By Clark                                         H.R. No. 382

      75R8135 SMZ-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The wedding anniversary of two outstanding Texans

 1-2     who have shared many happy and rewarding years of marriage is truly

 1-3     a memorable occasion worthy of special praise and recognition; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Calvin and Eva Mae Cunningham had the privilege of

 1-5     commemorating one such momentous event in their lives when they

 1-6     celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on January 12, 1997; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, United in matrimony on January 10, 1937, in

 1-8     Gainesville, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham have nurtured an enduring

 1-9     relationship that has grown in love and mutual respect with each

1-10     passing year; blessed with a son, William, they have also

1-11     experienced the joy of becoming grandparents as their son and

1-12     daughter-in-law, Sandra, have given them two beloved

1-13     granddaughters; and

1-14           WHEREAS, Mr. Cunningham dedicated himself to his 30-year

1-15     career with the Santa Fe Railroad, and for the past 22 years, he

1-16     has enjoyed his retirement, spending time with family and friends

1-17     while still engaging in the simple pleasure of working in his

1-18     garden; and

1-19           WHEREAS, Throughout their marriage, Mrs. Cunningham has

1-20     nurtured the couple's vibrant and healthy family, while finding

1-21     time to put her creativity and artistry into her work as a

1-22     seamstress; and

1-23           WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, having lived in the

1-24     Callisburg community for 48 years, are now deservedly enjoying the

 2-1     many benefits of their full and active life together, and they

 2-2     greatly treasure the time they spend with their family; this

 2-3     wonderful couple also share a deep and abiding religious faith as

 2-4     48-year members of the Custer City Baptist Church; and

 2-5           WHEREAS, For six decades, Calvin and Eva Mae Cunningham have

 2-6     treasured a strong and lasting marriage filled with many happy

 2-7     times and cherished family memories; built on a solid foundation of

 2-8     mutual understanding, trust, and support, their life together has

 2-9     indeed been a source of joy and inspiration to the many friends and

2-10     relatives of this fortunate pair; now, therefore, be it

2-11           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-12     Legislature hereby congratulate Calvin and Eva Mae Cunningham on

2-13     the joyous occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary and extend to

2-14     them  warmest best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it

2-15     further

2-16           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-17     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham as an expression of high

2-18     regard by the Texas House of Representatives.