By Cuellar of Webb                                    H.J.R. No. 14

      75R1045 PB-D                           

                                 A JOINT RESOLUTION

 1-1     proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize school districts

 1-2     to purchase certain insurance to cover persons who are injured

 1-3     while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by or for the

 1-4     school district.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Section 52(a), Article III, Texas Constitution,

 1-7     is amended to read as follows:

 1-8           (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, the

 1-9     Legislature shall have no power to authorize any county, city, town

1-10     or other political corporation or subdivision of the State to lend

1-11     its credit or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or

1-12     to any individual, association or corporation whatsoever, or to

1-13     become a stockholder in such corporation, association or company.

1-14     However, this section does not prohibit the use of public funds or

1-15     credit for the payment of premiums on:

1-16                 (1)  nonassessable life, health, or accident insurance

1-17     policies and annuity contracts issued by a mutual insurance company

1-18     authorized to do business in this State; or

1-19                 (2)  personal injury protection insurance and uninsured

1-20     or underinsured motorist insurance obtained through a motor vehicle

1-21     liability insurance policy purchased by a school district to cover

1-22     injuries sustained by a person while riding as a passenger in a

1-23     motor vehicle operated by or for the school district.

1-24           SECTION 2.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be

 2-1     submitted to the voters at an election to be held on November 4,

 2-2     1997.  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against

 2-3     the proposition:  "The constitutional amendment authorizing a

 2-4     school district to purchase personal injury protection insurance

 2-5     and uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance to cover persons

 2-6     who are injured while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by

 2-7     or for the school district."