By Kubiak H.R. No. 298 75R6942 CCK-D R E S O L U T I O N 1-1 WHEREAS, For the past decade, Texas has operated on tight 1-2 budgets and an ever more frugal streamlining of government, 1-3 attempting to trim excess expenditures and to increase the 1-4 efficiency of the state's many diverse programs and operations; and 1-5 WHEREAS, One consequence of this austerity has been a threat 1-6 to the job security and benefits of state employees, who find 1-7 themselves subject to downsizing, privatization, competitive 1-8 contracting, agency merger, and other like trends, irrespective of 1-9 the level or quality of their individual labor on behalf of the 1-10 public; and 1-11 WHEREAS, The Texas Public Employees Association, reacting to 1-12 such trends, has supported measures to protect its membership and 1-13 to mitigate the adverse employment effects that may accompany 1-14 government reinvention and reorganization in the pursuit of savings 1-15 to the taxpayer; and 1-16 WHEREAS, It is important that state lawmakers guard against 1-17 unsettling impacts on communities with a significant state payroll, 1-18 in the same way that they concern themselves with military base 1-19 closings, slumps in the oil or computer industries, the ravages of 1-20 drought on farmers and ranchers, and other disturbances of the 1-21 usual pace of commerce in particular locales or sectors of the 1-22 economy; now, therefore, be it 1-23 RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas 1-24 Legislature hereby join with the Texas Public Employees Association 2-1 in opposing legislation that would cause harm to state employees in 2-2 the course of balancing or controlling the state budget; and, be it 2-3 further 2-4 RESOLVED, That the Texas House of Representatives hereby 2-5 declare support for the principle that whenever state employees 2-6 lose jobs with their agencies as a result of budgetary 2-7 considerations, they be given first preference for like positions 2-8 in other agencies and that whenever they transfer to other agencies 2-9 or to private contractors who assume public functions, they retain 2-10 the benefits of their former employment.