1-1           WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor

 1-2     Allison B. Ramsay of Mount Vernon for her exceptional commitment to

 1-3     her school and community; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, The daughter of Representative Thomas Donald Ramsay

 1-5     and Laurie Manning Ramsay, she was born August 19, 1977, and is now

 1-6     a freshman at Baylor University; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, During her years at Mount Vernon High School, she

 1-8     set a pattern of high academic achievement and leadership that has

 1-9     become her trademark; a member of the National Honor Society, she

1-10     graduated near the top of her class and held leadership positions

1-11     on the student council; and

1-12           WHEREAS, This well-rounded scholar balanced the rigorous

1-13     demands of her coursework with membership on the varsity basketball

1-14     and track teams and the cheerleading squad; she was recognized for

1-15     her hard work and school spirit with many accolades and was voted

1-16     Senior Class Favorite, Most Friendly, and Most Likely to Succeed

1-17     and was also elected Prom Queen; and

1-18           WHEREAS, In addition, Ms. Ramsay gave generously of her time

1-19     and talents to assist with several community activities; she

1-20     helped to organize an Easter celebration for local youth, prepared

1-21     gift baskets for the elderly and infirm, and participated in

1-22     numerous clothing and canned food drives to aid those in need; and

1-23           WHEREAS, In all her endeavors, she has been sustained by a

1-24     deep and abiding faith as a member of First Baptist Church, and she

 2-1     shared her devotion with others as a Kiowa princess at Kamp

 2-2     Kanakuk, where she was the leader and spiritual guide for 120 girls

 2-3     during the June 1996 term; and

 2-4           WHEREAS, Allison Ramsay is a rare person who gives back to

 2-5     the world much more than she asks of it; her lively intelligence

 2-6     and gracious manner have enriched the lives of all who know her,

 2-7     and she is indeed deserving of our special praise and recognition

 2-8     at this time; now, therefore, be it

 2-9           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-10     Legislature hereby commend Allison B. Ramsay for her many

2-11     outstanding contributions in behalf of others and extend to her

2-12     warmest best wishes for continued success and happiness in all her

2-13     future endeavors; and, be it further

2-14           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-15     prepared for Ms. Ramsay as an expression of high regard by the

2-16     Texas House of Representatives.



                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 155 was adopted by the House on

         February 17, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House