By Pickett                                        H.R. No. 73

      75R5097 JTR-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The community of Anthony is one of the Lone Star

 1-2     State's most distinctive, and it is appropriate at this time to

 1-3     recognize this singular city's many outstanding attributes; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Nestled in the heart of the Mesilla Valley, Anthony

 1-5     was first home to the many Native American tribes of the area,

 1-6     including Mansos, Pueblos, and Apaches; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, The 16th century saw the coming of El Camino Real,

 1-8     the legendary "King's Highway" that generations of Spanish

 1-9     explorers travelled between Mexico and Santa Fe, and much of the

1-10     area's unique cultural heritage springs from centuries of

1-11     interaction between European, Mexican, and Native American

1-12     traditions; and

1-13           WHEREAS, The community was first known as La Tuna, after the

1-14     fruit of the prickly pear cacti that dot the landscape, and the

1-15     Federal Correctional Institution there still bears this name;

1-16     today, the town is also known as the "Leap Year Capital of the

1-17     World," and Anthony's Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club boasts more

1-18     than 100 members; and

1-19           WHEREAS, The nearby Rio Grande and the Organ and Franklin

1-20     mountain ranges that surround the town dominate the landscape and

1-21     provide spectacular vistas for residents and visitors, who are

1-22     often treated to breathtakingly beautiful sunrises and sunsets;

1-23     agriculturally rich as well, the area's primary crops include

1-24     cotton, chiles, lettuce, onions, pecans, and apples, all of which

 2-1     thrive in the mild weather afforded by the protection of the

 2-2     mountains; and

 2-3           WHEREAS, A center for agricultural production and trade since

 2-4     the mid-19th century, the town was finally incorporated in 1952

 2-5     with a population of 600; since that time the number of residents

 2-6     has grown to well over 3,000; and

 2-7           WHEREAS, Known and loved by all who have had the pleasure of

 2-8     spending time there, Anthony holds a special place in the heart of

 2-9     the Lone Star State's first lady, Laura Bush, who spent many happy

2-10     summers there at her grandparents' home; and

2-11           WHEREAS, Anthony winningly combines stunning natural beauty,

2-12     a dynamic business community, and friendly, forward-looking

2-13     residents, and it is truly worthy of special praise and recognition

2-14     at this time; now, therefore, be it

2-15           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-16     Legislature hereby honor the town of Anthony and extend to its

2-17     residents sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness

2-18     in the years to come.