By Jones of Dallas                               H.R. No. 243

      75R7497 JTR-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, For more than six decades, Willie Lee Campbell Glass

 1-2     has dedicated herself to the education of young people, and her

 1-3     many contributions to her state and community are truly worthy of

 1-4     special praise and recognition at this time; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, Mrs. Glass was born August 24, 1910, to prominent

 1-6     educators E. J. and Mary Kennedy Campbell, and her parents

 1-7     carefully instilled in her the love of learning that shaped the

 1-8     course of her life; and

 1-9           WHEREAS, On graduating from the Nacogdoches high school named

1-10     for her father, Mrs. Glass completed her bachelor's degree at

1-11     Prairie View A&M University, and she went on to earn her master's

1-12     degree from Iowa State University at the age of 21; in the years

1-13     since, she has continued her formal education at Columbia

1-14     University, Union Theological Seminary, and the University of

1-15     Wisconsin; and

1-16           WHEREAS, The year 1936 was a significant one for the young

1-17     teacher, and in August of that year she was united in marriage with

1-18     Texas College President Dominion R. Glass; even as this happy event

1-19     marked the beginning of their life together, it also inaugurated

1-20     Mrs. Glass's long and mutually beneficial relationship with Texas

1-21     College; and

1-22           WHEREAS, More than just a teacher at the school, Mrs. Glass

1-23     served as friend, mentor, and role model to the many students who

1-24     came to know her there, and her influence on generations of Texas

 2-1     College graduates is incalculable; and

 2-2           WHEREAS, A vital and valued member of the community,

 2-3     Mrs. Glass has taught at Texas College, Prairie View A&M

 2-4     University, and Tyler Junior College, and she has also served as a

 2-5     consultant and supervisor for both the State Department of

 2-6     Education and the Texas Education Agency; her remarkable commitment

 2-7     to the common good is further reflected by her current position as

 2-8     vice chairman of the North Tyler Day Nursery Association; and

 2-9           WHEREAS, The esteem in which she is held by her many friends

2-10     and admirers is aptly expressed in the many honors she has been

2-11     accorded; an honorary member of the Stephen F. Austin University

2-12     Alumni Club, she was the first African-American recipient of the

2-13     T. B. Butler award, and in 1985, she was inducted into both the

2-14     Dallas Negro Hall of Fame and the Texas Women's Hall of Fame; and

2-15           WHEREAS, Willie Lee Glass's lifetime of service to others has

2-16     benefited  countless numbers of her fellow Texans, and it is indeed

2-17     appropriate that she be recognized for her outstanding efforts in

2-18     behalf of education; now, therefore, be it

2-19           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-20     Legislature hereby honor Willie Lee Campbell Glass for her many

2-21     contributions to Texas College and the Tyler community and extend

2-22     to her sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness in

2-23     the future; and, be it further

2-24           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-25     prepared for Mrs. Glass as an expression of high regard by the

2-26     Texas House of Representatives.