By Dunnam                                        H.R. No. 406

      75R9604 SAJ-F                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The people of Texas can take great pride in the

 1-2     achievements of the Robinson High School Band, for it earned top

 1-3     honors at the 1996 University Interscholastic League Class 3A State

 1-4     Marching Band Competition; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, On its way to winning this prestigious title, the

 1-6     band bested worthy opponents in regional, area, state preliminary,

 1-7     and state final contests; the band's remarkable achievements are

 1-8     directly attributable to the dedication and hard work of its

 1-9     members, directors, and staff, as well as to the enthusiastic

1-10     support of the students and faculty of Robinson High School; and

1-11           WHEREAS, The band's talented student leaders include drum

1-12     majors Matt Broaddus, Katy Guercio, and Faith Howington; band

1-13     captain Zach McFarlen; band lieutenants Abby Lucky and Andy Thorne;

1-14     flag captain Katy Barron; and flag lieutenant Lyndee Tucker; and

1-15           WHEREAS, The Robinson High School Band is a source of great

1-16     pride to the student body and faculty of its school as well as to

1-17     the Robinson community, and it is indeed a pleasure to honor the

1-18     band's members and staff on the occasion of their most recent

1-19     achievement; now, therefore, be it

1-20           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

1-21     Legislature hereby congratulate the members of the Robinson High

1-22     School Band and directors Tony Clines, Lorie Crowder, Anne

1-23     Broaddus, Greg Vaughn, and Tina Aupperle on their outstanding

1-24     success in the 1996 University Interscholastic League Class 3A

 2-1     State Marching Band Competition and extend to them warmest best

 2-2     wishes for continued success and happiness in the future; and, be

 2-3     it further

 2-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 2-5     prepared for the Robinson High School Band as an expression of high

 2-6     regard by the Texas House of Representatives.