1-1           WHEREAS, January 26, 1997, will certainly be a special day

 1-2     for Ed and Mildred Schroeder of Corpus Christi, for on that day

 1-3     they will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, The couple met in Perryton, Texas, during the summer

 1-5     of 1946, and their first evening together was spent dancing to the

 1-6     music of Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys; in the fall of that

 1-7     year, Mrs. Schroeder returned to North Texas State University in

 1-8     Denton, while Mr. Schroeder began his first year at Panhandle A&M

 1-9     College in Goodwell, Oklahoma; and

1-10           WHEREAS, A semester of letter writing ensued, and following a

1-11     Thanksgiving engagement, they were married at the Christian Church

1-12     in Perryton on January 26, 1947; Mildred joined her new husband in

1-13     Goodwell for the next semester, but a generous offer by

1-14     Mrs. Schroeder's father convinced the couple to return to North

1-15     Texas State for the 1947 fall semester; and

1-16           WHEREAS, After his graduation, Mr. Schroeder accepted a job

1-17     teaching industrial arts at Lamar Elementary School in Corpus

1-18     Christi, and on the couple's third anniversary, Mrs. Schroeder gave

1-19     birth to their first son, Dale, before beginning a fruitful

1-20     teaching career of her own; the Schroeders' second son, Dan, was

1-21     born on February 22, 1959, and both sons are a source of great

1-22     pride to their parents; and

1-23           WHEREAS, Mr. Schroeder was quickly promoted from his teaching

1-24     position to a series of administrative posts, and he ended his

 2-1     distinguished 35-year career with the Corpus Christi Independent

 2-2     School District as purchasing agent and director of materials;

 2-3     Mrs. Schroeder taught high school business classes for 39 years,

 2-4     and she was among the faculty members of Ray High School when her

 2-5     sons were graduated from that institution; and

 2-6           WHEREAS, The Schroeders are active in their community and

 2-7     have been members of the First Baptist Church of Corpus Christi

 2-8     since 1950; Mr. Schroeder has devoted much time and energy to the

 2-9     American Red Cross and the United Way, and Mrs. Schroeder has

2-10     taught Sunday school and served on several state and local textbook

2-11     committees; and

2-12           WHEREAS, The long and distinguished careers of these

2-13     dedicated individuals have been marked by many high points; from

2-14     1981 to 1982, Mr. Schroeder served as president of the Texas

2-15     Association of School Business Officials, and in 1975,

2-16     Mrs. Schroeder was named Business Education Teacher of the Year;

2-17     and

2-18           WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder are now enjoying a

2-19     well-earned retirement that has provided more time for them to

2-20     devote to their grandchildren and their passion for travel; one of

2-21     their recent trips took them to Okinawa during the 50th anniversary

2-22     of the end of the Battle of Okinawa, a battle in which

2-23     Mr. Schroeder fought as a member of the United States Marine Corps;

2-24     and

2-25           WHEREAS, For a half century, Ed and Mildred Schroeder have

2-26     enjoyed a strong and lasting marriage filled with many happy times

2-27     and cherished family memories; their relationship has been a

 3-1     constant source of inspiration to their family and friends, and it

 3-2     is truly appropriate that they be honored at this time; now,

 3-3     therefore, be it

 3-4           RESOLVED, That the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas

 3-5     hereby honor Ed and Mildred Schroeder on the occasion of their 50th

 3-6     wedding anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for

 3-7     continued success and happiness in the years to come; and, be it

 3-8     further

 3-9           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

3-10     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder as an expression of high regard

3-11     by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.


         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.C.R. No. 28 was adopted by the House on

         January 22, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House

               I certify that H.C.R. No. 28 was adopted by the Senate on

         January 23, 1997.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

         APPROVED:  _____________________


