By Berlanga H.C.R. No. 273
75R15300 DLF-D
1-1 WHEREAS, House Bill No. 3 has been adopted by the house of
1-2 representatives and the senate and is being prepared for
1-3 enrollment; and
1-4 WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be
1-5 corrected; now, therefore, be it
1-6 RESOLVED by the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas, That
1-7 the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed
1-8 to correct House Bill No. 3 as follows:
1-9 (1) Strike Section 109.063(d), Health and Safety Code, as
1-10 added by Senate Floor Amendment No. 2, and substitute the
1-11 following:
1-12 "(d) The participation criteria for authorized insurers,
1-13 health service organizations, health maintenance organizations, and
1-14 other entities that provide coverage under the health benefit
1-15 program shall not allow an eligible coverage provider to establish
1-16 a school-based clinic for the provision of covered treatment
1-17 services, except for routine health screening and preventive
1-18 measures including, but not limited to, immunizations,
1-19 inoculations, or hearing and vision testing."
1-20 (2) Strike Section 154.182(b), Family Code, as amended by
1-21 SECTION 2 of the bill and Senate Floor Amendment Nos. 3 and 4, and
1-22 substitute the following:
1-23 "(b) Except as provided for by Subdivision (6), in [In]
1-24 determining the manner in which health insurance for the child is
2-1 to be ordered, the court shall render its order in accordance with
2-2 the following priorities, unless a party shows good cause why a
2-3 particular order would not be in the best interest of the child:
2-4 (1) if health insurance is available for the child
2-5 through the obligor's employment or membership in a union, trade
2-6 association, or other organization, the court shall order the
2-7 obligor to include the child in the obligor's health insurance;
2-8 (2) if health insurance is not available for the child
2-9 through the obligor's employment but is available for the child
2-10 through the obligee's employment or membership in a union, trade
2-11 association, or other organization, the court may order the obligee
2-12 to provide health insurance for the child, and, in such event,
2-13 shall order the obligor to pay additional child support to be
2-14 withheld from earnings under Chapter 158 to the obligee for the
2-15 actual cost of the health insurance for the child; [or]
2-16 (3) if health insurance is not available for the child
2-17 under Subdivision (1) or (2), the court shall order the obligor to
2-18 provide health insurance for the child if the court finds that
2-19 health insurance is available for the child from another source and
2-20 that the obligor is financially able to provide it;
2-21 (4) if health insurance is not available for the child
2-22 under Subdivision (1), (2), or (3), the court shall order the
2-23 obligor to apply for coverage through the Texas Healthy Kids
2-24 Corporation established under Chapter 109, Health and Safety Code;
2-25 (5) if health coverage is not available for the child
2-26 under Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4), the court shall order the
2-27 obligor to pay the obligee, in addition to any amount ordered under
3-1 the guidelines for child support, a reasonable amount each month as
3-2 medical support for the child to be withheld from earnings under
3-3 Chapter 158; or
3-4 (6) notwithstanding Subdivisions (1) through (3), an
3-5 obligor whose employer, union, trade association, or other
3-6 organization does not offer a child/children coverage option in
3-7 lieu of a spouse/child/children option of health insurance coverage
3-8 may elect to apply for coverage through the Texas Healthy Kids
3-9 Corporation. An obligor required to pay additional child support
3-10 to an obligee for health insurance coverage may elect to apply for
3-11 coverage through the Texas Healthy Kids Corporation if the
3-12 obligee's employer, union, trade association, or other organization
3-13 does not offer a child/children coverage option in lieu of a
3-14 spouse/child/children option of health insurance coverage."