1-1           WHEREAS, The men and women who have served as officers in the

 1-2     Dallas Police Department throughout that respected organization's

 1-3     history have been united by their pledge to provide safety and

 1-4     protection to their fellow citizens, even though the fulfillment of

 1-5     that vital commitment often places them in harm's way; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, One of the finest police organizations in the

 1-7     nation, the Dallas Police Department has historically given area

 1-8     residents  an outstanding level of protection of their lives and

 1-9     property, but this security has sometimes been dearly paid for by

1-10     members of the force; and

1-11           WHEREAS, Among the brave Dallas Police Department officers

1-12     who have paid the ultimate price while performing their duties are

1-13     C. O. Brewer, William H. Riddell, William McDuff, Leslie N.

1-14     Patrick, T. A. Tedford, Roy Thornton, Leroy Wood, Johnnie C.

1-15     Gibson, Dexter C. Phillips, Clarence M. Isbell, Alex W. Tedford,

1-16     Sam G. Lanford, Jessie E. Griffin, Luke J. Bell, Ernest E. Leonard,

1-17     Jr., John W. Dieken, John R. Roberts, Ralph W. Hoyt, Victor L.

1-18     Morris, Ernest E. Bates, Preston D. Hale, W. E. Stafford, Johnny W.

1-19     Sides, Leonard C. Mullenax, Ray A. Underwood, J. D. Tippit, Frank

1-20     W. Bennett, James D. Stewart, Floyd A. Knight, Robert H. Shipp,

1-21     Johnnie T. Hartwell, Allen P. Camp, Carl J. Cooke, Howard K. Hicks,

1-22     Levy McQuietor, Jr., Milton E. Whatley, Donald P. Tucker, Sr.,

1-23     Leslie G. Lane, Jr., Alvin D. Hallum, Alvin E. Moore, Robert W.

1-24     Wood, John T.  McCarthy, Charles J. Maltese, Jr., John R. Pasco,

 2-1     Carl J. Norris, Ronald D. Baker, Robert L. Cormier, Thomas L.

 2-2     Harris, Gary R. Blair, James A. Joe, John G. Chase, Gary D.

 2-3     McCarthy, Walter L. Williams, Lawrence R. Cadena, Lisa L. Sandel,

 2-4     Mark L. Fleming, Michael R. Okelberry, Thomas G. Burchfield, Sunny

 2-5     Ma Lov, Lawrence D. Bromley, Harold Lee Hammons, Bill Daugherty,

 2-6     John Paul Jones, Richard A. Lawrence, David R. Galvan, Thomas D.

 2-7     Bond, and Henry A. Brown, and reserve officers Joe C. Jones and

 2-8     James C.  Taylor; and

 2-9           WHEREAS, These individuals have been among the city's most

2-10     dedicated servants, for although they knew that their duties might

2-11     place them in exceptional physical peril, they willingly assumed

2-12     the level of personal risk that was necessary to ensure the safety

2-13     of those they were sworn to protect; now, therefore, be it

2-14           RESOLVED, That the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas

2-15     hereby pay tribute to the memory of those courageous members of the

2-16     Dallas Police Department who have lost their lives in the line of

2-17     duty; and, be it further

2-18           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-19     prepared for the Dallas Police Department and that when the Texas

2-20     House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in

2-21     memory of these valiant officers.


         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.C.R. No. 208 was adopted by the House on

         April 24, 1997, by a non-record vote; and that the House concurred

         in Senate amendments to H.C.R. No. 208 on May 12, 1997, by a

         non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House

               I certify that H.C.R. No. 208 was adopted by the Senate, as

         amended, on May 8, 1997, by a viva voce vote.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

         APPROVED:  _____________________


