By Finnell                                           H.C.R. No. 106

         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.

         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.

                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

 1-1           WHEREAS, The south bank of the Red River constitutes the

 1-2     boundary between the States of Texas and Oklahoma; and

 1-3           WHEREAS, The exact determination of where the south bank of

 1-4     the Red River is located is extremely difficult to ascertain and

 1-5     subject to widely divergent opinion; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, The south bank of the Red River is not a permanent

 1-7     location, but is constantly changing; and

 1-8           WHEREAS, The federal government claims ownership of the south

 1-9     half of the Red River within a 116-mile stretch between the 98th

1-10     Meridian and the mouth of the North Fork of the Red River; and

1-11           WHEREAS, The Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes claim

1-12     entitlement to 62-1/2 percent of the revenues derived from oil and

1-13     gas production from these lands; and

1-14           WHEREAS, The changing location of the south bank and the

1-15     difficulty in determining its location at any given time has

1-16     created problems in the enforcement of laws, collection of taxes,

1-17     economic development, and the establishment of property ownership;

1-18     and

1-19           WHEREAS, It is to the mutual advantage of the states of Texas

1-20     and Oklahoma to agree on and establish a practicable boundary

1-21     between both states; and

 2-1           WHEREAS, By House Concurrent Resolution 128, 74th Legislative

 2-2     Session, the Texas Red River Boundary Commission was created; and

 2-3           WHEREAS, The term of the commission expires on June 30, 1998;

 2-4     and

 2-5           WHEREAS, The States of Texas and Oklahoma are working

 2-6     together to adopt a boundary compact to present to their respective

 2-7     legislatures; and

 2-8           WHEREAS, If the Texas Red River Boundary Commission is unable

 2-9     to reach a boundary agreement with the Oklahoma Red River Boundary

2-10     Commission on or before June 30, 1998, the work of the commission

2-11     will be lost; and

2-12           WHEREAS, It is to the benefit of the citizens of Texas to

2-13     extend the term of the Texas commission and enable it to continue

2-14     its work toward a joint boundary resolution; now, therefore, be it

2-15           RESOLVED by the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas, That

2-16     the term of the Red River Boundary Commission is hereby extended to

2-17     June 30, 2000; commission members, not to exceed 17 in number,

2-18     shall be appointed by the governor; the commissioners shall be

2-19     representative of private property owners, local government elected

2-20     officials, mineral interests, and the general public; such members

2-21     shall serve without compensation, except for reasonable travel

2-22     reimbursement; staffing for this commission shall be provided by

2-23     the General Land Office, the Office of the Attorney General, and

2-24     the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission; and, be it

2-25     further

 3-1           RESOLVED, That the chairman shall be appointed by the

 3-2     governor; and, be it further

 3-3           RESOLVED, That it shall be the duty of the commission to

 3-4     confer and act in conjunction with the representatives appointed on

 3-5     behalf of the State of Oklahoma for the following purposes:

 3-6                 (1)  to initially make a joint investigation at the

 3-7     joint expense of the two states as to the appropriate method of

 3-8     establishing a practicable location of the common boundary between

 3-9     the two states with respect to the Red River;

3-10                 (2)  to investigate, negotiate, and report as to the

3-11     necessity and advisability of a compact between the two states

3-12     defining and locating a practicable, identifiable state line;

3-13                 (3)  to hold such hearings and conferences in either of

3-14     the two states as may be required and to take such action, either

3-15     separately or in cooperation with the State of Oklahoma or the

3-16     United States, or both, as may be necessary or convenient to

3-17     accomplish the purposes of this resolution; and

3-18                 (4)  to report to the governor and the Legislature of

3-19     the State of Texas annually no later than January 15 of each year

3-20     its findings and recommendations concerning joint action by the

3-21     State of Texas and the State of Oklahoma; and, be it further

3-22           RESOLVED, That the Red River Boundary Commission shall

3-23     terminate on June 30, 2000; and, be it further

3-24           RESOLVED, That the legislature hereby respectfully request

3-25     the president and the Congress of the United States to meet and

 4-1     confer with the commission and the representatives of the State of

 4-2     Oklahoma and to assist in carrying out the purposes of this

 4-3     resolution; and, be it further

 4-4           RESOLVED, That the governor of the State of Texas be and is

 4-5     hereby empowered and requested to forward a copy of this resolution

 4-6     to the governor of the State of Oklahoma and to request that the

 4-7     governor or legislature of that state appoint representatives of

 4-8     the State of Oklahoma to confer and act in conjunction with the

 4-9     commission for the purposes above specified, with the understanding

4-10     that each state pay all expenses of its representatives; and, be it

4-11     further

4-12           RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official

4-13     copies of this resolution to the president of the United States,

4-14     the speaker of the house of representatives and president of the

4-15     senate of the United States Congress and to all members of the

4-16     Texas delegation to the congress with the request that it be

4-17     officially entered in the Congressional Record as a memorial to the

4-18     Congress of the United States of America.