By Kubiak H.C.R. No. 8 75R4268 PFG-D HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, Texas is renowned for the quality and breadth of its 1-2 raw material production, which spans the economic spectrum from 1-3 agricultural products to hydrocarbons; and 1-4 WHEREAS, Despite this diversity, our state loses potential 1-5 revenue and jobs each year when raw materials are shipped from 1-6 Texas to processing facilities in other states; for example, the 1-7 aluminum plant in Rockdale, one of the largest in the world, ships 1-8 the bulk of its production elsewhere to be manufactured into 1-9 valuable finished products ranging from pots and pans to truck 1-10 bumpers; and 1-11 WHEREAS, The development of the finished products industry in 1-12 Texas would create jobs, raise revenue, and boost the state's 1-13 economy; by some estimates, as much as $2 billion annually could be 1-14 realized by modest growth in the agricultural finished products 1-15 industry alone; and 1-16 WHEREAS, To ensure a strong economic future for Texas and to 1-17 maintain our competitive position in the global economy, state 1-18 leaders should make the development and expansion of the finished 1-19 products industry a top priority; now, therefore, be it 1-20 RESOLVED, That the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas 1-21 hereby request the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house 1-22 of representatives to create a joint interim committee to study and 1-23 report on the potential for finished product development in the 1-24 state utilizing raw materials produced in Texas; and, be it further 2-1 RESOLVED, That the committee be composed of industrialists, 2-2 financiers, public officials, computer specialists, and 2-3 academicians; and, be it further 2-4 RESOLVED, That the Texas Department of Commerce, General Land 2-5 Office, Office of the Governor, Texas Department of Agriculture, 2-6 Texas Council of Public University Presidents and Chancellors, 2-7 Department of Banking of the Finance Commission of Texas, and the 2-8 comptroller of public accounts each appoint one private citizen 2-9 with a background related to that agency or office and one staff 2-10 member to the committee; and, be it further 2-11 RESOLVED, That the committee be charged with identifying 2-12 basic industries in Texas with the most potential for finished 2-13 goods development, prioritizing these industries, and developing a 2-14 statewide strategy for closing the gap between raw material and 2-15 finished product development, including financial incentives; and, 2-16 be it further 2-17 RESOLVED, That the committee's proceedings and operations be 2-18 governed by such general rules and policies for joint interim 2-19 committees as the 75th Legislature may adopt and that such rules 2-20 and policies supersede the provisions of this resolution to the 2-21 extent of any conflict; and, be it further 2-22 RESOLVED, That the joint interim committee submit a full 2-23 report, including findings and recommendations, to the Texas 2-24 Legislature not later than December 12, 1997.