1-1           WHEREAS, The Lone Star State's diverse landscape and unique

 1-2     wildlife have for many years made it a favorite among artists

 1-3     representing a wide range of media; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Photographer Wyman Meinzer has devoted much of his

 1-5     life to capturing the wonders of Texas on film, preserving these

 1-6     images for current and future generations; through the eye of his

 1-7     camera, he has highlighted the vivid colors and detailed textures

 1-8     of our state, from the plains of the panhandle to the piney woods

 1-9     of East Texas to the vast rocky desert of the west; and

1-10           WHEREAS, A North Texas native, this dedicated artist has

1-11     turned his lens on many of the animals that inhabit our state, most

1-12     notably the majestic white-tailed buck, the nocturnal coyote, and

1-13     the elusive roadrunner; his photos of our native birds in their

1-14     natural habitats include the noble wild turkey, the colorful

1-15     pheasant, and the timid bobwhite quail; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Texas is home to several endangered and threatened

1-17     species as well, and through his art, Mr. Meinzer has helped bring

1-18     various ecological and environmental issues to the public eye; his

1-19     documentation of the tooth cave spider, the smallest of the listed

1-20     invertebrates at just 1.6 millimeters in length, demonstrates his

1-21     concern for the welfare of creatures great and small and offers a

1-22     glimpse of his tremendous technique; and

1-23           WHEREAS, Mr. Meinzer's photos were first published in

1-24     National Wildlife and Texas Parks and Wildlife magazines in 1979;

 2-1     his more recent work includes the books Coyote, The Roadrunner, and

 2-2     Playas: Jewels of the Plains, coauthored by Jim  Steiert; and

 2-3           WHEREAS, Wyman Meinzer strives to create works of art that

 2-4     are not only beautiful and moving but that serve as an excellent

 2-5     educational tool for young and old alike; his commitment to his

 2-6     craft is commendable, and his dedication to his native land is an

 2-7     inspiration to all Texans; now, therefore, be it

 2-8           RESOLVED, That the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas

 2-9     hereby designate Wyman Meinzer as Texas State Photographer for the

2-10     year beginning January 1, 1997, and ending December 31, 1997; and,

2-11     be it further

2-12           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-13     prepared for Mr. Meinzer as an expression of highest regard by the

2-14     Texas House of Representatives and Senate.


         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.C.R. No. 80 was adopted by the House on

         April 25, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House

               I certify that H.C.R. No. 80 was adopted by the Senate on May

         26, 1997, by a viva-voce vote.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

         APPROVED:  _____________________


