HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, House Bill No. 1917 has been adopted by the house of 1-2 representatives and the senate; and 1-3 WHEREAS, The bill contains a technical error that should be 1-4 corrected; now, therefore, be it 1-5 RESOLVED, That the enrolling clerk of the house of 1-6 representatives be hereby instructed to correct House Bill No. 1-7 1917 to conform the transition provisions of the bill to changes 1-8 made by Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 by striking SECTION 11 of the 1-9 bill and substituting a new SECTION 11 to read as follows: 1-10 "SECTION 11. This Act takes effect September 1, 1997." Goodman _______________________________ _______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 301 was adopted by the House on May 26, 1997, by a non-record vote. _______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 301 was adopted by the Senate on May 28, 1997, by a viva-voce vote. _______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: _____________________ Date _____________________ Governor