  The commission may intervene in a proceeding under

2-28     Subsection (a) not later than the 30th day after the date of

2-29     receipt of the proposed judgment or settlement.

2-30           (c)  The commission shall review the proposed judgment or

2-31     settlement to determine compliance with all appropriate provisions

2-32     of the law.  If the commission determines that the proposal is not

2-33     in compliance with the law, the commission may intervene as a

2-34     matter of right in the proceeding not later than the 30th day after

2-35     the date of receipt of the proposed judgment or settlement.  The

2-36     court may limit the extent of the commission's intervention to

2-37     providing the information described by Subsection (e).

2-38           (d)  If the commission does not intervene before the 31st day

2-39     after the date of receipt of the proposed judgment or settlement,

2-40     the court shall enter the judgment or approve the settlement if the

2-41     court determines that the proposed judgment or settlement is in

2-42     compliance with all appropriate provisions of the law.

2-43           (e)  If the commission intervenes in the proceeding, the

2-44     commission shall inform the court of each reason the commission

2-45     believes the proposed judgment or settlement is not in compliance

2-46     with the law.  The court shall give full consideration to the

2-47     information provided by the commission before entering a judgment

2-48     or approving a settlement.

2-49           (f)  A judgment entered or settlement approved without

2-50     complying with the requirements of this section is void.

2-51           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, and

2-52     applies to a proceeding initiated on or after that date.  A

2-53     proceeding initiated before the effective date of this Act is

2-54     governed by the law in effect on the date the proceeding was

2-55     initiated, and the former law is continued in effect for that

2-56     purpose.

2-57           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the

2-58     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

2-59     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

2-60     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

2-61     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

2-62     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

2-63     passage, and it is so enacted.

2-64                                  * * * * *